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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepissedoffnotavailablenic  (Original Message)Sent: 10/10/2006 9:22 PM
Someone please tell me, how can i change my nickname?

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 Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname·Steve·Sent: 10/11/2006 4:52 AM
Some people been able to change their nickname at the MSN Chat page at  Note that MSN Chat will be gone after October 16.  The "My Profile" and "My MSN Nickname" link redirects to your profile under Windows Live Beta.  Let me know if it works.  I gather from posts in other groups that changing your nickname has been a struggle lately, sometimes taking days (or longer) for the change to take effect, leaving you in limbo not knowing if it worked.  Good luck!
P.S.  Here's the direct link to the Windows Live Beta Profile page:

 Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamepissedoffnotavailablenicSent: 10/13/2006 10:29 PM
I've changed my nickname from my profile with that link.  I figured out, why i couldn't change it before. Because i haven't got my space. After getting my space view profile option is appeared, from there i filled display name and new nickname which are required fields.
Although i signed in with my e-mail account after changing my nickname, my old nickname is displayed. I checked out my profile to make sure it is changed. It is indeed. I will try to join another group, and see if it works. 

 Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname·Steve·Sent: 10/14/2006 1:34 AM
Thanks, I was curious to know if it would work since a lot of people would like to change their name sometime.  Now it's just a matter of keeping your fingers crossed and seeing if the change takes effect anytime soon.  I've seen feedback about this on other boards saying it took days, weeks, even more, for the change to show.  For others, it changed immediately, or worst case never at all so they just abandoned that passport and started fresh with a new one.  The problem seems to be related to MSN's routing of profile management to MSN Spaces, or Windows Live Spaces as they call it now.
Also here's a link to some messages about this problem at Community Feedback.  There is a link there to a Live Spaces Support Contact Form which may be worth a try if the change does not take effect.


 Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname·Steve·Sent: 10/27/2006 11:04 PM
Here's the standard response to this issue from MSN Technical Support, posted at Community Feedback today.  I removed the original names.  Unfortunately, it does not give any hope that the problem will be fixed anytime soon. 
Hello Xxxx,
Thank you for writing back to MSN Groups Technical Support.
My name is Yyyyy and I understand that you have changed your nickname in Spaces but it does not change in your Groups.  I apologize for the inconvenience this issue may have caused you.

Please be advised that Microsoft has made changes to the Nickname feature.  The old Nickname feature uses a local nickname specifically for MSN Groups. It was changed to provide the users a choice of using a global nickname that can be shared across MSN Groups and Windows Live Spaces. This move also prevents MSN users to be impersonated.

Some users have reported that they have changed their nicknames, but new nicknames do not appear in the groups they belong to. We are aware of this issue but, at this time, Microsoft is unable to revert those changes.

You are valuable at MSN and we look forward to providing you with consistent and effective service.  Thank you for using MSN Groups.


MSN Groups Technical Support

 Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamepissedoffnotavailablenicSent: 10/29/2006 8:02 PM
It seems like switching from local nickname to global nickname will take time.
I realised my nickname is kinda disturbing when i am refused by a poem group. I would like to share my poem with other people and see what they think of.
Even i don't remember how i ended up with this nickname even i sent a mail how come i got it although i didn't choose, it might be automatically assigned. The first msn group i joined was ChemistryCorner, and i was impatient to ask my diy process question, so i think i haven't pay much attention to my nickname.
Thanks for sharing

 Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname·Steve·Sent: 10/30/2006 1:31 AM
Hey, your nic says it all actually, I'll bet there's lots of people who feel exactly the same way!  The only thing I can think of to do is to dump that account and begin again with a new one.  Have a list of nic possibilities on hand when you create your new profile, as most will probably already be taken.  Also you can use the Alt (escape) code characters as well; that should create lots of possibilities.  I copied and pasted them below.

Good Luck �?/FONT>


Alt-033 !
Alt-034 "
Alt-035 #
Alt-036 $
Alt-037 %
Alt-038 &
Alt-039 '
Alt-040 (
Alt-041 )
Alt-042 *
Alt-043 +
Alt-044 ,
Alt-045 -
Alt-046 .
Alt-047 /
Alt-048 0
Alt-049 1
Alt-050 2
Alt-051 3
Alt-052 4
Alt-053 5
Alt-054 6
Alt-055 7
Alt-056 8
Alt-057 9
Alt-058 :
Alt-059 ;
Alt-060 <
Alt-061 =
Alt-062 >
Alt-063 ?
Alt-064 @
Alt-065 A
Alt-066 B
Alt-067 C
Alt-068 D
Alt-069 E
Alt-070 F
Alt-071 G
Alt-072 H
Alt-073 I
Alt-074 J
Alt-075 K
Alt-076 L
Alt-077 M
Alt-078 N
Alt-079 O
Alt-080 P
Alt-081 Q
Alt-082 R
Alt-083 S
Alt-084 T
Alt-085 U
Alt-086 V
Alt-087 W
Alt-088 X
Alt-089 Y
Alt-090 Z
Alt-091 [
Alt-092 \
Alt-093 ]
Alt-094 ^
Alt-095 _
Alt-096 `
Alt-097 a
Alt-098 b
Alt-099 c
Alt-100 d
Alt-101 e
Alt-102 f
Alt-103 g
Alt-104 h
Alt-105 i
Alt-106 j
Alt-107 k
Alt-108 l
Alt-109 m
Alt-110 n
Alt-111 o
Alt-112 p
Alt-113 q
Alt-114 r
Alt-115 s
Alt-116 t
Alt-117 u
Alt-118 v
Alt-119 w
Alt-120 x
Alt-121 y
Alt-122 z
Alt-123 {
Alt-124 |
Alt-125 }
Alt-126 ~
Alt-127 �?BR>Alt-128 Ç
Alt-129 ü
Alt-130 é
Alt-131 â
Alt-132 ä
Alt-133 à
Alt-134 å
Alt-135 ç
Alt-136 ê
Alt-137 ë
Alt-138 è
Alt-139 ï
Alt-140 î
Alt-141 ì
Alt-142 Ä
Alt-143 Å
Alt-144 É
Alt-145 æ
Alt-146 Æ
Alt-147 ô
Alt-148 ö
Alt-149 ò
Alt-150 û
Alt-151 ù
Alt-152 ÿ
Alt-153 Ö
Alt-154 Ü
Alt-155 ¢
Alt-156 £
Alt-157 ¥
Alt-158 �?
Alt-159 ƒ
Alt-160 á
Alt-161 í
Alt-162 ó
Alt-163 ú
Alt-164 ñ
Alt-165 Ñ
Alt-166 ª
Alt-167 º
Alt-168 ¿
Alt-169 �?
Alt-170 ¬
Alt-171 ½
Alt-172 ¼
Alt-173 ¡
Alt-174 «
Alt-175 »
Alt-176 �?
Alt-177 �?
Alt-178 �?
Alt-179 �?
Alt-180 �?
Alt-181 �?
Alt-182 �?
Alt-183 �?
Alt-184 �?
Alt-185 �?
Alt-186 �?
Alt-187 �?
Alt-188 �?
Alt-189 �?
Alt-190 �?
Alt-191 �?
Alt-192 �?
Alt-193 �?
Alt-194 �?
Alt-195 �?
Alt-196 ─
Alt-197 �?
Alt-198 �?
Alt-199 �?BR>Alt-200 �?BR>Alt-201 �?BR>Alt-202 �?
Alt-203 �?BR>Alt-204 �?BR>Alt-205 �?BR>Alt-206 �?BR>Alt-207 �?BR>Alt-208 �?BR>Alt-209 �?BR>Alt-210 �?BR>Alt-211 �?BR>Alt-212 �?BR>Alt-213 �?BR>Alt-214 �?BR>Alt-215 �?BR>Alt-216 �?BR>Alt-217 �?BR>Alt-218 �?BR>Alt-219 �?BR>Alt-220 �?
Alt-221 �?
Alt-222 �?
Alt-223 ▀
Alt-224 α
Alt-225 ß
Alt-226 Γ
Alt-227 π
Alt-228 Σ
Alt-229 σ
Alt-230 µ
Alt-231 τ
Alt-232 Φ
Alt-233 Θ
Alt-234 Ω
Alt-235 δ
Alt-236 �?
Alt-237 φ
Alt-238 ε
Alt-239 �?
Alt-240 �?
Alt-241 ±
Alt-242 �?
Alt-243 �?
Alt-244 �?
Alt-245 �?
Alt-246 ÷
Alt-247 �?
Alt-248 °
Alt-249 �?
Alt-250 ·
Alt-251 �?
Alt-252 �?
Alt-253 ²
Alt-254 �?
Alt-257 �?
Alt-258 �?
Alt-259 �?
Alt-260 �?
Alt-261 �?
Alt-262 �?
Alt-263 �?
Alt-264 �?
Alt-265 �?
Alt-266 �?
Alt-267 �?
Alt-268 ♀
Alt-269 �?
Alt-270 �?
Alt-271 �?
Alt-272 �?
Alt-273 �?
Alt-274 �?
Alt-275 �?
Alt-276 ¶
Alt-277 §
Alt-278 �?
Alt-279 �?
Alt-280 �?
Alt-281 �?
Alt-282 �?
Alt-283 �?
Alt-284 �?
Alt-285 �?
Alt-286 �?
Alt-287 �?

Alt-0128 �?BR>Alt-0129 
Alt-0130 �?BR>Alt-0131 ƒ
Alt-0132 �?BR>Alt-0133 �?BR>Alt-0134 �?BR>Alt-0135 �?BR>Alt-0136 ˆ
Alt-0137 �?BR>Alt-0138 Š
Alt-0139 �?BR>Alt-0140 Œ
Alt-0141 
Alt-0142 Ž
Alt-0143 
Alt-0144 
Alt-0145 �?BR>Alt-0146 �?BR>Alt-0147 �?BR>Alt-0148 �?BR>Alt-0149 �?BR>Alt-0150 �?BR>Alt-0151 �?BR>Alt-0152 ˜
Alt-0153 �?BR>Alt-0154 š
Alt-0155 �?BR>Alt-0156 œ
Alt-0157 
Alt-0158 ž
Alt-0159 Ÿ
Alt-0161 ¡
Alt-0162 ¢
Alt-0163 £
Alt-0164 ¤
Alt-0165 ¥
Alt-0166 ¦
Alt-0167 §
Alt-0168 ¨
Alt-0169 ©
Alt-0170 ª
Alt-0171 «
Alt-0172 ¬
Alt-0173 ­­
Alt-0174 ®
Alt-0175 ¯
Alt-0176 °
Alt-0177 ±
Alt-0178 ²
Alt-0179 ³
Alt-0180 ´
Alt-0181 µ
Alt-0182 ¶
Alt-0183 ·
Alt-0184 ¸
Alt-0185 ¹
Alt-0186 º
Alt-0187 »
Alt-0188 ¼
Alt-0189 ½
Alt-0190 ¾
Alt-0191 ¿
Alt-0192 À
Alt-0193 Á
Alt-0194 Â
Alt-0195 Ã
Alt-0196 Ä
Alt-0197 Å
Alt-0198 Æ
Alt-0199 Ç
Alt-0200 È
Alt-0201 É
Alt-0202 Ê
Alt-0203 Ë
Alt-0204 Ì
Alt-0205 Í
Alt-0206 Î
Alt-0207 Ï
Alt-0208 Ð
Alt-0209 Ñ
Alt-0210 Ò
Alt-0211 Ó
Alt-0212 Ô
Alt-0213 Õ
Alt-0214 Ö
Alt-0215 ×
Alt-0216 Ø
Alt-0217 Ù
Alt-0218 Ú
Alt-0219 Û
Alt-0220 Ü
Alt-0221 Ý
Alt-0222 Þ
Alt-0223 ß
Alt-0224 à
Alt-0225 á
Alt-0226 â
Alt-0227 ã
Alt-0228 ä
Alt-0229 å
Alt-0230 æ
Alt-0231 ç
Alt-0232 è
Alt-0233 é
Alt-0234 ê
Alt-0235 ë
Alt-0236 ì
Alt-0237 í
Alt-0238 î
Alt-0239 ï
Alt-0240 ð
Alt-0241 ñ
Alt-0242 ò
Alt-0243 ó
Alt-0244 ô
Alt-0245 õ
Alt-0246 ö
Alt-0247 ÷
Alt-0248 ø
Alt-0249 ù
Alt-0250 ú
Alt-0251 û
Alt-0252 ü
Alt-0253 ý
Alt-0254 þ
Alt-0255 ÿ 

 Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname·Steve·Sent: 10/30/2006 1:44 AM
One other thing, it used to be that you could not enter these Alt characters in the Profile screen.  If that's still the case, type the name in Notepad first, and then copy and paste it into the profile editor.  This way you can check what it looks like before irreversibly saving it in the profile. 

 Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname·Steve·Sent: 5/5/2008 6:12 PM
Some people are reporting that they can at last change their MSN nickname from Live Spaces (  That used to not work, but maybe it will finally work now.
Message posted in Web Design:

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