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Stretching back into the corridors of time, Asian religions have spoken of a mystical force called the 'Kundalini'. Throughout history many names have been given to this power. Orgone, esprit, loosh, prana, elan vital, and bio-electricity are some of these names.

The rise of the kundalini is linked with a warm liquidly magnetic energy when it rises up the spine. Physical symptoms connected to the opening of the kundalini may include crackling noises at the base of the neck, and unexplained headaches - but be careful about attributing these symbols to rising kundalini energies. Often they have a medical cause that needs the attention of a physician.

Kundalini energies are sometimes triggered by a blow to the head or other physical trauma timed by your soul to awaken your psychic journey and innate abilities.

Releasing the Kundalini energy too quickly can have serious emotional effects on a person. One should not attempt to open this thrust of energy if one is not in a balanced psychologically. This is not for those with manic depression or bi-polar disorder.

The manifestation of the Kundalini energy - frequency of vibration - links with the Sanskrit term 'Chaitanya' - the integrated force of your physiological, mental, emotional and religious bodies.


Kundalini literally means 'coiling,' like a snake. Energy and consciousness - moves in spiraling motion - coils - loops - the snake. This is a metaphor for the spiraling energies of consciousness - which is our reality of thought and is explained by Sacred Geometry the loops are the loops of time - the slinky effect - time as an illusion played out in a physical game of polarities - duality emotions.

In the classical literature of Hatha Yoga, kundalini is described as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine.  

The coiled and dormant 'feminine' energy, refers to the vast potential of psychic energy contained within us all. It is normally symbolized as a serpent coiled into three and a half circles, with its tail in its mouth, and spiraling around the central axis (sacrum or sacred bone) at the base of the spine. The awakening of this serpent and the manifestation of its powers is a primary aim of the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

The image of coiling, like a spring, conveys the sense of untapped potential energy that will spring into action soon. For now we remember in small doses.

Kundalini can be described as a great reservoir of creative energy at the base of the spine. It's not useful to sit with our consciousness fixed in our head and think of kundalini as a foreign force running up and down our spine.

The concept of kundalini can also be examined from a strictly psychological perspective. From this perspective kundalini can be thought of as a rich source of psychic or libidinous energy in our unconscious.

In the classical literature of Kashmir Shaivism kundalini is described in three different manifestations.

The first of these is as the universal energy or para-kundalini.

The second of these is as the energizing function of the body-mind complex or prana-kundalini.

The third of these is as consciousness or shakti-kundalini which simultaneously subsumes and intermediates between these two.

Ultimately these three forms are the same but understanding these three different forms will help to understand the different manifestations of kundalini.


This energy is also related to one's personal storehouse of sexual energy. Kundalini takes sexual energy in its raw form and converts it into fine spiritual energy of an extremely high frequency, which then allows the fruition and activation of paranormal activities such as good quality OBE's, telepathy, matter/energy conversion, and communication with entities that inhabit the vast areas of our multi-dimensional universe.


Activating Your DNA!

Opening your Clairvoyant and Clairaudient abilities.

Feeling connected to the oneness of the universe

Your mind feels expanded in its quest for higher awareness and knowledge

Allowing your ego to step aside and connecting with higher frequency of thought and consciousness

Feeling unconditional love, peace, and connection with spirit


Kundalini Meditation

Sit or lie down in a private, safe space (bathtub is fine).

Bring all your attention to your breath. As you breathe out, imagine waves flowing out of you with your breath. Breathe out waves of water, of energy, of color, of sound. Allow these waves to flow out of you. Notice where you are tensing, pushing, trying to make the waves happen. And let go, let the waves flow out easily with your breath. Feel the gentle pulsations of the waves deep inside yourself. Feel every cell of your being pulsing peacefully and joyfully with these waves.

When you are ready, begin to draw in red vibrations with your inhalation. Envision yourself filling up with glowing, sparkling, swirling, hot, steaming red. Feel fast spirals of red boiling inside; feel slow vortices of red churning inside. Then breathe out and feel the red flowing out of you in waves. Dissolve into the waves as you breathe out.

With each inhalation, increase the intensity, sharpen the sensation of red: let it be hotter, richer, deeper, more vivid, more consuming. Inhale sun-ripened tomato flesh, sweet cherry juice dribbling down your chin, a sudden flush of menstrual blood blossoming on your clothes. Inhale the seething red sun as it sets into a heaving red sea. Inhale the essence of red roses. Inhale the color of strawberries, the scent of raspberries, the sensation of red satin. Inhale red.

Then breathe it all out. Pause. Feel the emptiness.

Inhale red. Say, out loud or silently: "Sometimes I get upset." Blow out any remaining air as though you were blowing out a candle. Pause. Breathe in red and say again: "Sometimes I get upset." Blow. Pause. Inhale. "Sometimes I get upset."

Blow, pause, inhale, and say, in big red letters: "Sometimes I get angry." Blow. Pause. Inhale. "Sometimes I get angry." Blow. Pause. Inhale. "Sometimes I get angry."

Exhale forcibly. Pause in the emptiness. Inhale red. Say, with passion: "Sometime I feel furious." Again: blow, pause, inhale, and say: "Sometimes I feel furious." Blow. Pause. Inhale. And with intensity say: "Sometimes I feel furious."

Exhale strongly. Make a noise. Pause. Inhale bright red and say or yell: "I." Exhale loudly. Pause. Inhale red; say/yell: "am." Again, exhale with a noise, pause, inhale red. Say/yell: "enraged." (You can put a pillow or towel on your face and yell into it.)

Breathe out for as long as you can and inhale very slowly. Be intense, be loud if you want to, as you say: "I want to scream." Breathe out, pause, inhale. "I want to kick." Breathe out, pause, inhale. "I want to beat my fists." Breathe out for as long as you can and inhale very slowly. Sigh or moan as you breathe out.

Breathe out with a long sigh. Inhale velvet red, and acknowledge: "Sometimes I only want to think about my pleasure." Breathe out, pause, inhale satin red, and say: "Sometimes I have very sexual thoughts." Sigh fully and pause. Inhale lipstick red and assert: "Sometimes I only want to think about my pleasure."

Breathe out with a long, slow, sound. Inhale blood red and say: "My entire being is nothing but waves of sensation." Sigh, pause, breathe in tropical sunset red and say: "I am nothing but waves of sensation." Sigh and become empty. Wait a moment before inhaling the fresh red of dewy rose petals and say: "I am only waves of sensation." Breathe out with a loud sigh or moan. See how long you can sustain the exhalation.

Breathe slowly and consciously for three breaths. Let the air you breathe be crystalline: clear, sharp, compelling. Let your third inhalation be deeply nourishing, your third exhalation completely freeing. Pay special attention to the energy in your root chakra (lower pelvis).

When you are ready, open your eyes. Get up. Stretch. Record your impressions in words or colors.


Psychic Talents

How to Tune In

The Third Eye