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Meditation : Meditation: Mini
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 1/31/2007 2:30 AM
Mini Meditation

Sit comfortably in a chair or a sofa, feet flat on the floor, hands on the lap..
Now take a few deep breaths.......slowly inhale...hold.....exhale....

And while inhaling the air, just imagine a white light entering the body and this light spreading all over the body, relaxing every part of the body from your scalp down to the feet

After taking 5 deep breaths, resume normal breathing...
Sit quietly and watch the breath......
Don't try to concentrate...... give yourself the permission to relax and let go...........
If thoughts wander, gently bring them back.....
Don't force yourself to anything..........

After a few minutes you should feel a wave of pleasant relaxation spreading all over the body. And the mind calming down.....

Thoughts become smoother and smoother.

Sit in this position for 15 minutes. Don't open your eyes
-----15 minutes-----

Now visualize (see yourself with the eyes of your mind) as a totally relaxed person, totally in harmony with yourself and with the cosmos.
Visualize a glowing light surrounding your body. A light of love, ecstasy, total contentment, compassion and oneness with the ocean of cosmic energy.
Now see your dear and near ones, living in total harmony and peace, your neighbors all full of joy and happiness, your community.
See your country and all the people living in harmony with the nature, with the animal world and all the plant world.
See the earth, the peoples of all nations in total happiness and prosperity, living in full harmony and the whole universe as an ocean of love, ecstasy, happiness, harmony, compassion....

Now slowly open your eyes, feeling refreshed and relaxed, full of joy and contentment.

Rub your hands for a few seconds, and rub your face with your warm hands..

This is the end of the session.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/2/2007 11:24 PM