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Metaphysics : The Thymus Chakra
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 3:03 AM
The Thymus Chakra
Aquamarine opens the spiritual high heart, the thymus chakra, and quiets the mental body to become receptive to transmissions from higher realms. It has humanitarian qualities as well as serenity, peacefulness, balanced emotions and patience. There is a strong connection to the dolphins. Aquariel, the Archangel of clarity, has infused this Aquamarine essence. The thymus chakra works on the autoimmune system. Self Identity and authenticity The thymus chakra (located about midway between your throat and your heart chakras) is about TRANSITIONS. Proper movement through our transitions requires that we accept responsibility for our actions, and receive input from others using our discernment in a non-reactive manner. Balanced and centered, we will move through transitions responsibly. Blocked and out of balance we find ourselves on the fence, or placing responsibility on others besides ourselves.

This lovely aqua-colored chakra is located directly above your physical thymus gland, between the heart and throat chakras. The chakra radiates out like radio waves from a small point above your thymus and seems to affect all of your other chakras, as well as all of your aura layers. Just as your thymus gland is involved in physical immune function, the thymus chakra is involved in immune system function for the rest of your aura: emotional, mental, and spiritual. What I am noticing is an extra layer of protection for people with this chakra in place. You may notice that you are not allowing negative people to effect you so much, you are not catching every virus that comes along, and your emotions are felt deeply, and then released just as quickly.

This is a good area to tune into if you are feeling under psychic attack. Cleanse your aura quickly by brushing the area about two to three inches above your thymus. As you sweep, affirm that you are a clear vessel, that you allow only the highest and the best for your service. Also, most destructive energies avoid people with an energized thymus chakra, so energize it by thumping that area. Thump three times briskly, take a breath, thump three times again, breathe, and three times one more time, closing with a breath. This is a great thing to do when you need a quick pick me up! (And more effective than drugs!)

The Thymus this center connects our emotional body to our physical body. THYMUS - Thymus Gland. Situated halfway between the Throat Chakra and Heart, right at the Thymus Gland. 

The Sound is HU L. The colour is TURQUOISE.
Gifted to us, to assist with our merging of the 4th Dimension and into the 5th Dimension. By visualizing the energy flowing up from the Heart Chakra and down from the Throat Chakra, and feeling the love that radiates as they meet in the Thymus Chakra, halfway between them both. This gives us Loving Communication not only with others in this dimension but with our Higher Self, Guides and Multi-Dimensional Beings. It acts as a converter
 for the higher vibrational energies, which are electrostatic energy. To be converted and filtered into electromagnetic energy, which is what we are. Do this by visualizing the Light coming down from above, in through the Crown, and down into the point at the Thymus Chakra. Where it filters and converts the energy into electromagnetic energy, as it moves through the whole body where it is stored. This gives us a much greater energy field. We can ask to be connected to the power of the healing source, which gives us greater power of healing, and radiant energy to use for the good of all. It promotes good health and immunity through the Thymus Gland, and assists us to flow through this great time of change, and heightened vibrations, easily and lovingly. Once the Loving Communication is working it opens up Telepathy, which will be needed in the future. It also assists the Kundalini to rise with ease and flow, if this is our Will and Desire.

THYMUS CHAKRA Connects us to our Expression. Confidence, Oratory. Helps us strengthen concentration and control over speech, allow freedom of expression. Helps build the immune system.


Information stored in thymus Chakra:

Imbalances can cause

Healing techniques and alternative therapies:


Activities =

Flower Remedies:

Gods & Goddesses:

Thymus Gem Stones:



Amazonite Apophyllite
Gem Silica Idocrase
Phrenite Turquoise

Animal totems:
The cat


Meditation sites:

Auric body =
Temperature =
Gland =

Musical tone =

Bird totem:

Skill =

Physical Location
Spiritual Lesson


This lovely aqua-colored chakra is located directly above your physical thymus gland, between the heart and throat chakras. The chakra radiates out like radio waves from a small point above your thymus and seems to affect all of your other chakras, as well as all of your aura layers. Just as your thymus gland is involved in physical immune function, the thymus chakra is involved in immune system function for the rest of your aura: emotional, mental, and spiritual. there is an extra layer of protection for people with this chakra in place. You may notice that you are not allowing negative people to effect you so much, you are not catching every virus that comes along, and your emotions are felt deeply, and then released just as quickly.

This is a good area to tune into if you are feeling under psychic attack. Cleanse your aura quickly by brushing the area about two to three inches above your thymus. As you sweep, affirm that you are a clear vessel, that you allow only the highest and the best for your service. Also, most destructive energies avoid people with an energized thymus chakra, so energize it by thumping that area. Thump three times briskly, take a breath, thump three times again, breathe, and three times one more time, closing with a breath. This is a great thing to do when you need a quick pick me up! (And more effective than coffee or drugs!)


Exercise for Thymus chakra

Lie down and allow yourself to relax .

Feel your whole body release . . . . all of its tension . . .

Take in a deep . . . . . cleansing breath. . . . .

Feel the air enter into your lungs . . . .release the air out of your lungs . . . . . . and feel your whole body become relaxed . . . .

Feel the tension leave your body. . . . . draining away and floating off into the universe

For a moment, . .  . . become aware of your surroundings . . . .

Stop your mind from thinking . . . .. . and allow yourself to just become aware . .

Listen to the noises . . . .feel the energy that is flowing through this place . 

Listen to the music . . . .

Relax your whole body and feel yourself enter into the music . . .

Bring your awareness to your heart .  . .

Listen to your heart beating . . .. . .Hear it's rhythm . . . . . Breathe in time with your heartbeat . . . . .

Bring your awareness to your breath . . . Counting from one to ten as you inhale and exhale . . . .

Bring your awareness to you thymus chakra

Feel the energy that comes from this center . .. .

Allow yourself to see into your thymus chakra as if you are seeing into a spiral of energy spinning around and around . . .

Breathe in deep and focus all your attention to your inner self . . .. . .

Allow any thoughts or visions to enter into your inner self .  .

Go with them and allow them to pass through your mind and out to the universe . .

Feel yourself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state .  .

Visualize that you are entering into the spiral of energy that is your thymus chakra

Allow yourself to merge into the spiral as if you are entering into the universe ..

Go deeper and deeper into your energy center . . .

Breathing deeply allow yourself to just exist there . .

No thoughts, no feelings Just exist . .

Visualize that you see a great vibrant mass of blue green energy coming at you like a fireball . .

Feel it hit you with a great amount of force, exploding and surrounding your whole body with energy. . . . .

Allow yourself to feel the heat that comes from this fireball . .

Feel it surround you, making you feel alive and empowered with energy . . . .

Visualize that the energy is traveling up your feet and into your lower back and stomach and traveling up to your heart and thymus area .

Feel the warmth that enters into you .. .

Feel the energy travel into your thymus and become aware of any sensations that you feel . .

Feel the energy reconnect with your thymus chakra and feel the warmth that occurs when it enters into your mind . .

Visualize this energy re-vitalizing your depleted energy . . .

Feel it open up your inner child and higher mind, joining them together with your body .

For a moment allow any sensations to emerge good or bad . . .

Visualize that this energy is clearing and cleansing your chakra . .

Allow the energy to remove all that is stopping you from feeling happy, well and balanced . . . .

Visualize seeing yourself exiting from your thymus chakra

Slowly bring yourself back and become aware of your breath

Now bring yourself back and become aware of your heart beat . .

Bring yourself back and allow yourself to become aware of the music . . .

Slowly allow yourself to rise and become aware of your surroundings . . .

Slowly wriggle your toes, then your legs, then your shoulders, your hands and slowly open your eyes

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 5:26 AM