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Native American : Bear Symbology - Clans
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 2/5/2007 10:17 AM

Bear Symbology - Clans

In shamanism bears are totem animals  or power animals. This takes us to the very source of 'nature in motion' - the summer solstice - shaminism - the rhythm of drumming - sweat lodges and cleansing - as we meditate - initiate - and activate our DNA to uncover our lost wisdom and soul's purpose.

White Bear Medicine Woman

There is a Pawnee legend about White Bear Medicine Woman. She was born with the spirit of a bear, after her father killed a bear while she was in her mother's womb. She is the origin of the Bear Medicine Ceremony invoking healing powers by actions of a bear based on her narrative myth.

White Bear Medicine Woman is connected to the wheel - circles.

Medicine Wheels the Big Bear Medicine Wheel

Wheel of Time - Karma - Cycles of Life  

Alchemy Wheel of Creation 

Dream Catchers

Swastika -  4 elements - seasons 

As you sit there ... close your eyes. Take 2 slow deep breaths. Relax. If White Bear Medicine Woman is part if your journey - ask her to come to you with a message. Wait for her! Record what is shown and told. If you wish to do this with drumming music - please click the power animal link above.

Bear Symbology   Bears hibernate in the winter, which may explain their association with "dreaming the Great Spirit" or retrospection. The symbolism of the Bear's cave reflects returning to the womb of Mother Earth. [A cave is an archetype for the mind - sleep - returning/flying/spiraling to higher consciousness.] This also suggests a strong feminine aspect, one of nurturing and protection. Bear cubs, born in the early spring, can spend as many as seven years with their mother before reaching maturity. People with Bear Medicine are considered by many as self-sufficient, and would rather stand on their own two feet than rely on others. They are sometimes considered dreamers. Many have developed the skill of visualizing new things, but as a result can get caught up in the dreaming, making little progress in waking reality. Bear's medicine includes introspection, healing, solitude, wisdom, change, communication with Spirit, death and rebirth, transformation, astral travel, creature of dreams, shamans and mystics.

Bear Medicine  With Bear Medicine we find this website;

The Bear is the keeper of the dream time, and stores the teachings of dreams until the dreamer wakes up to them. Many tribes have called this space of inner-knowing the Dream Lodge, where the death of the illusion of physical reality overlays the expansiveness of eternity.

It is in the Dream Lodge that our ancestors sit in Council and advise us regarding alternative pathways that lead to our goals.

If you like bears, you should maybe look into some books on interpreting dreams; especially if you're a heavy dreamer. If you need a lot of sleep, it may be Bear working. This female receptive energy, for centuries has allowed visionaries, mystics, and shamans to prophesy.

The strength of Bear medicine is the power of introspection. Bear is not one to make snap decisions, nor one to ramrod or force into any position. Bear takes in all available information, takes it into his quiet place, studies that information carefully, gives it careful thought for a while, and then reaches his own informed decisions based on the facts at hand. Bear is the one who says, "I have to think about this. I'll be in touch later." You can rely on opinions coming from a Bear person as being well thought out and thorough, and based on the facts given. To accomplish the goals and dreams that we carry, the art of introspection is necessary.

Bear is a fierce warrior, especially when protecting their young. They appear to be lumbering and slow, but can have lightning speed when threatened. They love fish when they can get it, but they also eat berries, honey, etc. Bear people like home and shelter, and like to be warm and cozy.

With Bear Medicine, the power of knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities. This is the strength of Bear.

Bears in Mythology

There is some evidence for prehistoric bear worship, see Arctic, Arcturus, Great Bear, Berserker, Kalevala.

The bear is a national emblem of Russia.

Numerous cities around the world have adopted the bear as a symbol, notably the Swiss capital Bern, which takes its name from the German for bear, bar. The bear is also the name-emblem of Berlin.

Bears are a common symbol of heraldry. In the arms of the bishopric of Freising the bear is the dangerous totem animal tamed by Saint Corbinian and made to carry his civilized baggage over the mountains: the allegory of the civilizing influence of Christianity is inescapable.

The bear is also the name-emblem of Berlin.

Bears are a common symbol of heraldry. In the arms of the bishopric of Freising the bear is the dangerous totem animal tamed by Saint Corbinian and made to carry his civilized baggage over the mountains: the allegory of the civilizing influence of Christianity is inescapable. Read More ...

Bear Clan Origin Myth 

The Bear Clan (Hundj Hik'ik'Სdjera) is a large clan of the Lower or Earth Moiety, and in contemporary Wisconsin, it is now the largest clan. The Bear Clan had to be consulted on all matters pertaining to the earth (such as land transfers), just as the Waterspirit Clan was in charge of matters pertaining to water, and the Thunderbird Clan to matters aerial. Read More...

Bear Constellation - Ursa Major

Big Dipper Stars in Summer Sky

Ursa Major is a constellation visible throughout the year in the northern hemisphere. Its name means Great Bear in Latin, and is associated with the legend of Callisto.

Zeus fell in love with a mortal woman named Callisto, who was a far-traveler and a huntress. His wife Hera became jealous, and changed Callisto into a large bear. When Callisto failed to return after a long journey, her son Arcas set out to find her, and in a forest one day met a huge bear. To his horror, the bear started to run toward him. Not perceiving it was his mother, Arcas fitted an arrow to his bow and was about to slay the bear, when Zeus, to avert the impending tragedy, changed Arcas into a smaller bear. Zeus could not undo Hera's spell. Then Zeus grabbed both bears by the tails, swung them around (thus stretching their tails out), and hurled them into the sky where they would be safe and immortal. However, Hera had the last word, moving them to the portion of the sky that never sets, so that until the end of the world Callisto and Arcas must endure weariness without rest.

The seven brightest stars of Ursa Major form a famous asterism known in the United Kingdom as the Plough, and was formerly called by the old name Charles's Wain ("wain" meaning "wagon") as it still is in Scandinavia, Karlavagnen. This common Germanic name originally meant the men's wagon (churls' wagon) in contrast to the women's wagon (Ursa Minor). There is also a theory that it was named after Charlemagne. In North America it is commonly known as the Big Dipper, because the major stars can be seen to follow the rough outline of a large ladle, or dipper; this is recognized as a grouping of stars in many cultures throughout the eras. In Hindu astronomy, it is referred to as Sapta Rishi meaning "The Seven Sages". Read More ...

Asterism derives from the Greek word for 'star', 'aster'. In astronomy, an asterism is a recognized pattern of stars seen in Earth's sky which is neither an official constellation nor a true star cluster. Asterisms are considered to be distinct from constellations, although the origin of most constellations is also a recognizable pattern of stars. An asterism might be a part of a constellation, a pattern composed of stars from two or more constellations, or a smaller distinctive pattern of stars which are not physically associated and are therefore not classified as a cluster. Examples of Asterisms

Aster - in reference to a planet, or to a particular configuration of planets or a conjunction of planets and stars - might be implicit in Matthew's description of the Star (aster) of Bethlehem which, if it was not an angelic or supernatural phenomenon, need not have been a single star.

Aster is also associated with Zoroaster.

The 3 Magi were Zoroastrian priests.

Bears Today

In our current timeline - with environmental changes - bears - as well as other forest animals - often find food scarce. Their food sources become displaced as housing expands. As a result, many bears come down from the mountains and wander into people's yards and homes in search of food. This is an increasing pattern - as reported by friends, clients, and the media. Learning how to cope with this situation is most important so as not to endanger local residents and their pets. Here in NY state - many friends have found hungry bears lurking on their property, rummaging through garbage.

Some people report bear sightings in patterns - meaning bears come into a neighborhood - stay a few days - then return 3 weeks later - or whatever the pattern is - as if on cue!

Thanks for sharing this- SweetMarie

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 2/9/2007 6:10 PM