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Ancient Times : Reptilians on Earth with Video
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMzNyghtOwl  (Original Message)Sent: 2/2/2007 10:24 AM
I know talking positive is important but felt I needed to post this out of responsibility to those that die daily..  Anyway, this is a post that I sent to many of my yahoo groups.  I am on huge groups with lots of Docs and Scholars and I'm Pleiadian Starseed and have a mission pertaining to the dark and to help awaken others to truth.  Do what you may with the information.  If you decide to watch the video first read my post and then please watch it to the end to get the whole gist but it is graphic and I put this warning up front to you. 
Friend of mine might have already passed this link on in one of the groups here that I'm sending it to so please disregard if so.. But Reptilians on Earth are very very real and this I wrote in response to a private email I got today from a woman who is on a huge group with myself and some docs and various others.    I believe the information sent to me today was connected to Peggy Kanes research of the Reptilians in the astral realm which she is correct on but is lacking in understanding somewhat of the ones that walk on Earth here.  She is under a different understanding than myself on one or two of the aspects that I see different.   She feels that they host folks on Earth and I guess I am more leaning towards the DNA factor that many walk the Earth with the literal DNA to shape between human form and Reptile and most are not hosted but are the Reps themselves, through and through..   
People are not just eaten by Reptilians in astral state like Peggy Kane has said , but also in the physical state too.   Watch this video to the end and YES it is graphic at the end and there is a Rep eating a young woman and who is butchered..  NOTE: do not watch if you are too sensitive.  The Pleiadians have used me and continue to use me to speak the truth and although it is for sure taking place in astral somehow ..  It is also taking place literaly in the physical and there are humans that run our Gov and who shapeshift literally and YES they eat humans amongst other things.
Warning the end of the movie is upsetting.   ALSO IMPORTANT, see Arizona Wilders account that David Icke has on video .   This will fill in many pieces that were not covered and will give another piece to this puzzle.   You can buy both on CD.   I will get the link for you if you like..  I'm on no email and will not be on the Internet for long.  I'm being called off and will be going more into isolation..    
I leave you with this.. Or if a friend of mine has already shared, please delete then.. Resonation from Creator will Testify of its legitimacy.. It did for me and the Pleiadians as well confirmed..  Almost too horrifying to know it is going on.  I've been raped myself first hand by these beings..   
Anyway here is the link..   PLEASE watch it to the end and realize that there were many that died to get this video out.  This is exactly what I've been telling folks on P4C.  Certain people writing me privately asking me to deny my truth given to me by Pleiadians I will NEVER do , even if they themselves are starseeds.  We have to walk our truth..  That's all I know and this is what I do.   I will not be on the Internet for long now though..  This video is real and true, make no mistake and also all those that died to get this out..
PS.. the reason folks have died is to get this information out so that folks do not continue to burry their heads in the sand in thinking all is love and light.   And granted much is Love and Light and we should continue as good light workers to do our work here BUT for all those little children who die this way and for all those that are slain everyday at the hands of these Reptilian Overlords we must ask ourselves , " have we lost our humanity ? " or are we to look at this straight on???   So that all those victims will be remembered...   Who are just suddenly missing one day, with  their parents searching in vain for their dear loved one... To deny their right to cry from the other side of this veil for justice I surely think we owe them if we are truly Light Workers as we claim..  Why is the Word Worker included in Light Work because it is just that at times.   This is the hardest part of the mission but certainly needs to be done and yes it calls for bravery at times.. 
I hear so many channels say, oh let the world crumble down at your feet and remain in your light and untouched..   If we are loving and if we are compassionate, to do so would be the loss of our own humanity..   We might as well call ourselves opposite of Light Work and say we are apart of " Dark Work " instead.   OR we run in fear secretly because we bury our heads because of the unfortunate horror of our World.   We stands to reason too.   But there IS a War on..   The majority are enslaved on Planet Earth and most are into the Fundamental ways including some, but not all, but many New Agers..  This also includes ALL Fundamental religion.   New Age and Fundamental Religion are just two sides of the same coin..  Both say to blind ourselves from truth..  Turn the other Cheek. Embrace darkness even it is suggested by New Age thinking and Dogma..   We are opposite of Light Work if we do that.   COMPASSION !!!!
....  Some things cannot be manifested away And ESPECIALLY when our Creational Space of Manifesting has been Usurped and TAKEN from us to create what we wish and evil can and does enter into our space and if it were not for that fact, evil can live forever doing their deeds in their own specific joy but because Creator has Universal Laws and they wish to usurp Creator Given Rights, they cross the bounds of free will of enjoying evil or dark.  Now they cross the bounds to Unviversal codes..   
Without strong Spiritual Weapons we are lost.. 
Without not looking or observing truth, this  is by no means helping the situation out here on Earth as the Dark gains their ground..   Even in Gregg Bradens Book The Lost Mode of Prayer it is known and through movies such as
The Secret, or What the Bleep Do We Know , that in order for prayers to be answered or manifestations to take place you first have to have the Thought + Strong Emotion/Intent = Prayer or the Manifested desire.  
Well my take is how can one manifest with strong emotion unless one knows what is taking place..  If one is aware, then one can use that thought of Love mixed with Strong Emotion of Compassion with Strong Intent To Cast Darkness such as this out on its ear.. 
Now Folks say, you do not need to see it, to do this.  That is true, anyone can manifest and anyone can use what emotions they can grasp at with the limited info one has BUT without the strong Emotion of Compassion, Mercy and Deep Love , the combating of such Dark Forces cannot take place.  In order to feel that compassion you have to look it straight in the eyes in order to stir those deep emotions within us to the point that when we add to that strong Intent, we can then move the Mountains with our mere thoughts.   You can't take down the heavy weights  being a lightweight. . 
Unfortunately this strong emotion and compassion can only really come from observation of the very thing that needs prayer or intentional manifesting...  That is what sparks our deepest compassion...  Not so to keep us reliving things over and over in the mind but to keep the memory of the victims in our heart and gather the strong compassion needed to kick Dark's Living Butt AND Most of all  to do this so this does NOT happen to another innocent child and victim of ritual Reptilian Abuse.. 
These people died and lost their lives in order to expose this information.   Those like Alex Jones and Jeff Rense have done their share of exposing but nothing to this extent that Brandon Cory and others did..  
I will tell you what is horrifying, that these rituals take place each and every day with Shapeshifting Reps..  And so I say lets keep in mind really all those that have suffered and continue to suffer with being literally butchered alive.  This film is not a fake..  Well and many can look at it and say it is but really resonation comes to those that want the truth and for those that don't they can see the Red Sea part and still doubt..  
But, Be sure to also watch Arizona Wilders Video..  Help victims by getting the truth out .  Help them so that STRONG INTENTION AND PRAYERFUL MANIFESTING AND SPIRITUAL WEAPONS can reach those that need to be helped.. Lets not let these things happen in vain.  Divine forces somehow miraculously kept this footage preserved..
I'm not going to be on the Internet for much longer..  ALSO my computer was hacked and my files were wiped out.  No accident either.. I've said most of what I need to say and will be going in isolation here soon..  Its too dangerous for those of us who have pursued this exposing for so long.   I've got starseeds claiming to be starseeds trying to convince me that this is not true when I have a sure witness from the Pleiadians and so I'm left questioning how much of a contactee are they for if they ask the benevolent ones if this is true, they surely would say YES !!!!!!!!!  I see Reptilians all week long just about.  My encounters are anywhere from 10 minutes to 4 hours or more.. With Residual presence sometimes for a day or two after...   I also am a True Contactee of the Pleiadians and I have been Raped previously by Reptilians and in fact was taken to an underground facility within the last week and which the Pleiadians took myself off a cement slab in a place that had no windows and narrow walkways.  All stone and cement.   I have my own events taking place and also had several other things happen to me in the last couple weeks which is causing me to want to go in safety mode. Anyway, I hope folks take this video seriously.  Not all is hunky dorie in Light Worker land as some of the channels claim..    
My friends can write me privately..  Anyway this IS how we that are experiencer's of the Negative Beasts of the Field KNOW that All is NOT Love and Light and that the channels are not accurate.  These murders are DAILY and CONSTANT and all those sharing those channels are not channeling who they say they are..  Take it or leave it with delusion of grandeur for ALL will pay Karma for Ingoring...
MOST of the Reptilians dealing with Earth right now are the NEGATIVES and yes they can trick and fool one into thinking they actually care but that is their smokescreen..   Using folks that are complacent ones of so called Light to carry out their agenda of maiming and name calling folks who dare to come out with the truth..   Let not those that DIED , be dead in vain.. 
    Thanks for sharing this Information with Us... Jewels

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCurbenedwenSent: 2/2/2007 11:42 AM
ok you know what? I am Reptilain myself and I DO NOT go around doing what many claim we do! I find this always highly offencive because I know others like myself who do love and beleive in more Taolisim then always light fluffy sunshine! I am highly thinking of leaving this group because me and some others are highly sick of being persecuted, shunned, pushed around, accused of sacraficing babies, and so on. How would you like it if you had those same accusions twords your people day in and day out! I am sure you'd feel the same way. And I am sick of all these fulffy light and sunshine posts accusing my people because of bad apples. we are NOT ALL evil child eating beings. But it seems you all think so.. I am just sick and tired of this. don't you stop and think that just maby some here might be offended? or am I the only one here who is different from the rest of you.

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/2/2007 11:43 PM
Am curious.
How do you figure ( how do you know ) you are reptilain ?

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAchyTenSent: 7/28/2007 6:47 AM
I DON'T believe ANY of this hogwash!!!
I can't believe that this garbage was allowed to be posted here!!!
Believe in what YOU want to believe,,,this is sooo warped!!!
I kid you NOT!
Now,, I don't know what to think of this group, now...
and, I"m NOT even Reptlian!

 Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameinfinite_lightSent: 10/23/2007 6:04 PM
Dear Jewels,
I just read your posting from July 29th, after getting caught up on many earlier postings now (Oct. 23rd) and know what you have shared as definitely accurate about the reptillian agenda--I have been attacked, myself, psychically, not physically, by these entities (I'm very protected on a physical level by numerous Higher Elohim & Archangel Beings) many times by the reptilian beings, but as a spiritual warrior, I have "taken out" these entities from the astral plane, so that their number grows smaller and smaller.
As a contactee for the Ashtar Command, I was specificallt told by Ashtar, himself, of the existence of these reptillian or "Crockedile Men" and how they rule the Illuminati.
The "Pysch-Ops" attempted to "off me in 1979, with a type of psychotronic psychic assassination hit on me--they did, actually "kill" me physically--but then I was physically taken on borad one of the Ashtar Command Merkabah Light ships that are truly in Guardian Action around this planet, and there they literally brought me back to life, and altered my DNA/RNA so that not only would I not be vulerable to such types of "deadly force" but also to help other fellow AUTHENTIC Lightworkers who were truly wanting to expose the Truth of the negative agenda, not cover it Up!
Go to my website,, and I would enjoy connecting with you and it is important to not let these reptillian bastards get the best of any of us.  They have killed the physical bodies of their victims--but their souls they were NOT able to get!  The Higher Forces have also Intervened to stop many of these horrific incidents before they could accomplish these evil deeds--The Light will Triumph over them despite what they have been able to do up till now!  Courage and knowing that we do have a good Cosmic Back-Up Team that is here to help us is also very important, not denial of the existence of such evil.  God Bless you for helping to expose the Truth!
Michael Ellegion

 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamenonoj5Sent: 10/23/2007 6:17 PM

I myself have looked into this just the passing spring. Will not go into detail but had a "set back" and had to back off for awhile. Found some help and am back to tell anyone who is interested in something like this - DO NOT attempt anything until you are protected. You will get "sick" from it if you go into it with "eyes wide shut"! I hope anyone who reads this will take my warning seriously.

Lots of Love and May All Your Thoughts Be Pure

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname▒░ΤГΟУ░▒Sent: 1/6/2008 4:37 AM
Bravo, Jewels.  Your post has about as much genius in it that the illuminati has.  In fact, it is from the illuminati.  You see, "real" pleiadian starseeds don't post nor support videos of this nature.  Why?  Because it's only purpose is to create fear and pleiadians don't participate in that type of activity.  This post is an attempt to create fear about the reptilians and to give pleiadian starseeds a bad name through slander.  Why?  Because the majority of the reptilians are a very good and loving people capable of great deeds in the eyes of the supreme god.  Reptilians can be of great help and creating fear about them will cause people to run from the reptilians who will be of great help to this planet in the future.  This is a typical brainwashing strategy of the illuminati.  Also, claiming to be a pleidian starseed ranting and trying to say everything under the book to try to convince people of its authenticity using guilt trips, slander as well as subtly implanting ideas that are not, I repeat NOT, helpful for anyone or the planet.  An example is this, "Not so to keep us reliving things over and over in the mind ".  Just by saying that you implant the idea.  "I've got starseeds claiming to be starseeds trying to convince me that this is not true", yet another attempt at slandering any pleiadian that will speak out against your post.  Fortunenately, pleiadeans are wiser beings than the illuminati and see right through the attempts.  Sadly enough, a lot of them work but look at the responses in this post.  Everyone is already aware of the truth, that our government is evil and trying to take over the world... we do not need to be given scare tactics to attempt to render true warriors of love and light into fear and nonaction.  Lastly, there is no positive advice whatsoever about what people can do about this problem, even if it's true.  Personally, I send the worst of them the power of love and light (that which renders evil helpless and strengthens the giver of love) and I do so without fear. 
As a true pleiadean starseed, I love you the same as I love everyone else, Jewels.  Although, I do sincerely question your motives here.  And a little advice, let people make up their own mind about what to do, how to feel, and mostly what to think (message to the brainwashers). 
John, I would respectfully recommend to delete her post to stop any further negativity to spread.  Thanks.
Love and light!

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJewels_Ascend2012Sent: 1/6/2008 6:50 AM
Sorry troy but your not pleiadian...  Stop posing as one while posting messages for dark..  Pleiadians are not complacent.. They are Warrior of Light and Truth and they do and will defend such. They don't pretend,nor burry their heads.  You must be of another race because your vibrational sig is not of theirs..  As you can see if your out on groups that there are some that agree also with some of my postings and know the truth..
BTW what is one post of truth exposing negatives, compared to 500 of all is love and light and all is hunky dorey.. Blinders are popular of no war, starvation, extremism in hate, vile acts of many kinds and detroying Mother Earth.. Right? Or let the world fall apart around you, so long as your butt is safe.. But what is one post..  Right, I mean you should be secure in yourself as a supposed starseed, (not), to not worry about one post compared to 500 of the other lovey dovey la la land stuff. .. I mean surely the brainwashing is not of those exposing dark like myself ,but of all the 500 other posts. I mean even in physics or simple math will tell you that it is way far overboard to one side of allowed expression, and blinders is the name of the game on the net with this all is love and light while wars are taking place on Earth, starvation, global warming, death in wars, sickness, etc.. Right?  So, know this,  that any brainwashing commencing is that which is 500 to 1..  And anyone that practices those 500 messages surely would be centered enough by now, if it were working or of any truth to not let fear enter.. Right?  Unless, the double think which is a tool of the Illuminati wasn't working as good, because one can talk to death that all is love and light all day long, but when they walk out their door and view the REAL world, they see that not all is love and light..There is a big war on and it is coming to a head.. Soon to be freed from enslavement.. Those in governmental positions who are Reptilians under all the glamor, to be exposed soon enough. Yes we have Reptilians running our world bud..  Yes you can shut off your TV which is for the most part bought and paid for by the Iluminati but it still does not shut your eyes to your neighbors pain, or that little child suffering from Leukemia, or the starving children across the world and at home here, or all those homeless souls on Earth...  I mean really who is brainwashed here.. I mean you would think by now, that the magical spell cast on humanity would start to wear off by now, of all is love and light when you see reality.. That is unless your blinded by trance and then this is common, yet we are still responsible to un-trance ourselves.. How??? By wanting truth no matter what.. No matter if it is not what you want to hear... No matter that it don't fit in with your hopes of an all love and light world.. YES that world will come, but it wont come until we as humans pay up for the abuses we carried on from one lifetime to the next.. And until we realize that our heads must come out of the sand and to stand like true warrirors of light,,,,,, which to love truly you must defend that which creator has given to us as Universal Laws, and to say you love and light the Universe is NOT enough, you must act like it, but to live it and to live it is to stand for it, and to be at times Warriors and Defenders of Creator's way.... 
Sorry troy but a lot of folks claim they are Pleiadian when they are not.. In actuality there are very few of us..That is partly due to the fact that Greys, Reptilians, Acturians, Pleaidians, Andromedans are the ones popular to talk on and the others have not been addressed due to the fact that when an ET opens to you, they don't bother with telling the person what race they are for the most part because the reason for their visit is purely Spiritual in nature.. They have more important things to speak to us about.. They are not like those of this world, and have Spirituality as their entire goal when working with those on Earth.. But, There are thousands of races of ETs you could belong to..Even a grey/reptilian cross.  But one thing is for certain, no Pleiadian lives in a complacent manner unless they are not one, or they are compromised by dark and have fallen into that same ol same ol trap..Of all is love and light.. Ignoring reality type thing..  Pleiadians like many other races above have strong emotion and part of their emotion is Deep Love, Deep Compassion, Deep Feelings of Injustice when Universal Laws of Source are not followed.. Deep feelings also of Righteous Anger.. The type the Arch Angels have, but not unrighteous anger and unrighteous dominion and control, but of righteousness only. Those that follow that is Creator.. There of course are those that do not follow Creator and that is why this post is being made..  Of course there are Reptilians of Light, but my post was not about those, but about the others that are in dark who control mother earth and its people.  
Unrighteous to Righteous, Big difference there.  Yes, even angels have anger and so do the ETs of Light.. After all many of Pleiadians remember very cleary the wars from our starsystem and the deaths that took place at the hands of negatives.. They still have wars taking place above.  It is not only the right of us to defend Creators Natural Laws but it is a moral obligation to do so.. 
Maybe your a hybrid, I dont know, but i know one thing you are NO pleiadian, or if you are, you have a huge hold of amnesia upon you.. I have noticed that the majority of folks claiming to be Pleiadian, are actually of another race..  Its popular so folks claim it left and right.. However, the fact of the matter is, there are thousands of races one could be from..  I know I am Pleiadian because I was directly given this in face to face contact.. No sleeping time contact.. I'm talking about wide awake contact and face to face... 
I have to not question your motives, for yours are obviously ones that you either knowingly are doing, or not knowingly.. Either way, you have been fed the perverbial new age sandwich of complacency.. Not all new agers are complacent however.. I was told by the Pleiadians that there are only 3% on the net that know the truth, and of that 3% only 1% have courage to say something about it.. So, it is slim pickings on the net.. I am talking about the truth in regards to the wars that are ongoing and what is really taking place with the ETs above and with ETs and people on Earth.. Only a small percent dares to speak and they go through this with attitudes such as yourself when we speak.. however we are prompted by them above to contine despite the attacks and lies.. Hope you find your spot in the midst of the dogma, and are strong enough to pull yourself out of it..
btw the Pleiadians have used me quite a bit on yahoo groups. I am on very large groups.. Most know I'm Pleiadian by sure witness and which takes place either instantly or over time..   I could care less what you think..  To me your nothing more then an imposter, which is quite common.. 
take care,

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamechoclatemelomelSent: 1/6/2008 9:41 PM
Of that video to which Jewels has posted a link to, it appears to me to have not a shred of truth. For me, and please note, this is for /me/; something that is true will make my hair stand up. This video does not do this, it is laughable that any thinking and reasoning being could possibly believe such hog wash. I would also like to ask why Jewels finds it nescessary to attack anyone that has the 'audacity' to question the validity of her words? If she is truly what she claims, then she would not feel the need to attack. 
If I have given offense, then I apologize. Don't bother kicking or banning me. I'm leaving. I had found some useful information here, but this? It's absurd, and even more so that it is being presented as fact when just the least little amount of digging will show that it is anything but factual. Bye, and thanks for the informative time that I have spent here.

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJewels_Ascend2012Sent: 1/7/2008 12:19 AM
Hi there,  Many things that are untangible are often found to be truths.. There is too many that wish to have God proven, or things of Spirit proven to sufficient liking, but the fact of the matter is, many things not of this world cannot be proven..Better Glory for Creator anyway with that.  Those things that are real are still often unseen to the naked eye until an opening comes to see with Spirit eyes..  This is the case with things that are mentioned in this film.. Not just the film, but these things mentioned have been witnessed by countless people worldwide.   If a truth makes your hair stand up, then it would be wise to become more centered spiritually..Truth makes one free, not afraid.   
When one is centered spiritually, the world could be in nuclear holocaust and you would be untouched by fear, due to faith in Source/Creator .. Creator would be permeating your being as such. ..  Its a matter of tuning/attuning into Source..
Merging with Source/Creator which is very natural when tapped into.  We are Awakening !!  Awesome as that is, it is also a very difficult time. However, if one is not having a hair raising thing take place which is your cue to a "real" event, then simply because your hair is not raising up might mean simply, that it is not raising due to your unbelief rather then it being a non- truth.. If one does not believe, then why would your hair raise up if that is your personal cue.... But, When it hits home and a light bulb goes off, it could be much time down the road, then suddenly the raising of the hair could take place. Although for me truth gives me greater peace, not hair raising.  But when your raising comes, as in when the crap hits the fan and you will have no choice but to see it as it is one day soon.. I hope this is not the case with you or anyone however..
The Pleiadians and Angelic ones above wish us to see it as quickly as possible seeing time is running out to prepare for an alright open contact of both positive and not so positive beings..  Also Ascension and building up of events are escalating. The sooner we prepare Spiritually, the sooner we will know and learn the discernment we will need so at those times of deception AND reality that is to come can be handled accordingly. .. For both will be present on Earth.. Both benevolent and malevolent forces are at work here.  There are some being above that are not so positive as being portrayed on the net.
Even the Native American Elders have spoken about the times to come and have warned their people to remove themselves from the cities.. There is one Elder that has talked about the fake first contact... Or the first fake rapture event of ships of ETs/Reptilians which will appear as angels of light but are in fact negatives shapeshifted into forms that are to deceive those into coming to them and on board their ships.. The Elders have even spoke bluntly about this.. There are elders that expose Reptilian negatives.. There are elders also who are allies to negatives.. Just like all people have those in light and those in dark, this is something that is for all people to discern through..  With mind control technology given to many on Earth from those above, it is getting increasingly difficult to weigh the situation out.. However, even with Shaman Credu Mutwa and his videos in Africa, he went out of his way to reveal the truths that their people have documented over long periods of time.. These documentations go back eons for many people.. I would recommend HIGHLY the Credu Mutwa video of that wonderful Shaman who came forth to expose it as it is.. Even knowing it was a dangerous task to do.  There is too many artifacts and documentations/records that go back to the early times of Earth to blow off.. 
many things unbelievable are still real.. Even if it does not fit into our perceptions.  We have been under deep mind control since our inception of birth..  We were taken over long ago.. Our DNA changed, manipulated, and tampered with so that our innate abilities we were created with could not be accessed.. At least until now.. Now is the time of our DNA change to go back to which we were created as in the beginning, however, with trance state so high and negative vibration of denial upon us, it is very difficult for us to be activated within, when we are not wiling or able to face the truth of reality, as it is in all its forms, with no sugar coating... When we look at all angles.. Pleasant and Not so pleasant ,together, then whole truth comes. Through this whole truth, issues are faced, openings to the higher realms of beings can come more easily and with that,  peace.. Peace comes due to knowing the whole truth and feeling free to understand it.  Whole truth always leads to greater peace and then the Angelic ones are able to work with easier due to getting to the root causes and reactions. Source/Creator backs us through His/Her Angelic ones who stand side by side with us during these great and often trying times. Standing by us during the Ascension process. All truth shall be revealed.. Do we want it sooner or do we want it later?  Mother Earth and its people will be cleansed and with it a new world and peace to come.. But just like any pains of birth and renewel, it will not be so easy as presented across the Internet.. Wishing our sorrows away.. Creating the reality in our minds does not make it so.. WE can create all the day long, but karma and consequences of past actions still have to be paid up.  This is Natural Laws. Chosing other timelines to avoid unpleasantness simply will not be... Why? Due to our eons of abuse and darkness.. Also those rewards of Light work will be given as well,.. We can be light workers and still owe a heavy duty of repayment. We do have many lives to account for. . The sooner we face those things, the sooner we will be in the mode to Ascend during these times up ahead... one way or another we will face the music of our destiny and, YES we shall make it through and YES we will be reunited with those of love from above.. But, childbirth and renewel will not be without toll...  There will be many protected and who have faced things of past and who will have the angelic ones assist them to be in the exact places they need to be during trumulteous times, and be protected of many things. .  However there is no doubt and from what the Pleiadians have shown me, for many others, there will be much loss due to their own doing of denial of circumstances and wishing it away.. They will be taken by surprised when they thought they were protected in their bubbles of all is love and light, to then have a sad awakening that not all is love and light..  Much of which is due to denial and pretending circumstances away... Rather then understanding them, facing them, taking responsibility for them, loving others during hard times and good, but they wish to think they can create a new reality of denial and not be responsible for not loving their neighbors during hard times, or thinking their life is happy so they need not care for another, so long as they are ok. This is the type of thing that will be faced in that musical score.  With all the Light they surround them with and through blending with Light, they think they can avoid karma of many lifetimes.. This is not Creator's way.. Universal laws and Karma were placed here for us to all take responsiblity for our actions, including actions of ignoring humanities need for love of each other and mother earth.. Which has long been neglected..
Now to get back to my point.. Remember , it was not I that attacked.. It was Troy who went after my post of free expression, who gave me no choice but to explain the position of myself and star brethren that I know above. ..  It was i that came under attack.. Were you Manipulating the info? I dont know.. .. Forgeting how the conversation played out? possibly.. But I am correcting this right now and setting the record straight..
Btw though boldness in speach and being forthright is not attacking. However still I was attacked first.
As far as "fact" is concerned , most things spiritual cannot be proven seeing they are not of our world, nor even of our dimension...  Prove as fact sufficiently to one pleasing enough that Angels Exist, or Creator/God, Or ETs of Light, Or even prove the illuminati exists because they are very good at hiding their agenda..
I can tell you how to prove it sufficiently though..  It is the Spirit which tesitfies.. Sometimes the Spirit testifies of truth but  if we wish to ignore that, it cant be forced.   It can only testify gently and wait for us to be ready and catch up..  However, i have a direct testimony, that's for me to know and cherish.. As far as each of us, we have our paths and ways of learning.  I only share that which is prompted for me to by Angels ... Take that or leave that it matters not but perhaps it is for someone elses ears, and not for some not ready.. That is ok too .. Right?  I mean we have our paths and we have our stengths and weaknesses in learning.. We have our levels we are at.

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