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Metaphysics : The Mental / Intellectual Body
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/26/2007 10:47 PM
The Mental/Intellectual Body

The Mental Body facilitates cognition, the faculty of knowing. It gives you the ability to discern, and to have thoughts, beliefs, concepts, and higher psychic abilities.

Range of Consciousness:
Mental consciousness ranges from discernment of the very specific, detailed, particular to the discernment of the very general, inclusive, abstract.

Separative, distinguishing thought to unitive, embracing thought.

The five mental senses are: Higher Clairaudiance (mental hearing), Planetary Psychometry (mental feeling), Higher Clairvoyance (mental sight), Discernment (mental equivalent of taste), and Spiritual Discernment (mental equivalent of smell).

The Mental Body has its own range of feeling. When there is excessive focus within the limiting, separative range of thought then there is judgment, mental fear, and depression. When thought expands into the more unitive ranges then there is compassionate-understanding, peace, joy, awe, and bliss.

The Manasic Universe (which includes the Mental/Intellectual Body, Causal/Soul Body, and the Manasic Body) is overall a place of profound rarefied celestial beauty. It is filled with light - primarily white, blue and gold, although the full range of pastel colors are common.

The Manasic Universe, similar to the Astral Universe, contains a mental replica of the higher universes. It is filled with knowledge about everything.

Mental consciousness is more objective, factual, and impersonal than astral consciousness. However, individual personality and character reach their pinnacle of development in mental consciousness.

The Mental Body has a figure like form in the shape of the Physical Body. It also has an aura that is ovoid shaped with pointed ends. The aura extends about 4 to 10 feet from the Physical Body.

Usual colors are light blue, yellow, gray, silver, white, and gold, however all pastel colors can be present. It has 7 major energy centers, 21 minor energy centers, and many smaller centers, just like the etheric and astral bodies. Radiations of light extend from the heart area.

It has a total of 5 spatial dimensions.

How Awakened:
Mental consciousness is awakened through academic study, reading, certain types of energetic stimulation, and certain meditation practices.ectual

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:33 PM