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Meditation : Meditation on Twin Hearts
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From: MSN NicknameAchyTen  (Original Message)Sent: 2/3/2007 5:38 PM


Of all the techniques developed and taught perhaps none prompts as many glowing testimonials of personal healing and positive life transformation as the Meditation on Twin Hearts.

This meditation is truly special ... it works on the physical, mental and spiritual levels to open the heart chakra (the physical heart) and the crown chakra (the spiritual heart), thereby enabling you to draw down a great amount of highquality divine energy into the crown. The prana that this meditation produces greatly promotes physical and mental health as well as inner illumination.

BEFORE performing the Meditation on Twin Hearts, since you're working with prana of greater quantity and higher quality in the meditation, you need to be aware of certain aspects of the meditation as well as several contraindications.

~>People with high blood pressure, heart ailments and glaucoma SHOULD NOT perform this meditation. This meditation generates tremendous energy and may aggravate those conditions.

~>People under the age of 18 SHOULD NOT practice the illumination technique because their bodies are not fully mature and are unable to tolerate the energy this meditation produces.

~>Perform the blessings with REAL feelings (not mechanically). Feel and concentrate on the feelings of love you conjure up as you bless the earth. Add visualization (if you wish).

~>Your outlook during meditation should be positive.

~>Some people experience shaking or strong emotions welling up within them. As indicated earlier, meditation is an indirect clearing technique and trembling or sudden feelings are evidence of energetic blockages being cleared out and the emotions associated with those blockages being released. Some people breathe more deeply and continue with the meditation. If you wish, however, you can stop the session and sweep and clean the area where you feel discomfort... then meditate later

~>Beginners may experience slight congestion in the chest/heart area as they bless the earth.

~>When you are able to hold simultaneous awareness on the point of light, you may experience an inner explosion of light. This is normal, though it can be startling at first. Simply breathe deeply and feel the feeling of the experience..




Step 1:     INVOKE: Close your eyes, bow your head and raise your hands a few inches off your lap. Turn your palms upward. If you haven't been using an invocation, here is one that you can use:

I humbly ask for the divine blessing, guidance, protection, help and illumination. With thanks and in full faith.


Step 2:     PERFORM several cycles of pranic (deep) breathing.


Step 3:     ACTIVATE your heart chakra. Press your heart chakra with one finger for a moment or two, then place your hands back on your lap. Conjure up feelings of love (really FEEL the feelings of love and compassion welling up inside of you). This is easily done by simply recalling a few happy events in your life (or imagining the face of someone you love very dearly in front of you and then re-experiencing the loving feelings you have towards them). Smile inwardly ... takes about 2 minutes.


Step 4:     ACTIVATE your crown chakra. Tap your crown chakra with a finger, then place your hand back on your lap. Imagine another scene where you feel the feelings of love (imagine as above). Smile inwardly at your crown chakra (about 2 minutes).


Step 5:     BLESS the earth with lovingkindness through your heart chakra. Stay aware of those feelings of love and raise your hands to chest level with your palms facing outward. Imagine the earth in front of you (about the size of a tennis ball). Be aware of your heart and your hand chakras as you bless the earth. See picture with PINK below.

You can bless the earth with the following first stanza of the Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace...

Feel the divine peace within your heart flow to your hands and outward to the earth. Bless the earth for a minute or so. See the beautiful pink light of blessing flow from your heart to your hand and to the earth (as in the above picture)

Where there is hatred, let me sow love...

Feel divine love well up within your heart and flow to your hands and outwards to the earth. Bless the earth.

Where there is injury, pardon ...

Bless the earth with devine forgiveness and bless the areas of the earth where there is conflict (see the conflicts resolved).

Where there is doubt, faith;     Where there is despair, hope ...

Bless the earth with hope and faith and bless all the people who are having a difficult time.

Where there is darkness, light;     Where there is sadness, joy ...

Bless the earth with light and joy. Bless areas and countries where there is strife.


Step 6:     NOW bless earth with lovingkindness through your crown chakra. Be aware of your crown chakra as you continue to bless the earth (see picture)

See the beautiful glolden light of blessings flow from your crown to your hand and through your hands to the earth.

Let the entire earth, let every person and every being be blessed with lovingkindness, sweetness, joy and happiness.

Continue blessing the earth ... see every person filled with love and joy.


Step 7:     NOW bless earth with lovingkindness through both your heart and your crown chakra simultaneously. Be aware of both your heart and crown chakra as you continue to bless earth. See the beautiful golden light of blessing flow from your crown and your heart to your hands and then through your hands to the earth.

From the Heart of God, let every person be blessed with lovingkindness


Continue blessing the earth and seeing every person filled with love, joy and peace.

Let every person, every being be blessed with great joy, happiness and divine inner peace....


See people with their hearts filled with joy, faith and hope. See the expression on their faces.

Let every person, every being be blessed with understanding, harmony and with good will and with the will to do good....

See people actually doing good for each other.


Step 8:     ILLUMINATION TECHNIQUE. Put your hands back into your lap, palms up. Visualize a brilliant point of dazzling golden light just above your crown .

See it clearly as if it were a focused point of sunlight reflecting off newly fallen snow. After you have locked in the image, begin breathe deeply and simply let go for a few minutes (let your mind go blank and extend the sense of ineer peace and stillness.) Do this for about 5 minutes or you can stretch this out for as long as you like.


Step 9:     RELEASE the excess energy. The surplus of energy this meditation generates must be dispersed in order to avoid congestion. You could project the energy outward but why not us it for additional positive effect? Thus, bless the earth again ... raise your hands to the blessing position and simply bless the earth with light and love. Now return your hands on your lap.


Step 10:     GROUNDING. End the meditation by giving thanks. Simply raise your hands and say:

I humbly give you thanks for your divine blessing, guidance, protection, help and illumination. With thanks and in full faith.


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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/9/2007 6:02 PM