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Lightworks : LightWorkers Stay focused on the Light
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/1/2006 11:51 PM
<NOBR>Eerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 10/13/2005 3:23 PM
A Reminder From Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles  

Because of the intensified cleansing that is taking place on the planet
this year, I would like to remind you of the information Mother Mary and
Archangel Gabriel gave to all of us on December 8, 2004. This information
suggests there will be changes in 2005, and stresses the need for
Lightworkers to stay focused on the Light. The global purging being
orchestrated by the Elemental Kingdom is cleansing the Earth. This is
inspiring Humanity to open our hearts with a new level of compassion. A
consciousness of reverence for life is beginning to awaken in every Heart
Flame. This is helping to prepare the way for the opening of the portal of
the Flame of the Immaculate Concept in Bali. This Activity of Light will
occur during 11:11, November 6-16, 2005.

This event will bless all Life on Earth with the long awaited opportunity
to fulfill the Immaculate Concept of our full Divine Potential. If you are
not going to be joining us on the Sacred Pilgrimage to Bali, please join
with us in consciousness during those ten days and weave your precious
Light into this miraculous facet of the Divine Plan.

If you would like details about our Pilgrimage to Bali, please go to our

Mother Mary's all-encompassing Divine Mission blesses Humanity in a
multitude of ways and far transcends the sacred service she provided for
Jesus and the world during her last embodiment. She and Archangel Gabriel
are the Keepers of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept. This Crystalline
White Flame with Its Madonna Blue radiance energizes and sustains the
Immaculate Concept or Divine Blueprint for every facet of Life that was
ever breathed forth from the Core of Creation by our Father-Mother God.
The full Divine Potential-the Immaculate Concept-of every single atomic
and subatomic particle of Life in the whole of Creation is maintained and
sustained by this Sacred Fire.

Over the past several years, the Light of God has exponentially increased
through the hearts and minds of embodied Lightworkers around the world,
and miracles have taken place that are unprecedented in the history of
time. The Divine Feminine, our Mother God, has at long last returned to
Earth, and during Harmonic Concordance, which took place in November 2003,
we began our initial ascent through the Cosmic Inbreath known as the Shift
of the Ages. Humanity's 5th-Dimensional, Twelvefold Solar Spines have now
been activated, and our 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras have opened to full

Prior to this powerful Solar Activation, our I AM Presence had to step
down Its frequency of vibration through our 4th-Dimensional Solar Christ
Presence in order to reach our 3rd-Dimensional bodies. This activation,
for the very first time, has allowed every person's Mighty I AM Presence
to have direct contact with their Earthly bodies. With the God Victorious
success of these Activities of Light, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel
are Ascending into a higher octave of Divine Service and initializing the
next phase of Humanity's Transfiguration at a cellular level.

In 2005, Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary will assist the I AM Presence
of every man, woman and child on Earth to raise the energy, vibration and
consciousness of their physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies into
the Immaculate Concept of their full Divine Potential. This will allow the
I AM Presence of every person to integrate even further and to more
effectively take dominion of their thoughts, words, actions and feelings.
This gift of Divine Intervention is a merciful expression of God's Supreme
Grace and Compassion.

This information is being shared with you now to give you time to
contemplate and assimilate the Truth of the opportunities that will be
presented to you in 2005. Your conscious awareness and Divine Intention
are powerful catalysts that will enable you to participate in this gift of
Light from Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary in profound ways. At your
request, your I AM Presence will intervene and guide you unerringly in
perfect alignment with your heart's desire and your willingness to be

Our I AM Presence came forth from the Heart of God with the desire to do
the Will of God, to carry the Light and to be the full manifestation of
our Father-Mother God's Love. The Immaculate Concept of that desire has
been encoded as a portion of the Divine Potential within every evolving
soul's RNA and DNA genetic structures.

Prior to our first embodiment, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel promised
to come through the veil to meet us halfway when it was time for our I AM
Presence to fulfill Its heart's desire in the world of form. In the
freedom of their full God-radiation, these Keepers of the Flame of the
Immaculate Concept promised that when the time was at hand, they would
flash into our consciousness the remembrance of the vows we took in the
Heart of God before even this world was. They promised to remind us of the
Immaculate Concept of our Divine Purpose and to help us remember the
capacity we have within our lifestreams to fulfill that purpose. The time
is NOW!

Through Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel's Divine Intervention in 2005,
our I AM Presence will help each of us reach a state of Listening Grace.
Then, we will be able to hear the words of our I AM Presence and feel the
flash of Illumination, as we experience the Sacred Fire of the Immaculate
Concept. This will be our sustaining power, as we proceed day by day
through our Transfiguration.

As the momentum builds throughout the year, our confidence and trust in
ourselves will increase, and the guidance of our I AM Presence will become
more and more obvious. We will remain at peace within the reality and
wisdom of this glorious aspect of our own Divinity, and we will experience
the indescribable Light of both Faith and Inner Knowing.

Through the Immaculate Concept of our Transfiguration, our physical,
etheric, mental and emotional bodies will be lifted into their full
capacity as Temples of the Living God. The Immortal Victorious Threefold
Flames within our hearts will grow in power and might, and they will
reverberate with a paean of praise and thanksgiving for this gift of
Supreme Grace. The Eternal Light of our own Divinity will expand in a
rhythmic pulsation of adoration to the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent
Cosmic I AM-All That Is.

With every breath we take, a protective Forcefield of Transfiguring Divine
Love will form around us, emanating its perfume to all Life. As this
gentle coaxing floods the Earth, Humanity's awakening will be accelerated.
The Divine Truth that the whole of Creation is assisting us with our
Transfiguration process will become common knowledge in the hearts and
minds of awakening souls everywhere.

As Humanity's awakening increases, every soul will seek greater
understanding and ultimate freedom from the manipulation and control of
their lower human egos. The Love OF God and FOR God will become a
predominate feeling in our hearts and a knowing in our minds. Then, we
will recognize that Divine Intelligence is not outside of ourselves, but
rather, it exists in every atom and cell of our Earthly vehicles.

Through this Transfiguration process, the Immortal Victorious Threefold
Flames within our hearts will expand, and the shadows of the world will
dissolve. The base substance of the maladies existing on Earth will be
purified through the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire. When that occurs,
our human egos will be permanently raised up in energy, vibration and
consciousness into the loving embrace of our Mighty I AM Presence.

If we will hold the power and focus of our attention on the Divine Service
of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel throughout 2005, they will convey to
each of us the full magnitude of the Divine Potential pulsating within the
Flame of the Immaculate Concept. The natural purity of consciousness and
power of Light contained within this gift from God will prevent the
contamination of the outer world from distracting us from our Divine
Missions during this critical and vitally important year.

The Transfiguration of our Earthly bodies will allow our I AM Presence to
take greater dominion of our thoughts, words, actions and feelings. Then,
our human egos will not be able to interfere with the perfect expression
of our minds, bodies or spirits.

Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel cannot interfere with our free will, but
in 2005 they will assist our I AM Presence the maximum that Cosmic Law
will allow in using our faculties of thought and feeling in the ways they
were intended. The original Divine Intent of these faculties was to
empower Humanity in cocreating the Light and Perfection of our
Father-Mother God.

Through our gifts of thought and feeling, we have the ability and power to
magnify anything that we choose to accept as real. We can magnify the
appearance of poverty, disease, war, hatred, corruption and all manner of
distress, or we can magnify the Divine Potential and the Limitless
Physical Perfection pulsating in every Heart Flame.

This is a mathematical and scientific principle that all Humanity is
subject to; no one can escape this fact. Our thoughts and feelings are
magnetic. Whatever we focus on through our thoughts, words, actions or
feelings, we magnify and draw into our lives. When our hearts and minds
connect with any outer-world event, our Lifeforce flows from our Heart
Flames into the situation, and it grows. This is true whether the event
adds to the Light of the world or to the shadows.

Any person, place, condition or thing we focus our attention on is
magnified in our own consciousness and our inner and outer worlds as well.
This means that, daily and hourly, we can either magnify the shadows and
distresses appearing on the screen of Life, or we can magnify the Divinity
within every Heart Flame. By focusing our attention and energy on the God
within every evolving soul, we can cocreate a positive vision of what we
want to manifest in our lives and in the world. If we will hold our
attention on the Divinity within every person's heart and the positive
alternatives we want to cocreate in the world, our lives will be

By commanding our I AM Presence to receive and magnify only God's Divine
Love, Power, Wisdom, Qualities and Attributes, our human egos will be
raised up. Then, their fear-based compulsion to rule our lives will
subside. They will release their paralyzing grip and willingly surrender
to the Light of God within our hearts.

Humanity must learn the discipline of controlling our thoughts and
feelings, as well as the focus of our attention. This must be done in
order for us to transform this sweet Earth and all her Life into the
perfection of Heaven on Earth. Developing this skill is a critical factor
in our Transfiguration process. Both Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel
will be assisting us with a rare opportunity to master this skill in

When we perpetually turn our attention to the patterns of perfection we
want to manifest in our lives and the world, we magnetize the healing and
peace of our I AM Presence. Through this aspect of our own Divinity, the
Light of God flows into our visualizations and all of the situations at
hand. This Transfiguring Light then flows into the patterns of perfection,
empowering them without limit, and the appearance of imperfection that
conflicts with those patterns disappears. When this process is done
systematically, day after day, we build a positive power within our
consciousness that transcends the appearance of negativity or adversity of
any kind.

Remember, our fears manifest the very things that frighten us. Instead of
empowering our fears, we must focus on the Love, Wisdom and Power of the
Mighty I AM Presence blazing in every Heart Flame. By continually doing
this, we will magnify the all-encompassing Light of our Father-Mother God
into every facet of our lives. The energy and up-reaching consciousness of
God's Divine Light conducts Divine Love, Healing, Supply, Protection,
Peace and every other quality or attribute of God through our Heart Flames
into the world of form.

It is time for Humanity to stop magnifying the appearance world. Together
we can magnify the limitless perfection contained within the Causal Body
of God. The reality of things to come through our unified efforts and the
focus of our attention on the patterns of perfection in the Causal Body of
God is glorious to behold.

All of the great and miraculous things men and women have done throughout
the Ages have been accomplished because they were conductors of God's
Light. By disciplining our hearts and minds and allowing our feelings and
thoughts to reflect the uplifting, healing, omnipresent consciousness of
All That Is, we will become mighty conductors of Divine Light as well.

Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel have enveloped the Earth and all her
Life in the full embrace of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept in
preparation for the assistance that will be rendered to Humanity from On
High in 2005. These selfless Beings of Light will guide each of us through
this Transfiguration process as the year unfolds step by step. Invoke
their assistance and ask for their guidance. Then listen to your heart and
hear the still small voice within. Your I AM Presence is available to you
now as never before. Open your heart and mind to this wondrous aspect of
your true God Reality, and experience the joy of your newfound Freedom.

In closing, I would like to mention that Mother Mary's Divine Complement
is Archangel Raphael, the Angel of Illumined Truth and Healing, and
Archangel Gabriel's Divine Complement is Archaii Hope, the Angel of Hope
and Divine Expectations. Both of these selfless Beings of Light will be
assisting Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel to accomplish their Divine
Missions throughout the year. I encourage you to invoke their guidance and
Divine Intervention also.

Create a Glorious Year and Expect Miracles!

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization   
E-mail: [email protected]; FAX: 520-749-6643; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 8/20/2006 9:25 PM