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Can anyone please help with information on HARTIGAN/HORTIGAN Margaret. Born in Limerick abt 1807 she was arrested for stealing blankets in 1839 Margaret arrived on the Minerva 2 in 1839. Margaret left behind a husband in Limerick. Margaret married/defacto Robert Collimore NSW. Children of Margaret and Robert are Sarah Collimore 1845-1897, Thomas Collimore 1847-1913, and Robert Collimore 1849- Thanks Leanne |
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Hello Liz, Yes please, thankyou I would love it if you could send it to me. As always you are on the ball, you always seem to be helping me out...thankyou. Leanne |
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Leanne i have her maiden Name it was Horton,From another Message by BONZAI SHEILA.why dont you contact her via the email address My name is Margaret HARTIGAN. I have waited since 1838 to tell my story. I stole a blanket and was tried in Limerick, Ireland. I was sentenced to 3 months jail. I was spitting chips as I wanted to get out of Ireland and away from everyone. So, I protested and demanded to be sent to Australia. The Governor had a fit, didnt know what to do, and I continued to protest until I got my wish. I came on the Minerva 2 in 1839. When I got here, I went to the Female Factory and then was assigned to Mr. Andrews in Sydney, a man said to be of low character and morals. If you needed a favour, he expected something in return. I wanted to appeal against my 7 year sentence, I was illiterate, I had little choice. In my Memorial, I explained I had volunteered to come to Australia and asked for a reduction in my sentence or at best, a pardon. They wrote Margaret Hartigan has no greater Claim for a Ticket Of Leave than any other female sentenced. I was very upset. I returned to the Factory. A Mr. Tindall from Liverpool came to the Factory. He bought me for ₤5 and I worked as a General Servant with a wage of ₤10. It was at Mr. Tindalls I met Robert Collimore an English convict. He was a bachelor and seemed a nice enough type. Once I got my Ticket Of Leave in 1845 we began to begat and had three children, Sarah, Thomas & Robert junior. We never married as I had a husband back in Ireland. My maiden name was Horton. No-one knows when I died or what became of my youngest son, Robert. ** Cheers Lesley McQ
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Leanne the only marriage listed in limerick for a mary Horton.Will see if anything later but at present only one |
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Leanne its not that Marriage in 1805 that mary married Mathew Cloughany. So my betting is Married in Clare. Clare records are not on line yet Mike |
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Mike, This is wonderful information, thankyou so much. I have contacted Limerick Library and Lesley from the rootsweb site. I did find in records my cousin sent me...a marriage certificate for Margarets' daughter Sarah! It does have Margarets' maiden name stated on it, and yes it is Horton...I feel a little silly. I had it all along and didn't even realise, mind you I have been ill of late so many things have escaped me. Now on one of your previous messages you suggested that I could try purchasing documents from I.F.H.F, could you please tell me who they are I have no idea what the initials stand for...I am very new to searching in Ireland. If she married in Clare then I will have to be patient and wait....when I am well I will go to my local library and go through the State Archive reels we have there and get all I can on Margaret...there will be stuff that I would have missed before and with more knowledge now I can perhaps find more. So, for now I wait to hear back from Limerick Library and Leslie and hope for good news. My thanks to you for your assistance, you have helped me immensley and of course to Liz also who is such a gem. I will let you know how I get on from the Library and Leslie. Cheers Leanne |
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Now this is free to join,But they do charge for there Records.5 EURO. THEY HAVE LIMERICK ON THERE MIKE |
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Thanks Mike I will go there now and check it out. I heard back from Lesley and she said she doesn't have much info on Margaret, so I shall keep trying. Leanne |
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Leanne What i can gather from information found all aspects of Margarets Trial etc are held by The National Archives.If you note on this Firstname: MARGARET Sex: F Age: 32 Soundname: H6325 Trial place: Limerick City Trial date: 00/00/1839 Crime desc: Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 3, p 261 It gives a Document number .Now im only suggesting this, Im unaware if any Charges But if you Email the Archives Explain you are in Australia they may relent a Little Hopefully they will give you some details.Give them the Doc number etc Mike |
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Thanks Mike...done. Fingers crossed they are in a good mood and take pity on this poor Aussie. LOL Leanne |
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Hi Again Heather i really Wish you good luck with this,I contacted the Head librarian in The Archives some time back its in our general messages,About ships passengers from Aus not to.He was very helpfull, And was also Inquiring about the Digitization . Good luck Mike |
 | | From:  ableliz | Sent: 7/4/2008 11:52 AM |
Leanne, The site I found was the same rootsweb message that Mike has posted the details for above Just a wonderful story so now you have the message I won't need to send it to you. This lady Margaret HARTIGAN is not listed on the Irish convicts site so maybe she was missed. She is probably listed on the Irish transportation index which is online Good luck Liz |
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Hi liz She certainly is Mike |
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Hi Heather,I have checked further And these are the Only Limerick ones PLUS 2 POSSIBILITIES. Dont forget there are Variations Of Horton I DONT THINK its the first 2 Church Marriage Horton Robert 1754 Co. Limerick Church Marriage Horton Mary 1805 Co. Limerick Church Marriage Houghton Stephen 1822 Co. Limerick Church Marriage Haughton Maria 1836 Co. Limerick Church Marriage Haughton Jane 1837 Co. Limerick Church Marriage Haughton Simon 1838 Co. Limerick Action Source Surname First Name Year County Marriage Haughton Mary 1835 Co. Kilkenny Marriage Haughton Mary 1838 Co. Down |
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Although it says she was from Limerick Her Trial may Just have been there.She may have been Held in Limerick Assizes Mike |
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Leanne in the Griffiths registration There were only 3 Registrations for the name Horton Mike Horton Thomas Clashnagooneen Whitechurch Waterford Horton John Gillstown, Great Rathmore Meath Horton Thomas Water Street St. Annes Shandon Cork |