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(3 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameblackempressss  (Original Message)Sent: 6/2/2008 5:30 AM

I figure this is a way for you the members to be in the loop of what is going on.
I will share the questions and answer on this thread so you can see.
You can comment if you want to but you don't have to.
Thank You
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 Message 66 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/23/2008 6:50 AM

Which doctor do you dread going to the most? Dentist

When was your last doctors visit? Don't remember its been a while

When was your last dental visit? About 8 months

What does the rain smell like to you?  lol not sure i can put it into words

What scent or smell do you like the most?baby powder scent

What scent or smell puts you off? Stale body odour

What scent or smell reminds you of grandma's house? Charcoal

Is there a scent or smell that reminds you of your father? lol No

Is there a scent that reminds you of your mother? lol No

Do you have a pager? No

Have you ever tossed coins in a wishing well and wished? Did the wish come true? I don't know i normally do the process but forget about the wish its more of just doing more than the actual wish.

Is your alarm clock, buzz noise, bell noise or the radio? I use my cell phone it alarms a song and gets louder and louder until i press the snooze (off)button.

Do you wake up easily? No

 Message 67 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/23/2008 7:14 AM

Are you political minded? No

Are you opinionated? Or do you keep quiet?  I try to mind my own business but if someone come to  me with something be prepare to get the full effect of my opinion.

Did you vote in the last election? No

Will you vote in the next election? No

Is it easy to change your mind? No lol my mom say i am like thomas hard to believe

Can your opinion be bought? If we talking survey or some random test then sure

Do you think you are far right or left wing? Why? Not sure what this means.

Are you racist? No

Do you think there will be people of different nations and colors in government positions now? Why or why not? Some day there will be, the world is changing and there is a wide variety of different people and they all have good ideas they can bring to politics

Do you think racism is still stronger in the south than in the north? Not sure on that one

Are you good at figuring out whodunits? Not sure whats a whodunits

Do you follow true crimes? No

Are you manipulative? Is your partner? No to both

Do you get annoyed if you don;t get your own way about something? No

Do you pout and use the silent treatment? Does your partner? No for me for my partner i think he does sometimes

 Message 68 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/26/2008 6:42 AM
Date you established your group?  May 31st 2007
Are you the manager or assistant manager? The Manager
How many managers/assistant managers do you have in your group? I have me as the manager and one other as the assistant manager so its just two of us.
Why did you name your group what you did?
I name it what i did so it will always represent what the group is all about,  its about family and our name and a way to show that all who come to join us will be connecting. In connecting they will be building life long friendships in various ways while still learning about my family the Duhaneys and in learning about the Duhaneys and connecting and sharing we will create another kind of family. A family build online through various ways of connecting a broader Duhaney Family Connected, not just bloodline but trustline. Friendships of people who will always be there for you and always have your back, sharing and caring and have a fun filled time together. 

 Message 69 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/26/2008 7:01 AM
How many members do you have? 35 actual including me and the manager, msn say 40 but thats because of my other ids for posting pictures when i just started.
How many active members do you have? I would say about 12 that comes in from time to time but never at the same time or the same week lol
What do you do to get your members to participate? I listen to there suggestions and put games and word searches in that they would enjoy. I send out announcement when we  have a new member so they can come out and welcome that person. I keep them in the loop with all i do (whatever is going on with me) so they will feel comfortable in sharing there life with the group. I have several message boards  so that  there is something there for everyone. e.g: Poems, Stories, Quotes, Jokes and Recap etc.
If members do not participate in your group, do you cancel their memberships? Yes eventually, after notifying them that they need to let me know in some way that they are still interested. If you not participating you are not connecting.
Do you have mailboxes in your group so that members may communicate with you & other members? Yes i do, and i even have an individual snag board, its like a mailbox but its just for tags where i give out little gifts in tags to members some for participation and some just for surprises. Members can also give each other gifts on there individual snag board as well as long as all copyright is in the right place.

 Message 70 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/26/2008 7:20 AM
Where are you from? Toronto, Canada but Jamaican born and raise up to age 16
Name the different places around the world that your members are from? Portugal, New Zealand, Canada, Jamaica, United States of America, Scotland, UK, Bahamas and The Netherlands = 9 Countries
Do you get to know all your members in your group? Yes, I have them on my messenger list for those who have messenger. I send out notices when i am online and can chat in the chatroom. And i have some other ways coming soon.
As a manager do you read every single posting in your group? Yes i do. After missing a new member introduction for a few days i learn its important to read all the messages.
Do you reply to all the postings in your group? I reply to those that require replying to some are jokes but i still reply to let them know it made me laugh and i like it.

 Message 71 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/26/2008 7:39 AM
On a scale of 1 to 10.
One being the lowest and ten being the highest please rank your group on the following.
Friendship ---  8.5
Giving out/Sharing information --- 8
Giving out WWO's --- 8
Giving out Snags for the Siggy Piggies --- 7
Fun --- 9.5
Please add anything else you can think of ...
Duhaney Family Connected is a unique group. We are about finding information on the past, saving information of the present for those coming in the future. Finding ways to link our bloodlines and building new friendships through our trustline.  We do a monthly recap each month so new members can always know what went on before, we give everyone an opportunity to get involve and connect with each other. Our general board alone at present has 3 different types of word search with  different ways to play. We have 9 summer games for just the summer alone. And we have 21 games that has various ways to play by not just copying and pasting but we connect with each other on these threads.  We have a preference board that tells us what each member likes in a tag and we offer tags plus have tags that are snaggable even thou we are not a psp group. On all of our dividers there is a surprise of encouragement about life or just something funny while most groups dividers are just that, dividers they are blanks. Our dividers have a little something special. And the last divider has a thank you for viewing our group even if a person don't join us, they know we appreciate the time they took to check us out.  We really do have something for everyone, whether its poetry, songs, stories, quotes we have a place for everyone. So be sure to come check us out.

 Message 72 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 6/26/2008 9:45 AM
Is your group copyright aware? Yes it is
Did you take classes on copyright awareness or just learn on your own? I took classes
Who are the "Founders" of your group? Please tell us about the "Founders".I am the founder of the group blackempressss and Simon is the co-founder of the group. I am all about family i believe in that family connection and knowing who i am and where i am from and all the things that make you say hmmn when another family member say something and you see how alike you are. I believe family is not just bloodline but its that trust you share with people knowing you can always count on them to be there and support you, and by support i don't mean give money to you, i mean been in your corner looking out for you, not letting anything bad happen and thats where the trustline comes in.   I was born in jamaica and came to live in Canada when i was 16 years old, I am an only child by my mom and number 4 of several for my dad he is still getting children.  I have a son and he is a great young man and i am confident that i did the best job i could as a parent. I have been married twice but i tend to focus on the first marriage as i dont really value the 2nd marriage and thats a whole different story. I work in the fast food industry McDonalds to be exact, i am the 2nd assistant manager at present which is two step from running my own McDonalds, however in the early part of this year, i was given a chance to run a small mall McDonalds for 4 months until the person who is suppost to run it came off vacation. 
 Simon is from the UK and is one of 3 children in the family. he has a younger sister and brother and is very good at been a big brother to them both and of course like all younger siblings they are always testing the limits and he does a great job at keeping them in line. Simon is also a student and  christian of only 14 years whose birthday is coming up soon.  He is involved in several youth programs in his church. I am proud to have met him he taught me AW1- AW5 and he taught me Copyright and through him i am connected with Teddie and thats another story as well. Simon is a special person, a great person to know a young man who is destined for greatness who will have a bright future, he is smart and very witty and enjoys msn group a real creator and an inspiration in all times but especially in the low times. He owns and manages two groups of which we are partnered with, and he is an assistant manager for several other msn groups. He also teaches background classes AW1 - AW5 and he teaches copyright classes and makes his own tags. He has a very active and full life that is nicely balance and through it all he always find time to help out when he is called upon to help.
Please tell us alittle bit about the members of your group. Where are they from? Some of the members of my group are bloodline family, my siblings as well as cousins and some has the last name but we have yet to find the bloodline connection other members of my group are friends i have know for years and some are new friends i met online and i have  a few of this week that is still a mystery as they have not introduce themselves yet.  My bloodline and shared name family are mostly from Canada, Jamaica, USA and the Netherland.  That include CrystalM_D, Sexy_nyc_male, Shadow14141, SM1L3Y0, CornelODuhaney, Kevin, Jambini, Claudine765, blackprincessss1 and BabyLUV24 .   My close friends are yardierudegirl and missmagicalcella live in Canada, Sas is my god-daughter same age as Simon lives in the USA, Blackhandsome4u, EndlessStiff_Hard and  Mel are friends i met online in the early years in 1999 and up to 2003 and they live in Canada, USA and the Bahamas. My new friends i met online since opening this group are BeagleMom, Spiritangel, jujudancer1,CybelAngel1st1, Niteowl1621, divalady, Cissie, Kim, Laura and  Mary and they live in various parts of the USA, New Zealand and Scotland. BeagleMom, Spiritangel and Jujudancer are all managers of there own group and Niteowl an assistant manager for both Spiritangel and Jujudancer groups.

Are they all related to you OR are some of the members, people you have picked up from the internet.? Some of the members are related to me, some i met online, and some join the group but i have yet to hear there stories.

Tell us about your first birthday? What did you do? Our 1st birthday was on May 31st of 2008. We gather in the chat room and chat it up and it was fun members came in at different time to chat as time allows. There was also a message on the general board where members could wish the group a happy birthday, those wishes was then copy and paste on a board and is now to the left of the group under the title our 1st birthday. So anyone browsing our group will see the wishes of our members to the group on our birthday. Other people was invited to chat with us as well so we did have a guest showed up and chat with us abit.
WOW! You have several members that have been with your group for over a year. Please tell us about a couple of themSimon, Mel, Chev, Isaac, Crystal, Anthony, April, Sas, Omar, Cecil and Samantha are with the group for a year.
You have several awards & diplomas. Please tell us about a couple of them. My copyright award i got after i have completed my copyright class after much assignments and projects lol.  My pat on the back award was a nice surprise i got that over at simons group lets just talk, Simon was away on holidays and i as a member just made sure the threads was moving by posting daily quotes and just been an active member, it was the summer time and work was not so hectic as back then i was a shift manager. My awards from free graphic for everyone are for various participation in the group monthly. My member of the month award are for outstanding participation within that particular group.
What plans do you have for the "Members Awards" . The members awards are a two part idea, members can actual share there awards from any group with us and tell us what they did to get that award.  And later on we here at Duhaneys Family Connected will also do a monthly awards once our membership has picked up and activity is moving along on the general board.
Please tell us about your "Partner Sites". When i just started out on msn i stumble across Simon in my need to create a chatroom for my group, as he was more experience with msn groups as it had changed abit since i was last in an msn group, he introduce me to Chat Central Chatroom and his group Lets Just Talk. I like the backgrounds etc he had and ask how i could get something like that, he then tell me that there was a way to make them. I was frustrated with the chatroom situation and my brain was not programming information at 3 am my time which i believe was about 9 am UK time. I made Simon an assistant of my group to help me with the look of the group at the time i never stop to think he was a stranger and i knew nothing about him to give that kind of trust, but i trust my instinct and i did give him that power in my group. Duhaney Family Connected became partner with Lets Just Talk some months later, now even though i am partner with Lets Just Talk i am one of the mailbox greeter there in that group which as no managerial power at all. Simon went on to teach me backgrounds and copyright and i came in to my own and start developing a new look for DFC my way, Simon is still a co-founder/assistant manager of DFC and from time to time we still coloborate on things. We at present have an idea in the works but will take sometime to develop. We are partner with Lets just talk because its a site for all ages just like DFC and we are both family oriented. Simon latest creation is the group Family History Hunters we are partnered with that group which i am also an assistant manager in as it focuses in details about the history of all family of the group and working together as a group to hunt down family information internationally. Simon and I are both members of various sites that provide various family information, which at any given time all our members from both DFC and FHH is readly available to you all.

 Message 73 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/2/2008 6:23 AM
You participate in "Around the World We Go". Why? I enjoy coming to the group i find the set up fresh and has lots of layers that makes things interesting. It helps to promote my group here as i have seen my membership grow since coming here.
Please tell us alittle bit about the "Duhaney's  Photo Wall. It is more of a showcase of sort of all the Duhaneys in the group except for my grandparents  who are not members but because of them i am here so i honour them by putting them on the wall as well.
Do all your members "Introduce" themselves.? No they don't but i am hoping that will change with new members coming in .
Do most of your members post a "Member Profile".? No but a good amount do, the  profile is a way to show the fun side of themselves.
Please tell us alittle bit about the "TASK" area of your group.? The task area is set up to give members an idea of what Simon or myself is working on and the % of completion that is done. Members can also use the task area for example if making something for a member and as long as the member is aware of what the member is doing, its a way the member making the something can let the receiver know how far things is coming along.
I noticed that you have a "Chatroom". Do you use it often.? How often do you have chats.? Do many members participate in the chats.?I do not use my chatroom often as i don't have a chat host for when i am not available to be in there  when ever i am off working on a two day straight i try to dedicate one day to chatting  once i have the time figure out. Not many members but the consistency with who come to chat is the same.
You have a "Mail Room". Do your members use the mailbox to send messages to one another.? Yes thats the main purpose of the mail room, members sometimes just say a brief hello leave a tag or snag for a member.

 Message 74 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/2/2008 7:08 AM
Please tell us alittle bit about your "Family History". This is a subject i could go on and on forever on so i will try not to get carried away. My family history started off in Ireland and Scotland the  Duhaney and Reid family. Originally the Duhaney family started out as white and as years goes by, part of our family is white as in blond and blue eyes white lol and parts of us is mix with  guyanese indian and jamaica. We are truly a special family who is stubborn, set in our ways and don't stand for any form of foolishness. My grandfather was very special to me, he never say much always seems like he was thinking about something. The story in the family goes that he had a fall out with his siblings and because of that fall out, never spoke to them, never contacted them and never talked about them to his children. My grandmother from time to time may mention a name or two in passing and thats how some of my aunts come to remember some of my grandfather siblings. The story continue that the White Duhaney own slaves over 250 + when slavery was abolished the slaves leaving and some that stayed took the name Duhaney of there masters and mistress. Up to today i still have not been able to prove if thats where my Duhaney originate from exactly. There is another story that three brothers from Ireland came to Jamaica and settled in three different parishes in jamaica and thats how the Duhaney come to be spread out all over jamaica to the point where we are just surprise to know others exist. My grandfather was born in Westmoreland but my dad was born in St. James so i am connected to both the St. James Duhaney and the Westmoreland Duhaney. Then we spread farther over in to St. Mary and so on. Our name is rare and so if you come across us its more than likely we are related. My great grandfather was James and i figure he had to be very strict as my grandfather was serious, so is my dad and most of my siblings when it comes to parenting. That firmness must come from somewhere, we have squirks about us that is definately genetic. I love my family even when they driving me crazy.
Please tell us alittle bit about the "Suggestion Box". Has any member ever offered any suggestions What did you do, did you follow the suggestion.? The suggestion box is as it sounds for suggestion and ideas, its funny you should ask Wendy as i have had some suggestion from members but it never reach the suggestion box, even when i tell them to put it there. Isaac blackhandsome4U  had suggested that all messages go together so its easier to find. I had the suggestion box further up before but he suggested since they are all messages that need replying to that i should put all those stuff under messages. However i did not wish to do the mailbox like that so i separate the mailbox from the various message boards. Isaac made this suggestion by calling me at 9 am one saturday morning i was very annoyed at him as i was sleeping and i could not understand why he could not just suggest it in the box. The group was very new and i took is advice, recently another member suggested that i add some word search as its easier to load for people who has dial up.  And to be honest i have never had dial up i have always have my internet on cable so i was not aware of some of the difficulties. When i go on vacation in jamaica i normally go online for the purpose of keeping track of bills so i never notice anything with there internet.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the General Messageboard.? If i have to pick one i would have to say the hotseat, i feel its raw as it show the group in its purest form, it tells abit about me and it leave some vital information for the present and future generations.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Thoughts" messageboard.? Maya Angelou her words are true and honest, encouraging and good words to  live by any century.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Inspirations" messageboard.? I learned from Noah's Ark Snagged from FGFE its uplifting and funny at the same time.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Affirmations" messageboard.? Family Harmony it explains how i feel about my group and the people that knock and are allow to enter in.
Do you make backgrounds.? If so, please share one with us. Yes i make backgrounds. This is one of my more recent work it was created with the idea to use for good mornings or for my group weekend brunch on the general board.

Your stuff goes here


Please do not remove credit below

This webset page was assembled on Saturday May 3, 2008 by blackempressss with graphics from FreeFoto using one of the many auto-scripters available at  Chat_Central_Gateway  All rights reserved ©KENDOC 2005-7

 Message 75 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/2/2008 7:59 AM
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Quotes" messageboard.?This Day its my sister quote but it is so true and deep when you think on it.
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Jokes" messageboard.?   LOL: Resume...........
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Story Time" messageboard.JAMAICAN BREAK UP LETTER
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Poem Box" messageboard. A Million Times I've Missed You
Do you have anything in the "Documents" section of your group? If so, what.? I have songs that is on my pc but it gives trouble sometimes to download
What is one of your favorite messageboard threads on the "Songs" messageboard.? Oh on the songs i have lots but i will share with you one that has touch my heart deeply. The one on the cover of the song page is dear to me and its also on the thread called Sand and Water

 Message 76 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/2/2008 8:52 AM
Please tell us about the "Recap" section of your group.? The recap section is a place where i recap what went on in the group for the previous month, members can reply to my recap if they want to comment on something said, or just add to what happen in the previous month. The idea of the recap is to keep all members inform, if they have the time they can go back and see what happen the month or two before they join, It also give them an idea of the group flow from month to month. Postings, members joining etc.
Please tell us about the "Our Snag Area" of your group.? The our snag area is a broad area in the group consist of sub headings and they are tags which is where all tags for snagging is posted and all members can post snags in the tag area as long as the tags are general rating and has proper copyright. Our member Laura has posted some last word snags since joining. We have a sub-heading called member snags and thats where each member have a thread for them alone where tags can be left for them personalize by me, simon or any member of the group as along as it has the proper credit and copyright. We also have sub-heading snags which has all variety of backgrounds available for snagging. Then there is mailbox and it has a variety of mailbox backs for snagging as well as for new members, there is also webset and backgrounds and those have a variety of backgrounds some snag from other snagging groups, some requested for DFC. And some find through Erin search engine. I have some backgrounds under backgrounds i have made myself as well.
Please tell us about the "Our Preference" section of your group.? Our preference has two parts, there is a part where you tell us what you like on your tags and the other part has tags available where members can request to add there name or message and there name to a tag. Even when a tag says offer close members can still request as my group has its own photobucket where all our blanks are stored.
What is the "Photo Gallery".? Our photo gallery is where all our photo albums are stored. We even have an album dedicated to just our members. They can add two pictures to the members album or create there own in our photo gallery.
What is the "Vault".? Our vault is where we store our treasures. In this case special tags and backgrounds that i used when i just came online with my group. Tags that are rare and precious they still in our photo bucket but are shown off in our vault.
Please tell us about "Our Theme" Our theme bring together all the cultures of the group as we learn and share about each other. In the our theme section you will find stuff on Jamaica, Canada, Ireland, Scotland and the USA to name a few. It can be something about the irish famine or it can be something about jamaica independence etc. Its theme according to our countries with in the group and what we want to share about it. Its like saying what does Canada mean to me, there is continuos thread so one can never get bored or not have enough space to post something in there theme. Which is anything on your country.

 Message 77 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/6/2008 2:44 AM
Please tell us about the "Our Calendar" section of your group.? The our calendar section of the group is a way to update members on whats going on in the group and with me personally, for example my mom and son birthday. My vacation trip to jamaica is on there for the month of july. It tells all thats planned for that month as it comes up.
Do you celebrate your member's birthdays & anniversaries.? How.? Yes i do. Members post there birthday and anniversary on a special thread i then create a page dedicated to them members then reply to that special greeting with greetings and well wishes for that member.
Please tell us about the "Party Room" section of your group.? The party room section of the group is where a party for someone celebrating a birthday can be kept. I still remember some o f the parties in that room, it takes great imagination and members williness to let them selves be creative.  It similar to what is put on the general board but just with more pump. Simon birthday is coming up if possible i may plan a party for him.
Please share with us one of your banners that you made.? Photobucket The blank was made by Randa but i wrote on it if that counts.
Do you exchange banners with other groups? Yes i do
Tell us alittle bit about the "Members Tools" -- That is very unique!!!! . The members tool has a list of sites that members might enjoy and love to try. It also have a listing of all the Duhaney Sites outside msn so members can check out all our sister sites our affiliations.
Do you have a guestbook? Yes
Please tell us about the "Links" section of your group.? The link section of the group is another way members can share various sites as long as its general and has no adult content. It could be another group, a site or favourite page. We are a group dedicated in having fun and clean connections.
Please tell us about the "Search" section of your group.? From time to time we snag from other groups, backgrounds etc. When a background tile is deleted from storage the background is no use to us. Erin has done a great job with backgrounds and 98.5% of the time backgrounds belonging to Erin and her close friends never turn red x or tile deleted. The search engine allow a person to search for tags or background under various key words that they can use in any general group, tags found in this search engine is guaranteed to be safe for all groups. Blank tags are also available in this search engine as well as tiles that list the proper copyright, which can make background.
Please tell us about the "Tutorials" section of your group.? The tutorial section is a way to help members who are new to groups and/or msn learn some of the basics that goes on in groups. If members need help in certain area they may first check the tutorial section first and if they don't find the answer can leave a message in my mailbox or on the general board.

 Message 78 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/6/2008 2:53 AM
What is one of the most memorable things that has happened in your group?
What is the worse thing that has happened in your group?
Have you ever had any problems in your group? I had a member join and was posting link to adult site and i do mean adult with capitals. I inform her that was not appropriate and i can not have that going on in the group. I also follow up with message on the board in a gentle manner plus i email her. She reconize my posting and email by posting some new adult links to site.
If so, how did you handle the problem? I follow up again with an email notifying her that she has been deleted from the group. Because of that i am weary of new members when they dont post in a few days and now i verify email of new members and check there nickname and when all else fails i take a chance but high strung ready to delete membership of any trouble makers lol

 Message 79 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 7/6/2008 3:32 AM
oops i just realize i forgot two questions above.
What is one of the most memorable things that has happened in your group?  My son birthday party last year in the group. I created  a page with food and drinks this was before i became copyright aware. So none of the pictures had proper copyright but the page was pretty. All members was ask to reply by talking about the fun they were having and post pictures of food they having just real creative, when my son friend ask me what i was doing for my son birthday and i told him i am having an online party in my group, he could not stop laughing, i was serious and showed them the food and drinks and everything prepare for the people. Even just yesterday my son mention it again and him and his friends start laughing again....It was the beginning of our group and it was a good mood breaker.
What is the worse thing that has happened in your group? The worst thing that happen, happen behind the scene and never showed on the board, a friend of mine who i have know since high school and a very close friend and i had a falling out and she thought it was necessary to leave the group. That was very sad because good and great friendships take years to develop where a person truly know a person or for the most part 90% know the person and for it to be over just in the blink of an eye. Its sad and the worst thing that could happen as Duhaneys Family Connected is about connecting and in this situation a friendship was no longer connecting.
My last set of questions of me been in the hotseat
Do you remember HOW you found Around the World Promotions, Friends Plus More?
If so, where? Yes i remember i found it in Erins background webset group
Do you "enjoy" yourself here at AWPFPM? Oh yes i do, i get so caught up when i come here time just run away. So i like to come when i have time to hit all the threads, i am a all or nothing kind of girl.
Is there anything that you would like to see added here at AWPFPM? Cant think of anything right now the promotions is good, friendships is good and plus more i will leave for Wendy when she get inspired by something. lol
Do you have any suggestions for AWPFPM? No just keep on going strong
Do you feel that the management here at AWPFPM addresses any problems or concerns that you may have? I think if i did have problems they would yes.
Please feel free to add any comments that you may have ...... I have enjoy participating in the hotseat. It has help me to look into  myself and just chilax and it was alot of fun. I hope it has help my members to get to know me as well as the group better.
Thank You Wendy
You are awsome

 Message 80 of 80 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameblackempressssSent: 8/7/2008 8:11 PM
When i played the hot seat in Wendy's group we got two awards for DFC.

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