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Metaphysics : It is Safe for You to Receive --- by Doreen Virtue
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 1:43 AM
It is Safe for You to Receive

by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

When I was giving angel readings to workshop audience members recently, a shop owner asked me why all of her hard efforts weren’t being rewarded. In fact, she said that quite often, negative experiences happened to her and her shop.

The angels instantly replied that her energy was unbalanced. She was practicing too much male energy behavior by only giving, and not allowing herself to receive. Male energy is outwardly directed.
It sends and gives. Female energy is receptive and inwardly directed. It’s important for us to have a balance of both male and female energy. The easiest way to do this is to practice both giving and receiving daily.

Many lightworkers are uncomfortable receiving. The woman whom I gave the reading to had difficulty receiving when I gave her a gift of one of my books. She immediately said to me that she wanted to give me a crystal from her shop, in return.
The angels told her in the reading, “Because you are only giving, and not allowing yourself to receive, your shop is reflective of imbalanced male energy.
Therefore, you’re attracting experiences of the male energy, such as competition and aggression. If you’d like to attract gentler experiences, you must allow your female energy to be expressed.�?BR>
The angels also said that she was trying too hard to make her store a success, and struggling to ensure that everyone around her was happy.
All of this pushing and striving were expressions of male energy, and the universe was pushing right back at her as a result. If she’d allow her feminine energy equal time, she’d find that success and love would be easily attracted to her. All she’d have to do is give and receive in equal allotments.

I requested that audience members help the woman become adjusted to receiving, by giving the woman something, such as a hug, a compliment, or a gift.
Then I asked the woman to practice graciously receiving these gifts. “Release any guilt, embarrassment, or other discomfort to the angels,�?I counseled.

The woman seemed clearly uncomfortable, and I watched her body stiffen when a woman from the audience gave her a warm hug.
Throughout the event, I watched as she finally relaxed and enjoyed receiving. I saw her laugh and smile. I know that, as she practices this simple and very important principle of receptivity, she’ll find her entire life reflecting the benefits of balance.

Why would we be reluctant to receive? Usually, control issues are underlying fears about receiving. If we only give, we play it safe and don’t risk feeling obliged or ingratiated.
Trust issues also play a role, when we feel suspicious about receiving. Many lightworkers were programmed that it’s selfish or greedy to desire anything for yourself. And lightworkers with low self-esteem feel that they don’t deserve to receive. Because they don’t allow themselves to receive, their self-esteem stays low.

Certainly, a key component of our life’s mission is to give to others. That’s our male energy in _expression. Yet, if this giving isn’t balanced with receiving, we become drained This leads to depression, low self-esteem, and low energy levels.
And as the angels told the woman, if we only practice male energy behaviors, that’s what we’ll attract in return. So our life becomes surrounded by competition, aggression, and other aspects of male energy. These experiences then reinforce our staying in our male energy. So a vicious cycle ensues.

To break this cycle, practice receiving graciously. The more you allow yourself to receive, the more resources you then have available to give to others.
You allow yourself to be supported in your life’s mission, and you enjoy dancing in the flow of abundant giving and receiving.

The angels say that we ask far too little from them. When we do ask for their help, we sometimes don’t allow the angels to fulfill our requests.
Our angels are our teammates. We all work together to infuse the world with love and light. If your light gets dimmed by life stress, or you don’t feel loved or lovable, you can always lean upon the angels�?high energy to reignite and replenish yourself.

The affirmations which the angels suggest we use are: It is safe for me to receive. I now receive good graciously into my life.

May you enjoy the abundant flow of receiving and giving today and every day.

The Global Spiritual Network

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 4:24 AM