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PC Tips.. : Bandwidth Theft
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 9/8/2007 9:29 AM
This is a complicated one...Bandwidth Theft...something NONE of us know about when we first go online but go into danger of getting busted for cause we dont know about it.
You can do a search and there are web sites that explain it but it all sounds sooooooooooooooo complicated so im gonna give ya the simple run down...
Bandwidth Theft is when you copy and paste from a web site into another one...and in information you are copying and pasting, you copy a picture...this is called bandwidth theft...its a picture...or bar or background...
Now I know you know what a picture is...but a bar is something like this...

or can be more decorative like this...

A background is a picture that covers the entire page...that the type and other pictures are written this...

 But it covers the entire page...
When you copy and paste..  Copy from one place and paste to another...this draws like power from their site...its like stealing their electricity...and they have to pay money for this to whoever they purchuse their site from...this is why so many web sites close down...they simply can not afford to pay for you to use their 'electricity'
YOU CAN...right click on your mouse over the picture and click SAVE AS...meaning save it to your computer as long as its not a copyright infringment... but if its for your own personal use then your not really infringing on anything.
P.s. almost forgot...this is a serious serious in fact that you can be sued and or jailed. Alot of people have away of tracking down the bandwidth tracking down the electrical current being drawn from their site...then your busted and you get a knock on the door from the internet police...and yes we have internet thought that was a joke to till someone passed me the link..

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