 | | From:  cathymv722 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/27/2008 5:35 PM |
Would it be offensive to lynch a doll or manequin that looked like obama? what if it is done for halloween? what if it was in rural west vaginia... would it be offensive.... what if its done in protest? here or abroad..... I ask because, it seems, that is what groups do... bush has been hanged in effigy.. and burned too... so has reagan.... but it didnt' seem to offend anyone... if obama was hanged in effigy... would it be offensive then> racist in any way? If bush, reagan or palin can be hanged in effigy.. and its not offensive, but a right of free speech or freedom of expression.. a political statement?? ... then I wonder what would be said if soemone did this to imply hanging obama if they are protesting something about him... will there be or .. is there.. a double standard? is see ya cathy :) |
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Hanging cattle rustlers was a way of life out here for many years. The hangmans noose has been around for centuries, and has been the misfortune of many people. The rope knows no race, or skin color. I have to agree with Ransomed though. Hanging isn't a joke. Ask Saddam Hussein. A real life lynching in effigy? Isn't that the real intent of all of this? |
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Would it be offensive to lynch a doll or manequin that looked like obama? Yes. It would also be offensive if the image was John McCain, or any other person. what if it is done for halloween? It would still be offensive. what if it was in rural west vaginia... would it be offensive.... Rural West Virginia, Midtown Manhattan, West Texas, or anyplace else for that matter. what if its done in protest? It's still offensive, and provacative and totally uncalled for. That does not preclude it from happening. But also does not minimize its offensive nature. here or abroad..... ditto! |
 | | From:  xgunny® | Sent: 10/28/2008 11:30 AM |
I'm sure that, if this election goes as I hope it will, we will be seeing Obama hanged and burned in effigy before long in different corners of the world. Maybe I've missed them, but I don't recall many hanging in effigies taking place in the US. But I agree with Skumma - it would sent a terrible message to the rest of the world. It would say to them that we have not come as far as they had hoped. |
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and here it is.. the double standard.. hate crime vs freedom of speech.. in hollywood its freedom of speech... anywhere else its a hate speech... No, There’s no Double-Standard here. None at All. Move Along. rom CNN we get the following: Two Arrested After Obama Effigy Found on Campus.�?/A> �?CNN) -- Two men have been arrested in connection with an effigy of Sen. Barack Obama that was hung outside a building at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, police said Thursday.�? “Authorities found a life-size effigy of the Democratic presidential candidate hanging from a tree outside the school's Mines and Minerals building on Wednesday morning, police said.�?/P> “Police said they arrested Joe Fischer, 22, a senior at the university, and Hunter Bush 21, a former student at Bluegrass Community and Technical College. �? �?This was a serious incident. It caused a lot of wounds to be opened from racial tension," Monroe said.�?/P> Meanwhile: (and this has been posted earlier), but we’re playing “compare and contrast,�?so try and keep up with this, would’ja?�?Think apples and oranges, or in your case; magazine porn vs. dvd porn. Both have their own plusses and minuses. From a few days ago we have this: “Sarah Palin Effigy Hanged From House�? ”An effigy of US Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin hanging by a noose as part of a Halloween display has drawn severe criticism, but local officials said the homeowner was covered by free speech rights.�? “A mannequin dressed to resemble the Alaska governor, with her trademark beehive hairdo and glasses, was hung by the neck from the eaves of the home in West Hollywood.�?/P> (editor’s note: it’s of small importance, but it’s not a “beehive�?hairdo, fer chrissakes…Google it!) “On the roof, a mannequin of Republican presidential candidate John McCain protruded from the chimney surrounded in flames, holding his head as he was apparently burned alive�?/P> But all is well: "We have been getting some phone calls complaining about it but if (the homeowner) isn't in violation of municipal code we have no reason to cite them," West Hollywood spokeswoman Helen Goss said.�? "People have First Amendment rights (to free speech)," Goss said. "I would speculate that if it's part of a Halloween display then its political satire." See? We got that all cleared up now. It’s all good. The homeowner/satirist leaves us with a telling quote though: ”I know if we had done Barack Obama, people would have probably thrown things through our windows," Morisette said. "The image of a hanged black man is a lot more intense than the image of a hanged white woman for our country, the history of our country." |
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It's in very bad taste but it's a free country so what can you do? If I saw something like that I would pound on their door and tell them their idiots. Not much else you can do.  |
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I have to say I completely agree with LukeFromTX here ! I don`t see how anyone can call absolutly EVERYTHING they do " freedom of speech", there should be limits to everything , it has to do with normal deasant behavior . If "freedom of speech " is something used to hide aggressive , and provoking behavior behind , it is being miss used , and fails its purpose! Another thing about this is the racism thing , over there it seams like if you do something to any white person , it is something you personally have against that particular person. If you do or say anything to or about a black person , you have something against the whole black community. Everything is automatically classified as racism  I know there has been many sad episodes , where racism has been involved , but that is not the same as everyone having something against a particular black person is a racist, maybe they just disagree with their opinion , regardless of color. |
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This is the problem with "hate crimes". Who gets to define "hate"? Hanging Obama is seen as racist because historically, it is racist, while hanging Palin is merely offensive. If there's a fight between two men and one is a homosexual, the straight man can be charged with a hate crime. Hate crimes make emotional sense, but in reality, they are a real danger to justice. |
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An example: Suppose my neighbor strings up McCain in effigy. If I string up Barack Obama in effigy and not as the lynching of a black man, are my intentions superceded by a hate crime law? I think my neighbor's act would be legal while mine would be a crime even though my intent was political and not racist. I understand the implication involved, but isn't freedom of speech more important? Aren't we sacrificing liberty for political correctness? |
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That was a good answer DC3CowboyRanger, thanks. It is frustrating to see that laws being made to prevent unfair treatment of minorities / groups of people in actual fact promotes it. |
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i a few years ago there was a big deal because some family hung a frankenstein. i the dark green mask used as a head made black people think it was racial. you'd of thought frankenstein was some black hero like martin luther king or something. |
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If I string up Barack Obama in effigy and not as the lynching of a black man, are my intentions superceded by a hate crime law? i don't think it would be a hate crime. that is if he was running for office or in office. but he leaves public life than it would be a hate crime. anyway doing souch stuff is real tacky. |
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If I saw something like that I would pound on their door and tell them their idiots. | If that's really the case, then it would be an idiot telling an idiot that they're an idiot. |
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i don't think it would be a hate crime. that is if he was running for office or in office. but he leaves public life than it would be a hate crime. Only one fallicy in that thinking -- basically most former presidents never truly leaves public office -- ie: Jimmy Carter in particular has continued to lead a politically active life that tends to meddle in natioanl and international policy. But you are absolutely correct in your statement that any effigy hanging is both tacky and offensive. |
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Hanging Barack Obama in effigy is a federal hate crime because he is black. Hanging Sarah Palin in effigy is not a federal hate crime because she is white. |
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True. But having said that we've stopped hanging a mannequin in our yard as part of our Halloween decorations. Black, white or otherwise, it's too likely to upset someone. |