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Metaphysics : Hyperspace and dimensionalities
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/26/2007 11:18 PM
Hyperspace and Dimensionalities
Are actually quite simple and straightforward, easy to comprehend. However, there is a cultural reflex to dumb one's self down to deal with something that is "very hard".
It is the province of the academic to pride himself on knowing more than anyone else in the various disciplines of physics, but any one of them will tell you that no one knows the full truth of the matter of the structuring of reality; only they proclaim to be able to state with authority the nature of their own consternation!!
A dimension always has three curvatures and a parent space and a daughter space which have in turn three dimensional structures.
Above the level of the galaxy, this is not apparent since the contexting space is not completely unfolded, nor the superordinate space within which the universe is.
This is to say that the actual universe, a "black hole" centering the space containing galaxies, is a two dimensional body. Not being a complete actualization of the potentials of the Prime Mover, the galaxy has pronounced hyperspatial qualities, such as: the "speed" of the rotation of the edge of the galaxy being the same as the "speed" near the hub.
The galaxy stands the place of the universe in articulating the curvatures of the dimension it locally defines.
The third dimension/curvature of the cosmos is the biosphere where the phase states of matter are the curvatures, with air being toroidal and the three forces being noumenal and distributed as the frequency ranges of the rainbow.
The next nested dimension is the space decoupled from the cosmos. This space is comprised of organic lifeforms.
This space is where the balance between the quantum and the relative is found.

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:28 PM