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Metaphysics : Remote Viewing
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 Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/26/2007 9:36 PM
Remote Viewer Describes
Ancient Civilization
By Jean Christou
Cyprus Mail
A Paphos-based organisation that investigates paranormal phenomena is challenging American author Robert Sarmast's assertion that the lost city of Atlantis lies off Cyprus. The group says they have conducted a remote viewing experiment with the participation of a former US military "psychic spy'.
John Knowles, who runs Psychognosia with his wife Linda Leblanc, recently engaged Sarmast, the author of Discovery of Atlantis: The Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus, in a friendly debate on Paphos TV, challenging his claims based on history and on the accounts of Plato, which is the main source of Sarmast's theory on the location of Atlantis.
Following the TV debate, Leblanc said that it seemed like an ideal opportunity to display the skills of what she called one of the one of the world's most talented "remote viewers" and one of the top US military former "psychic spies", Joseph McMoneagle.
It is known that the US and Russian military have over the years conducted extensive research in the use of extra-sensory perception (ESP) to obtain intelligence information. The practice is known as remote viewing and McMoneagle has written four books about his experiences working for the US Defence Department. Following his retirement from the military, he established a company that conducts remote viewing under contract with private individuals and companies "Using only the map co-ordinates of Sarmast, we commissioned Joseph McMoneagle to report what he found at this location before Sarmast conducts his underwater exploration," said Leblanc.
"As is McMoneagle's usual protocol, he did not know we were the contractor. All he had was the co-ordinates that Sarmast proposes to use, in a sealed envelope, with general questions we provided, on the outside of the envelope. There was no mention of "Atlantis" or Cyprus, either by us or in McMoneagle"s three-page report.
McMoneagle was asked to describe what he saw within a two-mile radius of the coordinates both 10,000 years ago and at the present time.
His report said he perceived what appeared to be 10,000 years ago a generally elongated island running approximately east-northeast to west-southwest, approximately 235 kilometres in length and 65-75 kilometres wide at its widest with two moderately tall mountains at either end of the island.
He said there was a predominant city on the island with a system of buildings which seemed to represent homes "for lack of a better word". "These appear to be apartments or clusters of homes that are interconnected with streets that run in lines outward from the central core of the city that sits at the foot of the mountain bluff," the report said "The city is crowded but orderly. It is also filled with many canals and rivers running throughout, and a multitude of hanging gardens, also filled with water.
There are many gardens filled with produce-producing plants. Lots of greenery and multi-coloured plants indicating flowering plants of various natures. I have a strong feeling and sense that there are many aromas filling the streets and airs here."
He said he also saw art everywhere: statues, art work on buildings, mosaics, paintings, decorative stone work, carvings, woodwork and the like. "It is a place that is filled with the types of things one would find in a culture with much available leisure time and the kinds of highly valued crafts to fill it," the report said. "I do not get a sense of much violence. I do not get a sense of much in the way of military or a requirement for security or guards. There is however a sense that there is a great deal of orderliness, cleanliness, refinement."
McMoneagle said the weather was around 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, mild with very little humidity and soft breezes from the south-east with the city and island surrounded by what appeared to be huge multiple lakes as far as the eye can see.
"It is a wonderland of nothing but water. It is a world of water. I see ships and boats of every description. They are of every size imaginable. This is a seafaring nation. They are a very rich nation, both culturally as well as from a trading standpoint. They survive on what they take from the sea and what they reach out and trade in. Their ships are exquisite.
They are both delicate and appear to be very modern in construction and strength, capable of cross ocean sailing both ancient and modern at the same time."  Describing the inhabitants McMoneagle said they looked like modern man, at approximately five feet, five to five feet nine in height. "The men and women mostly have soft brown hair, with green to hazel eyes. Some have blue eyes, but it's a rarity. They speak a language which appears to be somewhat like Sumerian but probably predates it.
Their written language is probably older than Sumerian. It is a fluid script like nothing I've ever seen before. It has no vowels which are assumed. Their math is quite similar to our own, except that it excludes zero," his report said. He said the ancient inhabitants of the island had complex surgery, but preferred to use natural healing methods, or relieve pain and allow someone to die with grace and dignity. The natural length of life, he said, was approximately 100 years of age for both sexes, and the normal size of a family was four.
Religion was Monotheistic, centering on a Prime Energy. "They are non-violent. They do not believe in capital punishment. There are no locked doors. Formal teaching takes place within temple/schools from age five until age nine, and then there is a form of apprenticeship that takes place over a number of years according to the skill set chosen.
"All those over age sixty are honoured as historians, except the infirm, who are cared for as infirm. The form of currency is family honour and consistency. Dishonour breaks the bonds of feed and support, exiling the family from the city forever."  In response to the question of what he saw now at the same coordinates, McMoneagle said there was nothing but water as far as he eye can see.
Under the water McMoneagle perceived some ruins buried in muck and mud, but these are hard to recognise against the remains of the mountain which was also restructured by the collapse of a significant portion of the island during the upheaval that took place during the great flood, he said. McMoneagle classed the ancient city as pre-Sumerian. This would date it prior to 3,500 BC.
Knowles told the Cyprus Mail that it was very likely that Sarmast would in fact uncover an ancient city where his expedition will take place but he said he was concerned that this would be presented as Atlantis, when in fact the likelihood is remote.
"The bottom of the Mediterranean is littered with civilisations so I would not be surprised if some evidence of one is dredged up but they must know in their hearts that it is not Atlantis," Knowles said.
Sarmast who is still in the preparatory stage of his expedition told the Cyprus Mail yesterday he had no opinion on Psychognosia's experiment. "We are using solid historical and scientific evidence and I would prefer not to mix this with other domains," he said.

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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/26/2007 9:42 PM

What is Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing (RV) is a skill by which a person (a "viewer") can perceive objects, persons, or events at a location removed from him or her by either space or time. In other words, one does not actually have to be there, nor does one need any so-called "physical" connections, such as television, telephone, etc., to gain information about the target. RV exploits and improves upon what is more commonly called "psychic" ability (an overused word that has accrued unfortunate connotations), and works whether the target is in the next room or on the other side of the planet. Neither time nor any known type of shielding can prevent a properly-trained remote viewer from gaining access to the desired target.

What Remote Viewing is Not
Remote viewing is not "being psychic" in the way commonly understood by the media and many practitioners of "paranormal" arts—though thanks to recent incomplete or inaccurate reports many have been led to believe otherwise. Remote viewers are not the typical "clairvoyants," "fortune tellers," or "psychics" we often hear about on TV or read about in the papers. Many of these more traditional psychics often do have amazing talents and abilities, but there is a qualitative difference between the average "natural" psychic, and a properly-trained remote viewer.

Do you have to be "gifted" to learn RV?

One of the wonderful things about RV is that virtually anyone can learn to do it. Much like studying the piano or art, nearly all of us have the capability to acquire the techniques and put them into practice. There are those who might not believe this. You often hear people say they can't learn to play the piano or even to "draw a straight line"—or to remote view—because they don't have "the talent." But what really gets in the way is almost always merely a simple a lack of time, motivation, or energy to devote to learning the principles and then practicing them enough to become proficient.

The bottom line is that, unless there is some sort of physical or mental handicap that prevents it, almost anyone can learn to play piano at least competently, can learn to draw aesthetically, and can learn to remote view reasonably effectively. It just takes desire, time, the right teacher, and the belief that it is at least possible.

How well does it work?

Lately, we've heard two extreme claims about remote viewing. One says that it doesn't work. The other says it works all the time. The truth is really in between—although closer to the positive end of the scale. After long practice, experienced viewers can access a target nearly one hundred percent of the time. This does not mean their data is 100% accurate, nor does it necessarily mean they get all the data they were looking for. All it means is that they retrieve information indicating that they were "there." However, these experienced viewers regularly obtain extremely accurate, often error-free information from the target.

Even novice viewers may surprise themselves at the accuracy of some of their sessions. Though we anticipate beginners will perform less consistently than those who are more accomplished, we also expect them to frequently turn out commendable results.

© 1998-2002 paul h. smith

A Brief Time Line of Remote Viewing History

by Paul H. Smith
reprinted from APERTURE, Vol. 1, No.2, 2002

This chronology was compiled by IRVA vice-president Paul H. Smith partly based on research for his forthcoming book, Reading the Enemy's Mind.

This is only a brief chronology of events in remote viewing history. Many more details could be added, and many more names included. But this will serve as a starting place to record the major events and some of the important personalities in relation to one another. Certainly, important events and personalities remain to be added. This chronology will become more complete over time. If you wish to nominate an event to be considered for addition to the timeline please forward it to Timeline.

Readers should be aware that there are two parallel remote viewing timelines: the operational, military-run program at Ft. Meade, Maryland, and the civilian-led, military-funded research program in California. External civilian research and applications were also taking place. In the chronology below, the operational and military lines are intermingled with a few references to the RV-related activities in the civilian sector.

Sept 1971 Ingo Swann begins PK research with Cleve Backster
Nov 1971  Swann participates in PK experiments in Gertrude Schmeidler's lab; also participates in OBE experiments.
8 Dec 1971
First remote viewing experiment (describing weather in Tucson, AZ from ASPR offices in NYC). Term "Remote Viewing" is adopted.
22 Feb 1972
First beacon experiments (also conducted at ASPR)
March 1972
Cleve Backster shows Swann a letter from Dr. Hal Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute. Swann and Puthoff communicate.
6 June 1972
Swann/Puthoff magnetometer / quark-detector equipment experiment in physics building at Stanford University.
27 June 1972
Puthoff communicates with Kit Green, Central Intelligence Agency, concerning the magnetometer experiment results.
Aug 1972
Under Puthoff's supervision, CIA representatives conduct first evaluation trials with Swann. Russell Targ visits Puthoff at SRI.
1 Oct 1972
CIA awards SRI $50K exploratory contract.
Sept 1972
Russell Targ joins the RV program at SRI.
Summer 1973
Pat Price and Ingo Swann remote view NSA's Sugar Grove facility in West Virginia.
July 1974
Pat Price's operational remote viewing of a facility near Semipalatinsk in USSR conducted.
18 Oct 1974
Russell Targ and Hall Puthoff publish article on remote viewing research in Nature.
July 1975
CIA terminates involvement in and funding of remote viewing.
Later in 1975
Air Force Foreign Technology Division becomes the primary funder of SRI research program, with Dale Graff supervising.
March 1976
Puthoff & Targ publish a major article about remote viewing in Proceedings of IEEE.
Dr. Edwin May joins RV program at SRI International.
The book Mind Reach (Targ & Puthoff) is published.
June 1977
Founding of Mobius Group; Project Deepquest - a submarine RV experiment is jointly conducted by SRI International / Stephan Schwartz.
Sept 1977
US Army's remote viewing program GONDOLA WISH is extablished by Lt. F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater at the direction of the Army Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Edmund Thompson.
13 July 1978
GONDOLA WISH name is changed to GRILL FLAME.
Oct 1978
US Army's INSCOM is tasked by the ACSI  with developing a parapsychology program.
Dec 78 - Jan 79
Selection of remote viewers for GRILL FLAME. Mel Riley, Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, and three others are included.
4 Sept 1979
First Army-conducted operational remote viewing session performed.
March 1979
Remote viewers working with Dale Graff at Wright-Patterson AFB and at SRI correctly locate downed Soviet TU-22 recce aircraft.
Stephan Schwartz conducts Alexandria Project, a remote viewing archaeology project in Egypt. His book Alexandria Project is subsequently published.
ca. 1980
Air Force Chief of Staff cancels AF RV program; Dale Graff joins Defense Intelligence Agency as principal staff officer for remote viewing effort.
Puthoff and Swann develop coordinate remote viewing (CRV) architecture.
Russell Targ leaves SRI International's RV program. Mel Riley departs Ft. Meade's operational RV unit.
With Swann as instructor, two individuals (Tom McNear and Rob Cowart) begin first CRV training.
Dec 1982
US Army's RV project's name is changed to CENTER LANE.
Charlene Cavanaugh joins military RV unit in August; Paul H. Smith joins in September.
Jan 1984
Bill Ray joins military RV unit; second group of CRV candidates begins training (group includes Smith, Ray, Charlene Chavanaugh; Ed Dames is last minute addition to training contract while remaining assigned to his sponsoring unit).
The book Mind Race (Targ & Keith Harary) is published.
Apr 1984
Lyn Buchanan joins the Ft. Meade RV unit.
Sept 1984
Joe McMoneagle retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.
July 1984
Brig. Gen Harry Soyster replaces Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine as Commander, INSCOM. Orders close of Army's CENTER LANE RV program. Soyster eventually persuaded to allow transfer of program & personnel to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
Dr. Hal Puthoff leaves SRI International to take directorship of Institute of Advanced Studies in Austin, TX. Dr. Edwin May becomes director of SRI's program.
Caravel Project, an underwater archaeology project conducted by Stephan Schwartz.
31 Jan 1986
After a year of holding operational control, DIA takes formal control of the military operational RV program, and renames it SUN STREAK. Ed Dames joins RV unit.
Mel Riley is once more assigned to the Ft. Meade RV unit.
Brig Leander Project, an underwater archaeology project conducted by Stephan Schwartz.
Dec 1987
F. Holmes "Skip" Atwater departs the Ft. Meade RV unit on retirement leave.
June 1988
David Morehouse is assigned to the Ft. Meade RV unit.
Dec 1988
Ed Dames departs the Ft. Meade RV unit.
June 1990
David Morehouse departs, and Mel Riley retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.
Aug 1990
Paul Smith is reassigned from the Ft. Meade RV unit to the 101st Airborne Division for Desert Shield / Desert Storm.
Late 1990
Dale Graff becomes chief of the Ft. Meade RV unit, and changes project name to STAR GATE.
Edwin May moves RV research program from SRI International to Science Applications International Corporation.
Jan 1992
Lyn Buchanan retires from the Ft. Meade RV unit.
The book Mind Trek (McMoneagle) is published.
June 1993
Dale Graff retires.
Wording added to Federal Y95 budget transferring control of STAR GATE from DIA to CIA.
CIA begins Congressionally directed evaluation of RV as an intelligence tool. American Institutes of Research is hired to do a "scientific" study; in the report officially published in September the AIR concludes that RV has no value as an intelligence tool. Significant questions are raised about the completeness and accuracy of the AIR study.
30 June 1995
CIA cancels STAR GATE program. The five remaining personnel are reassigned to other jobs in the government.
28 Nov 1995
Ted Koppel's Nightline reveals existence of government remote viewing effort. Interviewed are former CIA director Robert Gates, Dale Graff, Edwin May, Joe McMoneagle, etc.
Remote Viewing is featured in many media articles and broadcasts, and becomes a featured item on Art Bell's and other talk shows.
Nov 1996
The book Psychic Warrior (Morehouse) is published.
Feb 1997
The book Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America's Psychic Spies (Schnabel) is published.
18 March 1999
The International Remote Viewing Association is formed.
19-20 March 1999
First remote viewing conference: CRV Conference hosted by Lyn Buchanan's training company, P>S>I.
Featured speakers: Russell Targ, John Alexander..
19-20 May 2000
Year 2000 Remote Viewing Conference in Mesquite, NV.
Featured speakers: Charles T. Tart, Jessica Utts, Larry Dossey, Marcello Truzzi..
Jun 2001
First IRVA sponsored remote viewing conference. Held at Texas, Station Las Vegas, NV.
Featured speakers: Edgar Mitchell, Dean Radin, Jeffrey Mishlove.
June 2002
IRVA remote viewing conference in Austin, TX, celebrating 30 years of remote viewing.
Featured speakers: Ingo Swann, Hal Puthoff, Dale Graff, Cleve Backster.

Copyright©2002 by Paul H. Smith.
Permission granted to quote in full or part with proper attribution.

 Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/26/2007 11:31 PM
Is a new name for an old ability. There is a joke going
around that the Americans could have saved themselves much money if
they had bothered to read the works of Edgar Cayce (psychic and healer - 1877 to 1945). The US Government does not read the works of psychics, so they reinvented the wheel. It is also officially defined as an all male  activity,
but in practice this is anything but true. It is best to remember that remote viewing has one foot in the occult and one foot in scientific psychology and the mundane World. Unfortunately the 2 sides do not talk  to each other. On one hand, many the old rules of demonology still apply.
On the other hand, if one gains sensitive knowledge and reveals it to the wrong people, one can get sent to jail. Also it can be guaranteed to break  the laws of science, psychology and every religious theology.

When the CIA invented the Remote Viewing Protocol in the 1970s for the psychic viewing of Russian activities, they broke a basic rule of war.
On inventing a new weapon, one should next invent the counter weapon,  which they did not do. The counter weapon is Remote Psychotherapy, which coupled with Remote Viewing makes a formidable combination. It is also very good for one's Karma, and winds up the ungodly no end. Some people get the same results as remote viewers by dowsing, intuition and other methods, so there is considerable overlap.

Remote viewing is the ability of a person to project their
conscious observation, to a distant location in the physical universe, to see or sense what is there. Distance is no object as even the stars are within reach. Also there are no limits in time. The past is fixed and incommutable. The future is variable but the number of probable overall futures has limits. A good starting subject for historical remote viewing is
"Sex in the Middle Ages". The writer is a verbal and conceptual thinker, and is low on pictorial thinking. Thus he is poor on pictorial remote  viewing and is better at remote sensing of ideas and moral codes. He is expert  as a
defender and in psychic self defence. There are 5 common methods in circulation.

Body to body communication to send someone to a target does not work.  This just invokes conscious mind, memory or imagination. Spirit to spirit communication or any form of telepathy bypasses the mind and gets results.
The writer does not believe mind games are any help, but successful card game gamblers may contradict him. Any sort of spirit game can give remote viewing accidentally.

A group of students meets at say 9.00 am in the morning and
elect a target. The target walks off into the city at 9.30 in order to find somewhere to inspect between 10.00 and 10.15. Between 10.00 and 10.15, the remaining students write down on a sheet of paper what they think the target can see by linking into him. Scoring is done by an adjudicator taking  the
target's description and the test results from 6 tests. The adjudicator then matches the results against descriptions. The individual student is  then judged on how closely the adjudicator's matching matches reality. (University of Wales, Cardiff).

 Zenner cards are now out of favour as being too boring. A
pack of Zenner cards has only 5 simple symbols, while a pack of playing cards  has 52. Emotion is now deemed desirable in the scientific establishment, and quite rightly too. The target watches an emotional video clip chosen at random from a choice of 4. The other students in another room have to  link
in or guess which clip it is. Gansfeld is also associated with sensory deprivation techniques. Chance results will be 25%, while the usual score is about 37.5% and statistically significant. The University of Coventry  (UK) test in the series had the unique distinction of only scoring 12.5%, as the
test involved a group of lecturers who argued who was the best sender.
They invoked reverse psi, but the results were still statistically  significant.

CRV or Co-ordinate Remote Viewing. This is used by the military and was developed at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) in California by Ingo  Swann.
The viewer is given a set of map co-ordinates by the sender and is told  to link in and see what he can see at those co-ordinates. Now when a target goes on the list for remote viewing, it is given a random set of co-ordinates that remain with the target for so long as it is on the books.
When the writer tried this out successfully, it was with real map co-ordinates. This method does have the advantage that the viewer has no idea of the subject beforehand. It is easier to remember a picture of the Statue of Liberty that to remote view it.

This is popular in Spiritualist Churches. The medium or
student picks up an article or possession not knowing who it is from. They then link into the owner and give a description of that person. Most people take the article in both hands. However when the writer does it, he first takes  it in
his right hand to get the logical left hand brain reading. Then he  holds it in the left hand to get the right hand brain intuitive reading. One of  the articles of faith of Spiritualists is a belief in personal  responsibility

This is an intuitive ability by some policemen to detect malice or other emotion in individuals within a group of suspects. He
who bears most malice against the Police or the most unspoken emotion is probably the villain. A good policeman is a high responsibility taker.

probably vary more according to the motives and
objectives of the user, than anything else.

has the base line of seeing or sensing objects or people
in present time. As some people are pictorial thinkers, while others are  verbal or conceptual, what one "sees" will vary from person to person. Other variables include motives, objectives, psychic ability, and expert knowledge on what is being viewed.

Who would employ a soldier who loves the enemy, or who can
bite back at his superiors? Spirituality is not regarded as a virtue, and so  the casualty rate can exceed the accepted 10%. It is a case of view now and recover later.

 Remote viewing is about the only way of viewing the inside
of a computer microchip or a flying saucer. In both cases expert knowledge is needed to really understand what is there. In the case of extra-terrestrials, go in peace and leave in peace, if one does not want retaliation. The Russians report that deaf mutes are the best  telepaths.  Most ETs are telepathic but do not have the power of speech. Man has
the power of speech which is a blessing as it allows free will, but is not that telepathic. In a telepathic society there can be little free will. Our lepathic noise is obnoxious to most ETs.

like the writer see remote viewing as an extension of psychic self defence, and as a way of keeping the world free of malice from obsolete gods, fossilised minds and their modern human equivalents.

has the base line of locating chemical substances and minerals
by detecting subtle vibrations not known to current science. It has a  great appeal to engineers who see it as a purely mechanical exercise.

has the base line of proving life after death.  It appeals to the spiritually inclined, those who fear death, and those
who have lost loved ones. If one watches clairvoyants closely, one can see examples of just about every other psychic ability. The same goes for  the other disciplines.

The writer came into remote viewing accidentally
from psychic self defence. He was helping to find speakers for a conference  on the paranormal when he wrote to a remote viewer not knowing he was a  member of the intelligence services. He remote viewed the writer. The writer
thought he was under a black magic attack and defended himself to match. The remote viewer lost and the writer got mail tapped until he complained  to the Police. He still has trouble telling the difference between being  remote
viewed, a black magic attack or someone just bearing malice towards  him. The ordinary remote viewer sprays around too much malice or too much of his own mind for the writer's liking, due to lack of spirit purification. Any third rate psychic can detect it. In theory anyone who comes in peace and goes in
peace should be undetectable, but that does demand a high level of  personal responsibility. The Americans military used to regularly remote view UK  UFO conferences as a training exercise, and were detectable. Like the Klingons, we Vikings kill our gods and take their place. In  the tradition of the Viking God Thor (defender of the Gods, defender of the people and slayer of the Frost Giants of illusion), the writer no longer
bothers to remote view in the conventional sense. He just locates on malice, neutralises it and returns it to sender, no matter where it comes from.  When a person bears malice, they leave their defence shields down otherwise  the
malice could not get out to reach its target. While the attacker's  defences are down the target can remote view the mind of the attacker. In the  case of ETs, one has to go looking for technical malice towards the human race in
general means scraping the bottom of the barrel.

 Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:30 PM

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