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Lemuria : The pre-Lemurian Electrical Wars
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/15/2008 12:20 AM
The pre-Lemurian Electrical Wars
"During this time, the Planet Earth was attacked by the "Electrical Ones", a group of beings from another planet who wanted to take it over. 
Humanity began to defend itself and this war lasted for five hundred years.  Earthlings eventually won this battle. 
The Electrical Ones were not really evil but simply scientists looking for a new place to live.  They came from a very great distance. 
This war is part of the fear of spaceships that still exists to this day in the race consciousness, for these Electrical Ones took people and animals aboard spaceships and did painful experiments on them. 
A lot of our present-day fixations and patterns of attack/defense programing stem from this period in the Earth's history."
    "The Electrical Ones were actually seeking to bring their technology of Light to the planet to aid in the trip back to the Source (God). 
Humanity and the Earth, however, were moving toward greater material density.  This was not a negative thing on the part of the Earth. 
The Earth and humanity were saying that they wanted to learn everything they could within the densest part of being physical."
    "A truce was finally declared after five hundred years of war and many of the Electrical Ones left, promising to return when the Earth was ready. 
Some stayed in specific areas given to them.  The Electrical Ones stimulated an impatience for this downward materialistic cycle."
---Dr. Joshua David Stone in his book The Complete Ascension Manual

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