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Metaphysics : Emotional Healing Through Your Dreams --- by Angel Shadow
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 2:01 AM

Emotional Healing Through Your Dreams

by Angel Shadow

Everyone dreams and those dreams range from happy, storybook romances to our upmost fears and anxieties. If it's important to take responsibility for our actions in our "awake" life, then we also have to accept responsibility for our dreams, for they represent our inner thoughts and programming.

This article is about emotional resolution through dreams. It will not cover prophetic or animal totem dreams. These deserve articles of their own. In our dreams, our actions/reactions are the vehicle our emotions use to convey a message, so it's important we listen to them.

Allow yourself to feel the emotions coming through, for they are raw expressions of your inner being and this is where you'll find your answers.

Emotional resolution dreams reflect a past or present situation that you hold an emotional attachment to. Your mind is simply trying to process the information and your emotions play a vital role in resolving the conflict.

If there's one phrase to remember in dream work, it's, your emotions drive the message. Remember that and your dreams will start to make more sense. Coming to terms with the emotional attachment will bring healing.

You dream in symbols that will best express your emotional attachment to a situation. These symbols are different for everyone. What one person views as relaxing and comforting, another may find stressful and harmful. You have to ask yourself what emotion you personally attach to each symbol, because that's where the key is. The symbol  is merely a tool you've been given to work with.

Dreams are personal information sent by the subconscious mind. We live in the world we create for ourselves, so this holds true for our dream world as well.

But in the dream state, we are open to receive insight we usually miss during the day, because we're too busy to stop and listen. Ironically, our dream time is our wake up call. We can either roll over and hit snooze or wake up to the message(s) coming through.

The most difficult dreams to deal with are what we consider nightmares. If you start to see your night terrors for what they are, unexpressed or unresolved emotions, they can be seen in a new light.

Instead of blaming some outside force, take responsiblity and heal the parts of yourself that are demanding attention. Do some shadow work and figure it out. Once you resolve the issue (emotional attachment) the nightmares will stop.

Individuals that come into your dreams are sometimes aspects of yourself trying to get your attention. Look to the emotion you carry toward that person. Treat locations the same way. What is the emotional reaction to the location of your dream? This could also reflect a certain time period in your life. Look at these things for clues.

Dreams that come to you for emotional resolution take place in the 4th & 5th dimensions. Since these are so closely related to the 3rd dimension, they give us an opportunity to "play out" our unresolved issues in an environment we are comfortable with. But with our emotions coming along for the ride, it could make that environment suddenly uncomfortable.

In dreams, the message stems from "your" issues, even if other individuals are involved in the dream sequence. Every aspect of your dream is "you," trying to work out "your" issues.

With dream work, it's all about emotional responses. What you don't resolve during your awake hours, your mind will process and relive during dream time. This is another way to release and heal situations you are currently holding on to.

By paying attention to the message trying to come through, you will be able to quickly work through any unresolved issues and take another step forward in life.

Emotional resolution dreams are a personal, for your eyes only moment in time. Think of it as a time where you can work with your guides one on one, without your ego. Raw emotional release and healing will be the result. Use that to your advantage.

Sweet dreams.

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 12:52 PM

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From: MSN NicknameAchyTenSent: 7/28/2007 6:24 AM