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Astral Info : Soul Travel, Time Travel
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From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 9/13/2008 2:28 AM

Soul Travel, Time Travel

People can have "out-of-body" experiences during medical operations and accidents.

The body goes into shock and the kundalini is forcefully awakened. This enables people to leap beyond their normal perceptual experience.

They often report entering white light and having a spiritual awakening that forever changes their perspective on "reality."

Wizards take such quantum leaps (Week 49) by dying to what they think the universe is--and gleefully explore the frontiers of consciousness.

They love letting go--and nurture silent wonder during waking, dreaming, and meditation.

 There is no inside or outside. You are the world.

 Conscious soul travel into light (beyond the etheric, astral, and mental planes) requires a complete shifting of polarities (Week 7) and perception.

It is one thing to go into light a few times, and quite another to keep the soul aligned with light every moment. You gradually learn to do this by practicing light meditation every day.

You learn that soul travel is the ascent of spirit through the chakras. Its purpose: to move beyond the chatter of the mind into the garden of the soul.

You become satisfied with only the Sun itself--not endless astral travels into ever more beguiling realms of mind and illusion, fears and follies.

To desire to leave the body without clear spiritual intent invites confusion. This is why mystics strongly advise to seek only God. This gently awakens the kundalini and opens the seven seals.

As you surrender and decide not to seek psychic experiences, the paradox is that you are on the quickest path of psychic development.

As you open, your challenge will be to remain true to your spiritual awakening or suffer psychic boomerangs. When you live for love and wisdom, life takes care of you.

 "First seek ye the kingdom of God;
and all else shall be added unto you."
--Luke 12:31

 You may experience time travel in deep meditation, lucid dreaming, and sometimes in a genuine déjà vu experience (when consciousness suddenly awakens beyond the mental plane).

You can also experience time travel in conscious ecstasy. You connect with the multidimensional self that joyfully guides your personality.

Your third eye opens and dimensions unfold before you and within.

 As time dissolves, life's mysteries unfold.
When time disappears, time travel becomes meaningless.

If you seek time travel as an escape or to control events, then the visions will be clouded.

Realize that the past and future are contained in the present.

All wisdom comes from heaven--now.

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