Wow 10 members now on the Live Group!
Looking around and having created test groups on various sites, I have to say that I'm liking Aimoo more and more ... although this group can only be migrated as an archive ... nevertheless it would be saved for posterity! We can also still migrate it to Multiply or Yuku as a live saving .... BUT I am still waiting for feedback from you lot!!!!
Time is getting shorter if we are to decide before we lost this site ... maybe you would let me know very soon after Christmas, so we can be set up and running ?
The links are on the first message in this thread .. please have a look, everyone, and give me feedback!
Jim, you can take a look round the sites without signing in, as I've made them all public viewing for the time being .... when a site is chosen it will be closed, so it will be for members only, and the others deleted .... <sob> all that work!!