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Ancient Times : About Levitation
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From: MSN NicknameAscendingSWITW1  (Original Message)Sent: 10/27/2005 2:28 AM

Great stone structures and megaliths around the world stand as
mysteries to how they were constructed. Is it possible their builders
possessed the powers of defying gravity?

Did ancient civilizations possess knowledge that has since been lost
to science? Were amazing technologies available to the ancient
Egyptians that enabled them to construct the pyramids - technologies
that have somehow been forgotten?

The ruins of several ancient civilizations - from Stonehenge to the
pyramids - show that they used massive stones to construct their
monuments. A basic question is why? Why use stone pieces of such
enormous size and weight when the same structures could have been
constructed with more easily managed smaller blocks - much like we
use bricks and cinderblocks today?

Could part of the answer be that these ancients had a method of
lifting and moving these massive stones - some weighing several tons -
that made the task as easy and manageable as lifting a two-pound
brick? The ancients, some researchers suggest, may have mastered the
art of levitation, through sonics or some other obscure method, that
allowed them to defy gravity and manipulate massive objects with ease.

The Egyptian Pyramids

How the great pyramids of Egypt were built has been the subject of
debate for millennia. The fact is, no one really knows for certain
exactly how they were constructed. The current estimates of
mainstream science contends that it took a workforce of 4,000 to
5,000 men 20 years to build the Great Pyramid using ropes, pulleys,
ramps, ingenuity and brute force.

And that very well may have been the case. But there is an intriguing
passage in a history text by the 10th century Arab historian, Abul
Hasan Ali Al-Masudi, known as the Herodotus of the Arabs. Al-Masudi
had traveled much of the known world in his day before settling in
Egypt, and he had written a 30-volume history of the world. He too
was struck by the magnificence of the Egyptian pyramids and wrote
about how their great stone blocks were transported. First, he said,
a "magic papyrus" (paper) was placed under the stone to be moved.
Then the stone was struck with a metal rod that caused the stone to
levitate and move along a path paved with stones and fenced on either
side by metal poles. The stone would travel along the path, wrote Al-
Masudi, for a distance of about 50 meters and then settle to the
ground. The process would then be repeated until the builders had the
stone where they wanted it.

Considering that the pyramids were already thousands of years old
when Al-Masudi wrote this explanation, we have to wonder where he got
his information. Was it part of an oral history that was passed down
from generation to generation in Egypt? The unusual details of the
story raise that possibility. Or was this just a fanciful story
concocted by a talented writer who - like many who marvel at the
pyramids today - concluded that there must have been some
extraordinary magical forces employed to build such a magnificent

If we take the story at face value, what kind of levitation forces
were involved? Did the striking of the rock create vibrations that
resulted in sonic levitation? Or did the layout of stones and rods
create a magnetic levitation? If so, the science accounting for
either scenario is unknown to us today.

Other Astonishing Megaliths

The Egyptian pyramids are not the only ancient structures constructed
of huge blocks of stone. Far from it. Great temples and monuments
around the world contain stone components of incredible size, yet
little is known about their means of construction.

The Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek, Lebanon has a foundation that
contains the three largest stone blocks ever used in a man-made
structure. Each block is estimated to weigh as much as 1,000 tons! No
super crane in existence today could lift one, yet they are
positioned together with such precision that not even a needle could
fit between them. Nearby is an even bigger stone. Known as Hajar el
Hibla - the Stone of the Pregnant Woman - it lies abandoned in its
quarry, never used. But the giant rectangular block is the largest
piece of stone ever cut by humans, weighing an incredible 1,200 tons.
It is estimated that it would require the strength of 16,000 men to
even budge it, and represents a formidable challenge to 20th century
machines and technology.

On an isolated plateau at Tiahuanaco Bolivia, 13,000 feet above sea
level, stands an impressive monument called Puerta del Sol, or Sun
Gate. The elaborately carved gate weighs an estimated 10 tons, and
how it arrived at its present location is a mystery.

Nan Madol, sometimes called "the Machu Pichu of the Pacific," is a
great ruins on the island of Pohnpei, capitol of the Federated States
of Micronesia. This lost city, constructed around 200 B.C., is made
up of hundreds of stacked stone logs, each about 18-feet-long and
several feet in diameter. The logs, stacked like cordwood, constitute
walls that are 40 feet high and 18 feet thick. Each stone log is
estimated to weigh about 2.5 tons. How they were moved and lifted
into position is unknown.

What was the secret these diverse and ancient cultures possessed to
manipulate these great stone blocks? A massive supply of slave labor
straining human muscle and ingenuity to their limits? Or was there
another more mysterious way? It's remarkable that these cultures
leave no record of how these structures were constructed.
However, "in almost every culture where megaliths exist," according
to 432:Cosmic Key, "a legend also exists that the huge stones were
moved by acoustic means - either by the chanted spells of magicians,
by song, by striking with a magic wand or rod (to produce acoustic
resonance), or by trumpets, gongs, lyres, cymbals or whistles."

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 3/23/2006 3:06 PM

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From: MSN NicknamemyckkiaSent: 4/11/2006 6:17 AM