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Channeling Board : The 5th Dimension
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6  (Original Message)Sent: 4/30/2006 3:37 PM
The 5th dimension
by Oth-channeling by Ellen Rauh

Confusion in the Cosmos
Good evening to all present here tonight. Please realise that this evening is very special, not only for you, but much more so for the Cosmos.

The Cosmos and its energetic layers are experiencing enormous movements; movements which will create huge changes. Many souls, now living in the third dimension �?in cosmic terms �?will move to the fifth dimension. This is a giga-movement. Just like you humans are in a state of confusion, so does the Cosmos experience tremendous confusion as well.

New planets will come to planet Earth –and while travelling through layers, visible from Earth, they will remain out of reach. At the moment that these planets travel through these layers, accompanied by explosions, large movements will take place in the energetic network of the Cosmos.

The many guides which could reach you with ease, now have to look for a different frequency. The same is true for you people. Many of you accustomed to listening to your intuition are now in a state of confusion. This has been going on for at least 6 months. You too have to search for a new frequency in order to be able to make the right connection with your guides.

Realize the power of the Earth
Earth is in the process of cleansing itself from poison, hate and revenge and of a certain nonchalance. Many of you have under-estimated the power of Earth, and treated Earth with disrespect.

Dear Ones, the power of Earth �?of the planet Earth �?is very big and will be released over time. As Ellen enables you in her Balance of Power to be empowered on Earth, Earth displays its enormous power. There is nothing or no one able to stop this power. However, what you can do is to regularly harness this power and send it upwards with love. Filter and distribute the power coming to you from planet Earth.

Certain vortexes on Earth, of which existence you are not aware yet, are being awakened. Other vortexes, which you experience currently as power centres, will diminish and go to sleep if you will.

You can imagine that this will have enormous consequences for the airflow on Earth. Not only the airflow, but also water flows will undergo this influence. You will become increasingly aware that Earth’s power is extremely great.

Be at the right place at the right time. Follow your instincts and listen to your inner voice. Each of you will be asked to harness the power which has been liberated.

This very night, there are people present here who were very important shaman. Their presence on Earth are necessary to provide guidance for this renewal process. They are capable to harness the birth of these vortexes and to distribute them equally. It will be important and you will hear about it in the news: climate changes, storms and floods that cannot be explained; all this is about to happen.
Do not join in this fear. It is not punishment, but part of the evolution.

Please be aware that you all have a task here. Accept the fact that the unleashed power of the Earth will join with the power of the Cosmos, where new vortex will form, and where old vortex will loose their strength and importance. In this manner a new interaction is being created.

And so, planet Earth will be cleansed while radiating new energies and as a result people on Earth will find it easier to live in the fifth dimension.

Dear Ones, please do understand that when the Earth does not radiate a fifth dimension, you would succumb, so to speak.
Both you and the planet Earth are getting prepared.

More vitality using different fuels
Be prepared that your senses are becoming better developed. That your body in ways that cannot be explained is becoming more pliable. As your pineapple gland awakens and works better, you will develop a self healing function. It will increasingly be possible to heal yourself. You will become healthier because you have taken on a different vitality. If you are able to absorb this energy, you are using a different vitality. It is like using a higher octane gasoline. Everything will work better and faster. Many of you have already noticed and experienced this change. Time will have another dimension, relationships are getting another dimension, so does your work and your place on Earth as well.

You will increasingly only accept the facts of the fifth dimension or otherwise feel yourself left behind.

In touch with your complete soul
All of you who are cognizant of having a soul on Earth and do realize that this soul is only a small part of the total soul entity that you all possess, please do send love �?tons of love �?to that other part of your soul in the Cosmos. Recreate your connectivity with the greatness of your soul.

It does not suffice to focus on your higher self anymore. It is now very important that you maintain and sustain contact with your total soul.

In doing so, you will automatically establish the contact with that part of your soul where it is layered. And as such you will feel more and more whole.

Feel the great love of Oth et all.

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 4/30/2006 6:43 PM

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 9/17/2006 1:15 AM