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Lightworks : Multidimensional Being
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/2/2006 7:23 PM
Multidimensional Being

Multidimensional being is the ability to consciously interact on many levels of reality simultaneously. It is a gift of living in unity (Week 43), of creating mandalas of blissful harmony.

A mandala is a multidimensional holographic image of a universe of infinite dimensions--every part of the picture contains the whole. Your aura is a precise mandala of who you are. By using your third eye to glance within at your auric pictures, you see the reality that you are creating and adjust it whenever you are inspired to raise your consciousness.

As you awaken to the world of mandalas, you fine-tune your ability to live in grace. Often your third eye will see auric symbols. These will require your intuitive interpretation, as do your dreams. You learn to trust your interpretation, but also to be flexible enough to see an even wider understanding stemming from a recent realization. You flow.

All of who you are is one infinitely complex mandala, connected to every other person and every part of the universe. Within your mandala is a gateway (a "wormhole") to every other part of the universe. As your attention deepens (as your chakras open), you find greater levels of beauty and pleasure; and discover more gateways and higher frequencies of freedom and delight.

So incorporate the principle of a relaxed body and an awakened self to learn how to dream when awake--to be a seer. You will become aware of more dimensions and interact with the reality of your choice. Or not.

You will gain choices but may prefer choiceless freedom. (Week 46)

 You gain choices by relaxing into ecstasy. Your third eye opens and a more uplifting possibility appears. You realize your power and effortlessly embrace the greatest good.

You see the cause and effect of mysteries. You clairvoyantly see mandalas to be as real as physical reality and walk into them as a multidimensional being.

Your past and future are changed
by changing the images in your aura.

 The more precisely you see who you are now, the more precisely you will see your future. The past can be healed when you discover that what you thought was "bad" was perfect for your growth. Most importantly, it has brought you here--into the magic.

So discover how simple alchemy is: just go beyond a limited image into light. Light reveals how to adjust your inner pictures to magnetize a brighter reality. You see that your aura carries all that you were and all that you will be.

By dissolving all  images, you end time. Images are droplets on the quiet pool of your soul. Each droplet creates concentric circles affecting your past, future, and multidimensional realities. In the present, problems dissolve into ecstasy and wisdom. The pool of your mind becomes a clear mirror to see your Self.


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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 8/20/2006 9:30 PM