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Must admit, am some what reluctant to place any of the Co-Habit adventures in the public eye.  Am not sure how people will react, or what type of comments will be made.  So, with trepidation, here's a rather mild adventure.

It seems I have the ability to enter a persons body, and Co-Habit with them. Even with all the conditions being right, can only do this for a very short period of time, and the person has to be somewhat willing. In Bob Monroe's books, he (in an off handed manor) also referred to this, like it was a common thing. Have done this several times, a number of years ago, but never followed up on it.  However...

Several years ago, while doing the TMI HemiSync Gateway Series - Wave 2 Threshold 2 exercise (Problem Solving), got bored with problem solving, and skipped out on my own. Now I must say, Focus 12 is so far advanced above F10, it's unbelievable. Many of the things which seem hard in F10, are simply second nature in F12. Maybe this is why, this adventure seemed so easy (trouble free).


Anyway, after leaving problem solving, was floating around the stratosphere, then decided to skim down lower. Must have encountered an airplane, as the next thing I know, I'm in an airplane cabin, and am partially into the body of some pretty lady (age unknown, guess late 20's to late 30's). How I got there, who knows? As I come back to my senses I think to myself, "Remember, entering into someone else's body, is similar to returning from an OOBE (best if done gently)".

While this is happening, exchange a few word with the lady. Tell her my name is John and not to worry, but in reply, she keeps calling me some other person's name? After awhile, she gets my name right.

Now when you co-habit, it's important not to take control of any part of the body, as you might scare or upset the person. However, I remember looking down at her hands, which she had resting against her body, just below her stomach. Right hand against her body, left hand covering. Comfortable position. As I looked down at her hands, could feel my presence filling them. And recall she made same off handed comment about my looking down (at her hands?).


Must tell you, this co-habiting was a very pleasant feeling for me, and I think for her. It felt like the closeness you can get, with someone of the opposite sex (you know, no secrets). After all, consider, I was inside her body...

After settling in, we conversed for awhile, but after a short time, got the feeling that the HemiSync CD, was soon to end, and I'd have to go. Tried to make farewells, but she kept asking me to stay with her, as she was afraid of the plane landing. And so, told her I would stay as long as I could. Thus, remained with her & calmed her, until the plane's wheels touched down. Then, just faded away, and returned to my reclining chair at home.

Immediately restarted the CD, but by the time I got it going, and me back into F12, all was lost. Didn't know who she was, or what flight she was on, and for that matter, didn't even know what part of the world she was in. Although, think it must of been somewhere here in the States, Canada, or in Europe, as did not detect any one who looked foreign to me.

It really was a pleasant time, to bad I never got her name...

Questions, comments, or opinions, always welcome.

Peace and Love,


Psychic Adventures