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PPV : WCW UnCensored 5/16/04
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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCW  (Original Message)Sent: 12/1/2006 12:53 AM

Results 5/16/04 Live From Anaheim, California

Promo's for the PPV are shown

Pyro Then Explodes!!

Coach: Welcome to WCW UnCensored!!!!

Al Snow: We are coming to you live from The Arrowhead Pond in lovely Anaheim, California!!!

Coach: Tonight we are going to have nine great contests and we have also learned that a new Sheriff will be announced Live Tonight!!!

Al Snow: Stone Cold Steve Austin is now longer apart of KSCWE and my sources say that this new Sheriff is a real shocker

Coach: Well I should probably tell you all that I put my name in the running to be the new law around these parts

Al Snow: So we know it won't be Coach

Coach: Let's just send things to the ring for the first match

Penser: The Opening Contest of WCW UnCensored is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Television Championship!!!(Sinner hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making his way to the ring from Chicago, Illinois weighing in at 255 Pounds, Damien Rage!!

Al Snow: Damien Rage was the TV Champion until last Monday Night when Billy Gunn scored the shocking victory over Rage but tonight Rage has his shot at getting his gold back

Penser:(Can You Dig It hits, Crowd Boo's) His opponent, Also the Challenger, From Houston, Texas weighing in at 250 Pounds, The WCW Hardcore Champion, Booker T!!!!!

Coach: The Book is going to be a double champion tonight

Al Snow: I dont know about that, Booker has been up and down lately but Billy Gunn is red hot

Penser:(Ass-Man hits, Crowd is mixed) Finally, The Champion, From Knoxville, Tennesee weighing in at 246 Pounds, He is the WCW Television Champion, "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn

Al Snow: Billy Gunn has been damn impressive since returning to WCW and is undefeated

Coach: Billy Gunn has been lucky but tonight he is running into the Booker Man and his luck will run out

Al Snow: Thats your thought

WCW Television Championship: Billy Gunn(C) vs Damien Rage vs Booker T
Booker and Gunn begin to double team Damian out of nowhere. They lay into Damian with lefts and rights. Booker than pushes Gunn away and throws Damian into the turnbuckle. Gunn rolls to the outside and lays next to the ring peeking in. Booker is laying into Damian with lefts and rights. He than hits a snapmare. Than puts Damian into a rear chin lock. Booker releases the hold and goes for a quick pin 1�?�?kickout! Booker than picks up Damian and throws him into the ropes. Booker goes for a clothesline but Damian ducks it and Damian bounces back and hits a reverse ddt. Damian than goes for the pin 1�?�?kickout. Damian picks up Booker and calls for a Raging Effect. As he goes for it Booker reverses it and hits a kick to the gut along with a few punches. Booker than goes for the Axe kick but Damian move and kicks him down with a drop kick. Damian than goes to the turnbuckle and waits for Booker to get up. Booker turns around and is met with the X-Rated! Damian signals that its over. Gunn than jumps back into the ring and hits a Fam-Ass-Er out of no where! Gunn than pins Damian 1�?�?!
Winner: Billy Gunn

Penser: Your winner and still WCW Television Champion, Billy Gunn

Al Snow: What an impressive win for Billy Gunn

Coach: Booker T didn't lose the match though

Al Snow: It was a Triple Threat and Billy scored the pinfall over Damien Rage

Coach: Ahhh this sucks so bad but let's go backstage where Oklahoma is standing by with Kurt Angle


Oklahoma: I am standing here with Kurt Angle who tonight is going to enter the No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages against Triple H

Kurt Angle: Ok Oklahoma I see where your going with this and let me start off by saying Anaheim, California, Your Olympic Hero has arrived!!! It's True!!! It's Damn True!!!(Crowd in the arena cheers) Now I know Hunter is undefeated in these types of matches but let me say that its because Kurt Angle has always supported Hunter in this match and without me, The Great Hunter Hearst Helmsley is nothing more then Victoria's Bitch

Oklahoma: I don't know if Triple H will like hearing that

Kurt Angle: Don't get me wrong, Triple H is a hell of an athlete and was the biggest Star in his day but Triple H has become blinded by love and Victoria is his weakness and I plan on exposing that weakness by winning the WCW World Heavyweight Title in the match That Hunter loves the most

Oklahoma: You seem confident but are you not worried about who Hunter may have as his suprise people?

Kurt Angle: Well I got Matt Walker, Shane Douglas, and Torrie Wilson and I know Victoria is going to be Hunter's female helper but the two males are pretty obvious to me and Stevie Richards and Ric Flair pose no threat to Matt Walker or Shane Douglas just like there going to prove tonight by winning the WCW Tag Team Title's and then I will capture the World Title and Evolution X will die as a result and That is Damn True!!!

:Kurt Angle walks away:

Oklahoma: Kurt Angle seem's very confident guys but back to you


Al Snow: Kurt Angle is ready for tonight

Coach: Triple H is still going to dominant Kurt Angle and there is not a thing Kurt Angle can say or do about it to stop it

Al Snow: I don't know about that

Coach: These two guys have had the greatest rivalry in KSCWE History and it would take all night to go over there history but tonight is going to be the end I think

:Video Preview for Nash/RVD:

Coach: Well its time to get to our next match which is going to be a slobber knocker

Al Snow: Two Legends from KSCWE and two guys that quite frankly used to be the best of friends as part of the CWA but tonight they are going to try and kill each other

Penser: The Following Contest is a Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight(Diesel Blue's hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring from Detroit, Michigan weighing in at 325 Pounds, "Big Daddy Cool" Kevin Nash!!!

Coach: Kevin Nash has been in a somewhat slump since Wrestlemania but tonight Kevin Nash shows that he is a Big Nasty Son of a Bitch by destroying his former friend RVD

Al Snow: Well we will see

Penser:(One of a Kind hits, Crowd Cheers) His opponent, From Battle Creek, Michigan weighing in at 220 Pounds, Rob Van Dam

Al Snow: RVD is also been in a slump and I think tonight can be his chance to break out of his slump

Falls Count Anywhere Street Fight: Kevin Nash vs Rob Van Dam
RVD and Kevin Nash circle each other until they decide to lock up. Nash over powers RVD and throws him into the turnbuckle with ease. Nash than hits a few knife-edge chops and starts to pummel RVD with elbows to the face. Nash than throws RVD into the opposite turnbuckle and chases after him, RVD slides out of the ring and Nash hits his head on the turnbuckle. RVD than comes back in and takes Nash down with a leg sweep. RVD goes for the pin 1...2... kickout! RVD picks up Nash and throws him into the ropes, Nash comes back and is met with a drop kick which sends Nash over the top rope. RVD follows with a dive over the top rope onto Nash. RVD and Nash are both hurting from it. RVD is slow to get up but is the first man up he takes a near by chair and waits for Nash to get up. Nash turns around and RVD swings but Nash ducks and RVD hits the steal pole and drops the chair. Nash than throws RVD into the steal pole shoulder first. Nash grabs RVDs arms and wraps them both around the pole and pulls on each of them. RVD is yelling in pain and Nash lets go eventually. Nash than takes some cable wire and wraps it around RVDs neck, RVD is choking and falls to one knee when Nash finally releases his grip. He than goes for the pin on RVD 1�?…kickout! Nash looks underneath the ring and pulls out a few weapons (chair, trash can lid, trash can, stop sign, pipe) Nash throws all these weapons into the ring and rolls RVD back into the ring. RVD is slowly getting up when he gets in the ring as Nash pulls out a table under the ring. Nash is setting up the table next to the ring apron. He goes back into the ring and picks up RVD and sets him up for the jack-knife power bomb by the ropes near the table. RVD is on Nashs shoulders at this time RVD leans back and holds onto the ropes and delivers a hurricanrrana that sends both him and Nash crashing through the table. Both men are down. The ref checks them to see if they are ok. Both men can continue but Nash is busted open. RVD and Nash are both slow to get to their feet but RVD is first up. Nash gets up and ducks a clothesline and meets RVD with a boot to the face. Nash grabs RVD and throws him as hard as he can to the steal barrier. RVDs momentum takes him over the barrier and onto the cement floor. Nash falls to one knee and takes a breather. Nash soon gets up and goes over the barrier where RVD is still laying on the floor barely moving. Nash goes for the pin 1�?…kickout! Nash can't believe it he argues with the ref and threatens him. Nash picks up RVD and starts punching him through the crowd. Nash reaches the stairs and goes up a few stairs and than jumps over a railing. He goes and jumps and tries to hit a axe handle but RVD moves and kicks him in his gut. Nash goes down as does RVD. RVD muscles himself over for a pin 1�?…kickout! RVD can't believe it a he slowly makes his way to his feet. He picks up Nash and throws him into the stairs and Nash goes up one than trips. Nash and RVD battle it out up the stairs and than go into the wending machine area. The crowd is held back by security and Nash is thrown against a got milk machine. RVD than picks him up and throws him back into the got milk machine as the glass cracks. RVD goes to pin Nash 1�?…kickout! RVD cant believe it he sits for a second thinking of what more he can do. He then gets up, and picks up Nash. RVD throws Nash towards the popcorn vender and Nash hits his shoulder hard on the popcorn machine. RVD than goes to throw Nashs head through the vender but Nash stops this by low blowing RVD. Nash leans on the popcorn vending machine for a bit to regain some conciousnes. Nash than picks up RVD and launches him into the got milk vender. The glass breaks and RVD is busted open as well. Nash falls to the ground and RVD is motionless next to the machine. The ref checks them and they both are still able to continue. Nash is the first one up but RVD is up to one knee. Nash helps RVD up the rest of the way and they began to slowly exchange punches. RVD gets the upper hand and slowly hits some hard kicks onto Nash. Nash falls to one knee and RVD hits him with a dropkick. Both men are now down for a bit but RVD is the first one up he slowly walks away from Nash and than as if he just got a big burst of energy he does his Rolling Thunder and nails it successfully. RVD is than getting pumped and points to the top of the vending machine where the glass broke. He climbs to the top slowly and calls for a 5 star frog splash! Nash is getting up though so RVD changes his mind and just does a spinning kick which nails successfully. Nash is wobbily and RVD goes to pick him up for a suplex but he is to tired. RVD and Nash just fall to the floor. They are both slowly moving but Nashs face is covered in blood and RVDs is just a little better. Nash and RVD get up at the same time as RVD punches Nash he starts to just walk away from RVD and tries to gain balance. RVD slowly walks after Nash. Nash falls to a knee and RVD catches up in the parking lot. RVD goes after Nash and picks him up. RVD goes to throw Nash into the nearby Hummer. But Nash out of nowhere reverses it and throws him into the Hummer. RVD falls to the ground in a heart beat. Nash than raises his arms in triumph and goes to pick up RVD. RVD is not moving and Nash walks him over to a white limo. He throws RVD on top of it and than gets on top himself. Nash picks up RVD and signlas for the jack-knife powerbomb. Nash nails it successfully and the car dents. Nash goes for the pin 1�?�?!!!
Winner: Kevin Nash

Penser: Your winner, Kevin Nash

Coach: Kevin Nash just destroyed RVD just like I said he would

Al Snow: Well what a fight it was and Nash did earn it and I hope both men are ok

:Video Preview for Tag Team Title Match:

Coach: Well Al, its almost that time again for another tag team title match

Al Snow: Yes it is Coach but we have learned that paramedics are checking on Rob Van Dam and Kevin Nash and both men are expected  to be fine and RVD though is being taken to a local medical facility just to make sure everything is fine and RVD is expected to be fine for Nitro tomarrow night

Penser: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the WCW Tag Team Championships(Crowd Cheers)

Al Snow: Well we got four teams and four teams that are hungry

Coach: My money is on Evolution X walking out as champions

Al Snow: Well the first team to score a pinfall will leave as Tag Team Champions and also remember this is DDP's Last Match no matter the outcome

Penser:(Invasion hits, Crowd Chants Goldberg) 1st The Challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 558 Pounds, The Team of Goldberg and Batista

Coach: Goldberg and Batista may be big but there also slow and thats going to be there downfall I think

Penser:(Perfect Strangers hits, Crowd Cheers) There opponents, also the challengers, They are both from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and being led to the ring by Francine weighing in at a combined weight of 440 Pounds, The Team of The "Franchise" Shane Douglas and "No Gimmicks Needed, The Real Deal" Matt Walker

Al Snow: Matt Walker and Shane Douglas are my favorites to win this match simply based on the fact these two guys are like brothers and are both former World Champions and Walker himself took Triple H to the limit a few weeks ago and came within an eyelash of being WCW World Champion

Penser:(Bodies hits, Crowd Boo's) There opponents, They are representing Evolution weighing in at a combined weight of 463 Pounds, The WCW Tag Team Champions, "Nature Boy" Ric Flair and Stevie Richards

Coach: Richards and Flair are like brothers if you ask me and Evolution X is the best of the best and thats why tonight they will retain there gold

Penser:(What You See hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) There opponents, also the challengers, weighing in at a combined weight of 460 Pounds, Jeff Hardy and Diamond Dallas Page

Al Snow: DDP would love to end his career out here by winning the Tag Team Title's and I know that he and Jeff Hardy can do it

Coach: Jeff Hardy is over the hill as is DDP and this is going to be embarassing

WCW Tag Team Championship: Stevie Richards & Ric Flair(C) vs Shane Douglas & Matt Walker W/Francine vs DDP & Jeff Hardy vs Goldberg & Batista
Jeff Hardy and Stevie Richards start the match off with Richards and Hardy locking up with Hardy going behind Richards and shoving Richards into the ropes but Hardy ducks down as Richards comes off the ropes forcing Richards to leap over Hardy and Richards stops and turns around but Hardy delivers a right hand to stomach of Richards and Hardy then delivers a snap suplex on Richards. Hardy then covers for a 1 count. Hardy then delivers a few right hands to Richards and sends him off the ropes again but as Richards hits the ropes Goldberg tags himself in. Hardy goes for a clothesline on Richards but Stevie ducks and Stevie then connects with a Stevie kick to Hardy but referee Charles Robinson tells Stevie that he is no longer legal as Goldberg is in the ring and grabs Hardy by the throat and picks him up and bench presses him and then slams him down hard. Goldberg then goes to his own corner and is eyeing up as Jeff Hardy is struggling to his feet and Goldberg delivers a monsterous Spear to Jeff Hardy but as Goldberg gets back up, DDP gets in the ring and DDP catches Goldberg with a Diamond Cutter. This brings in Batista who knocks down DDP from behind. Batista then throws DDP into the corner and starts to pound away on him until Ric Flair delivers a chop block to Batista. Flair then starts to work over Batista's right leg as Stevie Richards also comes in and helps Flair. Charles Robinson is trying get back order as Matt Walker and Shane Douglas are watching all the mayhem from there corner. Goldberg and Jeff Hardy are both back up to there feet and Jeff goes for a Twist of Fate but Goldberg shoves Haryd off the ropes and delivers another spear. Goldberg then picks up Hardy for a Jackhammer but Shane Douglas comes into the ring and delivers a right hand to Goldberg's gut and Walker also joins in with Douglas double teaming Goldberg. Walker and Douglas throw Goldberg out to the floor while Douglas hits the Pittsburgh Plunge on Hardy and Walker tells the ref to count which Charles Robinson does for the 1---2--3.
Winners: Matt Walker & Shane Douglas (WCW Tag)

Penser: Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions, Matt Walker and Shane Douglas

Al Snow: We have new WCW Tag Team Champions and they are Matt Walker and Shane Douglas!!!

Coach: This is a travisty but wait a minute look at DDP

:DDP is pissed about what just happened and knocks down Richards and Flair clearing them out of the ring and DDP gets in the face off Matt Walker who shockingly offers his hand and DDP accepts it shaking his hand and Walker raises DDP's arm up in the air:

Al Snow: Now that is a true sign of class there by Matt Walker

Coach: I liked Matt Walker a whole lot better when he was a Mean SOB not this watered down nice version

Al Snow: Matt Walker just showed he does have respect for DDP and for that I applaud both men, DDP you will be missed

Coach: Yeah we will miss seeing the old guy getting his ass kicked every week

:Video Preview for #1 Contender's Battle Royal:

Al Snow: Well Coach its time for the #1 Contender's Battle Royal

Coach: Eight Ladies will be fighting it out to go on to King of the Ring to face The WCW Women's Champion

Penser: The Following contest is a #1 Contender's Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Al Snow: Here we go

Penser:(Irrestiblment hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st From Ann Arbor, Michigan, Gail Kim

Al Snow: Gail Kim is fairly new to KSCWE but has a chance to make a big name for herself here tonight

Penser:(D-X hits, Crowd Continues to Cheer) Participant #2 From Las Vegas, Nevada, Tori

Coach: Tori is another new comer to KSCWE and much like Gail is also looking to impress

Penser:(I Wanna Be Bad hits, Crowd Goes Nuts) Participent #3, From New York, New York, Duchess

Al Snow: Duchess may not be a normal female superstar but Duchess does lace them up from time to time and tonight she is doing it again in hopes of earning a WCW Women's Title Shot

Penser:(Dawn's Theme hits, Crowd Boo's) Participant #4, From Brooklyn, New York, Dawn Marie

Coach: Dawn Marie was the very first women's champion in kscwe history and I would not be shocked to see Dawn win this battle royal and go on to King of the Ring and win more Women's Gold

Penser:(Milkshake hits, Crowd is mixed) Participent #5, From Freemont, California, Jasmine

Al Snow: We saw Matt Walker win WCW Tag Team Gold earlier and now Matt Walker's Girlfriend Jasmine as a chance to win a WCW Women's Title Shot

Penser:(All Grown Up hits, Crowd Cheers) Particpent #6, From Greenwich, Connecticut, The "Billion" Dollar Princess Stephanie McMahon

Al Snow: Stephanie would be my pick but I know Stephanie has to be worried about Randy Orton and Sting later

Coach: Your damn right she is worried, she could be giving it up to Sting for the next two weeks if Randy Orton loses

Penser:(Bodies hits, Crowd Boo's) Finally, Participants #7 and 8 Both representing Evolution X, First from Greenwich, Connecticut, Kelli Helmsley and From San Fernando, California, Victoria

Coach: Victoria is my pick to win this match

Al Snow: Well if Kelli and Victoria can work together as a unit then I honestly think there going to win this

WCW Women's Championship #1 Contender's Battle Royal: Victoria vs Dawn Marie vs Stephanie McMahon vs Jasmine vs Kelli Helmsley vs Tori vs Gail Kim vs Duchess
All the women are in the ring and shockingly Dawn, Stephanie, Jasmine, Gail, Duchess, and Tori seem to make a pact and all charge and attack Kelli and Victoria!!! Victoria delivers a right hand knocking down Gail Kim and then Stephanie while Kelli takes down Duchess but Dawn and Jasmine attack Victoria from behind and both ladies try to get Victoria over the top but Victoria is trying to hold on as Kelli comes over and tries to help out. Tori and Duchess attack Kelli Helmsley while Dawn and Jasmine continue to try and get Victoria over as Stephanie and Duchess get back up and then also join in trying to dump out Victoria who goes over the top but ends up on the apron and rolls into the ring. The 4 Ladies then continue to pound away on Victoria while Gail and Tori try to throw Kelli over but Kelli delivers an elbow to the gut of Gail Kim and Kelli then sends Tori over the top rope to the floor eliminating her. Tori has been eliminated.

Penser: Tori has been eliminated

Al Snow: Well so much for Tori

Kelli then clotheslines Gail down and attacks Dawn and Jasmine but the 4 Ladies turn there attention to Kelli and attack her allowing Victoria to get up and as she does Victoria grabs a hold of Duchess and sends her over the top to the floor. Duchess has been eliminated.

Penser: Duchess has been eliminated

Coach: Thanks for coming Duchess

 Victoria then trys to throw Jasmine out but Stephanie and Dawn attack Victoria again as Gail Kim attacks kelli from behind. Stephanie and Dawn whip Victoria off the ropes and go for a double clothesline but Victoria ducks and Victoria delivers a clothesline of her own knocking down both diva's. Victoria then catches Jasmine with a boot to the stomach and Victoria sets Jasmine up for a Pedigree but Jasmine trys to backdrop Victoria but Victoria grabs the ropes and is trying to hold on but Stephanie and Dawn also join in and the 3 ladies manage to flip Victoria over the top to the floor. Victoria has been eliminated.

Penser: Victoria has been eliminated

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From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 12:54 AM

Coach: Oh My God Tell me that just didnt happen

Al Snow: Victoria is eliminated and she is not happy about it all

Coach: Oh man this could be bad

Stephanie, Dawn, & Jasmine seem happy with getting rid of Victoria who is not happy and tries to get back into the ring but referee's restrain her while Gail Kim has Kelli against the ropes and Gail is trying to get Kelli but Kelli ducks a Gail clothesline attempt and Gail Kim crashes out to the floor. Gail Kim is eliminated.

Penser: Gail Kim has been eliminated

Al Snow: Well Gail Kim lasted pretty long

This leaves Kelli Helmsley, Dawn Marie, Stephanie McMahon, & Jasmine in the final 4 and Dawn, Stephanie, & Jasmine agree to go after Kelli and Kelli knocks down Jasmine with a right hand then one to Jasmine but Stephanie knocks Kelli into the ropes and Stephanie is trying to get Kelli up and over as Jasmine and Dawn help join in and they nearly have Kelli over when Victoria somehow gets back into the ring and Victoria shoves Dawn into Jasmine knocking Jasmine over the top to the floor. Jasmine has been eliminated

Penser: Jasmine has been eliminated

Al Snow: That was not fair

Coach: Victoria has gotten her revenge!!!

Victoria then knocks down Stephanie saving Kelli who comes back into the ring as Referee's once again manage to restrain Victoria and get her to the back as Kelli is pounding away on Stephanie and Dawn tries to form an alliance now with Kelli to get rid of Stephanie. Kelli agree's as they pick up Steph but Kelli then delivers a cheap shot knocking Dawn against the ropes and Kelli goes to clothesline her over but Dawn ducks and sends Kelli over the top to the floor. Kelli Helmsley has been eliminated.

Penser: Kelli Helmsley has been eliminated

Coach: Kelli Helmsley is gone

Al Snow: Her momentum carried her over the top to the floor eliminating her

Coach: Well we are down to the final two

This leaves the final two with Dawn Marie vs Stephanie McMahon. Both ladies lock up with Dawn getting a headlock but Stephanie sends Dawn against the ropes and Steph knocks down Dawn with a clothesline. Stephanie then grabs Dawn by her hair and hair tosses her across the ring and Stephanie greets Dawn as she is getting up with a few boots to the stomach and Stephanie throws Dawn over the top rope but Dawn manages to hold on and pulls herself into the ring and Stephanie is unaware of this, Dawn goes over and dropkicks Stephanie in the back sending Stephanie over the top to the floor.
Winner: Dawn Marie

Penser: Your winner, Dawn Marie

Coach: Dawn Marie is going to King of The Ring!!!!

Al Snow: I give credit where credit is due, Dawn Marie earned this win

Coach: Stephanie put up a good fight but Dawn Marie was just to much tonight baby

Al Snow: Dawn Marie is going to the King of the Ring to face whoever may be the WCW Women's Champion and congratulations to Dawn


:Chris Jericho is shown walking backstage when he bumps into Triple H and Ric Flair:

Chris Jericho: Well if it is not the "Game" Triple H and his buddy Ric Flair

Triple H: Well if it isnt the has been known as Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho:(Starts to laugh) seriously Hunter thats a good one but I mean thats all you love to do anymore is crack jokes is it not because you are the best of the best now, you are Triple H but buddy, I love how you forgot who your friends were and who got you to where you were

Triple H: Oh let me guess it was the "Kliq" that got me where I am today right

Chris Jericho: You know thats the truth. Me, You and Nash were the best of the best but then you got to big for your pants and thought you were above us

Triple H: You know Chris your right, I did get to big for you and Nash, I got tired of carrying you on my back but see Kevin Nash has been able to make something of himself where as you can't even beat another has been like Rob Van Dam

Chris Jericho: At least I went to war with RVD and did not shy away from facing RVD like some people

Triple H:(smirks) Well I tell you what why don't you run along and tell RVD anytime he wants to play the game he can

Chris Jericho: I got a better idea, how about tomarrow night on Nitro, I play the Game and I promise that I would be leaving as WCW World Heavyweight Champion....that is if you are still champion come tomarrow night

Triple H:(has a pissed off look on his face) YOUR ON

:Chris Jericho starts to walk away when Triple H attacks Jericho from behind and Triple H starts to pound away on Jericho and then picks him up and rams him hard into the wall and then itno a rack knocking over lots of pipes which come crashing down on top of Jericho:

Triple H: Well buddy, I forgot to tell you if you want to Play The Game then you have to pay


Al Snow: That was totally uncalled for

Coach: That was great

Al Snow: Well we have to more foward and let's look at how our next match came back

:Video Recap of History leading up to Marrisa/Lana Match:

Al Snow: This next match is going to be a fight

Coach: Well Mr. Bischoff is quite the ladies man and Lana Star who did have a thing with Eric back in the day returned and wanted to resume that but from Eric has told me about the difference between Marrisa and Lana, well lets just say Lana Star is like the Milwaukee Brewers and Marrisa is the New York Yankee's

Al Snow: A Useless Baseball comparison, Thanks Coach

Coach: I can not help it Al if you are not as smart as I

Al Snow: Let's just go to the ring for this match

Penser: The Following Contest is a Hardcore Rules Match and it is scheduled for one fall(Me Against The Music hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring from Hollywood, California, Lana Star

Al Snow: Lana Star is out for revenge tonight

Penser:(Pour Some Sugar on Me hits, Crowd Boo's) Her opponent, Being accumpied to the ring by WCW General Manager, Eric Bischoff, She is from Greenwich, Connecticut, Marrisa McMahon-Bischoff

Coach: See how much of a supporting husband Eric is

Al Snow: This may not be good for Lana now

Marrisa McMahon-Bischoff W/Eric Bischoff vs Lana Star
As Lana tries to climb into the ring Marrisa runs and baseball slides Lana in the legs and knocks her right off the apron. Eric then slides out of the ring to ringside. Lana hits the mat flooring but looks really mad as she stands. Marrisa stands in the ring telling her to get in the ring and show her what she got. Lana climbs but up on the apron and then into the ring. Bell sounds as Marrisa comes running at Lana and grabs her arm and whips her across the ring. Lana grabs the ropes for not going back and kicks Marrisa in the head. Eric is then heard yelling at the ref for the move. Lana looks over at Eric and smiles and blows him a kiss. Marrisa then comes and runs and grabs Lana by the hair and back slams her down with the hair pull. Marrisa then climbs on top of Lana and begins to slam her head down on the mat several times and then grabs the back of her hair and begins to hit her with right hands. Lana then manages to get a foot up and kicks Marrisa away. Lana slowly gets up and grabs Marrisa by the hair. Lana holds Marrisa's face up and then slaps Marrisa across the face and then following a jawbreaker. Lana then covers Marrisa. 1………………�?and kick out by Marrisa. Eric shouts to Marrisa that she can finish this. Lana is the first to get up as she grabs Marrisa and slaps her across the face and then hair tosses her across the ring. Marrisa grabs onto the ropes to help herself up. Lana comes walking over as she Grabs Lana and helps her up. Lana then chops Marrisa across the chest twice and then rams her shoulder into Marrisa's stomach three times. Lana goes for a fourth time but Marrisa raises her foot up and kicks Lana in the face. Lana steps back holding her face as Marrisa comes with a running Tornado DDT. Marrisa then covers. 1……………………�?.2…………�?and kick out by Lana. Eric jumps on the apron and yells at the ref that it was a three count. Ref tells Eric he must get down or else. Eric telling him he's the boss. While Ref and Eric argue Marrisa and Lana are now up on there feet. Both a little wiggle but managing to stand. The girls lock up and grab each other's hair. Lana pulls Marrisa's hair hard and then brings her foot up and kicks her away as Marrisa hits the ref and the ref bumps into Eric and Eric falls off the apron onto the flooring. Lana then grabs Marrisa and then grabs her for a suplex near the ropes and suplexes her out of the ring onto the ringside flooring right next to Eric. Eric is seen shaking his head to get sense back as Marrisa slowly tries to stand up. Lana then crawls out of the ring and grabs Marrisa and punches her across the face and then whips her into the guard railing. Marrisa is heard yelling from the pain. Eric then grabs Lana by the arms and holds her back from her doing anything else to his wife.  Lana then turns around and kisses Eric on the lips in front of Marrisa. Marrisa fills with anger and whips her into the steel steps. Marrisa then takes Lana by the hair and then head slams her into the top steel step as well. Marrisa then takes Lana and rolls her back into the ring. Marrisa follows and as she climbs in Lana is seen reaching in her pocket for something. As Marrisa goes to pick Lana, Lana swings back and smashes a pocket size mirror across Marrisa's face shattering in the ring. Marrisa is cut open but not to bad. Marrisa holds her face noticing the blood on her hand. Eric climbs into the ring and rushes over to Marrisa. Lana then comes over and pushes Marrisa away from Eric. Eric then looks at Lana evilly as Lana kicks Eric between the legs and then pushes him out of the ring. Lana then goes to Marrisa and hits a bulldog. Lana then covers. 1…………�?……�?2.7 and Marrisa gets her shoulder up. Lana's mouth drops open in shock. Marrisa then slaps Lana across the face as she gets up. Marrisa flips her hair back and arm drags Lana twice and then whips her into the turnbuckle. Marrisa then comes up with a running clothesline and hits the back neck area of Lana. Marrisa then grabs Lana by the back of the hair and then back slams her once more and then climbs up on the turnbuckle and signals this match is over as she hits the "Lights Out". Marrisa hits it and follows with a cover by hooking the leg. 1…………………�?…………�?.3! Marrisa uncovers Lana and crawls out of the ring as the ref follows her and raises her hand up in the air as Marrisa holds her face to whip the blood off her lip. Eric then comes walking around the ring and joins his wife as they leave in victory.
Winner: Marrisa McMahon-Bischoff

Penser: Your winner, Marrisa McMahon-Bischoff

Al Snow: Marrisa gets the victory

Coach: I told you Marrisa would win

Al Snow: I must say Marrisa impressed me here as did Lana though

Coach: Marrisa is a former Multi-time Women's Champion and more importantly the wife of Eric Bischoff so of course she won

:Video Preview for The Love Machine/JT Mystikal Match:

Coach: Well Al, its nearly time for the huge fight between two former Best Friends

Al Snow: I never thought we would see the day the Impact Players fell apart

Coach: The Love Machine and JT Mystikal were like brothers but due to Dawn Marie who we came to learn was The Love Machine's sister and her relationship with JT and her apparant hatred for The Love Machine has fueled this war

Penser: The Following contest is the Last Man Standing Match!!! ("Peep Show" hits, Crowd boos) Introducing first, making his way to the ring, being accompanied by Dawn Marie.....from Baltimore Maryland, weighing in at 223 pounds......JT MYSTIKAL!!!!

:::JT holds the rope down for Dawn to get in and then he steps in and snatches the mic from David Penser:::

J.T.: Back off Penser......Ladies and Gentelmen, I bring to you the hottest thing on wCw today....DAWN MARIE!!!! But me on this mic right now is not about Dawn. It's about ME!!! You, Fans and the powers that be have failed to realize my evolution. Becuase there is no more JT Mystikal.....from here on out......I Demand to be rocognized as........JOHNATHON TOMCOAT!!!!!!! And if you don't.......

Penser: (Play it loud hits and interrups J.T's Speech, crowd cheers)......and his opponent, makind his way to the ring, from St. Paul, Minnesota......Mr. Monday Night, THE LOVE MACHINE!!!!!

Last Man Standing Match
The Love Machine vs. Johnathon Tomcoat w/Dawn Marie

TLM rushes towards the ring as J.T. slides out and meets TLM in the middle of the ramp. TLM ducks a clothesline attempt from J.T. and answers with a right hand of his own. TLM gives J.T. a few more right hands before irish whipping him up the ramp and into a steel support beem of the PPV Supertron. J.T. grabs his back as he bounces off and TLM clotheslines him back down.  The ref is running to them and begins his count.....1.......2.........JT gets to a knee. TLM grabs JT by the head and takes his to the ring and tosses him in and the ref calls for the bell to start the match. Dawn stops TLM from getting in the ring and gets in his face. Dawn moves out of the way as JT dives through the ropes right into TLM. JT gets out of the ring and slingshots TLM into the steel steps. TLM holds his face and walks right into a standing dropkick by JT and TLM falls backwards over the steps and the ref begins the count again....1....2.....3.....JT goes over TLM and delivers an elbow drop causing the ref to stop the count. JT goes under the ring apron and with Dawn's help he pulls out a table and sets it up across the ring apron and the barricade. JT goes back over to TLM is nails JT with a right hand to the face. JT stumbles against the table. TLM grabs a beer from a fan and looks like he is gonna drink it when he throws it in Dawn's Face!!!! TLM chrages JT who sees it coming and Bracdrops TLM throught the table!!!! The ref yet again begins the count.....1......2.......3.......4.....JT stops the count again with a knee drop to TLM face. The ref is telling JT that he shouldn't stop the count and JT ignores him. JT goes over and picks up TLM and tosses him in the ring. JT then goes back under the spron and pulls out a chair. JT slides in the ring with the chair as TLM gets to his feet and swings, but TLM ducks and the chair bounces off the rope and nails JT across the head. JT now dazed walks right into the Lover's Quarral. But JT counters it and it ends up being a double neckbreaker by both TLM and JT.......the ref counts...1.....2..........3........4......Dawn reach in the ring and pulls JT out by his leg and stands him up.....5......6......TLM gets up to one knee. Dawn hands JT a bottle and towel and pours the liquid all over the towel and JT slide right into the ring.

Coach: Man that smell is strong!!!!

Snow: I think Dawn just gave JT a towel full of Ethonol alcohol!!!!!

JT goes to put the towel around TLM's face and out of no where TLM throws a hand full of powder in JT's Face. JT drops the towel and begins swinging at thin air. TLM takes the opportunity to succesfully nail JT with the Lover's Quarral. TLM sits in the corner to take a rest and signals for the ref to start the count.....1.....2.....3......4.....5.....6....Jt begins to get to his feet and TLM is livid. TLM stands back to his feet and goes over to JT but Dawn stick s her hand in the ring and trips up TLM. TLM  grabs Dawn by the hair and pulls her up on the apron and gives her a big wet kiss.....JT sneak up behind TLM and gives him a fatal lowblow. TLM turns around a looks at JT as if he were stupid and pulls a metal cup from his crothch. A shocked JT then gets knocked over the head with it and begins to bleed from the forehead and the ref goes for the count as JT falls to the matt....1......2.......3......4.....5....6....TLM kicks JT in the gut to break the count and then stares at the announcers table and the bottle of Ethonol that Dawn left sitting on the floor. TLM steps outside the ring and walks over to the announcers table and begins snatching every cord from it along with the rop and the moitors. TLM grabs the bottle of enthonol and pours it all over the table. TLM then goes under the apron and pulls out a book of matches........Charles Robinson grabs a mic from the time keepers table....

Charles Robinson: Love Machine.....hold on now, just think about what you are doing. Now I know you want to pay him back for all that he has done but if you light that match the fire marshall will shut this show down and all of these poeple will have to go home because of you!!!!

TLM drops the matches and shoves the time keeper out of his chair and takes the chair into the ring. TLM stares down JT as he gets to his feet. TLM waits for JT to turn facing him and nails JT across the head with it. KT falls helplessly to his back and the ref begins the count again....1......2.......3......4........5.........6.......7......Dawn slides in the ring with another chair and nails TLM across the back. The ref gets in Dawns face and tells her to get out of the ring. Dawn steps out of the ring adn the ref begins the count all over.....1......2.....3......4.....5.....6.....Jt gets to his feet......7........8.99999......TLM gets to his feet. they both exchange a few right hands then JT sends TLM into the ropes and catches him with a belly to belly suplex. JT still somewhat dazed drags TLM near the corner. and calls for his version of Christopher Daniels BME. JT steps up to the top rope and gets major hangtime while doing a double backflaip in mid air but TLM rolls out of the way and JT crashes into the mat. The ref starts the count again for TLM as JT stumbles to his feet. 1........2.......3.......4.......5.......6......7......8.....9.......9.999999......TLM gets to a knee. JT loses his mind and begins to kick to ropes and TLM stands against the ropes and JT clothesline him over the top rope. JT gets outside the ring and looks at the announcers table and picks TLM up and throws him on it. JT steps up onto the table and TLM gets to his feet. The two men exchange a few punches before TLM gets a kick to the gut and sets JT up for the Lover's Quarral. Dawn comes from behind TLM and lowblows him with a chair. JT gets down and grabs TLM into the torture rack......JT holds it for 5 seconds and follows it up with a neckbreaker..... (Calling that combonation The Backstabber) ..... right though the table laying both men out cold...the ref begins his count again for the two men.....1......2.....3......4.......5......6.....7.....8......Dawn helps JT to his feet and throws a bottle of water into his face to revive him and keeps him on his feet while the ref finishes the count.....9.......10!!!!!!!!!!!

Penser: Your winner, Jonathan Tomcoat

Coach: JT has done it, JT HAS DONE IT

Al Snow: That Witch Dawn Marie has played a big role in JT's victory though

Coach: It does not matter how you win but JT answered the 10 Count and The Love Machine did not

Al Snow: This is just wrong

:Camera shows the 7 Cages:

Al Snow: In just a short while, Triple H and Kurt Angle will enter Hell to do battle for the Ultimate Prize

Coach: It's kinda of ironic how the first No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages was fought between Triple H and Kurt Angle taking on The Love Machine and JT Mystikal and tonight we just saw JT Mystikal defeat The Love Machine and Triple H will do battle with Kurt Angle

Al Snow: Very Ironic

:Kurt Angle's Locker Room:

:Kurt Angle is shown stretching in his locker room:

:Triple H's Personal Locker Room:

:Triple H is shown stretching with no other Evolution X members around not even Victoria:


Al Snow: Both Kurt Angle and Triple H are getting ready for tonights Huge Match

Coach: Did you notice something about Triple H

Al Snow: What?

Coach: No Victoria near him or no other Evolution X member for that matter

Al Snow: Well that is weird but Coach we have to move on because The WCW Women's Championship is up next

:Video Recap of history leading up to Sara vs Torrie Wilson:

Al Snow: This should be a great contest

Coach: It's going to suck because both ladies are friends

Penser: The Following contest is for the WCW Women's Championship(Crowd Cheers)

Al Snow: These people are excited

Penser:(Naughty Girl hits, Crowd Cheers) 1st making her way to the ring, She is the Challenger and from Toronto, Canada....Torrie Wilson!!!

Al Snow: Torrie Wilson is a former Two time SCWE Women's Champion and also was the first diva to appear on the cover of Playboy for the KSCWE

Coach: Well meantioning Playboy, I have heard rumblings that Huge Hefner may be looking for another WCW Diva to appear on the Cover of Playboy this summer

Al Snow: That would be great and lets also not forget at the end of June, The KSCWE Babe of the Year Voting will start up once again

Coach: You know both of these ladies would love to unseat defending champion Victoria

Penser:(Breaking The Habit hits, Crowd Still cheers) Her opponent, From Long Beach, California, She is the WCW Women's Champion, Sara!!!

Al Snow: Sara defeated Stephanie McMahon two weeks ago to win the WCW Women's Title

Coach: I hope these ladies strip each other naked and kill each other

WCW Women's Championship: Sara(C) vs Torrie Wilson
Sara climbs into the ring as the ref takes the title and raises it over his head and shows both girls and then the crowd. Ref sets it aside and sounds the bell. Sara grins over at Torrie as they begin to pace in a circular form. They then run at each other and lock up. They both fight as they both are seen struggleing and pulling there weight around with there feet as they then separate. They then lock up once more as Sara reaches an arm over Torrie's head and tries to go for a face crusher but Torrie manages to reverse it sending Sara flipping in the air as she lands on her feet. Torrie looks at her in impressment as she then clotheslines Sara down and covers. 1……………�?. and kick out. Sara gets to her feet and then grabs Torrie by the arm and whips her to the ropes and then hits a sidewalk slam and then hooks the leg of her. 1………………�? And kick out. Sara gets an evil look to her face and then grabs Torrie by the hair and goes to hair toss her but Torrie gets a leg behind Sara's ankle and trips her backwards. Torrie then elbow drops on Sara and then grabs her by the legs and sends her across the ring with a catoplot into the turnbuckle. Sara grabs her chin in pain from the hit. Torrie then comes with a running clothesline but Sara ducks as Torrie turns and gets a double jump kick to the gut by Sara. Torrie lays back in the turnbuckle as Sara grabs the ropes and one foot into Torrie's stomach. Sara then nails a monkeyflip sending Torrie to the other side. Sara then comes over and covers. 1…………………�?�?. and kick out.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEric_Bischoff_SKCWSent: 12/1/2006 12:54 AM
Sara gets her and helps Torrie up as Sara chops Torrie across the chest. Torrie comes back with a slap to Sara. Sara chops and Torrie once again with a slap. Sara then goes to punch her with a right hand but Torrie grabs her hand and sends left hands to her quickly. Torrie then whips her to the ropes and then hits a back body drop on Sara as she grabs her back in pain. Torrie then sets Sara up as Torrie grabs her from the back and grabs her by the hair and slams her down backwards. Torrie then begins to kick down on Sara as Sara rolls out of the ring to get out of the way. Torrie tells Sara to get back in the ring as Sara is seen holding her back. (1)�? Torrie paceing the ring and waits as Sara walks around slowly (2)�? Sara still walking trying to find a good way to get back in. (3) Sara climbs on the apron but jumps off when Torrie comes near. (4) Sara tells the ref Torrie must back away before she gets in (5) Ref moves Torrie aside as Sara climbs in. Torrie then comes running at her but Sara ducks and grabs her by the arm and then pulls her down almost in a cross face hold�?Sara holds it in tightly as Torrie heard yelling. Sara heard yelling at the ref to ask her to quit but Torrie refuses and makes it to the bottom rope. Sara is forced to let go as she stands and walks away. Torrie grabs the ropes to help herself up. As Torrie gets up Sara comes and rolls her up ina tight pinfall by grabing Torrie's pants. 1……………�?2……�?.5 and Torrie kicks out. Sara grabs her hair and tells the ref it was a 3 count. Ref disagrees as Sara grabs Torrie and hair tosses her across the ring. Sara comes back at her but Torrie kicks her away. Sara falls on her butt as Torrie stands. Torrie chops Sara across the chest several times and backs her up into the ropes. Torrie then whips her across the ring and then hip tosses her. Sara slowly gets up as Torrie comes with a running Bulldog on Sara. Sara hits face first into the mat. Torrie turns Sara around and covers. 1…………………�?……………�?.2.6 and shoulder up. Sara and Torrie both slowly try to get to there feet. As they stand they walk in different direction of the ring. Torrie then turns and comes running at Sara but Sara jump kicks her and then quickly moves Torrie in a postion on the ring. She then climbs the turnbuckle and goes for the Swanton. Sara leaps but Torrie rolls out of the way as Sara hits the ring hard. Sara heard screaming loudly from the hit. Torrie then comes over and covers her. 1……………�?…�?2.6 and shoulder up by sara. Torrie slaps Sara across the face and covers her again. 1………………�?.2……�?2.7 and shoulder up once again. Torrie backs away from Sara for awhile as they both get fresh air to breathe in. Sara crawls over to the ropes and holds on to the bottom rope as she trys to help herself up. Both ladies lock back up with Torrie locking in a headlock but Sara sends Torri off the ropes and both ladies go for a clothesline knocking each other down. Both ladies are down as they are both trying to get back up and Sara  beats Torrie up and Sara catches Torri with a boot to the stomach and Sara sets up Torrie for the Sara Bomb but a Mattitude Countdown Starts and "Live for The Moment" starts to play as Sara lets Torrie goes and looks towards the entrance but nobody comes out and as Sara turns back around to Torrie, Torrie catches Sara with her Stunner and Torrie covers Sara for the 1---2---3.
Winner: Torrie Wilson (WCW Women's)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW Women's Champion, Torrie Wilson

Al Snow: We have a new Women's Champion

Coach: Torrie got the win thanks to Matt Hardy's music playing

Al Snow: I don't know why Matt Hardy's Theme song started to play but it got to his former Girlfriend Sara who lost her focus and Torrie Wilson took advantage and just like that we got a new Women's Champion

Coach: We got a great match up next because Stephanie McMahon could be forced to go with Sting for two weeks!!!

Al Snow: Well lets take a look at how Randy Orton and Sting's Rivalry got going

:Video Recap of history for Randy Orton and Sting:

Coach: I am torn on who I want to win this match

Al Snow: What do you mean?

Coach: Well I think Randy Orton would be a great US Champion but im curious on what Sting would make Stephanie do

Al Snow: Well Sting is a real stand up guy and I do not think he would treat Stephanie bad

Penser: The Following Contest is for the WCW United States Championship and if Randy Orton does not win then Stephanie McMahon must spend two weeks with Sting

Al Snow: Well here we go

Penser:(Big Pimpin hits, Crowd Boo's) 1st making his way to the ring being led to the ring by Stephanie McMahon, The Challenger, From St. Louis, Missouri weighing in at 245 Pounds, The "Legend Killer" Randy Orton

Coach: Well I have made up my mind and I want to see Randy Orton kill the legend of Sting

Penser:(Lights Dim, Seek and Destroy hits, Crowd Cheers) His opponent, From Venice Beach, California weighing in at 252 Pounds, The WCW United States Champion of the World, Sting!!!

WCW United States Championship: Sting(C) vs Randy Orton W/Stephanie McMahon
Sting and Orton start the match off by being face to face as Referee Nick Patrick Races the US Title up and shows both men and then the crowd and gives both men the order's of the match as finally rings the bell. Orton and Sting are still stareing at each other and Orton goes to spit at Sting but just as he is about to Sting slaps Orton across the face causing Orton to spit to the side and Orton is livid and goes to hit Sting but Sting blocks and opens up on Orton with rights and lefts backing Orton up into the ropes as Referee Nick Patrick tells Sting to back off and Sting does and Orton takes a cheap shot knocking back Sting and Orton opens up on Sting with right hands and Orton then slams Sting down to the mat and Orton drops a few elbows on Sting and then covers for a 1 count, Orton then delivers a few European uppercuts on Sting getting him back into the ropes and Orton goes to send Sting off the ropes but Sting doesnt move and instead Sting sends Orton off the ropes and Sting hits a flying lariet taking down Orton, Sting then beats on his chest and lets out a Woooooo and picks up Orton but Orton delivers a European uppercut getting up and then gets Sting into a small package for a 1--2--kickout. Orton can't believe it and gets up and shoves Nick Patrick and Nick Patrick shoves Orton back and Orton is about to him but Sting grabs Orton and turns him around and then delivers a few chops to Orton and Sting picks up Orton over his head in a bench press and slams him down to the mat hard and Sting delivers a few clotheslines every time Orton tries to get back up. Orton then rolls out to the floor to try and recoperate but Sting follows out to the floor after Orton but Orton then shoves Stephanie into Sting who catches her and as he is letting her go Orton attacks Sting again and Orton rams Sting head first into the ring post and Orton then slams Sting down to the concrete floor and Orton rolls in the ring and back out restarting the count as Orton is going to work on Sting and starts to choke him with a tv camera line as Nick Patrick's Count reaches 6-7-8-Orton rolls in and out again and picks up Sting and rolls him back into the ring and Orton goes up top and waits for Sting to get up and Orton goes for a cross body but Sting ducks and Orton hits the mat hard and Sting then clotheslines Orton down again and Sting waits for Orton to get back up and Sting whips Orton into the corner and Sting backs up to the opposite corner and charges and hits a Stinger Splash and Sting then grabs Orton and drops him with the Scorpion Death Drop and Sting then is about to lock in the Scorpion Death Lock but Vince McMahon comes out to the ring and gets in the ring and knocks out Nick Patrick!!! Sting lets Orton out of the Scorpion to ask Vince what the hell he is doing and Vince tells Sting he now the special referee and Sting tells Vince fine and Sting locks the Scorpion Death Lock back in and Orton starts tapping out but Vince does not call for the bell and instead tells Stephanie to get him a steel chair but Stephanie refuses to and Vince starts yelling at her and Sting lets go of the Scorpion and grabs Vince and turns him around and Vince tries to hit Sting but Sting blocks and Sting then opens up on Vince and whips him into the corner and delivers a Sting Splash on Vince and then bulldogs him down!! Sting then locks in a Scorpion Death Lock on Vince who is tapping out but Randy Orton comes out of nowhere and hits the RKO on Sting and Orton knowing Vince can't count tells Steph to get him a chair now but Stephanie once again refuses so Orton goes out to the floor and gets a chair himself but Stephanie tries to stop Orton from getting the chair but Orton ends up shoving her down to the ground and rolls into the ring with the chair and is ready to hit Sting but "Hitman" hits as Bret "Hitman" Hart makes his way to the ring as Randy Orton and more importantly Vince McMahon is shocked and Vince rolls out to the floor and Vince takes off through the crowd as Bret Hart makes his way into the ring and Orton goes to hit Hart but Hart blocks and opens up on Orton with right hands and knocks down Orton and Bret Hart then picks up Orton and does a front attomic drop and delivers a right hand knocking him down as Sting is back up and Sting locks in the Scorpion Death Lock once again and Orton is about to tap but Eric Bischoff comes down to the ring and is demanding to know why Bret Hart is in the ring and Bret Hart tells Bischoff that he is the new "Sheriff" in town and Eric gets in the ring and tells Bret that its B/S and during this Orton is tapping out once again but no referee and during this Vince McMahon comes back through the crowd and gets in the ring and grabs the chair and hits Sting in the back breaking the Scorpion up and Bret Hart see's Vince and Vince tries to run but Bret catches Vince and knocks down Vince with a right hand and Bret locks in the Sharpshooter on Vince as Orton is trying to get back up to his feet and waits for Sting to get up and Orton catches Sting with an RKO on the steel chair and Orton covers Sting with one arm over him as Bret Hart lets go of his sharpshooter and is unaware of the RKO on the chair and counts the 1---2---3.
Winner: Randy Orton (US)

Penser: Your winner and New WCW United States Champion, Randy Orton

Coach: We have a New US Champion and its Randy Orton

Al Snow: We know who the New Sheriff is and its Bret Hart but Thanks to Vince McMahon and a Steel Chair, Randy Orton has defeated Sting for the WCW US champion

Coach: Randy Orton got it done and thats the bottom line

Al Snow: Stephanie McMahon does not seem to happy about Orton winning tonight and I think Sting deserves a rematch soon

Coach: Well up next is the No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages

:Lights go out around The No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages as the 6 Superstars enter the cages with the area blacked off so nobody is aware of where they are going:

:Video Recap of The Entire History of Triple H/Kurt Angle Fued:

Coach: Well these two men have faced off many many times and Kurt Angle actually has the upper hand but I think Triple H will get the upper hand tonight

Al Snow: Well Last Year at UnCensored in the Main Event, Kurt Angle did defeat Triple H

Coach: That was last year and this is this year

Al Snow: Well here is the history of the No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages. On 2/16/03 Triple H and Kurt Angle joined forces to defeat The Impact Players

Coach: On 7/27/03 Triple H defeated Matt Hardy Version 1 in a match that Kurt Angle was one of Triple H's 3 Superstars

Al Snow: On 9/12/03, Triple H and Victoria defeated Matt Hardy Version 1 and Stephanie McMahon that yet again featured Kurt Angle as a representive of Triple H

Penser: The Main Event of WCW UnCensored is for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship(Crowd Goes Nuts) and it will be fought in a No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages!!(I Don't Suck hits, Crowd Chants You Suck) 1st making his way to the Cage, The Challenger, From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 220 Pounds, Kurt Angle!!!

Al Snow: Kurt Angle is a former 4x WCW World Champion, 2x SCWE World Champion, 2x ECW World Champion, WCW United States Champion, 3x WCW Tag Team Champion, SCWE Tag Team Champion, SCWE European Champion, and WCW Hardcore Champion

Penser:(The Game hits, Crowd Boo's) His opponent, Representing Evolution X, From Greenwich, Connecticut and weighing in at 260 Pounds, He is the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, The "Game" Triple H!!!!

Coach: Well Triple H is a 5x WCW World Champion, former SCWE World Champion, ECW World Champion, SCWE Intercontinental Champion, 3x WCW Tag Team Champion, SCWE Tag Team Champion, SCWE RAWCore Champion, WCW Hardcore Champion, and SCWE European Champion

Al Snow: Well this match is going to be a great match either way

WCW World Heavyweight Championship; No Way Out of Hell 7 Cages: Triple H(C) vs Kurt Angle
Triple H and Kurt Angle both stare at each other face 2 face as Nick Patrick shows off the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and then exits the 1st Chamber and the bell officially sounds as Triple H and Angle both are staring at each other and Triple H starts to talk trash to Angle and Angle shocks Triple H by hugging him!!! Triple H is stunned by this but then Angle delivers a belly 2 belly suplex to Triple H!!! Angle then grabs Triple H up but The Game delivers a few right hands to stomach of Kurt Angle and Triple H rams Angle head first into the side of the chamber, Triple H then attempts to backdrop Angle but Angle raps his legs around Triple H and drops down causing for a victory roll even though there is no pinfall. Angle and Triple H both get back up to there feet and both men nod to each other in a sign of respect. The two superstars then lock up with neither man getting the advantage until finally Triple H does and forces Angle back. Angle wants to lock up again and Triple H goes to lock up with him but Angle goes behind Triple H and tries to German Suplex him but Triple H drops down to his knee's preventing Angle from doing a German. Angle backs off of Triple H as The Game gets back up and thw two men once again nod to each other. Triple H and Angle then get into a test of strength with Triple H starting to get the upper hand and overpowering Angle but Angle instead of dropping down to his knees just sits down and puts his feet in between Triple's Legs and spreads his legs out then causing for Triple H to lose his balance and fall over top of Angle. Kurt Angle gets back up as Triple H gets back up as well and Triple H is livid and charges at Angle who falls down and leg sweeps Triple H down as both men get back up again and Triple H is not happy about being embraced again but both men lock up again and this time Triple H gets a headlock and takes down Angle but breaks free and gets Triple H between his legs as Triple H immeditly gets out of it. Both men get back up to there feet again and just stare at each o ther for a second obviously trying to figure out what to do next and finally both men lock back up and this time Triple H forcefully throws down Angle and Triple H makes for the Chamber door but Angle pops up and exchanges rights and lefts with Triple H but Triple H d elivers a knee to the gut of Angle and Triple H rams Angle hard into the side of the chamber as Triple H opens the door and enters Chamber #2 as a Superstar is let out of his  mini-chamber as it is revealed to be  Shane Douglas. Douglas and Triple H start right off by exchanging rights and lefts and Triple H catches Douglas with a solid right hand knocking him down but Kurt Angle attacks Triple H from behind and Angle and Douglas then put the boots to Triple H and pick up Triple H and ram him into the mini-chamber as Douglas continues to work over Triple H as Kurt Angle makes his way into Chamber #3 and Kevin Nash is shockingly the guy who is let free. Angle is shocked as Nash comes out and immediatly takes down Angle with a clothesline. Nash then picks up Angle and rams him head first into the chamber wall while in Chamber #2, Shane Douglas is still working on Triple H but Douglas see's Angle getting manhandled and goes to help out and Douglas attacks Nash. Douglas and Nash exachange rights hands but Triple H then attacks Douglas from behind and throws Douglas into the side of the chamber while Angle ends up doing the same to Nash. Triple H and Kurt Angle then start to brawl once again exchanging rights and lefts as Nash  gets back up and attacks Angle from behind allowing Triple H to climb up and into Chamber #4 allowing for Victoria to be let out. Victoria checks on Triple H while Nash is pounding away on Kurt Angle until Shane Douglas attacks Nash from behind and Nash knocks Douglas back into the second Chamber and Nash goes after Douglas allowing for Kurt Angle to get back to his feet and start to climb while Triple H and Victoria make there way into Chamber #5 as Matt Walker is let out!! Walker comes right out and takes down Triple H with a spear and Walker starts to pound away on The Game until Victoria delivers a kick right to the face of Walker knocking him off Triple H and Victoria then starts to stomp away on Matt Walker as Triple H see's Kurt Angle coming and Triple H tells Victoria to climb into Chamber #6 which she does but Torrie Wilson is let out much to Victoria and Triple H's dismay as Torrie attacks Victoria but Victoria spears her down and Victoria starts to pound away at Torrie Wilson while down in Chamber #5, Kurt Angle and Matt Walker are now double teaming Triple H and Angle delivers a huge German Suplex to Triple H meanwhile Kevin Nash is making his way up into Chamber #4 as Shane Douglas is not far behind. Matt Walker tells Kurt Angle to move on and Angle does just that and makes his way up into Chamber #6 and then into Chamber #7 as the chamber opens up to reveal....MATT HARDY V1. Kurt Angle is shocked as Matt Hardy delivers a big clothesline knocking down Angle and Hardy pounds away on Angle and knocks him through the hole back down into Chamber #6 as Matt Hardy climbs down and Hardy once getting there grabs Torrie by her hair and rams her back into the chamber allowing for Victoria to open up on her while Hardy smashes Angle's face into the side of the chamber busting him open. Meanwhile in Chamber #5, Matt Walker is now working on a bloody Triple H while Kevin Nash approaches and Walker and Nash go at it but Shane Douglas attacks Nash from behind and Douglas and Walker double team Nash as Matt Hardy knocks Angle through the hole cuasing for Angle to come crashing down on top of Walker. Matt Hardy V1 climbs down and Hardy goes to work on Walker and Douglas as Nash gets back up and grabs Kurt Angle and delivers a Jacknife Powerbomb to Angle nearly breaking the floor. Triple H is able to climb up into Chamber #6 as Triple H and Victoria then deliver a Double Suplex to torrie and Triple H and Victoria make there way up into Chamber #7 together and then Triple H climbs out and grabs the WCW World Heavyweight Championship for the victory.
Winner: Triple H

Penser: Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Triple H

Coach: Triple H is leaving Anaheim, California as The WCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!

Al Snow: What a fight and Kevin Nash and Matt Hardy V1's asserition as Triple H's help paid off huge for The Game

Coach: Somebody better check on Torrie though and Kurt Angle

Al Snow: Well don't miss our next Pay Per View in Two Weeks which will be SCWE Backlash and Don't Miss WCW Monday Nitro tomarrow night, Good Night

:Evolution X and Kevin Nash celebrate there victory outside the Structure as...

:Goes off the Air: