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Native American : Animal Charactoristics
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 2/5/2007 6:18 AM

~Animal Charactoristics~

Bear's medicine includes: Inner knowing, healing, dreaming, transformation, introspection, solitude. Bear, lend me your gentle strength.Show me the way to my inner child
as I explore the magical secrets of the dreamtime.
Bear is the keeper of the dreamtime. He stores your dream knowledge so that you may learn from it when you awaken.
Bear thinks his actions through very carefully. He is not quick to judge, but rather thinks deeply about his decisions. When you ask Bear a question or ask for an opinion, you can be sure that he will reply with an informed, well thought-out answer.
Bear is usually nourishing and gentle, but has quick reflexes and will readily fight if necessary with brute strength and speed. Bear loves to get his paws into sweet things, but even more importantly, Bear loves to feel comfortable and warm. Other people feel cozy with Bear. Bear people are often sleepy, and tend to "hibernate" more than others.

Coyote's medicine includes: Shapeshifting, intelligence, cunning Coyote, teach me the paradox of life,
the balance of the dark and light,the sacredness of what is not sacred at all. While one may imagine that Coyote represents a trickster (and he does!), he also represents one worthy of trust. This is just one way he is a symbol of duality. He teaches us the importance of balance by being foolish and wise,
silly and serious, simple and complex, happy and sad.
Coyote is humorous and funny, but sometimes, his laughter is a mask for his sadness and desolation. His laughter is really at the very brink of tears. He will do anything to make people laugh, even if it means being a complete fool, as long as nobody discovers his secret pain. The important lessons Coyote teaches us are to love our children, laugh at our mistakes, and appreciate the paradox that is life -- all is sacred, yet
nothing is sacred at all.

Butterfly's medicine includes: Joy, transformation, courage
Butterfly, reveal my inner beauty.Guide me in the transformation of my soul.With my new wings, I rise above the clouds. Butterfly is a magical animal, she represents change more so than any other power animal. She was a symbol of the soul in earlier times. The Greek word "psyche" meant both "soul" and "butterfly" ... it was believed that when a
person died, their soul became a butterfly. A Butterfly person loves to dance. The dance of Butterfly is full of bliss,
joy, and power. Butterfly will come to you at a point in your life when you are undergoing a change which requires courage. You are coming out of your cocoon, and that takes a lot of bravery, going to face something you have never faced before.
When Butterfly comes to you, examine what changes you are going through. Butterfly gives you the chance to make your transformation a beautiful experience. Once transformation is complete, your possibilities will have greatly expanded. Nothing can stop you as long as you use your wonderful new wings and fly!

Dog's medicine includes: Loyalty, protection Dog, teach me the importance of loyalty. Show me the joy of blind love.
I follow my heart to see the unseen. Dog is a watcher and protector, he is loyal and trustworthy. Dog is true to
himself and lets nobody change his values. His love is absolute and unconditional. Once you have befriended Dog, you have made a friend and guardian for life. A Dog person is kind and caring. There is nothing Dog won't do to help their family and friends. Dog doesn't ask for anything in return for its services as watcher and protector. A gentle touch, a kind word, or a friendly gesture has more meaning than money or material treasures. A Dog person also has a tendency to "smell" something bad -- they sense trouble from a distance and
can tell when a person has evil intentions simply by being near them. The down side of Dog is that he can be too trusting, allowing himself to be taken advantage of. If you are a Dog person, do not let yourself be walked all over. Don't let others abuse your generous and loyal nature.

Dolphin's medicine includes: Communication, wisdom, the power of breath & sound Dolphin, lend me your insight, deep as the ocean,to follow the rhythms of the universe
and hear the voices of my ancestors. Dolphin warns mankind of the danger that nears as we ignore the balance of our delicate ecosystem. Dolphin teaches man how controlling our breathing can release emotions and help us reach altered states of consciousness. If you are able to breathe in rhythm with Dolphin, he will take you to all the places that existed before
man walked the earth, before the seas covered the land, during our primordial beginnings. Dolphin also teaches how inner sound, along with breathing, can allow you to enter the waters of life to seek your desires. Dolphin's lesson is to move with the flow of life. Go the direction life carries you and you will avoid great obstacles. He encourages you to dive deep into the waters of life, don't forget to enjoy life, and always emember
to breathe!

Eagle's medicine includes: Courage, spirit Eagle, carry me into the sky,to rise above my doubts. Set me free to reach my soul's desires. Eagle rises above everything, he is ambitious and reaches for the stars. Eagle is thought of as being the closest to the Creator, he flies above the material to see the spiritual. This gives Eagle a great amount of insight and
spiritual wisdom. An Eagle person is tenacious, in control, and very brave. They often "rise above" the chaos below them to reach spiritual solace. As long as Eagle follows his intuition, he will be heading in the right direction.

Fox's medicine includes: Cleverness, camouflage Fox, share with me your wisdom,to see the unseen,and unseen, see.
Fox reminds all people to stay in touch with their feminine side. Fox people often have an affinity with Faeries, elves, gnomes, and other magical creatures of the faerie kingdom. Fox has a keen sense of smell, so you may notice odors more than most people or have a stronger sense of taste that allows you to pick up subtle flavors in foods. A master of camouflage, Fox can blend in to any background. A Fox person can enter a room and meld into the surroundings, going unnoticed for a long
while. This "invisibility" allows Fox to silently observe his surroundings and use his conclusions to his advantage.

Hawk's medicine includes: Messenger Hawk, your call awakens me in the night, and I see what the daylight reveals.
One day, I, too, will pull people from the darkness. Hawk carries a message in his shrill cry which only those with Hawk medicine can decipher. His piercing shriek slices through the shroud of unknowing, asking you to seek the truth. His cry represents illumination in the darkness of ignorance.
Hawk will not let your talents and skills go to waste, instead, he will scope out the situation to make sure you use as much of your talents as possible. Hawk can solve a problem by flying above the situation. He removes himself from it, observing it only as a passive viewer. This allows Hawk to see the
big picture. Hawk's broad vision allows you to see the past, present, and future all laid out before you. Once you are aware of the opportunities in front of you, Hawk will help you to wisely choose your moves to make the best of your potential.

Horse's medicine includes: Freedom, clairvoyance, endurance
Horse, teach me to see the truth.Show me the ties of friendship.Free my warrior spirit! Horse is a beautiful, powerful, proud creature who has taken many forms in
mythology. Pegasus, Unicorn, Centaur, and many other creatures in mythology are brothers to Horse. Horse is a magical creature who can see into man's soul. Horse shows his devotion is his willingness to carry man on his back, giving
him a freedom of movement and travel that no other animal can provide. The lesson Horse brings to man is that there is strength in numbers. He teaches that cooperation, collaboration, and the ties of friendship equal power. Horse shows us that when we can synchronize our motives with the
motives of others, we have the power to do anything and reach any goal. A Horse person has a wild spirit that cannot be broken. Horse loves freedom, but also is unquestioning and faithful to his master. A warrior lies inside those with Horse medicine, this warrior spirit keeps you safe in your travels
and fills you with stamina.

Frog's medicine includes: Cleansing, rebirth Frog, little one with great wisdom,teach me to call the rain,to make new life blossom from old worries. Frog's medicine brings the rain of cleansing, both physical and spiritual.Frog will come to you at a time when you are worried, stressed, nervous, overwhelmed, or weak. Take some time to cleanse spiritually and take a break from the troubles of life. From this cleansing comes rebirth. A Frog person has the ability to cleanse away negative energies whether by song, words, or tears. Frog may seem small, but his lesson is great. He teaches us that we must cleanse and release negative energies in order to conquer our daily problems. All too often we forget this, and let the stress
consume us. Frog comes to you when you need a vacation to regain control of your life; enjoy this message and take a well deserved break!

Lion's medicine includes: Patience, family importance, courage Lion, teach me to be a protector,powerful, yet silent and still.
I am strong and proud, but know my weaknesses. Lion is a totem of feminine power and strength. The male lion sits and boasts his beautiful mane while the lioness is out hunting, working, and feeding the pride. The male lion is the protector of the pride, but he does not fight if he can avoid it. He would sooner bask on a rock as get into a brawl. Lion always
tries a passive, calm approach before resorting to violence to protect what he loves. Lion knows that one must not underestimate the power of peace, and suggests that we release all our stress and frustration before making any
rash decisions. Lion teaches many lessons. He reminds us to examine our behavior to find flaws and weaknesses as well as strengths. He teaches us to keep our temper under control. He also teaches us the power of silent, unseen observation,
just like Fox. And, most importantly, he teaches us the important of family and of team work.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 2/5/2007 6:24 AM

~Animal Charactoristics #2~

Lizard's medicine includes: Dreaming, regeneration Lizard, teach me your medicine.Let me sleep in your skin,and see the dreamtime through your heart. When Lizard comes to you, he is telling you that it is time to start paying attention to your dreams. When you accept Lizard as your power animal, you
will see that your dreams and more vivid, more lucid, and much more meaningful. Lizard teaches us to think about the deeper meaning of our dreams. What are our dreams trying to tell us?
Lizard is perceptive and he can see the shadows of our souls, our doubts, fears, uncertainty, frustrations, worries. He wants us to see these things and learn to overcome them. Lizard encourages us to face our fears. Lizard has the unusual ability to regenerate something which has been lost. When a lizard loses his tail, he can grow it back. This is a lesson to us.
There is nothing that is so easily lost, we can regain things through repair and regeneration.

Owl's medicine includes: Clairvoyance, awareness, intuition
Owl, let me see and hear all around me,teach me to understand even that which is hidden,to have clarity when others do not.
Owl has a very keen perception of everything that is going on. She is aware of everything that is happening around her at all times, and she can see whatever she focuses on with sharp clarity. People with Owl medicine know what's going on, and have clairvoyant or psychic powers. Their intuition is accurate, clear, and precise. Those with Owl medicine are the least gullible of all people. Nobody can get a lie or a con past them because Owl sees right through them, peering past
their mask to see the truth beneath.

Rabbit's medicine includes: Humility, Fear, Guile Rabbit, teach me to face my fears.Lend me your medicine
to free my mind of boundaries. Rabbit's lesson to us is to not let fearful thoughts get the best of us. When we let a fear take our mind over, soon that fear will manifest itself in
reality. Rabbit people sometimes invite the things they fear -- disaster, tragedy, sickness -- so that they can overcome the fear by finally facing it. Sometimes Rabbit comes to us to tell us that when things seem to be going nowhere, simply wait for life to get back into motion. Reevaluate how you are going about things to eliminate the fears and obstacles that may be causing life to be slow and then let life flow again.

Panther's medicine includes: Rebirth, knowledge of darkness and death Panther, let me know your silent wisdom.
As my perception expands,I will find a wealth of insight awaits me. Panther is secretive, silent, and graceful in her every move. She is solitary by choice, she tells little but listens much. She is careful not to share too much information, only enough to ease curious minds. Panther people have a broader vision. Panther medicine gives them a deeper insight, both spiritually and psychically. Their enhanced perspective lets them see things in close detail or from a distance. Panthers enter the world enlightened whereas others have to work to achieve that. Black Panther is very mystical, she finds the most power in darkness. Black Panther understands death and teaches people not to fear it, for out of death comes rebirth.
When Panther enters your life, it is time for a new beginning, a new door has opened up for you. Panther introduces you to an expanded awareness, alternate realities, the elimination of fears, and most of all, total rebirth. Panther gives us the opportunity to become a whole new person, and she promises to be our protector and guardian throughout this rebirth process.

Raven's medicine includes: Consciousness Raven, share with me your magic.I am the darkness in the light,the light in the darkness. Raven carries magick from the dark void of the Crone (dark mother) to our realm. This void is where great knowledge awaits us. Thus, Raven has a great responsibility to the spirit realm. Those who have Raven medicine will also
feel this responsibility and will tend to be those who share deeper knowledge -- spiritual teachers, healers, priests, doctors, prophets. Raven comes when you ask for love, light, and healing. When Raven brings his medicine to you, he gives you a heightened awareness, sharper perception, and
an expanded consciousness. With this new perception you can look into the heart and soul of people, begin feeling what they feel. This strong empathy can be a burden. With this refined perception comes a responsibility to use the Raven medicine
wisely. One could abuse it, using it for selfish, nefarious purposes. This is not the way to go. Use the clarity and understanding that Raven gives you for good purposes. That is why Raven comes to you when you need light the most. He does not want you to turn to the darkness because it will eventually
destroy you. As long as you use Raven's powerful medicine for the good of others, life will continue to flow smoothly for you as well.

Snake's medicine includes: Change, immortality Snake, your venom is sweet.My fear is gone, I am ready for change. I follow you down the new path you have guarded. Snake medicine is rare and is most often presented to the person using the approach of fear. A person with snake medicine will find that they are fearful of this Shadow Animal most of their lives. But after surviving many venomous snake attacks, they conquer their fear and are opened to the world of Snake's medicine. Snake comes to you at a time when you are heading for change. You are ready to explore the mysterious, voyage where you have never gone before, whether in the physical world or in the depths of the mind and soul. People with
Snake medicine know the power of renewal. Snake sheds his skin, leaving it behind and slithering away completely renewed. Snake people can do the same, shedding their dull layers to reveal a brilliant new self underneath. Snake people are also creative and have strong psychic/intuitive powers. Snake represents the silver cord that connects the physical body to the astral body, so Snake people may also be especially adept in astral travel. The snake is a symbol of Goddess energy and he will protect you from religious persecution.

Spider's medicine includes: Weaving, destiny Spider, weaver of the web,show to me the connection between all things.
Open me to the universal consciousness. Grandmother Spider was the weaver of the cosmic web which is the very fabric
of the universe. Spider has a great and very important lesson for us. She teaches that a delicate web connects everything in the universe, when we ourselves have a weakness, the entire web is that much weaker, and thus everything we do affects existence as a whole. When we can be stronger and more honorable, we make everything else stronger and more honorable. Spider represents two sides of the Goddess, the creatrix, and the destroyer. A Spider person tends to draw people into their "web." Those who become close to Spider are engrossed, enchanted, captivated ... raveled in Spider's
beautiful enigma. People love Spider and find her hard to turn away from, even when she wants them to be gone. She fascinates them so much that they willingly tangle themselves in her web in hopes of understanding her better. But the person who really gains Spider's affection is the one who can escape!

Turtle's medicine includes: Earth wisdom, protection
Turtle, teach me your magic,I follow you to the source of power to learn the earth's greatest secrets.
Turtle has many mystical powers ... earth magic, water magic, psychic protection, healing. Turtle can allow you to find balance in your life as well as freedom from struggles. He teaches carefulness, tenacity, and patience as the keys to reaching your goals. Turtle people can feel at home anywhere they go because they carry their protective shell with them. But when Turtle finds himself in an uncomfortable situation, he tends to retreat into his shell instead of facing the problem. While sometimes this keeps Turtle from learning valuable lessons, it also means that people with Turtle medicine are survivors. They can chase new opportunities but feel safe knowing that they can withdraw into the refuge of their "shell" when trouble rears its head.

Wolf's medicine includes: Spirit teaching, social/family importance Wolf, my spiritual guide,lead me down the sacred path.I have much to learn, and much to teach. Wolf is a teacher and pathfinder. He comes to you when you need guidance, and
once you accept his medicine, you will move on to be a teacher to others about sacredness and spirituality. Wolf can solve other people's problems easily, finding solutions in difficult situations. He communicates through subtle gestures and expressions. A simple glance can be worth a million words.
Wolf people are social and have a good sense of family values and togetherness. They are friendly and intelligent. They are also loyal to their mate and highly protective of family and close friends.

posted by JohnAdams

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/9/2007 6:04 PM

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBoldyKatSent: 7/21/2008 5:14 AM

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