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General : Judia, Hon look here
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lioness  (Original Message)Sent: 10/19/2008 6:59 PM
Hi Jud Hon, I am known as Cat or Spirited_lioness, I will be back on line on and off tonight and today just drop me a line here in this thread letting me know when it the best time for you to meet here and we can meet in the chat room. I did save the chat from friday night I think you would be interested to read and as I said when you review it you'll most likely have even more memories will come flooding back
I will post it for you here so you can copy and review it if you have any questions or need any help at all I am here just post the times when I can catch up to you here I know I will be here tonight 9pm est

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/19/2008 7:53 PM
I'm three hours behind that's six or seven??? =\ I'm not sure but I'l make it at that time! =D THANK YOU SO MUCH! =D

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/19/2008 7:54 PM
that is 6pm your time

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/19/2008 7:55 PM
=) I'll check alot.

 Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 10/19/2008 8:19 PM
Judea hon, will be in chat at 9:00 our time tonight - thats 6:00 your time.
Cat said she will be there too.
We can talk then - be looking forward to see you.

 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/19/2008 9:59 PM
ok Judia this is what I got form chat last night
sorry I didnt get the part where you remembered
Atlantis ... guess I got booted out too after that one
Judia: k
Judia: Grizz
Judia: Whatever attacked you
Judia: I bet my soul that it's still around.
Judia: And it HATES you.
Grizz196: it was a demon from a portal that i have not seen before by the name of keezra
luckywolf: judia when you done go ahead and read me
Judia: k
Judia: Be careful in healing yourself.
Judia: Becuase you may get another attack.
Judia: I know a bit about psychic combat
Grizz196: i do not fear it
Judia: I've been there.
luckywolf: :p grizz well help you out
luckywolf: :p
Judia: mhm
Grizz196: ty
luckywolf: right judia
Judia: I think there was something important you were doing.
Judia: That's like a stamp
Judia: A seal
Judia: Sometimes
Judia: You can cage talents if they give the opening to.
rick2716 has joined.
Judia: It's really hard to do.
Judia: But it's possible.
Grizz196: hello
luckywolf: helllo rick
Judia: Hey
Judia: =)
Happy_Cat: yes and will always be in the shadows this is why grizz stays in the light
Happy_Cat: Hi rick
rick2716: hello
luckywolf: so judia want to read me :p
Judia: Just wanted to say to be careful, Grizz
Judia: If you have any kids
Judia: I suggest putting up protections.
Grizz196: ty
Judia: Random attacks aren't usually done so well.
Grizz196: already done long time ago
Judia: As for Wolf
Judia: =P Are you there yet?
Judia: hehe
rick2716: what time do you guys have? it's 10:47 here
Judia: It's 9:47 pm for me
Grizz196: 10:47 here
luckywolf: 12:48
Judia: Wolf?
luckywolf: lollol yep i am
Judia: Are you in your body yet?
luckywolf: i am ready
Judia: K
luckywolf: i am in my body
luckywolf: but be warn
Judia: Let's take a lookie =)
luckywolf: my familiar as a bite to it
Judia: I wish you woul dhave said that sooner, Wolf...
luckywolf: he doesn't bite
luckywolf: often
luckywolf: did he bite you
luckywolf: O.O
luckywolf: did
luckywolf: he
Judia: Yah
Judia: lol
luckywolf: i'm making myself a coat
rick2716 has left.
Judia: When I tried to pry into you.
luckywolf: oh don't pry
Judia: Yah
Judia: lol
luckywolf: you should never pry
Judia: learned that the hard way
luckywolf: okay here want to try agian
Judia: Old habity
Judia: =P See everyone!!!
Judia: I'm what you get
Judia: when you dont' teach your kids proper psychic etiquette
Judia: lol
luckywolf: so try agian
Judia: Ur different from Grizz, Cat and John
Judia: Unlike their works
rick9442 has joined.
Grizz196: wb
Judia: I think whatever you do
rick9442: ty
Happy_Cat: wb rick
Judia: Has turned you into a tie dyed sorta thing
Judia: I'm not sure if what I'm looking at is YOU or what...
luckywolf: really
Judia: Truthfully.
luckywolf: lollol
Judia: I'm not even sure what it is.
luckywolf: so your not strong enough to get through my head
Judia: You're like a invisible forth of july
Judia: Ther'es no light
Judia: but damn you feel it...
Judia: It's like
Happy_Cat: lol
luckywolf: what does it feel like
Judia: Shooting stars.
Judia: Believe it or not...
Judia: It feel slike shooting stars
Judia: going through you
luckywolf: really i get compared to the moon alot lollol
luckywolf: and the stars
Judia: LOL
luckywolf: thats a new one though
Judia: Unlike Grizz, that can light up a city block
Judia: You can probably make it so nobody sees it.
luckywolf: i can show you whats inside my head
luckywolf: but do you really want to see it
luckywolf: is the real question
Judia: I'm not sure
rick9442 has left.
Judia: I thik I know what you are.
luckywolf: what am i
Judia: I don't have a name
Judia: but you're dangerous
John_: empty headed
luckywolf: >.>
luckywolf: am not
Judia: LOL
luckywolf: i just don't show my thoughts to keep people safe
luckywolf: grizz can see them
Judia: *poking at you*
luckywolf: me
luckywolf: i can shock you
Judia: hrm...h
luckywolf: :p
Judia: No offense...
Judia: But you'd make a fantastic weapon.
luckywolf: can you feel it
luckywolf: judia
Judia: O
Happy_Cat: tick tick tick ....
luckywolf: my aura's completely changed
Judia: I've only seen THAT in two other people.
luckywolf: lollol
Judia: And that is a talent you can do a lot with...
luckywolf: tick tak tick tak
Judia: I'm not sure how to describe it.
luckywolf: i'm a ct
luckywolf: hun
luckywolf: catylast telpthist
Judia: More like bomb.
luckywolf: i can wake up gifts and shut them down
Judia: or cage
Judia: You can cause pain too.
Judia: And illusions.
Judia: That's not all you do.
luckywolf: i'm a witch
luckywolf: die hexe
Judia: You can cause it by thinking about it.
Judia: If you thought about a mind
Judia: and were angry or soemthing
Judia: You could make them feel pain
luckywolf: i could break it into two
Judia: mhm
Judia: I've only seen that in two other people
luckywolf: rebuild it into master peice four times over
Judia: and they're nobody to mess with.
luckywolf: judia
Judia: I can do that
luckywolf: u have a gift
luckywolf: learn to use it
Judia: but not to the degree they could
luckywolf: gifts like mine
luckywolf: are not gifts
Judia: They can be.
Judia: YOU can heal Grizz
luckywolf: nor are they curse's
luckywolf: only if he wanted me to
Judia: mhm
Judia: Do you know
luckywolf: a drop of sweetgrass a pinch of sage
Judia: If the military started plucking psychics
Judia: You'd be the first to go.
luckywolf: lollol
John_: wolf - why are you so angry at everything
luckywolf: many people would becoming with me
luckywolf: i'm not angry
Grizz196: i burn sweetgrass and sage everyday
luckywolf: good
Judia: You feel it to me, Wolf.
Judia: Angry.
Judia: Almost bitter
Happy_Cat: I perfer sage myself
luckywolf: mix in alittle lavender
luckywolf: then you fine
luckywolf: me
luckywolf: hmmm
luckywolf: i'm actully a warm person
Judia: You are.
Grizz196: wolf may i say something about you?
luckywolf: yes
Happy_Cat: yes wolf you do hold anger close to your heart
Judia: You're bitter.
Judia: It's in the sentences you make.
Judia: Everyone else got other gifts
luckywolf: i'm bitter torwad many people to keep them away
Judia: But you see yours as almost a curse
Judia: It's how you see YOURSELF.
luckywolf: its not that i'm cursed lets say not many things like me
luckywolf: in away
Grizz196: the anger that you all feel from wolf is not of the heart it is from others who try to break through the self created shell that has surrounded the knowledge within
luckywolf: lollol wow your good grizz
Judia: *pokes*
Judia: That seems to be the problem with Wolf's talent.
Judia: The other two I met who can do that
Judia: felt veyr angryto me.
Grizz196: you have decided long ago that your knowledge will not be shared and the physical mind cannot battle that decision
luckywolf: my knowledge of my magick must remain hidden as it should have back then
Judia: I remember
Judia: He loved to play wiht people.
luckywolf: then maybe i could have been with him longer
Judia: He had the same gift
Judia: and it made him angry
Judia: and bitter
luckywolf: witch one
luckywolf: Which one
luckywolf: let me say this judia
Judia: The first person I met wiht this gift.
luckywolf: in the temple
luckywolf: we all had these gifts
luckywolf: and you see how the temple ended up
Judia: I think
Judia: The bitterness I feel
Judia: Is over wha thappens.
luckywolf: its not mine
luckywolf: talk to the wolf i have
luckywolf: he's the embodyment of my sorrows and hatred
Judia: I like you, Wolf.

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/19/2008 10:08 PM
I remember some of what I said, but I wasn't able to save it. I got booted so many times. XD
lol As goes it, though. =) I remembered some more, interesting too. =\

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamephiroperSent: 10/19/2008 10:17 PM sounds like i missed a great chat night...

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/19/2008 10:28 PM
=) There's always next time.

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamephiroperSent: 10/19/2008 10:29 PM
that is very true. its nice to meet you

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