Okay folks, I've taken a look at the "migration" process and no need to panic ....... yet! Theoretically, all the material on this site will then be migrated to the Multiply site, at which point this site will still exist, until the February date, but anything posted here will not be posted also on the Multiply site. So, I'm not going to perform the switch until we all decide it's time!
Meanwhile I can tell you that when the migration occurs, you will receive an invite from Multiply to join the migrated group (it will probably be in your junk mail folder); at which point you will be guided to a sign up page, where your own page will be created (and which you don't have to do anything with, unless you want to), plus a link to the group pages.
No, it's not like MSN's group layout, and will take a bit of getting used to, but at least we'll keep stuff we don't want to lose (hopefully!). Meanwhile, if there's anything of yours you wish not to lose.... please copy to your hard drive b4 February 2009!
I'll keep looking around for alternative group hosting sites and keep you posted .... if you find anything interesting, please share also.
Sheepie xx