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The Anglian Connection[email protected] 
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Bike Talk : Welcome to the Page Specially for the Bikers !
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 Message 1 of 3 in Discussion 
From: asheepdog  (Original Message)Sent: 1/18/2002 8:54 PM
Okay you bikers - here is a message board specially for you !!!
You have race / biking meets you wish to inform about? - here's the page !
Spare parts - offered / wanted - put in here ! And for the piccies .... an album just for you !
Oh, and on the Bike Connection page - a montage of biker members and their machines - courtesy of IanD !
Have fun
De Management

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 Message 2 of 3 in Discussion 
From: IanDSent: 1/20/2002 4:23 PM
 I've added some pics of my former bikes and love looking back through some of my old bike mags too.
Has anyone got any pics of some nicely sprayes petrol tank art? I'd really love to see it as I know alot of work goes in to producing it and done correctly can really enhance a bikes appearance.

 Message 3 of 3 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 1/21/2002 3:12 PM
Nice pix Ian  and phhooooooaarrrrrr to the leathers!!
Come on you bikers ........ let's have a look-see at your steeds !!!