From the Merck Index:
Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride. ...C19H15ClN4; mol. wt. 334.80. Prepared from formazylbenzene by oxidation with mercuric oxide or amyl or butyl nitrite and treatment with alcoholic HCl: v. Pechmann, Runge, Ber. 27, 2920 (1894); Atkinson et al., Science 111, 385 (1950); from N,N' ,C-triphenylformazan by oxidation with lead tetraacetate: Kuhn, Jerchel, Ber. 74, 945 (1941).
Solvated nearly colorless needles from alcohol or chloroform, dry at 105°. Turns yellow on exposure to light. Dec 243°. Sol in water, alcohol, acetone; insol in ether. Oxidizes aldoses and ketoses, as well as other a-ketols, and is thereby reduced to a water-insoluble, deep red pigment, a triphenylformazan.