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Metaphysics : Gemstones and Chakras
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 2:40 AM
Gemstones and Chakras
Gemstones throughout history were always reserved for the upper ruling class. Until this century, It was a rare person of meager means who owned a gemstone.

Nowadays, the situation has changed considerably, thanks to a greater ability to mine gems and increased trade between nations.

More and more people are now able to bring gemstones into their lives but vary few people recognize their cosmic natures, as most people view them as just "objects of adornment." Yet, the ancients knew the power of crystals and gemstones and revered them.

Now with the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, all mystic truths are being revealed, they come to light at this time for all mankind to embrace. It is now time for the "Cosmic Truth" concerning crystals and gemstones to surface.

Quarts crystals and gemstones are energy anchors and amplifiers. We would not have stereo equipment if it were not for the quartz crystal amplifying the sound.

Crystals are also keepers of knowledge and wisdom. In computers, quartz are used to program information. In fact, IBM can program one billion pieces of information into a quartz crystal the size of a sugar cube and extract it at any time in the future.

Quarts also grounds electric-magnetic energy and that is why they are used in watches. Because you are made of this same electromagnetic energy, called Plezo Energy, quartz crystals can amplify and ground more energy in your electronic body, which has recently been proven to exist scientifically by a German doctor who was nominated for the Nobel Prize for his finding.

Programming your crystal is a simple matter of visualization and invocation. One simply invokes by thinking a thought they wish to manifest - as every thought is a prayer. Speaking out loud makes the ethers reverberate, affecting your surroundings. Couple this with visualization of the desired result, and visually plant these things in your crystal. A good affirmation is:

"Everytime I wear my crystal my auric field is increased and balanced. My life is of total Oneness with the God-Force and Christed Energies in all I think, say and do. This energy now goes out into my relationships and all my affairs, healing with Devine Love. This energy now surrounds the planet Earth and goes throughout the Universal Realms."

1. The Root Chakra
Vibrates to the color Red and is located in the genitals. When fully open It represents: "Divine Creativity." The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are: Garnet and Ruby.

2. The Vitality Chakra
Vibrates to the color Orange and Its location is the abdomen, or intestinal area. When fully open It represents: "Divine Service." The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are: Carnelian, Orange Citrine, and Jasper.

3. The Security and Clarity Chakra
Vibrates to the color Yellow and is located in the solar plexus or stomach area. When fully open It represents: Security, clear mental processes and clear communication. The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are: Yellow Carnelian, Yellow Florite, Yellow Citrine, Amber, and Golden Tapaz.

4. The Heart Chakra
Vibrates to the color Emerald Green. When fully open It represents: The uniting of the Spiritual/Material Worlds- manifested together: "As Above, So Below." It also represents kindness, generosity, abundance and prosperity. The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are: Dloptase, Emerald, Malachite, Jade, Chrysophrase.

5. The Will Chakra
Vibrates to the color Blue and is located In the throat area. When fully open It represents: an Individual's will aligned to the "Divine Will." It Is also called the Ray pf Power (deep blue) and Peace (light blue). The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are:
Azurite, Lapis, Sapphire, Sodlite, Blue Agate, Chrysocola, Blue Florite and Aquamarine.

6. The Third Eye Chakra
Vibrates to the color Purple or Violet and is located in the center of the forehead, When fully opened it represents: Visionary insight, emotional balance, and the ability to transmute energies to the highest level possible. The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are: Amethyst, Luvulite, and Purple Florite.

7. The Crown Chakra
Vibrates to the color White and is located in the center of the top of the head. When fully opened its attributes are: Purity and Protection, The gemstones which vibrate well to this chakra are: Quartz Crystal.

Above the crown chakra are "Etheric Chakras" that vibrate to gold, silver, copper, turquoise and pink.
For this we have been guided to add a AAA quality full spectrum Fire Opals, that assist in creating "Intergalactic activation's and initiations".

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 5:28 AM