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All Message Boards : HUNTER William Alfred
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 Message 1 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-Cat  (Original Message)Sent: 8/19/2008 6:20 AM
From: VMC-65  (Original Message) Sent: 19/08/2008 00:34

I'm trying to find as much info as I can on my Great Grandparents. The information listed is from their marriage certificate which is everything I have at present.

b: abt 1886 ?
d: pre 1942
Occupation: Master Cabinet Maker
His Father: John HUNTER (also cabinet maker -deceased at time of marriage)

married: 8th June 1906 District: Tynemouth, Counties: Northumberland, Tynemouth & Newcastle Upon Tyne

b: abt 1886?
d: post 1942
Her Father: William Henry REYNOLDS (Optician)

Thankyou so much in advance for any guidance you can offer :)

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 Message 31 of 45 in Discussion 
From: VMC-65Sent: 10/17/2008 3:21 PM
Hello Kay,
Well, I finally heard back from the GRO. They tell me they didn't forward the birth cert for Flora as the reference points I provided didn't match. (being parents as William Alfred & Jemima Rynolds)
Turns out the Flora as described in message 16 isn't my Flora so back to square one I go on that one!
I'm unable to find another Flora Hunter ... any suggestions?

 Message 32 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameConnemaraKateSent: 10/17/2008 4:02 PM
Hi Vikki
Kay has asked me to let you know that her computer is on the blink this week so she is unable to do anything on the site.  However, she will answer you just as soon as she can, which will probably be early next week.
If you want any more help with your Reynolds line in the meantime, just let me know.

 Message 33 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 10/20/2008 11:52 AM
Hello Vikki
Well, as Marian said, my computer has been out of action for the last week so my apologies for not responding sooner.  In an attempt to help though, Marian did suggest perhaps we look for births of Florence, which could have affectionately been abbreviated to Flora.  She's found the following:
Firstly, another record of Flora as follows:
Births Jun 1896   (>99%)
Hunter  Flora McDonald    W. Derby  8b 325
but when she checked for Florence these:
Births Mar 1904   (>99%)
Hunter  Florence    W. Derby  8b 305   Scan available - click to view

Births Mar 1905   (>99%)
Hunter  Florence Elizabeth    W. Derby  8b 684   Scan available - click to view

Births Sep 1906   (>99%)
Hunter  Florence Winifred    W. Derby  8b 619   Scan available - click to view

Births Dec 1907   (>99%)
HUNTER  Florence Mabel    W. Derby  8b 317   Scan available - click to view

Births Jun 1908   (>99%)
Hunter  Florence    W. Derby  8b 465   Scan available - click to view
Hunter  Florence Haslewood    W. Derby  8b 348   Scan available - click to view
Now Vikki, look particularly at Florence Mabel Hunter born Dec 1907 - as Marian suggests, it fits nicely with the parents marriage and also the name Mabel is within the family already - this was not (and to this day is still not) uncommon.
What do you think?  As I say, it's very possible that Flora was simply shortened from Florence.

 Message 34 of 45 in Discussion 
From: VMC-65Sent: 10/21/2008 12:36 AM
Hello Marian & Kay
Firstly, THANK-YOU so much for everything you are both doing to help me with my research. Your advice is invaluable.
I was starting to wonder if perhaps "Flora" was a pet name so your suggestion that her name was actually Florence, makes perfect sense to me.
As I said, I did receive what I believe to be her correct Marriage cert. The name recorded was Flora Winifred Hunter and she married Arthur Leslie Green on the 25th June 1933 aged 26. It just occurred to me that I never mentioned to you the middle name of Winifred...that was neglectful on my part & I do apologize.
Going by the births you have found for me, the Florence Winifred Hunter born Sep 1906 is more likely to be the correct one because (a) the middle name fits (b) her brother William Alfred was born 7 Aug 1907, however...
According to the marriage cert for her parents Jemima & William, they were married 8 June 1906. I'm assuming that would have made Jemima noticably pregnant with Florence/Flora when she married. I realize this is not impossible but would it have been likely at the time?
Was it possible to delay the official recording of births? I'm wondering if perhaps her parents waited until the Sep 1/4 to register her birth so that it would appear that she was born in wedlock or am I just being too pedantic?
Also, on Flora's marriage cert it has her age as 26. That would make her birth year 1907...again, too pedantic?
Warm Regards,

 Message 35 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 10/21/2008 8:07 AM
Hello again Vikki
You are quite right in what you say - not pedantic at all.  We find again and again births and marriages being registered at times that don't necessarily fit what we imagine.  It really wasn't that uncommon for couples to marry just as a baby was about to be born or even afterwards.  It also isn't uncommon for births to be registered sometime later - my own grandmother's birth, for example, was registered a year after she was born (I believe this happened to be an over-sight on my great-grandparents' part!!).  So generally speaking the dates and ages on certificates are not always an accurate representation.  If Flora's marriage certificate shows her age as 26, remember to take into account which part of the year she was married/born.  It presents itself on the census images frequently that a person was born one year, and when we search for their birth record it appears it was a year earlier or later.  When calculating dates of events against ages of ancestors you have to take into account the actual month (and date if possible) they were born/married to calculate their exact age.  Have I explained this in a way that makes sense??!!
From the information on her marriage certificate it would certainly seem that the September 1906 record would be the one you are after.
I hope this helps.

 Message 36 of 45 in Discussion 
From: VMC-65Sent: 11/27/2008 10:41 PM
Hi Kay,

I must apologize for not contacting you before now. Due to severe storms in my area I have been without my internet connection for approx 4 weeks. I'm back up & running now though thank goodness!

I received the 1906 birth cert for Flora (Florence Winifred) and thankfully, it's the correct one!
All these years I've always thought William Alfred junior to be the eldest child!
Just goes to show that you should never count on anything unless you have proof!

Bye for now,

 Message 37 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 11/28/2008 8:24 AM
Hello Vikki
Thanks for letting me know you've at last got the correct birth certificate for your Flora.  How exciting for you!  I'm so pleased that you've managed to trace the correct one - as you say, proof is the only way - never assume anything!!
Well done and best wishes.

 Message 38 of 45 in Discussion 
From: VMC-65Sent: 12/15/2008 9:15 PM
Hello Kay & Marian,
I've had the most pleasant surprise this morning! A lady saw my family tree on Ancestry, recognised some of the names as long lost friends of hers and contacted me with some information! Here is what she wrote:-
I'd better start by saying that we aren't related, but I did know Jean and her family quite well at one time, although we have lost touch since Jean died in 1996.
She was born 2 April 1924 - you will find the registration for Jean D. Mabel Hunter (mother's mn Reynolds) Jun quarter 1924 West Derby. The D. was for Dunlop - I remember her family being amused by this middle name.
She married Joseph Stanislaws Murphy in 1954. Their first child Peter was born in March 1955. The other children are Philip, Christopher and Susan. As far as I know Joseph and all the children are still living.
Jean died in March of 1996, in Preston, Lancashire.
Her mother was still living when I first knew them. I never met her, but remember being told that she had grown up in Blyth, Northumberland. She died in 1974 - you will find her named as Mamie Hunter on the GRO index (March Q). I did meet Jean's sister Flora a few times - she lived and worked in Liverpool, but moved to Preston after she retired.
I've had a look for Jemima's (Mamie's) death record but can't find it. Would it be possible for you to have a look for me when you get time?
I shall have to reply to this wonderful lady who has just given me the most precious Christmas gift ever!
Thankyou ladies
Take Care,

 Message 39 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 12/15/2008 9:23 PM
How wonderful Vikki to be given all that information!  I'm so glad you let us know.
Yes of course, I will have a look for you and see if I can find any death record for Jemima.  Check back soon.

 Message 40 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 12/16/2008 12:34 PM
Hello again Vikki
Well I've looked at the death records between 1971 and 1975 for Jemima/Mamie Hunter but alas have found nothing either.  I wonder how this lady has managed to find it?  Perhaps if you are going to email her, she might be able to copy and paste the information she has found (and where) so that you can see for yourself - might be worth asking.
Meanwhile I will continue to see if anything presents itself, so do check back soon.

 Message 41 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 12/16/2008 12:43 PM
This has happened to me before Vikki - no sooner do I post a message - BINGO - what we are after turns up!  Anyway, I'VE FOUND IT for you.
Here's the info:
Date of Birth:  28 August 1886 (that's helpful!)
Year of Death:  1974
Year Quarter:  March
District:  Liverpool
Volume:  10D
Page 868
What a relief - we got there!
Hope this helps.

 Message 42 of 45 in Discussion 
From: VMC-65Sent: 12/16/2008 8:33 PM
I can't tell you how very happy I am at this moment!
Because of all the effort and generousity you, Marian and this wonderful mysterious lady have put in to help me with my research, I've finally broken through that brickwall and found my past! I have to tell you I'm blubbering like a baby right now!
I did reply email to my mysterious helper. She couldn't recall anymore details other than Jean's son Christopher, has a studio in Cumbria. So she did a goggle search & forwarded the site onto me! It has all his details listed right there for me to contact him & hopefully fill in all the blanks!
I truly cannot believe this ... it's only taken me 15 years! (LOL)
I will most definitely let you know what happens from here.
Warmest Regards,

 Message 43 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 12/16/2008 8:47 PM
Thank you for letting us all know Vikki
It really is appreciated when members respond with such nice comments and gives us all a boost.
I'm so glad we have helped you break through that brickwall and it gives us hope that we may also find a way through our own!  We've all got sticking points in our family history so naturally, it has spurred me on to look further at my own. 
Thank you again for letting us know -I'm sure I can speak for all of us at EIFS that we are delighted for you.
Best wishes and of course, a very Happy Christmas.

 Message 44 of 45 in Discussion 
From: VMC-65Sent: 1/22/2009 2:45 AM
Hello Kay,
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas...just thought I'd touch base & let you know that I did manage to contact Christopher via email. He was extremely excited to hear from me and is just as enthusiastic about tracing the Family Tree as I am. He also put me in touch with his older brother Peter, who has managed to fill in alot of the gaps for me and also add some much needed "spice" to what I thought was a fairly routine family history!
I've discovered illegitimate children that were passed off as siblings ... a great Uncle that died believing he was "Lady London" ...and a great grand Aunt that went on to open a sucessful brothel in West London!
I have joined the new site & will most definitely pop in from time to time to keep you up to date with the "Hunter Happenings". I cannot thank you and everyone at EIFS enough for the enormous effort you all put in to help me in my search ... I will be forever grateful.
Until Next Time,
Take Care
Warm Regards,

 Message 45 of 45 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChloe-CatSent: 1/22/2009 8:10 AM
Very many thanks Vikki for letting us know the outcome of all this.  So pleased to hear you've made contact with valuable "relatives" who can help fill in some very interesting gaps!
Glad you have the new site address but meantime, do please remember to take all the information you need from this one before it closes.
With best wishes.

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