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Metaphysics : Understanding Spatial Dimensions
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/26/2007 11:51 PM
Understanding Spatial Dimensions

Much misunderstanding exists today as to the nature of spatial dimensions.

The following is intended to resolve some of these issues.

Although our consciousness is primarily limited to 3 spatial dimensions, we actually exist in a universe composed of many more spatial dimensions, possibly an infinite number of dimensions.

Without realizing it, we actually use 4 Dimensional awareness all the time. We have to in order to perceive 3 Dimensional objects. This will be explained as follows.

The 1st Dimension is Length, creating a line.

The 2nd Dimension is Width, which combined with the 1st Dimension creates a plane or sheet.

The 3rd Dimension is Height, which combined with the 1st and 2nd Dimensions creates a cube.

The 4th Dimension is an added depth in hyperspace (outside of 3 Dimensional Space). When the 4th Dimension is combined with the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dimensions a hypercube is created.

When a 1 Dimensional object (a line) is viewed with 1 Dimensional awareness (1 direction only) a point is perceived. When viewed with 2 Dimensional awareness a line is perceived.

When a 2 Dimensional object, such as a square, is viewed with 2 Dimensional awareness a line is perceived. When viewed with 3 Dimensional awareness a square is perceived.

When a 3 Dimensional object, such as a cube, is viewed with 3 Dimensional awareness a flat object is perceived. When viewed with 4 Dimensional awareness a cube is perceived.


To perceive a 4 Dimensional object, such as a hypercube, we must use 5 Dimensional Awareness.

The Physical-Etheric Universe is structured in 3 Spatial Dimensions.

The Astral(Emotional) Universe is structured in 4 Spatial Dimensions.

The Manasic Universe (including Causal/Soul and Mental/Intellectual) is structured in 5 Spatial Dimensions.

The Buddhic/Christic Universe in 6 Spatial Dimensions.

The Atmic Universe in 7 Spatial Dimensions.

The Monadic Universe in 8 Spatial Dimensions.

The Logoic Universe in 9 Spatial Dimensions.

Time is not a spatial dimension but rather is a measure of events in space. To call the Astral Universe the 4th Dimension is a mistake because the Astral Universe also contains Dimensions 1, 2, and 3. Also, the Manasic and higher Universes all contain the 4th Dimension. In the same way it is a mistake to call the Manasic Universe the 5th Dimension.

Full and complete awareness in a higher Universe includes awareness of additional spatial dimensions.

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:34 PM