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All Message Boards : ()Whatever You Bring () Paris PPV Saga
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 Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTOXIC_Lust  (Original Message)Sent: 2/13/2009 4:29 AM
Freakin MSN would not let me post all of my roleplay, so I have to post half and half. The first two is thread 1. Just to let you know. :):):):)

+THE HEADLINER+ | Whatever...YOU Bring|
+NEXT MATCH+ |Myself Vs. Pheonix| round three| for Womens Title
+OUT STATEMENT+ | I'm loving the Muhammad Ali theme I got going on...hehe. Welp! this is phase one, of three four or five. hahaha!! Hope u all enjoy. Good Luck Pheonxie Pixie!!! lol


The Great Muhammad Ali once said that "Only a Man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra once of power it takes to win when the match is even." Do I believe that...right now, I think I have every right to. It's not everyday when I study great Boxers such as he, but for some reason, now that I am in that position, I think that it is the most influential thing as of this moment. I am set to face a person that I have lost against not once but Twice. No Lies, no white spliffs, this woman is giving me a run for the money and I'm loving every single bit of it. The only thing that is stopping me from celebrating yet another reunion between the both of us, is the fact that I have to see her face. Pheonix is a nice looking woman and is someone that can handle me. Seriously. Am I afraid? Never. Am I Prepared? As I'll ever be. Finally I have some competition that is worth fighting for. Pheonix clearly has proven that she has what it takes, but it doesn't erase the fact that tonight is going to be a different story. She's had her fun, and now Its time for me to reach down, Like Ali said, and pull back my power, because as of this very minute, it's starting to slip away from me, and being the strong person that I am, I got to grab ahold of it, and make sure that doesn't happen tonight. I'll admit and this is the only time that I will ever admit...Pheonix had me twice....but rest assure. Oh Rest completely assure, this will be the final time that I will face her and the time that she will know that I am not taking anything lightly on her especially at a Pay Per View going for the womens title. She will have to destroy me before she thinks that I am just going to stop because of two simple matches. This goes way beyond that point and I've reached that point to make sure that she understands that with her winning against me? It doesn't change a single thing. I am still going to give all that I have to beat her once and for all. I'm not proud at the fact that I have to say something like this, but you know what...its takes a real champ like Materialistic Woman to withheld the Womens Title, not some woman that focuses on winning for no reason. If you ask me, I think its something dumb. She said that she is going to do whatever it takes to win. Nice. Bravo. But Me? I'm going to do whatever it takes to beat your ass, then win, then get something very earning, and thats the WGEF Womens Title.

"My way of Joking is to tell the truth. Thats the funniest Joke In the World" -Muhammad Ali

My way of thinking comes natural. There are times when I am just flat out right and there are other times when the right things get turned into bad things. For instance...Paris Jior Vs. Pheonix. Let alone I made the simple mistake of letting my opponent get the best of me. It wasn't the brightest of all things to do, but I did it, and I can't erase the fact that I have. Second Paris Jior Vs. Trishelle Jameson Vs. Pheonix...I lost yet again. That was two matches that went terribly the highlight of the night is...two matches don't mean a thing to me. Most people would wonder how I feel about the whole situation, my opponents would get the concept that I am infuriated with them and mad at them because they won against me. Naaa! I'm perfectly fine. Pheonix proved that she could handle this and apparently that is what I am looking for, because tonight, she will need every little bit of courage as she had both nights she beated me, to do it yet again. Only there is one little small problem with that....its not going to happen. Nope. Nada. I'm not sick and tired of facing her, but I am a bit itchy about looking at that face, but I am sure we can overcome all of that. I didn't come to WGEF to cap on someone's looks. I think maturity steps in for me right about there. Pheonix is the true definition of what championship material is, true, but me, I am the same. Being fresh out of college and joining the biggest wreslting league in the industry is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I am THEE talk of this place, whether Pheonix likes it or not. The truth of the matter is, I came to a realization quick that this is no talent competition, I am competing for the gold just like she is, and I am going to work my hardest to get that into motion, just like I have been doing all of my life. Two little defeats aren't going to hurt not one bit, because once I have done all that I say I am going to do tonight, then it will speak for itself. It always has and always will. It gets stressful when you know that people are going to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to take away your opportunites. Phoenix knows that I am a threat, she knew how hard she had to beat me, and now, she is facing me again, and now that she has this little phase of "winning" inside of her head, maybe she can figure out a way to make this time be number three. I'll have her in my prayers because it is going to be far from easy this time. This here isn't an orinary match. It is for the WGEF Women's Title. No other titles in the world will make up an excuse for any wrestler, I don't care how many championships they have won in the past. The future has been into play and I think that some people should learn when and when not to gloat about things that has already been done before. This match has much meaning behind it, and much means more...this goes beyond a handicap match, hell in the cell, and even a triple threat hardcore match, or single...this is rewarded with a title that women in this industry has dreamed about getting but as never achieved it. This is no ballgame and no fairytell business we are messing with here. I'm talking about a match for the WGEF Womens TItle. Pheonix is going to have to put on more than what she has already shown, and it is going to take more than a simple DDT or her amature finishing move. She is going to have to get through me, and going through me, isn't as easy as she think it is or has been. I'm fully ready to take on what is ahead of me, and Pheonix, she is one of the one's that is in the way right now, and has to be knocked back down to where she started. Just a woman "winning" matches.

"I am the greatest. And I am knocking out all the bums, and if you get too smart, I'll Knock you out" -Muhammad Ali

Make no mistake about it. Pheonix has had some glorious times. Winning not one but two matches aginst me. I have to say how impressed I am. Smarter than smart I would say. I think it is getting to a point to where I just might have to get a bit more physical with this one. I love the competition status between us. Someone is actually getting me a bit tight about fighting. Usually when I hear that I have a match against someone, mainly a bum, I'd be like "Oh wow. Really. Okay. Whatever" but now, my whole perspective have changed. I have something worth fighting for. I love it! To finally have a rival is kinda exciting, but at the same time I can't really say that. The only time I see Pheonix is in the ring, if I really had hate towards her, I wouldn't even wait till a match to get my point across. Nope. Pheonix can pretty much boast as much as she wants because she has that right to. I can't get mad at that, just get even. She is getting too smart for her own good forgetting that there is someone just as great as she is, and just as better. Having lost twice to the same girl is a bit much, quite embarassing to be real, but I don't think I need much to tag on right now. Knocking the mess out of Pheonix might feel a bit too good to me, and I think that is what's going to take place. Yep  I know you know that I saw the Ellen show. I mean, I'm not a boring person, I think Ellen is great! I am scheduled to be on her show next week. I took notice on some of the things that Pheonix stated and just shook my head because all of those things she said would all backfire and come up front in her own face. I hate that it will soon embarrass her, but hey, business is business. She was making sure that everyone knew how much of a true champ she would be, but was forgetting some things along the way. I don't think that she thought one moment of the things that I am capable of doing in the ring. I don't think she knows just how intelligent that I can be. I don't think she knows what I am all about. That would soon be her downfall in the end. Well BRAVO Pheonix, brag all on yourself why don't cha? Have all the attention focused towards you...not on poor little ole me!! Paris Jior! I can't beat you!! I'm just worthless! A downright loser why don't cha?! Urgh, why does it always have to be about you Pheonix? Can't Paris have some recognition as well? Don't you think that I can snap your neck just like that? No? You don't? Are you sure because I could have sworn...that my name is Paris of the most successful fighters I don't think so? [shrugs] Oh well...I guess you will just have to be selfish! Fine with me.!! Haha, no seriously, Pheonix, I'm proud of you chick...going on Ellen and telling the people about your lovely plans about winning the title and everything...I think that is just great! A shame. But great! Keep up the good work girl. I hope you beat me for the third time in what, two the three weeks? I think that was it...yea. Because I don't think I'll have the slightest chance to win. [nods] You do know that I am kidding right? I hope so. haha. Pheonix, tisk.tisk.tisk. you are going to have one hell of a knock out tonight..with me standing over you raising the WGEF Womens title, and shouting, as Adam Sandler did on "I now pronouce you Chuck and Larry" HELL YEA!

"Its just a job, . Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I just beat people up" -Muhammad Ali

When people hear the name Paris Jior...they don't answer "Loser, Disgrace, or A Shame" if you asked one person here in the WGEF, I'd doubt if you'd get anything that is far beyond the truth. You'd get my enemies hating, but other than that, nothing at all. I can't think of one time of where I just made a fool of myself. Yes, I've made some dumb moves, but as far as being a fighter, I have proven to be apart of that. I could lose a hunred matches and still be known as one of the greatest fighters ever. Yet, I don't want it to be that way. Though I have made my share of mistakes, I am not going to let that hinder me from winning a title. Compared to some of these females, I am flawless. Flawless and what can I say...B-E-A-UTIFUL!!! Come on now, Pheonix out of all people should know that this is business, if she thinks that I care that I lost against her twice, then obviously she must wants me to hate her ass! I don't hate though. I fight because I love it. At Whatever it Takes, it is going to be more intense than most of my matches, and more hardball, and I like that. Pheonix on the other hand better stop with the two time nonsense and get ready to go at it again, because she is not blazing through here with the wind, singing and all that crap. Ellen won't be there to boost her up and cheer her matter who Pheonix comes across, it will not dismiss the fact that she will be in that ring alone and that it will be me and her facing each other for the WGEF title. I think that I will bring out the best in Pheonix like I have before, only this certain time, this lucky striker won't be too happy, I guarantee you that.

"I'm the king of the world, I am the greatestm I'm Muhammad Ali. I Shook up the world, I'm pretty, I'm pretty, I'm a bad man, you heard me...I'm a bad man. Archie Moore fell in four, Liston wanted more, so since he's so great, I'm a make him fall in eight, I'm a bad man, I'm king of the world! I'm 22 years old and aint got a mark on my face, I'm pretty, I easily survived six rounds with that ugly bear, because I am the greatest" -Muhammad Ali

Sitting here looking on at the great Muhammad Ali during his fight was awesome for me. Issac suggested that in order to get me a bit more pumped for the match up tonight, that I should look into Ali. He was truly the greatest. Only defeated five times in history, it made me feel rather good inside. He has held the Heavyweight championship withholding the titled name of "The Greatest". For some strange reason as I was looking at the smooth butterfly sting  his opponents, all the weight was soon lifted off of me. This was my time to shine and my time to proclaim the throne of being the WGEF champion. Pheonix was no George Foreman or Mike Tyson even, she was just a woman who was striving to get to the same place I was, but believe me, she wasn't going to get as far as the ropes on the ring. I was set to my max and wanted to win this match up. Then having the opportunity to have the belt in my hands... Man...the belt. I have seen many champs in my time. Real champs, and I'm not just talking wrestling...people like Muhammmad Ali gave me hope, and strength. When I told Issac that I was into this Ali character, he looked at me and smiled and said "Right on". He gave me tapes and tapes of Ali matches and interviews, and I sat and watched them up until my eye-lids just gave up and closed. And now here I am again, watching the rest of the videos taking in everything I can and everything I want to learn and put into strategy. The logos, ethos, and pathos of a REAL Champ. FIRST TITLE MATCH...ALI VS. SONNY LISTON... damn!! I jumped up and down and yelled and screamed as if Ali was on the screen fighting for real. As if he had won all over again. I was hooting and yelling...Issac came in with a startled look, as if something has happened to me...

()Issac() girl, what in the world? [still surprised] are you okay?

Still into the TV, I slightly turned to him with a huge smile on my face.

()Paris() He won! He Won!! He's the champ baby!!!

()Issac() Paris, that was sooo long ago, are you serious right now? Ali is probably sitting down in his comfortable chair relaxing and enjoying his senior...he's not even on the televison right now.

()Paris() DUHEE! I know that! This match was just so intense and then BAM! Knocked his ass out right cold onto the mat. I can't believe it. Ali was so smooth in this match, and check this out, it was his first match baby. First title match and everything. How many people do you know that just comes into an industry and dominates it just within a blinking of an eye? Nobody! [still with much ecxcitement] this is just too good to be true. This is a true damn champ. I might try that little jab on Pheonix tonight, knock her out cold, then one, two, three, ding ding ding, and the new WGEF Womens Champion is...Amelia Paris Jior!! Everybody scream!! Ahhhhhhh!

So okay, I was being dorkey, but half of me was serious like hell! Hearing the people cheer me on and having the whole nine yards of confetti coming down, reigning my glorious win. I could picture myself holding the title in the air, shedding a few little drops here and there. Being the Womens champ is something too big! I can breath it. Having the people looking up to me is something that I longed for. Having a fresh out of college woman, doing something this successful just made things all the better for me...I was so stoked on going into the ring with all these doubts in the back of my head, but all that was gone now. I was ready, more now than ever before. I realized that this opportunity might not ever come this fast for me, and while its passing by, I'm going to grab it, I'm going to snatch it and hogg it all for myself. My opponent might be set on making an impact, but she is not going to put it down like I am, this is more than just a add on to my goals type of thing. I'm not like Pheonix, I don't add on... I'm a more definate type of person, I like to make it happen, and on top of that I like to keep on keeping on. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN BITCHES!!

()Issac() [stashing the tapes back in a box] Are you satisfied now? You looked at each and every one of these tapes until you fell asleep...I don't think I've ever done that before...

()Paris() Its all about clean strategy.

()Issac() [Joking] You mean the same strategy you used when Pheonix beat you twice in a row? I think that strategy might be a bit old for you, you should try something else for size.

()Paris() [not at all irritated at the comment] For your information, I'm not doing Method's, as you know that is what got Pheonix in the position to think that she is some knock em' out queen or something. No, this is all mental work. I've done it before and I can do it again. You want to know what it is? [he nods] Its called fighting. I'm not going to go in with any plans or measured moves, I'm just going to fight the bitch, and knock her out. [smiles] Simple. I'm so tired of being made a fool out of, and this is not even about Pheonix and I anymore, its about that Championship. When Ali stood there holding the heavyweight title, he had so much overwhelmness, and so much pride that he didn't care what happened a second ago...he was champion babe, and that is what I want. Who cares if Pheonix is out on the ground, breathlessly a mess. Everyone will be focusing on me, the next big thing. Trish and Kaylee are not looking for some has been's take the position, because they have been there done that, its the same ole thing. Bless Jeanette's heart, I love her, much respect... they aren't looking for some newbieness like Trishelle....or some fake-ups like Pheonix and Trishelle...they are looking for someone that is boarderline business and greatness, and Issac, baby, that person is me. I am serious on this.

Issac looked at me...I could tell he believed me by with him just looking at me and not saying a word, but then half of me thought that he was thinking "Damn, this girl has been watching TOO much ALI" he smiled at me and made his way to where I was and placed his hands around me, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

()Issac() I believe you.

We shared a kiss with one another, he held my hand in his and we made our way upstairs, I don't think I don't have to go in much detail there...I bet you know what went down. Hehehe. The rest of the morning persay afternoon was steady. We woke up, took our showers, I looked at a few tapes again, while Issac dressed. Later on, it was getting close to night. It was time. We packed our things and made our way to the limo. With us still in the smoochy mood, we knew that having a car would be crazy. We went on ouy way to the arena where "Whatever It Takes" was going to take place. People were still lined up outside once we got there. Fans began to tap and pat on the windows, saying Hello to whoever was in there...I placed my hand against to window to let them know that it was me...well sort of...they were cheering anyway. We pulled into the parking garage, security was lined up outside of the elevator where it would take us to the first floor. Right there, we got out and made our way in. Holding hands still, Issac and I pressed first floor of the elevator...once the two doors open...the first person I see...Is Pheonix. We both took in each others company, she smiled, and I smirked..not exactly what you would call a nice greeting, I could tell the smile on her face simply read "HA" all over it...and mine? Well Mine had something sort of a "You're Going Down Bitch" type of feel. Issac turned to me to see my expression but clearly missed it. Yep there were certain things that got at me, and that was the fact that I couldn't just get at her right then and there...with our quick one on one eye battle I swiftly went into my lockeroom, and I was now prepared to get into the ring and take on all action that was to be towarded to me. I wanted Pheonix to bring it all to the table, so I can grab it and crush it, and have her little feelings be hurt, that is what I wanted to do. Time has come, time will tell... she thinks she is in heaven, but will be greeted to hell. No, thats not Ali's quote...its mine.

Paris you have thirty minutes until ringtime.

I looked at the clock on the wall. It wasn't close to being thirty minutes, to me, it felt like hours and hours of waiting. Going over drills wasn't going to work this time, I wanted to fight purely and suprise my own self in the ring. About five minutes later I hear a knock on the door, I opened it and in comes camera crew, a sitting chair, lights, the whole thing. Confusion raced across my face and I soon came to realize that I had a promo to do. I wanted to skip it, but the fans loved it, so I wanted to give them what they wanted. Shit talking was really not my thing to do, but just as long as I could back everything up, then shit talk would be the last thing on my list and I respected that. Once everything was set up, I took a seat in the chair, it didn't even look as if I was in my lockeroom, they had screens up and everything, I wasn't even all the way dressed yet, but time is money as far as Trish and Kaylee were concerned. I had totally forgotten that Trish told me I was up for a promo, but anyway, I think that a little chat to my fans would be great, I have lost two matches and I am sure that they need some type of encouragement for tonight, and I was to be the one to give it to them.

Your set in 5..4..3..2

The fans started to go crazy once they saw my face pop on the screen. I was surprised to hear a few boos in there too...those must have been people voting for Pheonix for her win, I didn't mind much...some people like the bums, what can I say. I focused my attention to the camera as I began to address my crowd.







!Gimme Candy!


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Sent: 2/13/2009 4:32 AM
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 Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTOXIC_LustSent: 2/13/2009 4:35 AM


OOC: Once again, sorry about the half and half thing. MSN is stupid!

()Paris() And to think, I thought that everyone would turn their backs on me...[crowd cheers] It has been a mighty journey for all of us. Two weeks of travel and not only that, but five years of awesome classic wrestling. I haven't been in the WGEF for five years but it sure does seem like it. I have grown to love the company and I hope that you have felt the same way. Before I began I would like to ask all of you to keep supporting the WGEF, we are not through yet. Though we are moving into a new era, I would love you guys to travel along with us, and make the next five years a success. [crowd cheers] On top of things, I would like to say to Pheonix, good luck in our match tonight. You have managed to out do me twice, hurray, hurray, but now, its a different level that we are approaching, much is at steak, and I love steaks! I really do. Having to try for the WGEF Women's Title is something that came unexpected for all of us, not just me. I know that you are set on winning and becoming the champ, so that you can tell your children, and your children's children about how many titles you have held and all that good stuff. I know you are...but, I am afraid that your history isn't fair game compared to mine... You see, I have not won any federation company title, this is my first ever federation company, fresh out of school, and beating ass like no other...with me winning that Championship, I think that is going to be a bit more interesting for Paris' fans only...and maybe the world even, but no you hunny. [crowd cheers, as Paris shifts her head the other way] I don't want you to get the wrong impression that I hate you or dislike you...I would never be that way, Pheonix, the only thing that I don't like, is that our match up isn't till later, so I can't like, beat your ass right now. And don't worry, thats all business, nothing personal. Pheonix, I appreciate you going on the Ellen show and showing Ellen all your little achievements and what not, I mean, anything that floats her boat seems to be cool, so whatever. Ellen is a cool chick and all, but she has seen better, way I wouldn't get all hott the the panties just because someone praises you for your work, and that goes for your silly fans too. Every champ needs some background, I won't lie about that, but me, the future champ, has more background than what you think. I might not have had much gold, but my fighting is pure platinum, and there is nothing that you can give to have that be smaller than what you give or shall I say bring? [smiles] People, in case you haven't known, I have been looking at one of the greatest champs in the world...I'm sure you all know him as Muhammed Ali... [crowd cheers] Yes, well, Issac gave me an opportunity to see all about this person, and I have learned much. Not only is he The Greatest, but I want to follow along the footsteps of this courageous person. He is smoooooth, and I love smooothness. Come tonight, along with the new era of the company, there is going to be a new era in the Womens Division, and you are looking at her right now. [crowd cheers] There has been cases and cases of many Champion holders and I refuse to be one of the ones that end up being just a case, I want to be a pretty damn big deal. Pheonix probably has what it takes, no lies about that one, she has proven that already, but rest assure, she won't be too lucky this round. I'm the swiftiess person in the ring, and tonight I'm going to lay it all down. I'm looking forward to seeing exactly what Pheonix is going to bring to the ring, minus her two streak ego against me... she is going to need more than just two little wins to pull me down. I am a beast and tonight, I'm going to give whatever it takes to whoop her ass, and to receieve the reward of being you guys Women's Champ. [crowd cheers] Give Me Candy...Candy being that Title. That will be the precious eye candy of mine. Seriously.

I blew a kiss to the camera as it fades. They told me it was okay to be myself now. I let out a big phew, and smiled. Issac was looking on from the side. He kissed me on the cheek and held my hands.

()Issac() You did great..

()Paris() Thanks baby! 

()Issac() Only there is one problem...

()Paris()[confused] What?

()Issac() Two interviewers are lined up outside of your door, I would stay seated if I were you...I think your interview is next.

()Paris() SHITSAUCE!!! am I that popular...[smiles] eh, I guess I am...bring it to me...

()Issac() You got it.

()Paris() I feel like Rihanna and Chris Brown in this bitch...much attention...much to say....and much to make happen.

To Be Continued.  

 Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTOXIC_LustSent: 2/15/2009 1:24 AM

+THE HEADLINER+ |Whatever you Bring
+NEXT MATCH+ |Myself Vs. Pheonix|third round| WGEF Womens Title
+OUT STATEMENT+ Second Phase completed. Not what I thought it was going to be, but I went on and went with what I could work with. And Pheonix just to let you know...most of my first roleplay was all thought so the things about Ali was sort of in her mind and also shared with her and Issac. Also it was mentioned a bit in her ring appearance, but not that ya, I was a bit confused. I didn't know if you knew that or not... but meh... Love ya roleplays as well. I am having fun with this.



"Certains Underestimate what is SO Unknown To Them" -Paris Jior

People wanted to know a bit more from me, and that was fine. It was just in that my "just another opponent" made a little tape and posted online somewhere, hell, I don't know, but she did. Did I watch it? Yep!! Hehehe...I can see that she is a bit afraid that I mean business now and that she is nothing but just an opponent as she stated towards me. Its very difficult to understand why some people have to hate on the great. I mean, is following in the footsteps of one of the greatest boxers ever a bad choice to make? I think Pheonix is just mindboggled that she is going to get in the ring and just get her ass handed to her by me, and that is makes a person feel slightly overpertective of themselves. This bitch is talking to me like I am basically some student of hers... "Fight harder!" "You can do it!" WTF? Pheonix, if you clearly think that I am one of your little basic opponents, then you have another thing coming. I suggest that I must say to you... "Don't worry, You can do it, Fight harder...I know you can!" Haha.

So here I was about to do one of these interviews. I've already stated what I had to say in the ring, but for some reason, these people can't get enough of me, and I'd say that I am a bit proud of that, I mean, if you want to hear from someone who is bound to be the next WGEF Womens Champion, why not do it in style. I already sort of knew what these questions were going to be gearing towards, it didn't take long for me to find that out, because the first word of the question was "Pheonix, she has said some meaningful things about her and how she plans to win this match, what are your opinions on the things that she has told?"

()Paris() Soooo yea, Pheonix said some stuff. [nods and smiles] she did. How "glad" she is of me. How I haven't given up and all that crap. [slight pause] Pheonix is out of her mind. She is to the point of breaking down and you can see it all over her face. She puts this guard in the front of her face, making me seem like I am trying my best to do this and do that. The facts that she has stated were from her mouth, so I am sure that most people aren't going to believe anything she has said so far, because people know me...they know that I am all about fighting, now the one that should be trying her best is Pheonix. She is a mess right now, and I think that it would be best if we can take this time out right now to just tell Pheonix that HEY, everything is going to be OK! She might end up being severely hurt after I win this match and become Womens Champ, so lend her your support guys, please...for me. [smiles] This broad is clearly in the need of help, and I totally understand that. To win two matches against the same person can put this title in your head claiming that you can reach that same goal again, and I am not going to lie to you, some professionals can do that type of thing, but Pheonix? Uh uh, no way. Pheonix is close to caution that anyone that I have ever faught in my entire life and I am going to be completely honest about it. She is good, no doubt, but as she said...this match is a make you or break you match, and saying things like "I can take whatever you got and do with that whatever you want" just can't pop the top.[smiling to the camera] Pheonix YOU are the one that has to bring all you have, because with that former championship status of yours that is all you will need. I'm not the one to mess with. You think that you have been looked at differently just because of two wins of me? Don't kidd yourself. I bet that you don't even have the people behind you for support, the only thing they are waiting for tonight is to see you fail, and that is something that I am afraid is going to have to happen, because me? I have some business ahead of me, that surely doesn't involve you or anything you are just a human telling a future champion that she is already why don't you think about that one.

"Is there a side of you that have second thoughts, or doubts? Pheonix seems pretty steady and on mindset on what she wants to do as far as the match is concerned"

()Paris() I have no doubts at all. At first I was taken away, by Pheonix and all she has done, it overwhelmed me a bit, and that was cool, but now I'm facing her again, and I'm going to fight her just like all the other times, only this round she is coming up very short. I know that she is mindset and everything, she should be. She should be more set than any other match she has been for. Someone like Pheonix to claim that she isn't gloating over the fact that she has beaten me, is onehundred percent pure bullshit. You can see it all over that snarl on her face. Pheonix can fool all these people out there and the staff of WGEF, but she isn't fooliing me, that is exactly why I am focused on slapping that smirk off of her face. She is something else...pulling my face down as if she is the one that is glorious, as I said before, all of that is going to be erased tonight...and they will find out that Pheonix is what I say she is. I don't think that I have to step anything up, I actually believe that if I just focus the way I am suppose to then all the victory will be claimed by me. I don't care what Pheonix compare me as, she is just a little whift of what seems to be a pain in my ass literally, and I am fulling in charge to make sure that that same pain is removed. She is less than what she makes herself as being more...and that is why you guys should pitch in and give the woman some professional help after our match tonight. She is way in over her head, and is taking much than she can handle, and those my friends, are the facts.

"Pheonix mentioned much of her title history on the other day, you Paris, have no title history, but is much more of an experienced Hall of Famer straight from college. Earlier you mentioned the differences between you and her, but for the fans and people here today would you clear that up for us?"

()Paris() [ponders for a moment and then starts off with a slick smirk] All you have said so far is correct. Pheonix has showed her you know "sucessful" deeds and wins and titles. She says that it isn't a new thing for her...but this is the fact here..fighting people and beating their ass is not a new thing for me either. I think its great that she showed her little case to the world, but what does that have to do with me? [smiles] Nothing right? [nods] Exactly. Pheonix is in the state of denial, and will do anything to convince the people that she is worthy to win and be a great champion. It isn't working. There is someone out there that is intelligent, famous, great, pretty, talented, a fighter, a college grad that has more wrestling spliff than the adverage male and female...and you are looking at the someone right here right now. The woman that I am facing tonight is nothing like me and she isn't close to being me, and I don't think she wants to, because no one can...she can't even cross that line to being recognized like I am. No one knows who Pheonix is, though she claims she has done so so much. I don't even think the bitch is on the official roster list... Me? I haven't won a title yet, but these people know who I am and how I handle my matches. I am the new deal, and Pheonix is just another opponent to me..sounds familar doesn't it? [laughs] You see what I am getting to now? You guys need a Champion that can take the WGEF Womens Division by storm, and if you want that, then you want Paris. To be serious at this moment, all I want to do is be the best champ that I can possibly be. We have a guest ref that I failed to mention...former Womens Champ Jeanette Salazar...hopefully in the ring, Jeanette can also realize that she won't be raising the hands of a loser, she won't be giving the Vacanted Title to a disgrace, she will be giving it to someone who truly deserves to do some big things. Thats how serious it is to me, Pheonix isn't much, she doesn't make me think twice about fighting her or how much I have to bring to set a point. I'm just looking for her to come with it and do the damn thing like we are suppose to; forget about all that winning twice shit and really think about the importance of trying to beat me this won't be easy and it's nothing to just pass by and flaunt your titles over...maybe once  get it out of her head that her titles don't mean shit, then maybe we can make this match one of the greatest in history. [gasps] OH! and one more thing... I am glad that you understand Pheonix, about me following in Ali's footsteps, and no this isn't boxing, I'm not that stupid... you might not think I am the greatest, but maybe after tonight, I will convince you that I am a person that I will come to love...not LIKE. BOO-YAH!

"Thank you Miss. Jior for your opinions"

()Paris() Facts Love.

[He smiles] 'Will do"

"When They Pass You, Snatch Them Up And Make Sure You Stop Them Before They Can Reach That Goal of Yours" -Paris Jior

Once everyone got out of my face I was now alone with Issac once again. He congradulated me with a kiss on my cheek. Did we get it on? NO!!{S} SILLY{E} BILLIES!{X} I had a match to get ready for. Instead I put on my gear and started preparing myself for the match up. Some little drills here and there, like I said before I didn't want to do too much, because I wanted to surprise myself in the ring...I was more than prepared to take on Pheonix and ALL that she would bring to the ring. I was excited more than anything. Apart from facing her, I was picturing myself with that title, holding in the air and hugging it close to me. I would be the first in my family to be a real Champion. My grandfather and my father fell along the lines of being Champs, but they were men. I was a woman. Someone they didn't think would even come this far. They thought after college, I would find love, and be some kind of fashion major or nurse even...boy they couldn't have been so wrong. Winning this title mean't something more for me. The acceptance from a diskind mother...and acceptance from the females of my family. These are among the reasons why winning means so much to me, if I fail now, they would look at me with pride and say "I told you so" and that wasn't going to happen with me. I was going to exhale in everythin that I did, even if it meant having to try more than three times. Pheonix....she wants something that I have, and thats the title of losing. She's going to receive that in any the hands of me.

()Mysteriously Unknown() Hey, if you keep jabbing your right hands like that, you're going to pull it out of the its socket.

That voice. Very Very familiar to me. A sense of calmness took over me as I turned around. There he was. Standing with his cane at his side. His long beard, shaped perfectly...with a black suit on, un-lit cigar in his mouth, leaning like a senior vetran. My grandfather stood by the door. He's eyes said so much of the type fo life that he had. A smile rushed across my face, I didn't know what to do, I just stood there. Issac had this "Suprised but fake" look on his face. He was the one behind it all. He got my grandfather to come here. I turned to Issac "Are you happy?" he said. I still couldn't move..."Grand-dad?" I asked. He nodded..."In the flesh" he stated. I ran to him and gave him one of the most tightest hugs I could give. Tears began to stream down my cheeks, it was really him. I haven't seen my grand-dad in a while. Actually, since Christmas...I was glad to see him though. It seemed like all the extra weight was lifted off of my shoulders. I think with him here, it mean the ultimate victory for me.

()Lewis L. Jior() [grabs his cigar as she sits down] I'm not going to be long Paris...I just want to wish you some luck on your match. It's all over the T.V. of how you will be competiting for a Championship Title...once I heard of this, I had to come give you as much support as possible..You will need it. I have been looking at all of your interviews and what not, and I love the things that you said, but you must know that even though you have must prove of them...back those up.

()Paris() [sighs] Yes I know that...I'm pretty sure of how much I want this title, and how much it means to me now. I don't give one lick about Pheonix and what she has accomplished or what she plans to do...all I want is to win that belt..That is my main focus. Beating her would just be the icing on the cake for me.

()Lewis L. Jior() Victoria Williams.

()Paris() Who?

()Lewis L. Jior() Your opponent. That is her name. If you are facing someone, you should at least know something about least her name...[Paris, slightly rolls her eyes] Ms. Williams had me to come speak at one of her school's . She is a pretty good competitor, I actually thought her and a couple before...she's damn good. [Paris gives on a uneasy look, a bit disturbing] No need to fret, I don't want to discourage you, but I do want you to take in consideration that there are people out there that wants it just as bad as you do, and what you need to do is make sure that you can top that, and make sure it doesn't come near of their reach. I remember you said before that when your opponents past by you quickly, you want to snatch them up...[Paris Nods] Then do it. Don't talk about it. Victoria isn't worried about passing by you one bit, so when she does...

()Paris() Snatch her up.

()Lewis L. Jior() And...

()Paris() Stop her.

()Lewis L. Jior() You got it.

He stood up, put his cigar in his mouth, and made is way toward the door, slowly, but smooth...before he stepped out and turned his head...

()Lewis L. Jior() Next time... watch those jabs. You need your arms. I'll be watching from the booth. Good luck sweetheart....take good care of her Issac my boy...she's a tough one to handle.

With that said...he turned out the door and that was it. He always had this blunt thing about him...all you needed was a couple of words and you'd be set. I laced my boots and made my way out the door.

To Be Continued





!Gimme Candy!


 Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTOXIC_LustSent: 2/15/2009 9:06 PM
Okay, I know this won't count...but I was working on this right when deadline went up and I just feel like I'll be completely happy if I post it. lol...sooo yep. Here is the final one.





OOC: Again. This is all in her mind. And No darlin. I have no problem with thoughts on thoughts....its all cool. Whatever will make the Womens Division powerful, them I am all for it. I just love the tension between the two charries and everything is cool. No worries. Its just roleplaying. :)


I began to walk down the hallways of the WGEF lines. Much was going through my head now that my grandfather had came to stop by, you know, share some of his wisdom to me. It helped me out tremendously. It was almost time for my match up, not quite yet, but the clocks were ticking. It was close to my showtime and I couldn't express just how ready I was. Coming from the whole "Ready to Fight Pheonix" thing wasn't at all running through my head. She is just someone who doesn't half way know what she talks about and is clearly a nerve wrecking case of bullshit. There was an empty room a couple of doors down, with a bathroom, table, chair, basically an empty lockeroom. Issac was getting himself ready, and I didn't want any distraction right about now...I wanted to be by myself. Funny huh? Usually around this time we would be stuck by each other, going over drills and getting ourselves ready for our match up, this time, now that so much is at stake, a little time alone wouldn't hurt for the both of us. Especially for his sake..he's not only facing one, but five people along with the people he is tagging with. Lucas seems to be right on the money with his shit, and Issac has been pretty on it himself. My support goes to all of them. I walked into the room, with my i-pod blasting some Rihanna's "Good Girl Gone Bad" Album. I was a big Rihanna fan, and above the curcumstances, she was still my number one singer of all time. Well, for the years 2008-9. I turned it up and started to focus. Just me, in my corner...

Well Paris, here we are. Tonight will spark history for you...along with the favors of newer enemies. You are set to be the WGEF Womens Champ, and above all of that, there are going to be many woman, striving to take that opportunity away from me. Pheonix mainly. Pheonix. Umph. I couldn't believe that my grandfather trained her, hell, no wonder why she is half way on DA Shit list. [fyi: da a good thing]. He made some pretty good points, and I plan on taking all of that into mind as I enter into the ring tonight. Apart from anything else, I seem to have more enemies than I thought. I never thought the color Teal was among the greatest of all colors, and thats the same way I think of the woman. Once I uphold this title, if Teal thinks for one mighty second that she can come and take it away from me, then I'd really love to see her try that. I'll be looking forward to it. [strapping my left glove on] But yikes! Teal is the least of my mind process... Pheonix is set to make another add to her Championship detail, Paris...come on, look at that girl....who gives a damn about her add on's? As if she is going to take a win over me just like that? Its not easy, and if she thinks it is, then boy, I feel sorry for how many drops on the head she has taken since she was a kid. I'm sure the bitch knows that I am not one of her plain ole competitors. For some reason she likes to play it cool. The I am just a wrestler type of know, she like to think of herself as undefeated or some shit like that. She reminds me of me before I lost twice against her ass. Yes I said it...but hey what can I say, there is a time to win and a time to lose and tonight...I don't think losing falls under my category. Pheonix is going to wish she would watch some of the interpretations she makes...she needs help Paris...remember that. [Putting on my right glove] Okay Paris, you got your gloves on, and to me, you look like you are more than prepared to dominate. No matter what anyone cant let one person determine what is the start and end for you. This is your beginning, and her lost. You are facing someone who is also determined, so like your grandfather stated, once they past you by, grab them and stop them yourself. Talking won't do too much, and that is why you must put it all in these fist of yours. You can't be worried about what THEY tell you, because they are not going to give empathy to what you have brought to the ring already. In your head Paris, you know that you are the greatest. You have what it takes to become Champ material. You are the right key for your path that you are about to take. Outwit and outlast. Yes you are under pressure and right here you can admit that. You can admit to be a bit defensive Paris...but this isn't the end of you, only a fresh new start to do something big and wonderful in your wrestling career. Don't worry about impressing your Mother, or even the likes of your fans. Do this for yourself. You got it in the bag already, now its just time to wrap it up, with a victory beyond your imagination.

"You're gonna be a shining star, with fancy clothes, and fancy car-ars, and then you'll see, your gonna go far. Cause everyone knows, who you are-are..So Live ya life, ay,ay,ay...You study chasing that paper...just live ya life, ay, ay, ay Ain't got not time for no haters..."

I was busy jabbing my left and right hands getting myself togther. T.I. blasting his verse in my ear wasn't making it any better for me. I was so into the lyrics that I actually believed he was talking to me. "Consider them my protege, how much I think they should pay"..haha I like that. Pheonix was becoming one of those, not just a hater, but one of my protege, and I thought that was rather amusing. All the times that I have heard her speak, the only thing is tells of is her former titles and all of that smack, and then also the "Win." That is the only thing this broad has over my head, and its taking a punch at me. "Opposite of moderate, immaculately polised with the spirit of a hustler and swagger of a college kid" WORD. I know that I am more Austrailian than you can see...I am not close to being from the Hood like T.I....but everything didn't come to me with gloss...yes, I was born in a rich ass family, but I had to work just like anybody. I deserve to consider myself to be more than this world, because I have the right to. In college, things weren't even given to me. I had to work and work to get to where I am right now. There hasn't been a time that I pleaded my way into my career. I worked hard up until this moment, and I am going to put all that I have on the line tonight, and be granted a chance to have all of it returned to me one hundred times fold. "Your values is disarrayed, priortized are horribly. Unhappy with the riches cause you pis-pone morraly. Ignoring all the pror advice and fore warning. And we might be full of ourselves all of a sudden aren't we?"Man T.I was spitting some made lyrics as I am here doing my push-ups. This song was too good to be true to me. I have been warning Pheonix many times coming to this point, but she doesn't want to take it all in and remind herself of who she is facing. No, but she is focusing on everything else but the real facts that she tends to ignore all the damn time. Not once have I heard this girl make my name great in the eyes of my fans...longing to embarass me as if I'm some sort of child trying to climb across the damn monkey bars! Chitty Chitty bang bang talk she is spitting is nothing compared to the whooping that I have prepared for her. Hating on the fact that I look up to Muhammad Ali is funny to her, I know, it should be... it should frighten her. I know she doesn't think that boxing is compared to wrestling but in reality it REALLY IS! and I guess this is where I am suppose to call myself smart for a reason. I would like to think that I am facing someone who is kinda smart, and not all wrestle talk, but I don't take it that she is. "Now everybody what you wanna do, come walk in ma shoes, And see the way I'm livin if you really want to, I got my mind on my money, and I ain't going no where...So keep on gettin that paper, and keep on climbin, look in the mirror, and keep on shinin, till the game end, till the clock stop, we're gonna post stuff on the top spot". I got up and placed my i-pod on silent mode, and made my way out of the secluded room....upon walking in my mind I kept thinking "Titile...title...title". Look at what it does to you, I've noticed that whoever has gold on the line, they'd do whatever it takes to make sure that at the end, they are holding it in victory, and I think that giving it my all, isn't a bad thing at all... I smile as I made my way back to the lockeroom...not at all. Uh uh! What is he doing? I looked at Issac, he was sitting on the couch with candles everywhere and rose pedals all on the floor. I could have really sworn that I left him doing wrestling moves....OH SNAP! Yesterday was <3Valentines Day!!! <3 We were so busy with our matches that we haven't took notice in anything lately. I sat by him and saw a cake in the middle of the table with red candles on the inside. On it it read "A Love Never Divided"...I smiled and gave him a kiss right on the edge of his upper lip.

()Paris() [shocked] Oh my goodness! I had no idea you had this planned for me! [blowing out the candles] I am soo sorry, I don't have anything to give you. I was so into my match up coming up, that I totally forgot everything that is going on outside of me.

()Issac() No babe. I totally understand. We have both been busy with many things... I know that you have been training and do interviews, I just thought that I'd relax our minds with something that doesn't have to deal with Chris Orton or Pheonix or any other person that is getting in between us. Man, I know we have been together for a while now, but even when you go into the next room, I miss being with you...did you get much work done?

()Paris() Oh man, a lot. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.

()Issac() [playfully joking] You mean about becoming Ali?

()Paris() Haha, very funny. What is it with you and Pheonix and this Muhammed Ali wannabe thing? [Issac shrugs] Yes, just incase you didn't know, now Pheonix thinks I am some Muhammad Ali groupie. [Issac laughs but tries quickly to stop it] Whatever! You and Pheonix better keep your mouths shut, especially you mister! We practically live together! [He smiles and kisses her on the cheek] Well Ali or not, my mind is pretty made up about how I am going about this whole thing. I came to a conclusion that I will be the greatest that has ever stepped foot in the ring. And wait, before you start yapping your mouth. I have already taken noticed in Jeanette Salazar and the mood she has set for the Womens title, not only her but Tapanga I'm one of the youngest women here...and I am a fresh face of wisdom to this company. A Savior if that sounds more delightful to you. No but seriously baby, I think I have a better chance of winning than my own opponent. No one wants a unstable woman holding the championship belt especially Pheonix, they probaby can't see it now but I can see right through the broad and she doens't amaze me not bit. That is why I will always remain on top, whether she wants to let that be known or not.

()Issac() I agree with you. I admit that you are prepared and I stand behind you one hundred percent.

()Paris() Thanks hun.

()Issac()[starting to get up] I'll be on my way out now, [kisses her on the cheek] I got to go get patched up for my match and get set. Good luck babe.

()Paris() Same to you...

Once Issac left, I laid my head back on another arms were by my side, my legs were cross, as I was sitting I just began to think about how far I came and how I got to this point. I remembered when I first got here and my first debut match was a tag match with Issac. Being the one to pin Chris Kinning for the three was not my intention at all. Usually I would pin a woman in this situation but it came out all differently and Kinning was the lucky one to fall. I didn't think twice about the pin neither. I guess thats one of the reasons why I don't care much about Pheonix getting a win over Drew Stevenson...I mean, anyone that compares themselves to a team is a bit unstable as well. But Ali...No. There is a thin line between a football team and a one man stand. I think it tickles me to learn that Pheonix tore up at me "wanting" to follow in his steps, which is fine...children laughed at me when I told them that I was going to be a wrestler and look at me now.. a smile came across my face at that thought. The laughter the being made fun of because of my riches that I didn't even buy into...the whole ups and downs of my life that no one seems to know about. I've been kicked around far too much as a child and for the reason of me being right on the money as far as wrestling is concerned is that it is just what I wanted to do. I wanted to prove to the enemies of my enitre life that a rich girl and throw down serious business without the influences of money. I could care less what the thoughts of others will not do me or them any good, because when I do step foot in the ring, the last thing that will be on my mind is the things I say...the only thing that will cross it and getting to an upper level of my career that doesn't involve my opponents but with me alone. Teal, Mari, Pheonix, Jameson, and all those other females are not going to write me a ticket to my success, beating them of course would help boost it up a bit, but only I can prepare the way. I believe that there are things ahead of me, waiting for me to grab ahold on, and Pheonix is not one of those plain egolovers that is going to take it away from me. She will know that she isn't the only one that thinks this is a make you or break you situation. I understand everything that is on the line and I know of the things that I have to do...all Pheonix has to do is keep bringing all that she has, but being her, I would be very careful, because the stuff that she brings to the ring, might end up stabbing her in the back in the end...this moment belongs to me, and I will be sure to have my title waiting for me at the end of this journey. Prepare for a New Womens Champion. Ameila Paris Jior. GIMME CANDY BITCHES!


"Paris, you are what people call today "Diamond In The Rough" what are your qualities...goals...and plans for the future?"

I count on being the best. Diamond in the Rough is a wonderful name and I thank all of you for giving it to me. Its a pleasure to be thought of as precious as a diamond. [smiles] No serious though, my plans involve me and the person that I share them with. Issac Hunt. We have so much support from our fans and we pretty much want to do what it takes to be what we have always wanted to be. I take it as a self-priding to uphold such a title. I really would want the fans and myself to help me along the way. I know that being Womens Champion is a hard job to take over because there are so many woman that wants it just as bad as I do...but when it's there time, it will come,but for now, I think my time is here and thats about all that covers that. I can't impress everyone and I can't share my title opportunities with them. I know it sounds selfish but I really do guarantee that the WGEF Womens Title will be in my hands in a few weeks. I guarantee it.

+Flashback Ends+

I opened my eyes and the clocked stricked again. Time was nearing closer. I got up from the chair and stretched my arms back and forth, poping my neck, and jumping up and down...I was ready. I went to the fountain on the outside of my lockeroom and got a drink of water. No one was around which seemed pretty strange, I would think that the staff would be out, but I guess since the show is going on, people are in their places for whatever promos and interviews they would be doing. Just on the other side of me was Pheonix's lockeroom. As I gulped down my water and threw away my cup, I wanted so badly to just barge in there and tell her exactly what was going to be going down, but instead she came out herself. We both made eye contact again...I walked up to her and basically and bluntly got in her face... it was truly a moment to see.. We were both daggering into each others eyes as if this was shot for a commerical...BOXING at that...and little miss red said that the two sports where hell they were...a smiek grew across her face as well as mine. The camera crew caught us at the right moment. The crowd began to go crazy waiting for one of us to say something or throw hands..but they weren't going to get anything...instead Pheonix and I backed up and nodded our heads as if stating that tonight...its going DOWN! We both went back into our lockerooms, and I slammed the door. I wanted so bad to tear at her throat, but I wanted to aslo wait until I saw here in the ring...being this filled up, made me think twice, because once I see her in a few minutes all the anger and anxiousness will be lashed out for good. We had two good fighters, one being determined and the other being a jackass..[{P}HEONI{X}].

"Paris...You're up"

I nodded my head and made my way out of the door. Damn how times flys by...the next walk I was going to take was outside infront of millions of people...I was going to be lead to a ring where my victory was going to be overwhelmed with the insights of a new WGEF Womens Champion. This was my time. My Destiny. My Belt. Paris Jior was going to be international, and everyone is going to resite the precious phrase...Gimme Candy. {WINK} {WINK}





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