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Metaphysics : Releasing Energy
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 1:38 AM
Releasing Energy
This is a form of magic which can be used for just about anything- thus making it a more advanced type of magic which should only be used by those who are comfortable with the ethics and are prepared to deal with the consequences in they misuse this technique.
Sit in a comfortable position with your legs crossed and your arms extended outward. Your receptive hand (whichever hand you do not write with, usually the left) should be wide open, palm facing upward.
Your projective hand (the hand you do write with, usually the right) should be in a fist. Close your eyes and imagine your goal. Now visualize a bright red fire surrounding your receptive (open) hand, feel the "warmth" of the energy.
Imagine it flows up your arm and through your body into your projective hand (the closed hand). Continue letting energy flow from the red energy "flame". Once the impulse hits you, and you feel the time is right, thrust both arms to the right (or left if you are left handed) opening up your projective hand as you do so.
This motion should be similar to "throwing" the energy towards your goal. As you do this, say in a commanding voice what will happen as a result of the energy release.
(For example, if you used it to get a raise in payment at work, you could say "I will get a raise!")
Results, if successfully performed, will be almost immediate. With practice, this can work very well...

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 12:54 PM