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Are crystals that have tiny crystals growing inside a larger crystal. These are very good for people who have had traumatic childhoods, physically or mentally. They are helpful for people who are blocking painful memories. They help bring the cause of pain to the surface and allow the person to successfully deal with it, while shielding that person from the pain those memories can cause. These crystals work well for people who are working through current family problems.

Work slowly with this type of crystal so things can be cleared at your own pace. You may not feel inclined to work with it at all in the beginning. Don't force yourself. When you feel ready, you will find yourself drawn to that particular crystal. You may have this crystal for years before you use it.

Also, sometimes crystals come to you so that they can go to someone else. For example, someone might recieve a crystal with babies, have it for some time and not be drawn to it at all. Suddenly they will have an urge to pass it on to someone else.

You can use this crystal in meditation or just keep it close to you. Just be prepared to deal with whatever comes up. Try to have some sort of support around you if you are going to work with this crystal.



Crystal Ball

The sphere is an expression of infinite symmetry. The reflected image of a person's aura lets the trained interpreter see and know much about a person.



 Generator Crystal

An equal sided crystal so that all six sides come to a symmetrical point. For channeling and directing energy of chakras. A chakra is one of the seven energy centers of the human body.



Receiver or Channeling Crystal

Crystals have a small triangular face on the back of the point. Helps discern the wisdom of the soul from a connection within the self, or as a guide to one's own conscience. Can only be used by the person holding the crystal.



Record Keepers or Recorders Crystal

Triangular markings in the surface of the crystal. These pits may be difficult to see because they are faint. Hold the crystal in the light and turn it different ways to catch the reflection. These crystals are said to store ancient wisdom, and will teach you the lessons you need most in life.



Tabular or Tabbies Crystal

Thin, flat sided crystals. Balances energy between two people, and spans the higher and lower, and inner and outer selves. Tabbies are said to be high energy crystals and vibrate at a high level.



 Time Link Crystal

Left or right hand crystallographic windows. The left hand window is the time line to the past, the right hand window is the timeline to the future.



  Transmitter Crystal

A small triangular face on the front of the crystal. Applies universal wisdom to daily life..



   Windows Crystal

A diamond shaped face of the crystal. "Window to the soul" reflects shadows of fear or insecurity that inhibit expression of light. Used in meditation and introspection, these crystals will help you find the root of your problems and help you solve the issues surrounding them.




Have a smaller crystal growing out from them. This 'trigger can be gently squeezed to activate the power of the crystal and strengthen its attributes. These are just used for a surge of a particular kind of energy.




A self-healed crystal is one that has been broken off and damaged quite badly, but then begins to grow again. A phantom is a crystal that has had some impurity drop on it during growth, but then continues to grow right around the impurity. Either of these types of crystal can help you heal from being hurt, heal from emotional injuries. These are important crystals that will usually come into your life at a time when you are carrying a lot of pain. Just sitting with this crystal will help you deal with the pain effectively.




These represent community and are very powerful at clearing any negative energy from the room. Just set one out somewhere and allow it to work to clear the enviroment.


These particular clusters are mined in a very small area of the Colorado Rockies. These are powerful in keeping the spirit centered because they carry a special kind of energy that keeps all the energy centers within the body aligned, balanced, and in harmony with each other.


Crystals from Brazil have the special quality of enhancing your ability to project energy over a distance. For example, in some of the above exercises, where you are sending healing energy to someone that is too far away for you to touch physically, hold a Brazilian crystal along with the other crystal to strengthen the transmission.



These extremely rare crystals are hand mined high in the mountains of Tibet, and are carried down the mountainside by backpack. Tibetan crystals are for protection. Just having a Tibetan crystal close to you puts up an automatic shield against negative energy. It also helps shield you from other people's negative energy. This shield is even stronger if you do a centering exercise while holding the crystal.

Special Crystals #3


Special Crystals #1