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Lightworks : The NOW
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 3/24/2006 6:41 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameEerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 11/12/2005 1:53 PM



From a spiritual viewpoint, I believe living in the NOW is living/seeing/viewing  from the highest level of our being... Soul!

One must seize the moment! Apart from the past, away from the possible future... the only reality exists in the NOW... All of us are living in an eternal NOW! A constant succession of individual NOWS...

I know from my experiences that thoughts are things... and my conscious choices of thought that I entertained have created my future NOWS... It was a help to me to learn thru my spiritual studies, self-help books, etc. to constantly examine/monitor the nature of the thoughts I was entertaining... I realized that in each critical NOW, I was constantly shaping my future... I asked Spirit for help to see how I was using "past" experiences to distort my NOW thinking...  Slowly, I began to become aware of my creation!

Next time you catch yourself thinking idly...  examine those thoughts that flow through your mind. Are you trying to relive the past? Maybe you are reassessing past behavior or events? Maybe you are thinking how it would have been if you acted differently. Are you enacting past events in your mind? Even when thinking or daydreaming about the future it is colored by past experiences... If your past experiences of relationships were pleasant and positive, that is how you going to think about those you will have... If the experiences were negative, that is how you are going to visualize your future...
It is always the past recreating your life. You may think about what someone told you something, treated you, how you did this or that. It is always the past... You are letting the past captivate you and influence your behavior. Reliving the past is recreating it constantly... You are not letting change enter your life. If the past was pleasant it is all right recreating it. But what if it was unpleasant? Living in the present means being aware of what is happening, what you are doing, feeling and thinking. It is being conscious of your thoughts and trying to have your thoughts FOCUSED on/in the present. In this way you look at situations as they are, without coloring them with your past experiences. When you live in such a way you can deal better with whatever you are doing at the present moment...

In the NOW you can see things as they really are, without being influenced by fears, anger, desires or attachments. I have found it is a matter of having the right attitude. When my attitude towards events and life is positive, and the present moment is used to the utmost, life becomes a happy and enjoyable trip. Living in the present NOW means concentrating/focusing on what is happening right NOW , enjoying it and making the most of it! Enjoy and use the NOW wisely...  It will always be there, no matter how you use it


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From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 3/26/2006 1:40 PM