When Looking for a Tutor by San Diego Tutor
We believe that the tutor must know the subject well. As important, if not more, the tutor must be able to teach the subject in a fashion that the student can understand and apply. What good is a tutor if they know all the right answers but can't teach the student how to do it. In addition, the tutor should be courteous and have a friendly personality so the student feels comfortable asking questions and does not feel bad if he or she does not get the material quickly.
I would recommend tutors work on their patients and listening skills, assuming all the above are already being implemented. A good tutor will be able to figure out why the student is having a hard time with a subject and address that issue exactly. The tutor must be a good listener because a lot of the time, the student will tell you exactly why they are having trouble. Sometimes, finding out where the disconnect is becomes the biggest challenge for the tutor. If the tutor is a good listener, the answer may be found much easier.
The role of a tutor is to help the student help himself. Ultimately, tutoring should be a catalyst that enables the student to learn from the tutor and then be able to work the problems on his own. Tutoring is the short term answer to help the student gain confidence and learning skills. If done properly, the student should be able to learn the study and test taking skills from the tutor and no longer need the tutors assistance.
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