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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 3/24/2006 6:23 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameEerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 11/21/2005 3:23 PM

A Personal System of Psycho Surgery
©2002-2004 Gordon Tibbles - All Rights Reserved

During the 20th Century we experienced a number of classifications ranging from the “Nuclear Age�? the “Age of the Sexual Revolution�? “Age of Aquarius�?to the “Space Age.�?nbsp;  However, as we emerge into the 21st Century,“Age of Anxiety�?probably best epitomizes the human state.
   Anxiety is a formidable negative “force�?that hacks through all societal levels affecting everyone.  Few are immune from the scourge of anxiety and its attendant infectious nervous tension.  Western television commercials, plays, movies, newspapers, books, and magazines constantly portray society’s “tensions�?as sometimes comical, sometimes tragic but always fascinating attempts of people to be free of daily pressures.

    Anxieties and tensions are treacherous forces residing below the surface of awareness.  There they fester day after day until a “breaking point�?is reached, and you explode into a fit of anger, a violent argument, or overindulgence in food, alcohol or sex, become a work-alcoholic, or are plagued with severe headaches, fatigue, impotency, sleepless nights, ulcers, or any number of actual physical ailments.   Introspective worry - fear of losing one’s status in society, etc. - also encroaches upon consciousness, intensifying the frustration already being experienced.  And try as you might, you are unable to come to grips with the underlying unconscious basis of anxiety to eliminate it.

    Consequently, like most people in this turbulent age, you gulp down aspirin to escape that dull aching feeling, or your retreat will be in the form of bar breaks, cocaine, or prescribed psychotropics.  You may go under some surgeon’s knife for elective surgery, or you’ll change your job, get divorced, move to another town, or some psychologist, at a few hundred bucks per pop, will tell you to “adjust�?to your problems, or you’ll learn to “live-with-your-anxiety�?thanks to a psychiatrist’s stultifying shock treatments or drug therapy, or perhaps you’ll grin and bear it because your religious leader piously proclaims that sorrow is life’s only reward, and so forth, ad nauseam.  Sadly, you inevitably discover only temporary relief and you continue to carry your problems with you wherever you go and whatever you do.

    When the afore-mentioned “remedies�?fail to affect a permanent cure, where then will  we find the solution to our anxieties?   Honestly now, why do you suppose man is constantly beset with problems, anxieties, tensions, fears, and frustrations?  Are humans doomed at birth to remain at the mercy and “whim�?of uncontrollable circumstances?   Ultimately, the question remains, “Do humans really exercise dominion over their lives?�?/FONT>

    Keeping these salient questions in mind, let’s observe another area of living directly related and of equal important.  That is, the alienation often suggested by psychologists, philosophers and sociologists when speaking of man’s profound sense of isolation, separation, loneliness, powerlessness, apathy, non-involvement, pessimism, meaninglessness, rootlessness, and lack of authentic moral values.  Alienation may best be described as that state in which the individual feels dissociated or isolated from himself, from others, and from the world in general.  It is followed by corresponding states of strangeness, unnaturalness, disorganization, and anxiety.

    It’s no wonder that Westerners often feel acutely alienated and nervous.   With mechanization, specialization, automation, social unrest, terrorism, wars, and economic uncertainty on the increase, humanity has become lost in a pervasive and constantly mutating social prison.  At some point in the distant past we can speculate that mankind intuitively understood their place within the universe.  That we were more intimately connected to nature and its underlying spiritual connectedness.  However, somewhere along the road this knowledge was lost.  And now, in this modern world,  individuals have allowed themselves to become  little more than heavily oiled cogs in an unwieldy, and artificial societal machine . . . mechanized, routinized, depersonalized, apathetic, insignificant, objects born to be manipulated.

    With the ever present threat of mass nuclear annihilation on the one hand, and on the other, prophetic promises of a New World Order and its attendant, “compromised justice for all,�?people grow increasingly confused, uncertain and schizoid simply because they can’t relate or solve problems of such immense proportions.  Instant communication systems of this modern world relate North Americans to the problems and struggles for freedom of people throughout the world, to the extent that we experience an unbearable sense of powerlessness and helplessness in our inability to do anything much beyond striking back with deadly force when faced with opposition.

    Artificial intelligence controlled mechanization and its proportional increase in leisure time, coupled with the incredible increase in digital communications over the past 20 years, has left whole populations totally unprepared to spend their leisure creatively.  And in fact, many would gladly give up their leisure for more of the same monotonous work if they could.  With the average person now living in a parallel environment separated from his/her inherent nature - prisons shaped and built themselves - they subconsciously sense separation from their basic natures.  They have become  isolated from nature with all of its original peace and refreshing naturalness.  And while the world’s population explodes at a fantastic rate, most moderns experience increasing difficulty simply communicating with their neighbours, yet experience daily the horrific world-wide poverty and destruction of life and property.

    And thus, we now find humanity drifting aimlessly through a world seemingly without meaning or purpose, encased in an increasingly materialistic world over which they exercise no conscious control or direct power.  Humans today have lost their sense of identity, their selfhood, and their purpose for existing.  Never before has humanity been so much of a problem to himself.

    Why is it that mankind, arguably  the most intelligent creature generally known to exist on this planet, allows this appalling situation to exist?  Is there a practical answer?

    First, while we are in the midst of a knowledge explosion today, it has not come anywhere near eliminating war, fear, poverty, anxiety, or man’s daily inhumanity to man.  Increased knowledge has not made humans more humane ( ).  Nor has it provided humanity any legitimate wisdom about whom they are and why they exist.  Obviously, a new type of knowledge is desperately needed, a self-knowledge to radically alter the individual’s way of living and thinking.  A new societal paradigm, if you would.

    Secondly, it’s imperative we understand that modern psychology does not contain the answers we seek.  Analytical psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis study the individual as he is found or imagined to be, or what he seems to be, and it is quite obvious that this limited study of mankind has failed miserably, as people are more confused today than ever before.  Instead, we must research the individual from the viewpoint of what it is possible to become.  This is the only true psychology --- that which studies a person from their immortal potential in order to produce a higher fourth dimensional expression, or identity.  This NEW PERSON refuses simply to submit to life as it happens, but devotes the major portion of existence to self-awareness in order to consciously control their own life and affairs, and in turn, help others to consciously embrace the freedom gained.

    This new approach to psychology and psychoanalysis is self-study.  You have to study yourself.  Your examination will be founded upon basic laws which, although once generally known, are now largely ignored in the 21st Century psychological systems.  Ordinary psychological, or theological schooling systems do not teach methods for self exploration.  And in fact, teach many false concepts concerning “whom�?and “what�?you really are.  As we proceed, we’ll share universal principles and techniques, which by their application will enable you to see yourself from a fresh viewpoint.

    Thirdly, you must truthfully acknowledge that humanity, including yourself, do not know themselves as they are.  In addition to documenting this fact by illustrating modern humanity’s profound sense of alienation and anxiety, Erich Fromm, a world renowned psychoanalyst, stated that all persons use less than 10% of their mind power or potential (more about the 90% unused potential a little further on).  Thus humanity is not only unaware of personal limitations and possibilities, they are not even aware to what extent they are alienated from themselves.  Herein lies the central idea to this system: Ordinarily, a person does not use even the smallest part of their powers, forces or potentialities.

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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 3/26/2006 1:41 PM