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Metaphysics : The Chakras
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 3:11 AM
First Chakra

Location: At the tailbone
Color: Red /Black
Tone: E
Note: C
Element: Earth
Sense: Smell
Meridians: Stomach: Earth Energy Yang Organ
           Spleen: Earth Energy Yin Organ

The center of physical energy and vitality,the energy to succeed in
business or material possessions. Center of manifestations. Throughout
the ancient world in historical and mythological stories, the root
chakra has been associated with dragons and snakes. Dragons is a
symbol for the kundalini fire energy.

Balanced Energy
Centered, Grounded, Healthy, Fully alive, Unlimited physical energy,
Can manifest abundance.

Excessive Energy
Egoistic, Domineering, Greedy, Sadistic, Sexual energy entirely genital.

Deficient Energy
Lack of confidence weak, Can't achieve goals, suicidal, Sexual energy,
Feel unlovable, Little interest in sex, Masochistic.

Drug addictions,anemia,cancer,arthritis,heart disease,gynecological

Adrenals, kidneys, spinal column, colon, legs, bones,

Ruby, Garnet, Bloodstone, Red Jasper, Black Tourmaline ,Obsidian,
Smoky Quartz


1. Root (Coccyx) Chakra

Being the energy center that is connected with family and social
belonging, this chakra is involved with emotional grounding and
stability, a sense of belonging. This center thrives on the universal
law that we are all one. Any time you accept a belief contrary to this
truth, or think, speak and act contrary to this truth, you block its
proper functioning. Any time you embrace this truth in belief,
thought, words, and actions, you boost its power to ever-higher levels.

This is the first center to develop in your life. Your first seven
years of your life have this center as the major cycle chakra, and the
first year of your life has it as the theme chakra. Therefore, you
will find that your view of the world is generally formed by what you
chose to accept as true from the relationship you had with your
family, society and environment in your first seven years of life on
earth. More often than not, people were taught both through experience and 'teaching' that the world is not safe and it requires struggle to survive. This is obviously totally contrary to the universal truth that we are all one, safe and abundant. You must therefore correct this base belief and heal this chakra. Those who buy into such a view of the world always experience this as their truth.

Remember also that this chakra is the center that empowers you to
stand up for yourself. You cannot escape the ill effects of the first
seven years of your life by just saying "it wasn't my fault, my
parents and society made me fall into that false limiting belief".
That was the only thing your parents and society knew at the time,
with all their own fears that they harbored. As you will come to see,
you selected your parents and environment very specifically, so that
they may trigger in you the very essences you wished to come to earth to transform. You helped plan these possibilities before your own birth, even though you now have no memory of your pre-birth
activities. Feeling victimized is only going to make it worse for you.
Basically accept responsibility, face your dark side and embrace it.
Why? Because you have an inner child that you disowned a long time ago  and this inner child must now be put in its rightful position of splendor. This inner child is what was 'victimized' in your first seven years. You came into this world full of innocence, faith, inner power and love, and slowly you were told "you are not good enough, you are doing this or that all wrong, and you are in danger, and so on" until you bought these false truths. You started seeing yourself, your inner child, as the cause of the harm you experienced, the cause of the rejection you were experiencing. Then your ego developed an inner critic that took the job of criticizing you so that you never again experience those first rejections. Hence you yourself ended up disowning and hiding your inner child. And to this day you criticize and disown your original inner child, the key to your peace and power.

Your inner child needs to come to the forefront and know that it wasperfect all along, nothing was wrong with it. Yes, it is still there.
And it is still perfect, created in the image and likeness of the
First Force, the Creator! But you have forgotten all that; your inner
child has been denied. And it has been rejected by your ego. You now identify with your ego and inner critic and hide away your inner child. You are split and this has made you weak. There is no way of getting back your inner child, your original perfect self, unless you forgive yourself, and all those you say harmed you, and embrace all your sides, dark and light. If you do not forgive, you merely enhance the idea in your mind that the transgression was real and justified, and so it will continue to harm you. That scary beast you hold in your mind in your past only looks big because you believe it is. Face it and you will see it is as thin as a veil, as light as smoke, and as harmless as a rubber duck. And as you may have heard from many famous and heroic people in the past, the dark (hidden, unexplored) side always holds a very powerful gift once you face it and embrace it.

In an interesting way, this chakra is about belonging but it is also
about standing up for yourself. This raises some confusion among some people. Do they remain loyal to their social group at the expense of their own personal will, individuation and truth? Should loyalty through sacrifice be expected? The answer is simple. Love does not bind, it frees. Fear binds. They are exact opposites. As cruel as it may sound, we are all one, but each answerable to themselves and only themselves. Guilt is a thing made up by the ego mind to trap you and limit you. Nothing harms a person more than feeling guilty or imposing guilt on another.

Guilt robs of our God-given perfect worth and power. It calls for
punishment. Punishment is never a good teacher, for how can you teach that violence is bad when you use violence to correct the violence?
Consequence teaches, love heals, but punishment and guilt imprison the mind. Besides, we are one. Guilt can only happen as a reality if we had separate wills. But in a system of One, there is no separate will.
When you fully understand the law of cause and effect, you will see
that it is impossible for something to happen to someone unless the
'victim' has accepted the energy pattern of the 'crime' in his or her
mind and now needs an event to lead to its experience and eventual
healing. This mental error could have been done in this life or a
previous one. This is where the big picture comes in. Guilt enforces
the idea of victimization, which takes away responsibility and
response-ability, and that never leads to true healing. It may dodge
the issue temporarily, but it will not permanently wipe it out. And as long as you feel guilty, you will never feel deserving and hence you will never get ahead. And as long as you hold another person guilty, you will hold the belief in your mind that you were a victim and you will experience victimization in other forms. Your only way out is embracing, facing it, finding the lesson in both the positive and negative side of the issue, embracing both sides, and forgiving
yourself and all parties involved.

Now, ultimately you will need to separate yourself from the group
thought that is held by your society if you wish to grow faster. As
you can now see, everyone has their own belief patterns that
determines how their life turns out. And each group has its own group consciousness. When you are plugged into this group thought, you experience its effects and limitations. To grow further, you must unplug from it and have your own. Sometimes this may scare you, especially when it means that you physically separate from your group in order to disconnect. This chakra is what grounds us to the earth and gives us a sense of belonging. This is the upside. The downside is that as you grow and especially when you start developing your sixth and seventh chakras, you may need to unplug your loyalty to your group and its particular grounding, losing one belonging so that you may find another. You should not reject your group, but you may need to lovingly release it. You definitely have to let it go whenever its beliefs contradict your truth and call upon you to be loyal to what you hold as false at the expense of what you hold as true. At this point, if you do not release it, you are bound to face some health issues or life situation problems related to this chakra. 

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/27/2007 3:23 AM
Second Chakra

Location: 1-2 inches below navel
Element: Water
Meridians: Bladder: Water Energy Yang Organ
           Kidney: Water Energy Yin  Organ

The second chakra is about friendliness,creativity,sexuality,emotions
and intuition on the gut level. It's influenced by how emotions were
expressed or repressed during childhood. The sexual center for women.

Skin, Kidneys, Mammary glands, Ovaries, Testicles, Prostate, Spleen.

Kidney weakness, Constipation, Muscle cramps, Lack of energy,
Allergies, Repression and inhibition, Loss of weight.

Balanced Energy
Friendly, Concerned for others, Sense of belonging, Intuitive,
Clairsentient, Good sense of humour, Radiate warmth and compassion.

Excessive Energy
Emotionally explosive, Overly ambitious, Manipulative, Caught up in
illusions, Overindulgent, Sexual energy see people as sex objects.

Deficient Energy
Shy, Timid, Immobilized by fear, Overly sensitive, Self negating,
Burdened by guilt, Sexual energy-clinging, Guilty about having sex,
Abused, Frigid or impotent.

Carnelian, Coral, Amber


2. Sacral Chakra

This energy center deals with relationships, personality, power,
control, and money. This is the next step after the tribal nature of
the first chakra. It is the next stage in development that calls for
you to define your individual power within the context of the world
around you.

Healthy development in this center enables you to find your own
in-built unlimited power within. It enables you to build your own
security and abundance and feel safe and confident doing so. And it
leaves you feeling comfortable and wholly accepting of your sex,
sexuality, and capable of having healthy and balanced relationships.
In all, your self-worth is found within you, in vast quantities.

Unhealthy development here leaves you feeling powerless, first and
foremost. Whenever you accept the belief that your self-worth is
dependent on external factors such as how much money you have, what people think about you, or anything like that, you literally give away your own power to external forces. You bleed power and hence you are left powerless. The most damaging aspect of this powerlessness is that it makes you blind to the fact that only you can fix yourself, ultimately. And as long as you do not accept your own power, you will be unable to empower your own healing.

Your life force knows this and whenever you give away your power to an external factor, your spirit eventually tries to get it back by
placing you in a situation where you are forced to face your false
beliefs and see the errors in your thinking. For example, many people believe their self-worth is defined by their money. There is nothing wrong with money. But when you put your worth in it your self-worth tends to fluctuate with your bank balance. This is no good for spirit, which knows its self-worth to be infinite always. When you give it away in this way, you block the path of your own growth ability because you inevitable feel powerless when your finances are low. So eventually spirit will find a way to heal this belief if you don't do it yourself. One way it could do that is by attracting a situation where money cannot save you and you have to find within yourself the power you thought you never had. Once you find it, usually after some grief, you realize a whole new higher level of living! A great number of the richest people out there have gone through such a stage and you will often hear their rags to riches stories, their testimony of the fact that wealth is an inside job. Of course, you can learn all this consciously instead of having to learn through crisis. Learning through suffering is unnecessary and only happens to those who live unconsciously, and especially to those who are stubborn yet unconscious. The awakening mind listens within and requires no painful events to force it to focus.

This is also the chakra that deals with relationships. A healthy
relationship is founded on honor and equality. No partner leans into the other, or binds them. Love never binds, only fear does. Freedom lies in loves realm, while fear rules over the idea of boundaries because of its fear of loss. A healthy relationship recognizes that each person has a path and does not try to interfere with that path, especially because it knows not what the path is. As you can begin to see, love requires that you sacrifice nothing that you do not wish to without reservation. And a true relationship is wholly accepting without judgment. At that point a relationship serves its true purpose to enable mutual growth and enjoyment. The state of your relationships will always reflect your inner state. Relationships are a mirror. Once you start to see this you can rapidly advance your growth simply by asking "why is this person in my life, what reflection am I seeing of myself?" You attract people who show you what your obvious and your
hidden qualities are. Often, the thing you hate about another person is the hidden self you have disowned sometime in your past.

For example, John hates people who he judges as weak. If he were to look at his own past or childhood, he would find one situation where he was criticized for his compassion and kindness by someone he wanted approval from. Let us assume that this was a father who wanted him to be strong. His father tried to make him strong by criticizing his compassion and kindness, calling it weakness. Over time, he hated himself for his 'weakness' and built a strong outer shell to avoid further criticism and get approval from his father. He buried the original inner child deep within. This inner disowned self is a complete personality that wishes to be accepted again and brought to the surface. So it keeps bringing along people who will trigger a re-make of that past situation so that John may embrace and accept this quality in others and therefore in himself. So John keeps finding himself increasingly surrounded by 'weak' people. Even his own son may
have the very qualities he detests so he repeats his father's
teachings on his own son even when he doesn't wish to. Eventually, if he does not listen to his inner child and embrace all aspects of
himself, he one day finds himself in a situation where he is almost
forced to admit he has the very qualities he hates. Once he does, he
finds that these qualities are very welcome and useful in certain
situations and he was going through life half-baked because of
disowning his compassionate and kind selves. Also, by forgiving his
father he finds a gift in the actions of his father in that they made
him develop a strong drive to go after what he desired with courage
and persistence. So finally his dark and light sides meet and find
that together they are greater than the sum of the parts.

This chakra is also the sex center. Sex is something that the divine
left us with on earth to get in touch with our spirit. At a particular
moment in sex, you literally become timeless, experience the eternal
moment of Now, and touch a blissful aspect of your self that is
usually covered by the daily grind. It is also the highest possible
physical _expression of love. And the health benefits of sex are
documented to be vast, from age reversal to stress release to complex 'good hormones' releases. Such a powerful thing cannot be disowned without some powerful consequences. Any shame, guilt, resentment, fear, conflict, and negativity towards sex will show up as various aspects of impotence. It is no wonder that people with negative attitudes, guilt, shame, judgments, criticism, and fears towards sex often have self-worth issues that surface either as power, control, money or sexual impotence conditions. And vice versa. Power struggles, money struggles, individuality problems, and control issues in any aspect of life tend to manifest as sexual problems such as impotence. And cultural restrains have really not helped either. Several studies have shown that in cultures where there are no stigmas and shame attached to sexuality have almost no cases of sexual crimes, sexual dysfunctions and sexual diseases. Free your mind. Sexual liberation is not a 'bad thing'.

Watch your labels and judgments, for they tend to affect you exactly
as you call them. Bring to the light and erase all negativity,
judgment and inner conflict you have towards sex and your sexuality, and do so as soon as possible before it breaks you down. This inner conflict over sex in our societies, where it is seen simultaneously as a good and bad thing, is correspondingly breaking people's lives. What message does your mind and body get when you have a belief that sex is shameful and/or bad, yet you enjoy it? What result do you expect? It is the same conflict with money. A person cannot possibly get wealthy
if he or she believes that money is evil, bad or fearful to him or
her, and yet wants and needs some of it. That inner conflict clearly
shows itself outside. The law of cause and effect never fails.

Control is another aspect of this chakra. The paradox about control is that letting go is the higher way, the way that brings your life
within your circle of influence. You gain control of your life by
letting go of the need to control it. Control issues are simply a
power struggle, and you would not need to struggle with power if you knew it to be irrevocably within you, placed there for eternity in
vast quantities by your creator. You actually lose power the more you try to control external factors. All of life is given freedom. So what happens when you place your sense of power on something outside of you? You get into control battles. And because everything changes externally, you are bound to lose that battle some day. Yet there is no need for the battle. It is your attack and defense thoughts that increase your vulnerability and make you to literally lose yourself. Funny enough, when you are fully centered on your internal power, the external will follow you automatically. Letting go is one of the most paradoxically powerful capabilities we have! Learn detachment from what is happening at the moment of Now. It already Is, full of divine life. So how futile is it to try to change What Is Right Now, when you attempt to murder the moment you are in? And the statement you give out when you try to change What Is is that you disapprove of your self and all things divine, for nothing can Be without Life feeding it, and
you are part of The One Life. There is only One of Us. The less you
try to control people and things, the more power you will actually
find yourself having. You will stop reacting and start creating. You
will learn how to desire, intend, then detach yourself from the
current occurrence, knowing that your desires and intent are
guaranteed to come to life by universal law, but maybe in a way you
never expected. The universe always gives us what we seek, answers us what we ask, but it uses infinite intelligence to deliver at the
perfect time and through the perfect means, which are both often
unpredictable to you unless you have attained a state of full awareness.
A healthy second chakra makes you a powerfully creative being indeed! The amazing intelligence about life is that a creative idea, a desire, has inbuilt within it an intelligence that will bring about its
manifestation. In the realm of eternity and infinity where all things
arise, cause and effect are simultaneous and the idea or desire and
its manifestation are birthed all at once; it is only in the physical
dimension that the illusion of time makes us think there is a gap
between anything. You need not worry about how an idea or desire will come to fruition. Simply take the first available opportunity, and the next one shows up. A desire attracts all the events and people necessary for it to come to being. The only thing that slows it is blockages in the chakras, not having a clean slate, so to speak, and letting past false ideas of littleness get in the way. This second
chakra is the creative chakra that does the actual giving birth of
ideas (and babies!). Another way that this chakra is blocked, with
regards to creativity, is when you stop short of manifesting your
creative ideas due to some form of fear. It is every important that
all creative impulses are given birth to, manifested and acted up. The only healthy way to choose not to express your creativity is through a voluntary choice made from a standpoint of pure love that is untainted with fear of any sort.

Children naturally feel the inner pull to explore this chakra's
aspects when this chakra is most active in their growth as the major
cycle chakra, which is from their 7th birthday (their 8th year) to
their 15th birthday (the end of their 14th year). At that age they are
often filled with awe, trying to find out things, create, and so on.
Also, they start asking questions about sex. Now, it does not help
that the parent lies about sexuality and makes it look evil, and then
exerts over-the-top control on this child and denies them the chance
to explore their individuality. In the name of doing good, they damage the child. A child can understand a great deal more than an adult thinks they can (we are souls with bodies, and all souls are eternal and ancient to 'varying degrees', so to speak), so speak the truth and answer the questions honestly as they come. In fact, a child is often ahead of the parent in some ways because the child has not collected up any fears and false beliefs that limit it. Nor does a child have an unhealthy inner critic, at least not a very dominant and damaging one. It is society that implants these damages in a child. Here is a truth you may have experienced personally: creativity cannot be blocked. If
it does not find a natural answer and outlet that rings true inside to
the individual, it will find an unnatural one. Choose wisely which you would rather have for yourself and your children. The worst thing that can happen in this chakra is probably to have creativity, inquiry, individuality and choice crushed. This thoroughly deforms a person and it can take a considerable amount of effort and awareness to go back to normal.

Children come to us with new growth information from the spirit world. That is why evolution moves forward. Remember your history and look at where we are now. From the caves to the mansions, from the witch hunts to acceptance, and so on. Try your best not to enforce your ideas on your children as they often are tainted with fears (false evidence appearing real). Just because a child does not know your language or know how to use its body does not mean anything more than that. The child's soul may be a very old soul, and you can see that sometimes in many children who appear wise beyond their age. What a child needs
most is love and acceptance of it as it is, without conditions. They
need some guidance, but often we overdo it, just like it was done to
us. Those first few years can take us a lifetime to correct their
errors unless we are lucky enough to be given conscious steps to take.
On the subject of sexuality, there has been a massive imbalance
created over the last few thousand years. This has to do with the
male/female equality and power. Over the last few thousand years, the word God has come to be manipulated to the point where people believe that God is a male being, yet at no point did 'He Himself' say 'he' was male. Consider the fact that God is All That Is, and nothing can exist outside of God. This encompasses all things, male, female, androgynous, sexless, inert, and active, you name it. God is not a personality, let alone one with a sex (male or female). Whenever God is asked "Who are you?" God has always answered "I Am That I Am". She, He, It and Everything else. All of life makes up the Sum of God, We Are All It, All One Process. The God/Goddess polarities of The Original First Force are just polarities that spring up here. The reason I am going into all this is that the world is highly imbalanced and leaning too much on the male energy and rejecting the female energy. The female energy is equally as powerful, but with a different yet complementary essence and power. You have to see that form arises from no-form, that allowance is equally as powerful and important as
action. If you look at history, this male imbalance is very new, it
did not exist several thousand years ago (we can actually trace its
beginnings roughly around 8,000 B.C.). This imbalance was manipulated into place gradually. The truth is, your soul, your spirit, does not have a sex. It is not male or female. It is all things. It is only here on earth that you choose a polarity, like everything else, for the sake of experience. And that is a good thing; but the imbalance takes away this goodness and brings instead problems.

We each have the male and female polarities within us, although we do have a general side that we lean to more than the other. But rejection of any one of the polarities causes a great imbalance in your life, no matter who you are. Simply look around society and see for yourself. Men who idolize 'the hard man' at the expense and rejection of femininity eventually suffer a lonely collapse when they inevitably end up in a situation where 'the hard man' cannot get them out of, a situation that calls for the female energy properties. And women who have believed that femininity is weakness and a curse end up suffering various forms of oppression and problems with their reproductive parts that manifest their belief that they are powerless. No one side of The One Source is any less than the other. Balance yourself, accept and embrace all your polarities. Females, do not buy even one iota of the idea that males are superior to you, more powerful than you, and put
here to rule over you! The female energy is so powerful that
experiencing it would leave you breathless! But the earth has not
experienced it in recent millennia because we have denied its power. It is a power so strong yet so calm; a source from which creation springs effortlessly! Males are not superior in any way to women, nor are females superior in any way to men. Balance and embrace both and you will see an amazing transformation!

This energy center can be blocked by a variety of past events that
were unresolved. A common cause of blockage is any event that
convinces a person that he or she is unable to have and use their own independent power and choices. Therefore, events such as physical or psychological rape, criticism of capabilities and ambitions (such as a parent who always tells their child that they will never make it in life or that their career choices are wrong), and denial of creative avenues all block this chakra. But they only block it if the recipient of such actions accepts these actions within and 'agrees' to become a victim mentally. No matter what happens externally, a person always has the unalienable right to choose how to handle the situation mentally in their own mind. Once a person says 'ok, I am a victim, I have been victimized', they give away their power to the event and the chakra is blocked. And the only way to reclaim that back is through both embracing their shadow and forgiveness, as explained in the forgiveness section of this book.

Misperception of money is another way that this chakra gets blocked. This happens when you attach your sense of self-worth to money. When you do so, you give away your power to money. Therefore, your self-worth, power and life vitality fluctuates with your bank balance and, even worse, your fears of your future financial prospects. You literally 'bleed' an incredible amount of energy this way because your mind is often worrying about your financial future if you have given away your power and self-worth to how much money you have. And one day, when your money takes a dip, you may find yourself in some much
disempowered situation that may be coupled with illness in this
chakra's corresponding body parts. But if your sense of self-worth is
healthily contained within your infinite inner self, you will always
be wholesome regardless of your financial affairs, and this will go a
long way towards bringing you wealth and, if need be, getting you out of financial dips in a calm and rapid manner. Money is a very good thing, but it is forever your tool, at your beck and call, always
responding exactly to what you say it is. When you tell it that it is
an almighty force that you must struggle for, it becomes so. When you know yourself to be the creator of wealth, it becomes so. Remember, only about 4-6% of the world's money exists as paper and coins. The rest is all records on bank statements, invoices, accounts, and other such imaginary places. Literally, money is a maintained imagined count. About 94-96% of the world's money is all pure smoke, electronic and paper numbers. Just numbers. The only reason the system works is because we all accept and believe it. And if you take a $100 bill and place it on a table and come back in a month, it will have done nothing on its own! It will just be sitting there. On its own it is powerless! Without you, it would sit on that table for centuries and accomplish nothing. Why then would you believe your power is tied to it? Money is a channel of prosperity, not a source. It can never be a source because it has no power to cause. It is an effect, not a cause. You, your Self, is the cause, the source of your prosperity. This confusion is a primary reason for poverty. This is what is meant by having money as a false god - placing your faith in what has no power
on its own. Money is simply the channel through which your inner
prosperity flows out and expresses itself physically.

Another common way in which this chakra is blocked is when people sell themselves in various ways. This includes things such as doing a task that one does not really want to do but does it for the money or the recognition, or ignoring your heart and soul desire and instead doing something else for the sole reason of getting paid in some way or having some form of security.

Now let us revisit power. How do you gain personal power? It is
already within you in infinite quantities. You only do not experience
it because the human race, ages ago at a time symbolically referred to as "the fall of mankind" in various religions (in the Bible this is in Genesis), decided to forget its origins. Over the years, we have been remembering, gradually but at an ever increasing rate. Your power is all within you, but you have to accept it and stop fearing it. The fear to look within, to know thyself, is a major blockage to power. The lack of self-love and love for others is yet another blockage. So, the more True Love you have, the more power you uncover. We are talking here of True Love, which is unconditional and accepting of All Life without question. This is also called divine love. The reason why this limitation is put into place is that without true love which is unconditional and wholly accepting, you would destroy yourself and others in an instant were you to have full access of your full power. The same goes for knowledge and wisdom. Here, this means knowing your True Self, a part of the Creator. This is the kind of wisdom that is denied no one, for it is within everyone who cares to look within, and thus the question of IQ does not even arise. Again, this is in place for your protection. So you can effectively say that Power, Love and Knowledge form a triangle and increasing any one of that triangle's sides will increase the others to a certain extent.

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/27/2007 3:28 AM
Third Chakra

Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Below the breast
Colour: Yellow
Tone: A-O-M (ahh-ooo-mm)
Tone: E
Element: Fire
Sense: Sight
Meridians: Heart: Fire Energy Yin Organ
Small Intestine: Fire Energy Yang Organ
Pericardium: Fire Energy Yin Organ
Triple Burner: Fire Energy Yang Organ

Centre of personal power. When the solar plexus is open ,you have
found your unique gift, the work that gives you pleasure and makes you feel fulfilled. One way to find your gift is to consider what you most enjoyed doing when you were a child, this will give you clues about your natural inclinations. In marital arts the third chakra is
considered the center of Chi, the life force energy (also known as Reiki).

The diaphragm, the breath, adrenals, skin, digestive organs, stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder, liver.

Digestive difficulties, gas, food allergies, liver problems, diabetes,
over-sexed, gall stones, muscle cramps, spasm, depression, difficulty

Balanced Energy
Outgoing, Cheerful, Self-respect, Respect others, Strong sense of
personal power, Skillful, Intelligent, Relaxed, Spontaneous,
Expressive, Take on new challenges, Enjoy physical activities and good food.

Excessive Energy
Judgmental, Workaholic, Perfectionistic, Overly intellectual,
May need drugs to relax, Sexually inhibited, Can't show emotional warmth.

Deficient Energy
Depressed, Lack of confidence, Worry about what others think,
Confused, Poor digestion, Afraid of being alone, Sexual
energy-insecure, Need constant reassurance, Jealous, Distrustful.

Citrine, Gold Topaz, Amber, Tiger Eye, Gold Calcite, and Gold.


This energy center deals with development of personality and
individuality, decision-making, self-responsibility and self-esteem.
Healthy development in this center enables you to trust your decisions and feel safe making them. It also enables you to lead a life that feels fulfilling to you. The more developed this center is in you, the less blocked it is, the higher your self-esteem will be. A person with self-esteem shortages tends to attract relationships and conditions that mirror their low self-worth back to them.

This center is also the source of instinct, or gut-feeling. Instinct
is a natural feeling that comes from within, from your soul, regarding what is happening in your life at the moment. It is a communication that is always right and timely. It is always there, but few hear it because of all the mental and emotional interference they carry around them. Low self-esteem and poor decision-making development are especially blocking to these instinctive feelings. A person with low self-esteem and decision-making capability is unable to trust and follow their instincts because they have given away their power to external entities, always wondering whether they will fail in the eyes of others. Instinct from the soul will always guide you toward the right path for you. It cannot be wrong, for it is from a source that defies space and time, the part of you that is closest to The Source, the Creator. Instinct always guides you to take the next greater step. Sometimes this step may be to the unknown, and therefore only those without fear of external factors can follow it consistently.

This chakra calls for yet another move away from group thought, of
course. It is a step further towards individuating. Without breaking
away from group thought, your self-esteem cannot mature fully because self-esteem literally means moving the power base from external factors and authority to internal guidance and security. External factors always change so the only true security that can last you a lifetime is to be found deep within you. Without internal power, you would be unable to effect your life situations to your satisfaction and comfort on the long term. So moving away from group thought is not a selfish and arrogant thing to do, as long as you don't do it by attacking that group thought. Just as much as you have a right to have your own system, so does everyone else. People do not have to agree with you, and in fact fighting to prove yourself right is a power-eroding battle to yourself and others. It is absolutely pointless and damaging to all involved. All you are asked to do is put your foot down to the universe and claim your own say, no more, no less. Remember, the world will always reflect your internal composition back to you. It is the law of cause and effect.

If as a child and throughout life you avoided or were not given the
chance to make decisions and experience your own power, you would not have had the chance to see that you really do have power and to experience that your choices have outcomes. You would not have had the chance to experience the laws of cause and effect. Hence you would now find it hard to believe that you have power and your choices always give corresponding outcomes. The world may look like a random place to you, a place where luck and misfortune plays a role. The truth is that there is no such thing as chaos, luck, accidents. These are human concepts that we came up with to explain what we did not understand, where we did not see the perfect order behind the apparent chaos or luck.

Unfortunately, most of our society today strips its children of the
necessary experience of decision-making when this chakra is most
active in their growth as a theme year chakra (in their 3rd and 10th
years) and much more importantly as the major cycle chakra, which is from their 14th birthday (their 15th year) to their 22nd birthday (the end of their 21st year). This leaves them quite dependent and
incapable of making decisions they can believe in and experience
effects of. These are the teen years during which children naturally
feel the urgency to learn this skill. Now, it does not help that the
parent criticizes their decisions and tells them they are incapable of
making decisions because they are 'too young to know'. Parents and society in general has tended to criticize the teenage years and put as much control as possible, which is very counter-productive in many ways. Sure, teens need guidance, but exerting no-choice control and telling a teen that they are incapable of making good decisions so they must be made for them is, as our societies now prove by result, not the way forward. A person must have a chance at making their own decisions (with guidance but not interference), even if they may be mistaken, or else they will not learn the cause and effect nature of choices, the power of choices, or even the existence of choice-making ability. The law of cause and effect, of reaping and sawing, is what runs this entire universe. Even quantum physics and other branches of
science attest to this. And the years to naturally learn of this law
by first hand experience, without interference, is from the 15th to
the 21st year, and to a minor extent in the 3rd and 10th year. Failure
to do so vastly disempowers a person for they do not believe that
their decisions have any effect, they do not believe they are capable
of creating their own lives, and this ends up victimizing them for
years to come until they learn the hard way that cause and effect is
the way of the world. As a man thinketh, so is he. How else can you
learn this naturally without experiencing it consciously without
external interference and pressure?

And yet another common blockage that develops in this chakra occurs when a person frequently makes decisions based on their fears. When a person's fears dictate their choices, they completely strip this person of a vast amount of personal power and self-determination ability.

Self-responsibility is simply the realization that we are at cause of
our world. With self-esteem and decision-making abilities intact, a
person starts to see the ever-present link between their choices and
their world. They see that they really do have the power to shape
their lives exactly. The more they see this, the more they are happily
able to see their responsibility over their own selves. And the more
they are able to fashion their financial, health and relationship
affairs as they wish them to be. When this happens, they stop
attracting situations that mirror their low self esteem and power and start attracting those that mirror their internal wholeness and
security. With responsibility comes response-ability.

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/27/2007 3:30 AM
Fourth Chakra

Heart Chakra

Location: Center of the chest.
Colour: Green or pink.
Tone: A
Note: F#
Element: Nature
Sense: Touch
Meridians: Gallbladder: Wood Energy Yang Organ
           Liver: Wood Energy Yin Organ

The heart chakra is the center of compassion,when the heart is open, you transcend the limits of your people, plants, animals, all of life. This is the humanitarian center,you care about social causes. like saving the whales and the planet earth.

Balanced Energy
Compassionate, Empathetic, Humanitarian, See the good in everyone, Desire to nurture others, Friendly, Outgoing, In touch with feelings, Sexual energy-can surrender and merge in a love relationship, Can wait for the right partner.

Excessive Energy
Demanding, Overly critical, Possessive, Moody, Melodramatic,
Manic-depressive, Use money or sex to control people. Martyra master of conditional love "I love you if" withhold love to get the desired behavior: "You wouldn't do that if you really loved me."

Deficient Energy
Paranoid, Feel sorry for yourself, Indecisive, Afraid of letting go
and be free. Sexual energy, Feel unworthy love, Can't reach out,
Terrified of rejection, Need constant reassurance.

Heart, Lungs, Immune system, Thymus Gland, Lymph glands.

Heart pain, Heartattack, High blood pressure, Negativity, Fatigue,
Difficulty breathing, Tension, Insomnia, Anger, Paranoia, Cancer

Emerald Green Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Malachite, Green Jade, Green Adventurine, Rose Quartz.

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/27/2007 3:32 AM
Fifth Chakra

Throat Chakra

Location: Bottom of the neck.
Color: Light blue,turquoise.
Tone: U
Note: G#
Sense: Hearing
Element: Air/Ether
Meridians -
Lung: Ether Energy Yin Organ
Large Intestine: Ether Energy Yang Organ

Speech, sound, vibration, communication, creativity, telepathy,

This is the center for communication, when this center is open, you
will have a powerful desire to talk about what you´re experiencing.
When you do this, some of your old friends will fall away, but your
true friends will always be there for you, so let go of the ones who
are uncomfortable with the new person you are becoming. You'll find that there are many new and wonderful friends who will be magnetically drawn to you as your own energy changes.

Balanced Energy
Contented, Centered, Can live in the present, Sense of timing, Good
speaker, Artistic, Can meditate and experience Divine Energy, Sexual energy, Can seek bliss through meditation.

Excessive Energy
Arrogant, Self-righteous, Talk too much, Dogmatic, Addictive, Sexual energy-macho, Prefers partners who can be dominated.

Deficient Energy
Scared, Timid, Hold back, Quiet, Inconsistent, Unreliable, Weak,
Devious, Manipulative, Can't express your thoughts, Sexual
energy-can't relax, Feel conflict with your religious upbringing, May be afraid of sex.

Thyroid, Parathyroid, Throat, Mouth, Teeth.

Communication and/or speech problems, Knowledge used unwisely, Ignorance, Lack of discernment, Thyroid and immune system problems.

Turquoise, Chrysocolla, Blue topaz, Aquamarine.

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/27/2007 3:33 AM
Home First Chakra
Chakra 1
Second Chakra
Chakra 2
Third Chakra
Chakra 3
Fourth Chakra
Chakra 4
Fifth Chakra
Chakra 5
Sixth Chakra
Chakra 6
Seventh Chakra
Chakra 7
site map Third Eye or Ajna Chakra:
          The Sixth Chakra

Home Page
History of Chakras
Chakra Meditation
Auras and Chakras
Crystal Healing and the Chakra System
Chakra System Compared to Other Systems
Sound and the Chakras
Glossary of Terms

2-pedaled lotus symbol
The third eye is located between the eyebrows and is the vortex of intuition, imagination, visualization, clairvoyance and vision. Many believe that this chakra is connected with the pineal gland and is the "seat of the soul". It vibrates at a higher frequency than sound. The third eye's vibration is that of light.

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the sixth chakra:

Third Eye Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols:  There are two white lotus petals that look somewhat like wings on which the inner spirit can soar and a yellow or golden triangle pointing down. The symbol resembles an actual eye. Below the bija or seed symbol is Hakini sitting on a white lotus with six arms and six red faces. Above her (and above the bija symbol) is the crescent moon and the "dot of manifestation".

Sanskrit Name and Meaning:  Ajna - perception

Location:  Medula plexus, the point between the eyebrows

Element:  Light

Parts of the Body:  pineal, eyes

Malfunction:  blindness, eyestrain, blurred vision, headaches, nightmares

Bija Sound:  Aum

Petal Sounds:  Hang, Kshang

Animal:  Owl

Yoga Path:  Yantra yoga

Incense:  mugwort, saffron, star anise, acacia

Minerals:  star sapphire, lapis lazuli, quartz

Deities:  Shakti Hakini, Krishna, Paramasiva, Isis, Themis, Apollo, Iris, Morpheus, Tara, Hecate, Belenos

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2USent: 7/27/2007 3:34 AM
Crown or Sahasrara Chakra:
          The Seventh Chakra

Home Page
History of Chakras
Chakra Meditation
Auras and Chakras
Crystal Healing and the Chakra System
Chakra System Compared to Other Systems
Sound and the Chakras
Glossary of Terms
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is located above the head and is the vortex of consciousness and transcendence. When developed we discover the thousand-petaled lotus blooming at the top of the head. In Sanskrit, this chakra is called the Sahasrara, meaning thousandfold or infinite. Yogis call it the "seat of enlightenment". The element of this chakra is thought and its function is knowing. This knowing comes from meditation.

Following is a table listing the symbols and sounds associated with the seventh or crown chakra:

Crown Chakra Symbols, Sounds, and Associations

Lotus Symbols:  There are 1,000 lotus petals representing the infinite. In the center of this lotus symbol is the full moon.

Sanskrit Name and Meaning:  Sahasrara - thousandfold

Location:  top of the head

Element:  Thought

Parts of the Body:  pituitary gland, central nervous system, cerebral cortex

Malfunction:  inability to learn, confusion, apathy, alienation, depression, boredom

Bija Sound:  none

Petal Sounds:  none

Animals:  none associated

Yoga Path:  Jnana yoga, meditation

Incense:  lotus, gotu kola

Minerals:  diamond, amethyst

Deities:  Shiva, Varuna, Ama-kala, Zeus, Odin, Nut, Enki, Inanna, Mimir, Ennoia

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 5:24 AM

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