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General : Green light
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11  (Original Message)Sent: 10/18/2008 11:42 PM
I posted this on several places, but nobody is able to help me. I'm posting here in hopes that someone will be able to dig something up. =) It's copied form the first forum I posted it on.

It happened sometime during the end of my senior year. It could have been earlier than that or much later--I am really not sure now.

I was laying in bed that night, very quietly, because my brother was asleep. I hadn't been in bed long, though. I don't go to sleep immediatly--never have and I doubt I ever will. The night has always been a time of restlessness for me, even as a child, and now as an adult.

I was wide awake and not in the least bit tired at all that night. I remember laying there, and, at one point, my mind went numb, and I sort of went limp---a combination of tense and limp, if that makes any sense. It was like I was aware, yet not aware---meaning I was aware, but on the outside, and skimming surface, I was numbed.

I remember staring blank like at the area near my window. I suddenly could see a green light gathering---a strange green light the color of new leaves. The darkness became darker, thicker---like heavy smoke. The green light did the same. What stunned me was the fact that the way the green light fell, it came from the sky, and there were no sources of the green light, because all the lights outside the building were white. I could see the white light clearly--very clearly--and I knew the people across the way were asleep, and they were mostly elderly or babies---so no green light could come from them. Apart from that, it was the wrong angle as well.

I remember I was numbed--paralyized like--so I wasn't really moving. I was watching that corner of my room get like heavy smoke--liquid smoke. It glided over and it was looking at me.

It was tall...with darkness wrapped around it. I'm not sure what the green light was about, but I reember seeing it. I don't remember where it came from. I couldn't distinguish a eyes...just spaces. I could see it energy around him--or what I thought to be energy--around him, sparkled dots in the darkness of my room, with the street light streaming in---many sparkled dots...but I see those all the time. I remember feeling it...A little cold...yet...I don't remember much else about that...I only remember staring at the the vague shape of a person...I remember it as more than one, but those were in the background...small...only that forefront thing kept my attention....coming towards me...standing over me...

Then, for some reason, I saw that I was on my other side now. I don't remember moving to my other side at all. Prehaps I did, and the numb state simply didn't allow me to register it? Yes, I suppose that could be correct.

I could see the green light wasn't ecactly reflecting off my metal frame bed, but more like it was painting it. Again, I could see clearly the light from the street lamps. The green light, it's angle, came downward, suggesting that the source came from my ceiling. I remember being more numbed now.

It didn't hurt at all. I wasn't trying to move. I thought about it, but the thoughts seemed to simply drift away from me. I simply stared at the green light, feeling my arms thrown out before me under the covers.

Then I felt it.

The pressure--like a hand pressing against the area between my shoulder blades. It didn't stop there, though. The pressure from that hand, I could feel all over my entire back.

I felt it against my back, like somethign trying to force it's way into me. It was the entire back where I felt it, not just a small peice. I then had a pressure in my something outside forcing it's way in.

I could feel vibrations in my head then...small vibrations---the type you'd get from words...soft words that echo...It was like many echos...more than one...

I felt the pressure then...through my body...and I felt that sensation of a hand again...but now there was another on my leg...

I fought. I pushed back at the pressure in my mind. I struggled, and I resisted...

I felt the vibrations again...

...and...for some reason...

I sighed...and gave in. I felt the pressure go through my mind...Then I felt something go into me...and settle like a light weight rock. in my curled and was heavy there...I felt it throughout me...but in that spot particulary.

Since then, I've not been able to remember certain things clearly. I only know they've happened because of others that I shared the experience with. There are other things that happened--like my abilities going haywire, or simply vanishing to me. I can no longer sink---as in go into a trance at will, if I so choose. I keep sinking down and it's like a solid rock there...keeping me from the place I used to be able to access without troubles.

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 10/19/2008 1:33 AM
Need more info befor offering a possible explaintion...

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/19/2008 1:38 AM
Ask a question

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/19/2008 9:41 PM
As I read this post I do agree with John there is much more information we need like what was happening in your life at that time and what was changed that you where going to do but didnt because of this event. Do you have black outs. Do you get sick feelings for no reason at all then they are gone like a wave of nausia for just a split second or 2. Have you looked into a cleansing from shaman, or
someone else that knows how to deal with spiritual parasites
we can talk more about this tonight in chat
see you there

 Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 10/19/2008 10:06 PM
When I try to remember it in more detail, including other events like it, I become sick and dizzy. I have a hard time pinning down the memories, and I just get a bad pressure in my head. I can remember some details, but it's like trying to hold water in my  hands--it all leaks away.
I've never really had black outs, but I've had periods where...I'm not sure how to describe it. It's as if my mind freezes, and the world just goes weird. It's kind of like a trance of sorts. I become unsteady at times, and it's just a weird experience...
I have had a few black outs after visions, though. Does that count?
When that happened, I was experiencing a rise in my abilities. It was as if all those years of fluxes was coming down to one giant climb and finally becoming steady. I had been able to use my 'computer state' more frequently and with more ease. Everything was just falling into place, and it was nice. Everything was coming into place, and I had decided to form my own group---to really launch off what I saw in my dreams.
I try to remember more from my past, but sometimes it's hard. I get sick, dizzy and like a pressure builds in my head. There was A LOT going on at the time, though. It all just sorta fell through after that. *shrugs*
lol I'm trying to stay upright even now. I'm trying to remember, and I'm getting sick. It's like fighting a wall in my mind.
I used to have visions as a child, and was able to jump forward in time in my head. I used to do it a lot, and used to use what I called 'The Web.' I was doing a lot of stuff at the time.
It's stupid...but...
As a child, I always felt as if I had forgotten something REALLY REALLY important---a task given to me that only I could do. I started searching over the internet for this missing thing--for any indication of what it might be. It drove me NUTS as a child. Here was this task they gave to me, and I can't remember what it was! I used to roam and think on it for days on end.
I always missed someplace, but I never really knew what it was. I missed people, things, but I never really knew what they were. It's like my mind shattered, and I'm trying to pick up the pieces, figuring out where they go. I know I was suppose to lead something, do something...
It slips away, though, and I could never hold onto it. I learned A LOT through my abilities. I would use them to help me learn about things. I used them to learn to read and write, to do other stuff...
There are people that I had to find.
Keys. Gates.
The players...
It all floats around in my brain and I'm not sure how they fit, but I know I have to find those people. I can feel them...the imprint of them. I have a map in my head that I used to follow...
Like blue prints someone printed up for me.
It tells me where to be, what to do, how to do it---all for that unknown task. I just know that I have to find people, be somewhere and do something. I follow that inner drive, or I used to.
I don't have it anymore. That drive that tells me what to do. *shrugs* I lost alot that night, and I'm not even sure what I lost--beyond my abilities, of course.

 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 10/21/2008 5:29 AM
Judia, my hopes are that we were able to help
Loving Blessings

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamejeffmarzanoSent: 11/19/2008 9:00 PM
Your message reminded me of the accounts of what really happens during so called 'UFO abductions' in the book 'Secret Life' which is probably the best book about this subject that I have ever read.
Those unfortunate 'abductees' see this one alien creature who is taller than the other ones and the creature stares into their eyes.  They can feel it enter into and take possession of their body.
Based on what you said it sounds like the creature is sapping all of your energy. 
Meditation or hypnosis may help you to remember a lot more about these strange experiences and to understand what they mean and why they happened.
In the case of UFO abductions it appears that those satanic forces have the ability to implant a soul into an unborn fetus.  So they can cause people to be born.  This is perhaps a more hidden aspect of this phenomenon and explains what's happening in the spirit world in relation to the physical reproduction activities.
They are undoubtedly, like your strange friend, parasites similar to the creatures in those 'Alien' movies.
But this implies that there is a long standing relationship between the abductees and the alien creatures that goes back perhaps thousands or millions of years who knows.
The abductee's god is a giant, parasitical insect.
                                         Jeff Marzano
Secret Life: Firsthand, Documented Accounts of UFO Abductions

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesleepindeer6Sent: 11/20/2008 2:16 PM
hhhhmmmmm....Judai Hun I agree with Cat this could go back even farther then what was going on at the time it happened.............repressed thought can stop the flow of energy...............a good cleansing (spelled wrong) careful Hun
Luv ya

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJudea_11Sent: 11/21/2008 12:03 AM
Thanks for replying everyone =)

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamespirited-lionessSent: 11/22/2008 12:06 AM
Hi Judea bring this up in chat tonight or sunday night maybe a collection of heads can figure this out

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