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Lightworks : Lightworkers All Over The World
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 6/17/2006 11:34 PM

Lightworkers All Over The World


Lightworkers are people who are preparing the earth for the new era to come. They spread the Light from within themselves through profound knowledge acquired in previous incarnations or through passing it on by means of a clear and pure channel. There are great changes ahead and the old will disappear and make way for a new dimension. What it comes down to is that there will be a transition from the third to the fourth dimension. Many hearts will be opened during this process and darkness will become Light.

A profound peace process will be taking place and old values will disappear and a new era will be heralded in. This process will not happen of itself and it will be accompanied by the necessary loss, pain and obstacles to overcome. The new era will bring out old pain, paving the way for a new beginning. A Lightworker should be very pure and able to work free of ego. A Lightworker is love, and he or she expresses this love while at the same time remaining grounded and in contact with the earth. He or she functions as the bridge between heaven and earth and thus forging a link between the old dimension and the new dimension.

Lightworkers are in fact people who work at the frontline and must receive the first blows before spreading the message of renewal to their surroundings. Many networks will unfold in the near future, networks of pure souls who are reunited and able to greet one another after a long time of seclusion. The time of estrangement from their surroundings, of being different from the rest, will be over and they will realize that all they have had to go through in order to become who they are now has been meaningful.

Thanks to the Lightwork done on earth, the darkness that is still enveloping our planet will be lifted and the earth will be prepared for the entry into a new dimension. A dimension free of pain and misery, be it for those who have chosen to join in this renewal. Those who continue to hold on to old values will continue to experience misery, pain and grief because they are not ready to let go of the old. Only by living in the now will we be able to venture ahead and grasp the hand reaching out from the other side. The Lightworkers have the heavy but rewarding task ahead of them of smoothing the path for those who wish to make it to the other side.

During the past years a lot of preliminary work had been done and the more join in the work, the Lighter the work becomes! Remain alert in the times to come and see in the world around you how the many profound changes are forcing mankind to open its eyes. These changes are greatly needed in order to raise the consciousness of people. Only with a higher level of consciousness and therefore a higher frequency will the transition from the third to the fourth dimension be able to take place.

I sense the love of infinite unity spreading through me.
I no longer stand alone.
I have dissolved my EGO.
I no longer judge.
I am reborn.
I am set free.
I am enlightened.
I am myself.
We are once again ONE!

Artist Unknown

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 6/18/2006 1:48 PM

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 7/11/2006 1:12 AM

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 8/20/2006 11:12 PM

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