 | (3 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 14 in Discussion |
I won't be happy tonight I'll just close the drapes Play the piano sip a glass of wine. The phones off the hook the fire is not lit Its dark outside and my heart cries Why? |
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Loneliness. Darkness roams Like a killer In the night, Bringing with it A loyal companion - Loneliness. She'll be your friend, Tonight. She'll lie besides you Whilst your pillow Catches the tears. She'll hold you tightly In her arms, So close that even Your heart cannot scream. There'll be no smiles Tonight... So maybe it's best, Just to sleep. --- Thats my reply to your poem Emma, I wrote this just now because I could feel every single word of what you wrote. Just something so simple can spark so much emotion in another person. You really do have a very special way with words. And the image that this created in my head was unreal. I love you writing more and more with every poem I read. Lv Fluff. |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 4 of 14 in Discussion |
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 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 4/11/2005 1:22 AM |
So simply and concisely said, Emma, and Fluff's reply is a bonus, both lovely, a little lonesome, but very nicely said. Sometimes we have to take those moments to ponder and reflect, Zy :-) |
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Thanks Fluff, It was a bit of a spur of the moment poem, but I love your reply, its beautiful! Thank you Emma |
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Thanks Tony, I'm not picky - any flower is a lovely gesture. Thank you Emma |
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Thanks Zy, we certainly do need time out occasionaly to reflect on things.
Emma |
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Great poem Emma.........hope u r not really feeling this Clive |
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Thanks Clive, You know those late night feelings lol where you need to take time out. Emma |
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Huh. Silly thing hasn't posted my reply... Moving away from that, on to your poem... It's minipulative how you've used the words 'I won't be happy tonight' - like you're asserting yourself, saying you won't act how people may want you to be, but will allow the piano and the wine to be your company. I'm glad you cut it at the 'why?' part and didn't write more - any more may have spoilt it. Really enjoyed, and I hope I didn't interpret it too wrongly. |
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Thanks Katy, you didn't interpret it wrong - one of those poems where sometimes you just need time out to maybe wallow for an hour or two - although you know its pointless. Emma |
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Thanks Toni, we certainly do need those times when we're feeling a bit down. Emma |
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