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Questions/Advise : I was asking about charkras--pain/surgery question
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname†Prayerwoman�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 12/10/2008 20:18
I was asking if it was the charka that needed working on in order to rid the body of pain or the need for surgery--but I guess the title wasn't one that was attractive to people so please re-read my question. I am very interested in other peoples opinion of what I read.

Thanks Prayerwoman

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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePolly163Sent: 13/10/2008 19:39
Now this is a 'big' question. 
The chakra (ths Sanskrit word for wheel) are the energy centres or vortex in your aura that govern and regulate the energy entering and flowing throughout the physical and energy bodies.  They are energy structions NOT physical organs.
The functions and deeper purposes of the chakra system is a vast area.  Chakras are composedof high frequency energy strands that the spiritual eye perceives as light.  The life force is channeled to the physical body and its organs via the meridians and enters the body through the chakras.  Chakras can be damaged or blocked through an emotional upset such as conflict, loss or accident.  Fear, anxiety and stress are common causes of chakra malfunction.   Psychological  problems may cause blockages, obstructing the flow of energy in or out of the chakras.  Balance in our reason, will and emotion centres is necessary to goodhealth and wellbeing, the amount of energy flowing through our chakras determines how well we function.
To my way of thinking if one is already suffering from an ailment that only surgery can rectify, then that is the answer.  Pain can be reduced with holistic methods of healing. 
If anyone else can add or rectify the above - you are very welcome lol
Hope this helps in some way PW.
Polly xxxxxxxxxxxx

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepurplebutterfly0Sent: 13/10/2008 21:55
Im not really sure this is relevant lol but i just wanted to add that holistically, pain in the leg can come from not being able to "stand" something going on in your life just like a " pain in the neck " which i suppose will have an impact on the chakras. Sorry if i havnt caught the jist of what your asking lol just wanted to add my 2cents.

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname†Prayerwoman�?/nobr>Sent: 14/10/2008 01:27
Thank you for your info--I had read somewhere that when you had pain--which ended up in surgery it was because you weren't paying attention the the alignment of your chakras and I hadn't heard this before I had heard that emotions etc would block them. Thank you for your response to my question.


 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname†Prayerwoman�?/nobr>Sent: 14/10/2008 01:29
Purplebutterfly---that kinda fits with me to there are some things going on in my life I am having trouble standing on and I do have a pain in my neck as well--someone I work with so they both fit.


 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 14/10/2008 15:25
I agree 100% with polly here.
I'll just add....
It is my belief that we choose some of our tirals and tribulations and health issues before we come to the earth plane.  If we are walking an enlightenend path, where we believe and try to work on our spiritual development, then we can learn to help ourselves and rid ourselves of old energy blocks that have occured through our lives by being healthy, and doing all we can to keep our chakras spinning and doing what they are meant to do, but if we have chosen to come to life to experience debilitating health issues, (for whatever reason) then no amount of chakra cleansing or whatever will fix that. 
I have had major surgery to fix a major health issue and then used all purely hollistic methods of healing afterwards for a swift and speedy recovery.  It was expected that i would be in hospital for at least 5 days and not be up and about for 6 weeks, taht i would need full strength pain relief for about two weeks.  I was home in three days with no pain relief needed and I walking around the block on my own in five days.......for me - after the surgery, wich gave me the toolst o be healthy, it was all about attitude and intent.  However, we are all different!
To a certain degree you can improve the way you feel by attitude alone, but if there are underlying medical causes, they need to be treated by proefssional health care providers.
Well thats my view anyways LOL
Hugs, and hope this answers your question.

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname†Prayerwoman�?/nobr>Sent: 18/10/2008 06:32
Thanks Erika

I have been doing everything I can to stay positive and accept healing for my knee replacement. But damn if I don't wake up dozens of times during the night and every morning in pain. So maybe I did choose to have this for some reason. I don't let it stop me from going about my business every day or from working full time or walking but it sure would be better if the pain was much less.

Thanks for your way of look at it. I appreciate your input.


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