I'm gonna go into a very long rant about what a Peice of shit Hogan is once I get an rp up. But til then, I'd simply like to say this... Hulk Hogan, should Die. Perhaps that seems a little overboard, but the fact of the matter is, until someone does the world a favor and puts a bullet between his fucking eyes, he's never gonna keep his shoulders on the ground for three straight seconds because God forbid the old pile of shit put anybody over.
Ya know what, You blew your knee getting off the fucking couch, take that as a sign, retire, and stop drowning the far superior, younger talent. Tomorrow Hulk Hogan sits in his 12 million dollar house and hasn't gained a fucking thing from beating Randy Orton except for a pay check. Yet Randy Orton has to go to work tomorrow with a loss to Hulk Hogan because some 53 year old asshole who never did fuck all for anybody that wasn't named Hulk Hogan or Brutus Beefcake can't get over himself.
Ya know what, people may hate the Rock for selling out, but at least when the Rock makes his rare appereances, he does the right thing. Fuck You Hulk Hogan.