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All Message Boards : Migration
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 Message 1 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOswald_Bastable  (Original Message)Sent: 11/15/2008 4:48 AM
I'm working on a migration over to here:

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 Message 12 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKiwithrottlejockeySent: 11/29/2008 12:10 AM

As this group isn't listed in any directory, outsiders wouldn't even know it existed and even ex-members who have left would presume it was still locked up (if the group is even in their conscious memories still) so are unlikely to be probing to see if they can get into it. The only thing is that crawler search engines such as Google may locate the group and list it, although that would normally take 3-5 days to occur, and even though Google caches what it finds, my experience is that they don't cache the contents of MSN groups, but merely the homepage. Hopefully, by the time Google discovers the group, migration would have occured and you could slam the door shut again.

 Message 13 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMing_the_Merciless3Sent: 11/29/2008 2:42 AM
I'll go with the flow......

 Message 14 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMing_the_Merciless3Sent: 11/29/2008 5:16 AM
But suggest removing the Aimoo password in msg 4 above, b4 opening up
[Of course, I know you have already thought of that .... ]

 Message 15 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOswald_BastableSent: 12/28/2008 7:35 AM
Damned thing has locked me out and I can't get in!

 Message 16 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMing_the_Merciless3Sent: 12/29/2008 7:25 AM
I believe you have given me administrator privileges, but I dont have any idea how to go about using them.  There is nothing obvious to click on.
An administrator has similar powers to the owner so if I knew what to do, I could re-install you.

 Message 17 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameΜaccaSent: 1/2/2009 8:45 AM
I cant get in at all

 Message 18 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrownie49 Sent: 1/2/2009 9:38 AM
I don't even know where to go

 Message 19 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameßeakerSent: 1/2/2009 9:42 AM
I'm cool.  What are the chances that someone who has it in for us knows the site addy for this site and just happens to try accessing a site that has been locked since Adam was a cowboy, on the three days that it is unlocked?

 Message 20 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBrownie49 Sent: 1/2/2009 9:42 AM
Yes I do....
but I get
The password you have entered is incorrect. Please try again.

 Message 21 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekarey64Sent: 1/2/2009 11:15 AM
lowercase one word brownie?  I got in ok. 

 Message 22 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMing_the_Merciless3Sent: 1/2/2009 6:47 PM
I get that when I am not logged in to my own identity before entering the password to Os's

 Message 23 of 26 in Discussion 
From: LoveleeSent: 1/2/2009 7:12 PM
Im getting a wrong psswd - using lower case and one word
Do we have to register with aimoooooooo or can we use this signin from here???

 Message 24 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameMing_the_Merciless3Sent: 1/2/2009 7:59 PM
Have to register with aimoo as far as I'm aware

 Message 25 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOswald_BastableSent: 1/2/2009 11:17 PM
Damned thing still won't accept my password (thebar)

 Message 26 of 26 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOswald_BastableSent: 1/2/2009 11:22 PM
I'm in!

Now to unlock the door!

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