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Metaphysics : Altered States & Remote Viewing --- By Gerald O'Donnell
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/26/2007 10:33 PM
Check out this site that i came across. Very interesting stuff!
Here are a few interesting excrepts:
 When operating at the level of Delta ( sleep, surgical unconsciousness, and certain pathological conditions such as epileptic petit mal), the mind changes awareness and from being perceptually differentiated and having a sense of self, of I (ego), which it then forgets, and expands to become interconnected to everywhen and everything. At that point the prior conscious awareness is lost (unconsciousness), and is only regained when the mind once again experiences the previous levels at which separateness is possible: Theta, Alpha and Beta.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded  When recorded on an electrocardiogram, the human heart shows electrical vibration patterns that, like the brain’s Delta waves, range between 1 and 4 cycles per second. When either the brain or the heart stop vibrating electrically, death ensues.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded  Dreaming while asleep is associated with rapid eye movement (REM). Dreaming usually occurs at the Alpha  and Theta levels, when the mind of a sleeping person regains a sense of self and being, influenced both by the information coming from the level outside the realm of linear time/space (Delta: universal mind), and the memories attached to the adjacent Beta level of awareness (level of being awake: conscious), which create associational imagery.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded  In reality, the Alpha&Theta levels of sleep is but a mirror image of the Alpha &Theta levels of wakefulness. Both are interconnected and express themselves through similar brain waves.
Deep Theta is the only level that interacts with the level of Delta. It is the interface point.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded  Alpha, Theta and Delta (sleep) are defined as "altered states of consciousness," as opposed to Beta, which is considered to be a fully conscious state. They are so called because it is necessary to alter one's state of consciousness from the fully awake state (Beta), to either Alpha, Theta or Delta (sleep), which are all progressive states of expanded awareness and thus are subject to less vibratory interference from the biological brain.
    Beta is the so-called conscious level of mind. Alpha and Theta form the subconscious regions of the mind's operation, and Delta is the unconscious region of thought activity.
These states form the spectrum of mind operation.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded  Small children function mainly at the Theta, Alpha and Delta states of mind, as do animals. Human adults operate mostly at Beta.

how remote viewing and remote influening can have the Matrix Reloaded  Experiments on animals were also conducted in order to try to understand why they operated naturally at the Theta level with full activity retained and their eyes opened. It was perceived that this might shed light as to their naturally occurring remote viewing abilities especially among the predator-prey animal complex and the domestic pet variety. The unexplained migrations and homing behavior of certain species might also be related to such a state of mind.
    The ability of animal to remote view was tested. Domestic animals (especially dogs and cats) were studied under laboratory conditions as to their precognitive and spatially remote sensing mind abilities when they concentrated upon their owners' location and/or intent.
    Natural predators were wired up and studied when their favorite prey was either about to be introduced or taken in a sensory-wise isolated chamber to a proximate location. Impressive experimental data was collected that showed that the animal kingdom definitely exhibits a pattern of behavior that seems to strongly suggest very developed natural remote viewing (mental sensing) abilities - when needed - for feeding, survival or protective behavior. Remote viewing activity amongst mammals seemed to strongly correlate with the appearance of very definite brain wave Theta tracing especially in the predator-prey grouping.

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:26 PM