Dear Science Teacher,
We would like to you consider completing a survey that pertains to the use of technology in science classes. Answering the questions is done on strictly a voluntary basis, and you may withdraw at any time without negative consequences; to withdraw from the study, simply close the web browser. Completing any part of the questionnaire indicates (1) that you are 18 years of age or older and (2) your informed consent concerning your participation in the research project. The time needed to complete the questionnaire should be 10 minutes or less. Please answer the questions in relation to the 2007-2008 school year.
Information gained from the completion of this questionnaire will provide us with insight into how science teacher preparation may be modified to assist science teachers use a variety of technology for instructional purposes. There will be no attempts to identify any person answering the questions. Responses to the questions will be reported on an aggregated basis. Only the researchers will have access to individually submitted questionnaires. Thus, there are no risks associated with the completion of the questionnaire.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this questionnaire or research project, please feel free to contact either of us. Thank you for your consideration..
Yours truly,
Renee M. Eggers, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Educational Foundations, Research, Technology, and Leadership College of Education Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44555 [email protected]
Janet B. Williams, Ph.D. Department of Teacher Education College of Education Youngstown State University Youngstown, Ohio 44555 [email protected]