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Hi, I'm searching for the parent information (and any other siblings) of Mary Callaghan.
Here's what I know:
Mary Callaghan (b. ABT 1841, Cork, Ireland / d. AFT 1901 Carrownamallaght, Parish Knock, Mayo, Ireland)[Src: 1901 Irish Census, Parish Knock] *Married Bryan Kearns (b. ABT 1821, Ireland / d. ABT 1903 Carrownamallaght, Parish Knock, Mayo, Ireland) *Possibly lived in Lakehill, Knock, Mayo, Ireland before marriage [Src: research of Noel Morley, IRE] *Resided in Ruane, Knock, Mayo, Ireland in 1872 [Src: Birth certificate of daughter Margaret Kearns] *Had children: Thomas, Mary, Bernardette/Bridget, Anne, Margaret, Bernard, James, Ellen, Sarah Jane, Catherine, Bernard Joseph
Mary also had at least 1 sister, Margaret, who emigrated to the United States:
Margaret Callaghan (b. Jul 1862 Ireland / d. 1920-1930 New Jersey, USA)[Src: 1900 US Federal Census, 3rd Pct, Ward 5, Hoboken, Hudson, NJ Sheet 5] *Arrived in New York from Ireland Aug 1884 [Src: SS Manitoban manifest-Galway to Philadelphia] *Married James J. Curry (b. Nov 1863 Ireland / d. ABT 1933 New Jersey, USA) ABT 1885 [Src: 1900 US Federal Census, 3rd Pct, Ward 5, Hoboken, Hudson, NJ Sheet 5] *Had children: John, Mary, Margaret, James Joseph Jr., Anna, plus 2 additional died before 1900
After marriage, Mary Callahgan and husband Bryan Kearns lived in parishes Aghamore and Knock for the rest of their lives. Family folklore says Mary was born in County Cork. Somehow she ended up in Lakehill, Knock, County Mayo [According to research of distant cousin Noel Morley]. There were other Callaghans in the area that must have been related somehow, based on Knock Parish records of Baptisms for Mary Callaghan / Bryan Kearns' children: Sarah Callaghan was sponsor for Bernard Kearns on 14 Oct 1874, Thomas Callaghan for James Kearns on 23 Jul 1875 and Martin Callaghan for Bernard Joseph Kearns on 20 Dec 1882.
Also noted: according to Griffith's Valuation, the household of a James Callaghan was the only Callaghan household listed in Knock Parish at the time of the Valuation, but in Coolnaha South, Parish Aghamore there were two: Bridget Callaghan and Thomas Callaghan.
I am also a member of Ancestry.com [World Deluxe], RootsWeb, RootsChat and IrelandCalls.com and have done what I can with these sites but have a major brickwall in proceeding further back with this family until I know the names of Mary Callaghan's parents and a clear idea of where she was born.
Thanks for your time! Joe |
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Joe There Is always The Churches,Contacting Different ones,To see if You can Obtain a Baptism Cert. Mike |
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The 1901 Irish Census record for 80-year old Bryan Kearns in Carrownamallaght is the correct one for my line. I've investigated this one before and other than his wife, Mary (Callaghan) shown in the household, the others are son Thomas Kearns, daughter-in-law Norah Dillon and 4 of the children of Thomas and Norah. But sadly no clues in here as to Mary Callaghan Kearns' parents.
Thx, Joe |
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>There is a vast age Difference Between Margaret and >Mary of 21 years.I know They Did have Big families in >Those times.You Said Cork In Your Message,But >The one that Comes up a lot Is Dromtarrif
I suppose it's also possible that Margaret and Mary's father was married twice so they'd have different mothers, but I have no way of verifying that. Mary herself did have alot of kids - 11.
Also, note that the birthplace of Cork I mentioned comes from "family folklore." Although a large number of those named Callaghan do come from Cork, I've never seen a document that verified Mary or Margaret were born in Cork. Mayo also had a pretty sizable number of Callaghan families too based on the Griffith's summary data I've seen on Ireland.com. So, Dromtarrif could be just as likely (is that in Mayo or somewhere else?).
One researcher in Ireland (who I have no way of contacting) named Noel Morley somehow had information saying that at least at some point the Callaghans were in Lakehill, Knock, Mayo, too. |
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Hi Joe I realised That after adding The first one But left in Case a Link.It is a Shame when they Dont Add Parents.Irish Census is Very Limited Really.If you Notice The one i Added first had very Similar Names To your one Mike |
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Hi Mike, I will try to answer the questions by your manager on the Curry's. (Thanks for the addl resources listed in that post, too. A few I hadn't considered). Here goes:
>Joe Can you tell Me how You Are Related >To The curry Family >Margaret Callaghan (b. Jul 1862 Ireland / d. 1920-1930 New >Jersey
I am related to the Curry's in this way: Margaret Callaghan Curry was the sister of my 2nd great-grandmother, Mary Callaghan Kearns. I think that makes Margaret my 2nd great grand aunt? This Curry family lived on Willow Ave. in Hoboken from at least 1900-1910, then in 1920 had moved over to 823 Washington Street. My great grandmother (Margaret Callaghan Curry's neice) lived at 523 Washington at this time. It seems that after the death of Margaret Callaghan Curry (ca 1920-1930), James Curry moved to East Orange where he is found with his daughter and son-in-law in the 1930 Census.
>Have you checked for marriage and death certificate >for Margaret >The couple could have been married in NYC, >since Hoboken is so close to the city.
A US marriage certificate would be great because it would probably mention their parent's names. But there is some conjecture about whether Margaret Callaghan and James Curry were married before or after arriving in the US so I'm not sure where to look at this point. The dates given for Margaret's immigration vary: 1871 (1920 Census), 1880 (1900 Census). One source even said 1884. In James Curry's case it is said he immigrated in 1876 (1920 Census) or 1881 (1900 Census).
For the earlier immigration dates given, however, I have yet to find either Margaret or James in the 1880 Census. I don't have a definitive death year for Margaret either - she died sometime between the 1920 and 1930 censuses. I don't know how it works requesting marriage info from the state, but because I'm not a direct relation New Jersey has been difficult in the past about releasing vital records such as birth and death certificates (though I keep trying!)
> Have you followed the births of the children?
I do have some info on the children of Margaret Callaghan and James Curry:
-John Curry b. May 1886, d. ? -Mary Curry b. Feb 1888, d. ? -Margaret Curry b. Jul 1890, d. ? -James Joseph Curry Jr. b. 8 Sep 1892, d.? -Anna Curry b. 4 May 1898, d. Aug 1983
The 1900 Census also says that aside from these 5, Margaret was the mother of a total of 7 children, so two others were born and died before 1900.
Are there any records for children that would record the names of their grandparents so I could get at who Margaret Callaghan's parents were?
>Joe Have you Other Sources Others Than those Mentioned
For James Curry info is derived from the 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Censuses For Margaret it is the 1900, 1910, 1920 Censuses
>Mary F. CurryPedigree > Female > Event(s): >Birth: 04 OCT 1887 Hoboken, Hudson, New Jersey > Christening: >Death: >Burial: > Parents: > Father: James Curry Family > Mother: Margaret Callaghan > Source Information: >Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout >Call No.: Type: C007654
The source record you mention above is intriguing because the parents names match, but the birth date does not match what I have for Mary Curry - born Feb 1888 [per the 1900 Census]. I don't know what to make of it.
>These were Found by our Manager in Texas >Just a Suggestion by her >check the cemetery in East Orange and see if >they have any CURRY >Lfamilies listed. At least this would give a date of >death and then a death certificate can be ordered.
I will check with Holy Sepulchre in East Orange to see if they have any CURRYs there, but also know I need to check Holy Name in Jersey City since the family was living in Hoboken at least until 1920. They were Catholic so I can't think of any other Catholic cemeteries in the area they would logically have been buried in. Thanks, Joe
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Hi Joe Dromtarriff is in Cork,I thought Exactly the same as you On the Marriage.I suppose Its possible Marys Mother May have Passed on.But like you said We need That Proof.This is Why i Contacted our Manager in Texas On Margaret.If there was a Marriage Cert Available It would Most Likely Have Parents on Maybe not where Born Just Ireland.I hope you See where im Coming From on this. Mike |
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Hi Joe Dromtarriff is in Cork,I thought same as you on the Marriage.Usually The marriage would Have taken place in the Parish Of Where The Female Kin was born. Mike |
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Based on the first entry you found on the Leitrim-Roscommon site with the 1901 census:
>Drum Knock Costello Mayo Household Kearns Bryan(50) farmer >Mary(40)-Mary(15)-Thomas(13)-William(11)-Bridget(8)- >Catherine(6)-Bernard(1) >if we go by this >Bryan was born 1851 >Mary was born 1861 >Mary Daughter Born 1884 >Thomas Born 1886 >William Born 1888 >Catherine Born 1891 >Bernard Born 1900
FYI, I hadn't noticed before but I believe these children match with a distant side branch of my KEARNS that was compiled by Noel Morley of Ireland: According to him, the parents would be Bryan/Bernard Kearns (of Wingfield) married to Mary "Marie" Flatley (formerly of Cullentragh) and he did have a Mary, Thomas, William and Bernard listed with birth dates closely matching the census. |
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Well Joe,I wondered Because Most Of the Childrens names Are Very similar to Yor Other one.Like Bernard For Instance.So i would think linked Mike |
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Hi Joe,Jelora Has Emailed Me today,With Just a few Suggestions.Firstly You would Need the Death cert. This Should be obtainable from the GRO.We have link on site. For Marys Parents It would Be possible,To either get the Baptism Cert.As marriage usually only give one Parent of Either side.Death Cert would usually have where born.or exact year.But Contacting Church May throw More light.A baptism Cert will have both parents.From this we could probably find the rest of the Family. At Present i am not able to connect the family with Cork. One Suggestion was could Margaret have been a Child of Marys.This because of the Difference in years.Another Was the one we Come up with two Marriages.Marys Marriage cert Would as i said have one parent Mostly the father.on each side.Even that would help.I will continue to Go through records to see if i can find a link.But my Feeelings were she was Born in Mayo And Married in Mayo Mike |
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Joe please look through these,It is Important.You will see Two Marked off Mike Killoveeny Knock Costello Mayo Household Callaghan Anne(40) widow Mary(21)-John(20)-Bridget(17)-James(15) -Bridget of Bryan Kearns and Mary Flatley-sp-John Rockford, Maggie Flatley-Wingfield-3 1892 baptisms -Bernard of Bryan Kearns and Mary Flatley-sp-William Flatley, Honoria Flatley-Wingfield-9 1891 baps William of Bryan Kearns and Mary Flatley-sp-Thomas O'Brien, Sarah Flatley-Wingfield-7 1889 baps Thomas of Bryan Kearns and Mary Flatley-sp-James Connell, Mary Morley-Wingfield (notation-married @ Knock, August 25, 1914, to Bridget Flatley)-15 1887 baps -Mary of Bryan Kearns and Mary Flatley-sp-William Flatley, Catherine Flatley-Wingfield-14 1885 baps 10-Pat of John Kearns and Mary Kelly-sp-Pat and Mary Kearns-Cloonfallagh 1882 baps ...................................................... -James of Bryan and Mary Kearns-sp-Thomas Callaghan, Anne Kynes 1876 Baptisms ......................................................... 14-Bernard of Bernard and Mary Kearns-sp-Pat Coyne, Sarah Callaghan 26-Thomas of Thomas and Bridget Kearns-sp-John Lavin, Mrs.P.Lavin 1874 bapt ...................................................... 16-Margaret of Bryan and Mary Kearns-sp-Thomas and Anne Callaghan ....................................................... 1872 baps -Margaret of Bryan and Bridget Kearns-sp-Thomas Finn, Mary Kearns- 1871 baps 1-Sarah of Francis and Mary Kearns-sp-Michael Kearns, Mary Carney Maragret of Bryan and Bridget Kearns-sp-Pat and Mary Kearns 1871 baps 14-Bridget of Pat and Mary Kearns-sp-Michael Lyons, Mary Kearns All From Knock Parish Aghamore Aghamore 1864-1883 and Knock 1869-1905 Baptisms |
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Mike, Regarding the Eastmayo.org CALLAGHAN mentions you referenced below:
YOU HIGHLIGHTED: #1...................................................... James of Bryan and Mary Kearns-sp-Thomas Callaghan, Anne Kynes 1876 Baptisms
#2......................................................... 14-Bernard of Bernard and Mary Kearns-sp-Pat Coyne, Sarah Callaghan 26-Thomas of Thomas and Bridget Kearns-sp-John Lavin, Mrs.P.Lavin 1874 bapt
#3...................................................... 16-Margaret of Bryan and Mary Kearns-sp-Thomas and Anne Callaghan .......................................................
#1 is definitely child James of my Bryan Kearns and Mary Callaghan Kearns, and while I'm certain Thomas Callaghan was related somehow, I don't know if he is a parent, brother, cousin, etc. of Mary.
#2 is also the same parents (sometimes Bryan, husband of Mary Callaghan was known as Bernard). The Bernard being baptised is another of Bryan/Bernard Kearns and Mary's 11 children. Again, Sarah Callaghan must be related, but I don't know how.
#3 This intriguing. Although I've been over the Aghamore and Knock records on the EastMayo site before, I never caught the 16th [month?] 1872 christening of Margaret Kearns. This looks to be my great grandmother. The only thing that is off is that I know from her Irish birth certificate she was born 21 September 1872, so if that 16th is not of October, there may be an error, or it might be a different family than mine. Also having 2 Callaghans connected with it is very interesting (presumably married couple?). Do you know anything about Irish baptismal sponsor traditions? Would the grandparents ever be sponsors (possibly making Thomas and Ann Callaghan the parents of Mary Callaghan Kearns), or was it more customary for a sibling or cousin of the same generation as the parents to sponsor?
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Hi Joe,It was Usually A family Member Or Relative,Sometimes Brothers Or sisters.I have A baptism Cert.That has Whom i believe Relatives.But have not yet been able to FIND OUT.on Marriage certs its usually family.The one benefit we have now is to look for the Marriage Cert,So it would be Advisable to try and contact the church Mike |
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This is a bit of an update on my search for the parents of Mary Callaghan Kearns and Margaret Callaghan Curry:
I'm still trying to track down information on Margaret Callaghan Curry here in the States that might lead me back to her parents, but in the meantime I recently connected with two distant cousins who told me in old stories handed down that Margaret and her sister Mary Callaghan Kearns' mother's name was Mary Coyne. Since Mary was born in 1841, my rough guess would be her mother was born about 1815-20.
So far though I have been unable to find mention of a Mary Coyne in any of the online LDS indicies (IGI, etc) that seem right and provide the name of the father. Based on having this new name, do you and your team have access to any resources that might help?
Thanks, Joe |
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Thanks, Joe. Just letting you know we have not forgotten you. We are still searching for Mary Coyne. Managers |