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The MSN Groups service will close in February 2009. You can move your group to Multiply, MSN’s partner for online groups. Learn More
The Anglian Connection[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdog  (Original Message)Sent: 11/3/2008 12:14 PM
I have been looking around the various options for setting up this comm on another networking site ... and believe me there's a lot of places out there!!
We have been invited by MSN, to "migrate" the group pages to Multiply, , and this is my page there if you care to looksee what you can do on the site ... . However, a lot aren't keen on that site, mainly, I think, because it's different to what we're used to. But, other sites are now beginning to offer migration software, so I personally don't wish to rush moving the group until all the options are available!
Anyway, please look around the choices available at the moment, some of which I list below, with links, and let me know how you feel about them.
Aimoo, , is a site now offering migration tools,
Yuku, , seems to be popular with people I've spoken to
Ning is another that's been mooted.
I found this As it says on the box, it's Windows Live Groups, but don't expect it to look like our current group site, cos it won't!
Oh and what have we here? my, my, MS World Groups!!
I've also found Proboards, a forum-based site -, which we could link to another group site if wanted.
Anyway, please feel free to look around and let me know what you like/don't like and maybe we can select one that everyone will be happy with (and that'd be a first in world history eh ? ) There's no panic, we don't have to move until February, so please give some thought to where we'd like our new home to be.
Sheepie (aka phoebe - felt like a name-change heh)

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 Message 26 of 27 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameHuggableCappsSent: 12/30/2008 3:20 PM

Either Yuku or Aimoo seem the best to me.  I did try to sign up to Aimoo but it wouldn't take, so I couldn't reply on the site. 

(1 recommendation so far) Message 27 of 27 in Discussion 
From: asheepdogSent: 1/15/2009 1:29 PM
Okay ... decision made ... we are moving to Aimoo, who are currently migrating these pages for us. Please, therefore, do not post to this site, as posts made now will not be included in the migration!
Instead, please click this link to take you straight to our new group site!